Ejemplo n.º 1
    def show_test_results (self):
        """ show stage test results corresponding to
            (C struct) test_results in mlp_types.h:

            typedef struct test_results {
            uint epochs_trained;
            uint examples_tested;
            uint ticks_tested;
            uint examples_correct;
            } test_results_t;

            pack: standard sizes, little-endian byte order,
            explicit padding
        if not self.rec_test_results:
            print ("\n--------------------------------------------------")
            print ("warning: test results not recorded")
            print ("--------------------------------------------------\n")

        if not self._aborted:
            # prepare to retrieve recorded test results data
            TEST_RESULTS_FORMAT = "<4I"
            TEST_RESULTS_SIZE = struct.calcsize(TEST_RESULTS_FORMAT)

            # retrieve recorded test results from last output subgroup
            g = self.out_grps[-1]
            ltv = g.t_vertex[g.subgroups - 1]
                rec_test_results = ltv.read (
                    gfe.placements().get_placement_of_vertex (ltv),
                    gfe.buffer_manager(), MLPConstSizeRecordings.TEST_RESULTS.value
            except Exception as err:
                print ("\n--------------------------------------------------")
                print (f"error: test results aborted - {err}")
                print ("--------------------------------------------------\n")

            if len (rec_test_results) >= TEST_RESULTS_SIZE:
                (epochs_trained, examples_tested, ticks_tested, examples_correct) = \
                    struct.unpack_from(TEST_RESULTS_FORMAT, rec_test_results, 0)

                print ("\n--------------------------------------------------")
                print ("stage {} Test results: {}, {}, {}, {}".format(
                    self._stage_id, epochs_trained, examples_tested,
                    ticks_tested, examples_correct
                print ("--------------------------------------------------\n")

                if self._results_file is not None:
                    with open(self._results_file, 'a') as f:
                            epochs_trained, examples_tested, ticks_tested,
Ejemplo n.º 2
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    n_chips_required=None, model_binary_folder=os.path.dirname(__file__))

calculate total number of 'free' cores for the given board
(i.e. does not include those busy with SARK or reinjection)'''
total_number_of_cores = \

#param1: data
#param2: number of chips used
#param3: what columns to use
#param4: how many string columns exist?
#param5: function id
load_data_onto_vertices(raw_data, 1, [0], 1, 2)


placements = front_end.placements()
buffer_manager = front_end.buffer_manager()

Ejemplo n.º 3
    def write_Lens_output_file (self,
        """ writes a Lens-style output file

            Lens online manual @ CMU:

            File format:

            for each example:
              <I total-updates> <I example-number>
              <I ticks-on-example> <I num-groups>
              for each tick on the example:
                <I tick-number> <I event-number>
            for each WRITE_OUTPUTS group:
                  <I num-units> <B targets?>
              for each unit:
                    <R output-value> <R target-value>

            collects recorded tick data corresponding to
            (C struct) tick_record in mlp_types.h:

            typedef struct tick_record {
              uint epoch;    // current epoch
              uint example;  // current example
              uint event;    // current event
              uint tick;     // current tick
            } tick_record_t;

            collects recorded output data corresponding to
            (C type) short_activ_t in mlp_types.h:

            typedef short short_activ_t;

            pack: standard sizes, little-endian byte order,
            explicit padding
        if not self._rec_data_rdy:
            print ("\n--------------------------------------------------")
            print ("warning: file write aborted - outputs not available")
            print ("--------------------------------------------------\n")

        if not self._aborted:
            with open(output_file, 'w') as f:

                # retrieve recorded tick_data from first output subgroup
                g = self.out_grps[0]
                ftv = g.t_vertex[0]
                    rec_tick_data = ftv.read (
                        gfe.placements().get_placement_of_vertex (ftv),
                        gfe.buffer_manager(), MLPExtraRecordings.TICK_DATA.value
                except Exception as err:
                    print ("\n--------------------------------------------------")
                    print (f"error: write output file aborted - {err}")
                    print ("--------------------------------------------------\n")

                # retrieve recorded outputs from every output group
                rec_outputs = [None] * len (self.out_grps)
                for g in self.out_grps:
                    rec_outputs[g.write_blk] = []
                    # append all subgroups together
                    for s in range (g.subgroups):
                        gtv = g.t_vertex[s]
                            rec_outputs[g.write_blk].append (gtv.read (
                                gfe.placements().get_placement_of_vertex (gtv),
                        except Exception as err:
                            print ("\n--------------------------------------------------")
                            print (f"error: write output file aborted - {err}")
                            print ("--------------------------------------------------\n")

