Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_get_pen_from_data(pendata, width, color):
    """Unit test for get_pen_from_data"""

    pen = get_pen_from_data(pendata)

    assert pen.GetColour() == color
    assert pen.GetWidth() == width
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_get_pen_from_data(pendata, width, color):
    """Unit test for get_pen_from_data"""

    pen = get_pen_from_data(pendata)

    assert pen.GetColour() == color
    assert pen.GetWidth() == width
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def draw_border_lines(self, dc):
        """Draws lines"""

        x, y, w, h = 0, 0, self.rect.width - 1, self.rect.height - 1
        row, col, tab = key = self.key

        cell_attributes = self.data_array.cell_attributes

        # Get borderpens and bgbrushes for rects
        # Each cell draws its bottom and its right line only
        bottomline = x, y + h, x + w, y + h
        rightline = x + w, y, x + w, y + h
        lines = [bottomline, rightline]

        # Bottom line pen

        color = cell_attributes[key]["bordercolor_bottom"]
        width = cell_attributes[key]["borderwidth_bottom"]
        bottom_pen = get_pen_from_data((color, width, int(wx.SOLID)))

        # Right line pen

        color = cell_attributes[key]["bordercolor_right"]
        width = cell_attributes[key]["borderwidth_right"]
        right_pen = get_pen_from_data((color, width, int(wx.SOLID)))

        borderpens = [bottom_pen, right_pen]

        # Topmost line if in topmost cell

        if row == 0:
            lines.append((x, y, x + w, y))
            topkey = -1, col, tab
            color = cell_attributes[topkey]["bordercolor_bottom"]
            width = cell_attributes[topkey]["borderwidth_bottom"]
            top_pen = get_pen_from_data((color, width, int(wx.SOLID)))

        # Leftmost line if in leftmost cell

        if col == 0:
            lines.append((x, y, x, y + h))
            leftkey = row, -1, tab
            color = cell_attributes[leftkey]["bordercolor_bottom"]
            width = cell_attributes[leftkey]["borderwidth_bottom"]
            left_pen = get_pen_from_data((color, width, int(wx.SOLID)))

        zoomed_pens = []
        get_zoomed_size = self.grid.grid_renderer.get_zoomed_size

        for pen in borderpens:
            bordercolor = pen.GetColour()
            borderwidth = pen.GetWidth()
            borderstyle = pen.GetStyle()

            zoomed_borderwidth = get_zoomed_size(borderwidth)
            zoomed_pen = wx.Pen(bordercolor, zoomed_borderwidth, borderstyle)


        dc.DrawLineList(lines, zoomed_pens)

# end of class Background
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def draw_border_lines(self, dc):
        """Draws lines"""

        x, y, w, h = 0, 0, self.rect.width - 1, self.rect.height - 1
        row, col, tab = key = self.key

        cell_attributes = self.data_array.cell_attributes

        # Get borderpens and bgbrushes for rects
        # Each cell draws its bottom and its right line only
        bottomline = x, y + h, x + w, y + h
        rightline = x + w, y, x + w, y + h
        lines = [bottomline, rightline]

        # Bottom line pen

        bottom_color = cell_attributes[key]["bordercolor_bottom"]
        bottom_width = cell_attributes[key]["borderwidth_bottom"]
        bottom_pen = get_pen_from_data(
            (bottom_color, bottom_width, int(wx.SOLID)))

        # Right line pen

        right_color = cell_attributes[key]["bordercolor_right"]
        right_width = cell_attributes[key]["borderwidth_right"]
        right_pen = get_pen_from_data(
            (right_color, right_width, int(wx.SOLID)))

        borderpens = [bottom_pen, right_pen]

        # If 0 width then no border is drawn

        if bottom_width == 0:

        if right_width == 0:

        # Topmost line if in topmost cell

        if row == 0:
            lines.append((x, y, x + w, y))
            topkey = -1, col, tab
            color = cell_attributes[topkey]["bordercolor_bottom"]
            width = cell_attributes[topkey]["borderwidth_bottom"]
            top_pen = get_pen_from_data((color, width, int(wx.SOLID)))

        # Leftmost line if in leftmost cell

        if col == 0:
            lines.append((x, y, x, y + h))
            leftkey = row, -1, tab
            color = cell_attributes[leftkey]["bordercolor_bottom"]
            width = cell_attributes[leftkey]["borderwidth_bottom"]
            left_pen = get_pen_from_data((color, width, int(wx.SOLID)))

        zoomed_pens = []
        get_zoomed_size = self.grid.grid_renderer.get_zoomed_size

        for pen in borderpens:
            bordercolor = pen.GetColour()
            borderwidth = pen.GetWidth()
            borderstyle = pen.GetStyle()

            zoomed_borderwidth = get_zoomed_size(borderwidth)
            zoomed_pen = wx.Pen(bordercolor, zoomed_borderwidth, borderstyle)


        dc.DrawLineList(lines, zoomed_pens)

        # Draw lower right rectangle if
        # 1) the next cell to the right has a greater bottom width and
        # 2) the next cell to the bottom has a greater right width

        if self.lower_right_rect_extents is not None:
            rx, ry, rw, rh = self.lower_right_rect_extents
            rwz = get_zoomed_size(rw)
            rhz = get_zoomed_size(rh)
            rxz = round(rx + rw - rwz / 2.0)
            ryz = round(ry + rh - rhz / 2.0)
            rect = wx.Rect(rxz, ryz, rwz, rhz)

            # The color of the lower right rectangle is the color of the
            # bottom line of the next cell to the right

            rightkey = row, col + 1, tab
            lr_color = wx.Colour()


            lr_brush = wx.Brush(lr_color, wx.SOLID)


Ejemplo n.º 5
    def draw_border_lines(self, dc):
        """Draws lines"""

        x, y, w, h = 0, 0, self.rect.width - 1, self.rect.height - 1
        row, col, tab = key = self.key

        cell_attributes = self.data_array.cell_attributes

        # Get borderpens and bgbrushes for rects
        # Each cell draws its bottom and its right line only
        bottomline = x, y + h, x + w, y + h
        rightline = x + w, y, x + w, y + h
        lines = [bottomline, rightline]

        # Bottom line pen

        bottom_color = cell_attributes[key]["bordercolor_bottom"]
        bottom_width = cell_attributes[key]["borderwidth_bottom"]
        bottom_pen = get_pen_from_data(
            (bottom_color, bottom_width, int(wx.SOLID)))

        # Right line pen

        right_color = cell_attributes[key]["bordercolor_right"]
        right_width = cell_attributes[key]["borderwidth_right"]
        right_pen = get_pen_from_data(
            (right_color, right_width, int(wx.SOLID)))

        borderpens = [bottom_pen, right_pen]

        # If 0 