                # compute total ticks in first example
                #TODO: need to get actual value from simulation, not max value
                ticks_per_example = 0
                for ev in self._ex_set.examples[0].events:
                    # use event max_time if available or default to set max_time,
                    #NOTE: check for absent or NaN
                    if (ev.max_time is None) or (ev.max_time != ev.max_time):
                        max_time = int (self._ex_set.max_time)
                        max_time = int (ev.max_time)

                    # compute number of ticks for max time,
                    ticks_per_example += (max_time + 1) * self._ticks_per_interval

                    # and limit to the global maximum if required
                    if ticks_per_example > self.global_max_ticks:
                        ticks_per_example = self.global_max_ticks

                # prepare to retrieve recorded data
                TICK_DATA_FORMAT = "<4I"
                TICK_DATA_SIZE = struct.calcsize(TICK_DATA_FORMAT)

                TOTAL_TICKS = len (rec_tick_data) // TICK_DATA_SIZE

                # print recorded data in correct order
                current_epoch = -1
                for tk in range (TOTAL_TICKS):
                    (epoch, example, event, tick) = struct.unpack_from(
                        tk * TICK_DATA_SIZE

                    # check if starting new epoch
                    if (epoch != current_epoch):
                        current_epoch = epoch
                        current_example = -1

                    # check if starting new example
                    if (example != current_example):
                        # print example header
                        f.write (f"{epoch} {example}\n")
                        f.write (f"{ticks_per_example} {len (self.out_grps)}\n")

                        # include initial outputs if recording all ticks
                        if not self.rec_example_last_tick_only:
                            # print first (implicit) tick data
                            f.write ("0 -1\n")
                            for g in self.output_chain:
                                f.write (f"{g.units} 1\n")
                                for _ in range (g.units):
                                    f.write ("{:8.6f} {}\n".format (0, 0))

                        # compute event index
                        evt_inx = 0
                        for ex in range (example):
                            evt_inx += len (self._ex_set.examples[ex].events)

                        # and prepare for next 
                        current_example = example

                    # compute index into target array
                    tgt_inx = evt_inx + event

                    # print current tick data
                    f.write (f"{tick} {event}\n")

                    for g in self.output_chain:
                        outputs = []
                        # get tick outputs for each subgroup
                        for sg, rec_outs in enumerate (rec_outputs[g.write_blk]):
                            outputs += struct.unpack_from (
                                tk * struct.calcsize(f"<{g.subunits[sg]}H")

                        # print outputs
                        f.write (f"{g.units} 1\n")
                        tinx = tgt_inx * g.units
                        for u in range (g.units):
                            # outputs are s16.15 fixed-point numbers
                            out = (1.0 * outputs[u]) / (1.0 * (1 << 15))
                            t = g.targets[tinx + u]
                            #NOTE: check for absent or NaN
                            if (t is None) or (t != t):
                                tgt = "-"
                                tgt = int (t)
                            f.write ("{:8.6f} {}\n".format (out, tgt))

        # recorded data no longer available
        self._rec_data_rdy = False
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def stage_run (self):
        """ run a stage on application graph
        self._aborted = False

        # cannot run unless weights file exists
        if self._weights_file is None:
            print ("run aborted: weights file not given")
            self._aborted = True

        # may need to reload initial weights file if
        # application graph was modified after load
        if not self._weights_loaded:
            if not self.read_Lens_weights_file (self._weights_file):
                print ("run aborted: error reading weights file")
                self._aborted = True

        # cannot run unless example set exists
        if self._ex_set is None:
            print ("run aborted: no example set")
            self._aborted = True

        # cannot run unless examples have been loaded
        if not self._ex_set.examples_loaded:
            print ("run aborted: examples not loaded")
            self._aborted = True

        # generate summary set, example and event data
        if not self._ex_set.examples_compiled:
            if self._ex_set.compile (self) == 0:
                print ("run aborted: error compiling example set")
                self._aborted = True

        # generate machine graph - if needed
        if not self._graph_rdy:
            if not self.generate_machine_graph ():
                print ("run aborted: error generating machine graph")
                self._aborted = True

        # initialise recorded data flag
        self._rec_data_rdy = False

        # initialise recording buffers for new stage run
        if self._stage_id != 0:

        # run stage
        gfe.run_until_complete (self._stage_id)

        if (self.rec_outputs):
            self._rec_data_rdy = True

        # show TEST RESULTS if available
        if self.rec_test_results and not self.training:
            self.show_test_results ()

        # prepare for next stage
        self._stage_id += 1
Ejemplo n.º 5
def run_mcmc(model,
    """ Executes an MCMC model, returning the received samples

    :param model: The MCMCModel to be used
    :param data: The data to sample
    :param n_samples: The number of samples to generate
    :param burn_in:\
        no of MCMC transitions to reach apparent equilibrium before\
        generating inference samples
    :param thinning:\
        sampling rate i.e. 5 = 1 sample for 5 generated steps
    :param degrees_of_freedom:\
        The number of degrees of freedom to jump around with
    :param seed: The random seed to use
    :param n_chips: The number of chips to run the model on
    :param root_finder: Use the root finder by adding root finder vertices
    :param cholesky: Use the Cholesky algorithm by adding Cholesky vertices

    :return: The samples read
    :rtype: A numpy array with fields for each model state variable

    # Set up the simulation

    # Get the number of cores available for use
    n_cores = 0
    machine = g.machine()

    # Create a coordinator for each board
    coordinators = dict()
    boards = dict()
    for chip in machine.ethernet_connected_chips:

        # Create a coordinator
        coordinator = MCMCCoordinatorVertex(model, data, n_samples, burn_in,
                                            thinning, degrees_of_freedom, seed)

        # Put the coordinator on the Ethernet chip
        coordinator.add_constraint(ChipAndCoreConstraint(chip.x, chip.y))
        coordinators[chip.x, chip.y] = coordinator
        boards[chip.x, chip.y] = chip.ip_address

    # Go through all the chips and add the workhorses
    n_chips_on_machine = machine.n_chips
    n_workers = 0
    if (model.root_finder):
        n_root_finders = 0
    if (model.cholesky):
        n_cholesky = 0
    for chip in machine.chips:

        # Count the cores in the processor
        # (-1 if this chip also has a coordinator)
        n_cores = len([p for p in chip.processors if not p.is_monitor])
        if (chip.x, chip.y) in coordinators:
            n_cores -= 3  # coordinator and extra_monitor_support (2)
            if (model.root_finder):
                if (model.cholesky):
                    n_cores = n_cores // 3
                    n_cores = n_cores // 2
            n_cores -= 1  # just extra_monitor_support
            if (model.root_finder):
                if (model.cholesky):
                    n_cores = n_cores // 3
                    n_cores = n_cores // 2

        # Find the coordinator for the board (or 0, 0 if it is missing)
        eth_x = chip.nearest_ethernet_x
        eth_y = chip.nearest_ethernet_y
        coordinator = coordinators.get((eth_x, eth_y))
        if coordinator is None:
            print("Warning - couldn't find {}, {} for chip {}, {}".format(
                eth_x, eth_y, chip.x, chip.y))
            coordinator = coordinators[0, 0]
            print("Using coordinator ", coordinator)

        # hard-code remove some cores (chip power monitor etc.) just
        # to see what happens
#        n_cores -= non_worker_cores_per_chip
#        print 'n_cores: ', n_cores

# Add a vertex for each core
        for _ in range(n_cores):

            # Create the vertex and add it to the graph
            vertex = MCMCVertex(coordinator, model)
            n_workers += 1

            # Put the vertex on the same board as the coordinator
            vertex.add_constraint(ChipAndCoreConstraint(chip.x, chip.y))

            # Add an edge from the coordinator to the vertex, to send the data
            g.add_machine_edge_instance(MachineEdge(coordinator, vertex),

            # Add an edge from the vertex to the coordinator,
            # to send acknowledgement
            g.add_machine_edge_instance(MachineEdge(vertex, coordinator),

            if (model.root_finder):
                # Create a root finder vertex
                rf_vertex = MCMCRootFinderVertex(vertex, model)
                n_root_finders += 1

                # put it on the same chip as the standard mcmc vertex?
                # no - put it on a "nearby" chip, however that works
                rf_vertex.add_constraint(ChipAndCoreConstraint(chip.x, chip.y))

                # Add an edge from mcmc vertex to root finder vertex,
                # to "send" the data - need to work this out
                g.add_machine_edge_instance(MachineEdge(vertex, rf_vertex),

                # Add edge from root finder vertex back to mcmc vertex
                # to send acknowledgement / result - need to work this out
                g.add_machine_edge_instance(MachineEdge(rf_vertex, vertex),

            if (model.cholesky):
                # Create a Cholesky vertex
                cholesky_vertex = MCMCCholeskyVertex(vertex, model)
                n_cholesky += 1

                # put it on the same chip as the standard mcmc vertex?
                # no - put it on a "nearby" chip, however that works
                    ChipAndCoreConstraint(chip.x, chip.y))

                # Add an edge from mcmc vertex to Cholesky vertex,
                # to "send" the data - need to work this out
                    MachineEdge(vertex, cholesky_vertex),

                # Add edge from Cholesky vertex back to mcmc vertex
                # to send acknowledgement / result - need to work this out
                    MachineEdge(cholesky_vertex, vertex),

    start_computing_time = time.time()

    logger.info("n_chips_on_machine {}".format(n_chips_on_machine))
    logger.info("Running {} worker cores".format(n_workers))
    if (model.root_finder):
        logger.info("Running {} root finder cores".format(n_root_finders))
    if (model.cholesky):
        logger.info("Running {} Cholesky cores".format(n_cholesky))

    # Run the simulation

    mid_computing_time = time.time()

    # Wait for the application to finish
    txrx = g.transceiver()
    app_id = globals_variables.get_simulator()._app_id
    logger.info("Running {} worker cores".format(n_workers))
    if (model.root_finder):
        logger.info("Running {} root finder cores".format(n_root_finders))
    if (model.cholesky):
        logger.info("Running {} Cholesky cores".format(n_cholesky))
    logger.info("Waiting for application to finish...")
    running = txrx.get_core_state_count(app_id, CPUState.RUNNING)
    # there are now cores doing extra_monitor etc.
    non_worker_cores = n_chips_on_machine + (2 * len(boards))
    while running > non_worker_cores:
        error = txrx.get_core_state_count(app_id, CPUState.RUN_TIME_EXCEPTION)
        watchdog = txrx.get_core_state_count(app_id, CPUState.WATCHDOG)
        if error > 0 or watchdog > 0:
            error_msg = "Some cores have failed ({} RTE, {} WDOG)".format(
                error, watchdog)
            raise Exception(error_msg)
        running = txrx.get_core_state_count(app_id, CPUState.RUNNING)
        print('running: ', running)

    finish_computing_time = time.time()

    # Get the data back
    samples = dict()
    for coord, coordinator in iteritems(coordinators):
                coord[1]] = coordinator.read_samples(g.buffer_manager())

    # Close the machine

    finish_time = time.time()

    # Note: this timing appears to be incorrect now; needs looking at
    print("Overhead time is %s seconds" % (start_computing_time - start_time))
    print("Computing time is %s seconds" %
          (finish_computing_time - start_computing_time))
    print("run_until_complete takes %s seconds" %
          (mid_computing_time - start_computing_time))
    print("Data collecting time is %s seconds" %
          (finish_time - finish_computing_time))
    print("Overall running time is %s seconds" % (finish_time - start_time))

    return samples
def run_model(data, n_chips=None, n_ihcan=0, fs=44100, resample_factor=1):

    # Set up the simulation
    g.setup(n_chips_required=n_chips, model_binary_module=model_binaries)

    # Get the number of cores available for use
    n_cores = 0
    machine = g.machine()

    # Create a OME for each chip
    boards = dict()

    #changed to lists to ensure data is read back in the same order that verticies are instantiated
    ihcans = list()

    cf_index = 0
    count = 0
    for chip in machine.chips:
        if count >= n_chips:
            boards[chip.x, chip.y] = chip.ip_address

            for j in range(n_ihcan):
                ihcan = IHCANVertex(data[j][:], fs, resample_factor)
                # constrain placement to local chip
                ihcan.add_constraint(ChipAndCoreConstraint(chip.x, chip.y))
                #ihcans[chip.x, chip.y,j] = ihcan

            count = count + 1

# Run the simulation

    # Wait for the application to finish
    txrx = g.transceiver()
    app_id = globals_variables.get_simulator()._app_id
    #logger.info("Running {} worker cores".format(n_workers))
    logger.info("Waiting for application to finish...")
    running = txrx.get_core_state_count(app_id, CPUState.RUNNING)
    while running > 0:
        error = txrx.get_core_state_count(app_id, CPUState.RUN_TIME_EXCEPTION)
        watchdog = txrx.get_core_state_count(app_id, CPUState.WATCHDOG)
        if error > 0 or watchdog > 0:
            error_msg = "Some cores have failed ({} RTE, {} WDOG)".format(
                error, watchdog)
            raise Exception(error_msg)
        running = txrx.get_core_state_count(app_id, CPUState.RUNNING)

    # Get the data back
    samples = list()
    progress = ProgressBar(len(ihcans), "Reading results")

    for ihcan in ihcans:
    samples = numpy.hstack(samples)

    # Close the machine

    print "channels running: ", len(ihcans) / 5.0
    print "output data: {} fibres with length {}".format(
        len(ihcans) * 2, len(samples))
    #if(len(samples) != len(ihcans)*2*numpy.floor(len(data[0][0])/100)*100*(1.0/resample_factor)):
    if (len(samples) !=
            len(ihcans) * 2 * numpy.floor(len(data[0][0]) / 96) * 96):
        #print "samples length {} isn't expected size {}".format(len(samples),len(ihcans)*2*numpy.floor(len(data[0][0])/100)*100*(1.0/resample_factor))
        print "samples length {} isn't expected size {}".format(
            len(ihcans) * 2 * numpy.floor(len(data[0][0]) / 96) * 96)

    return samples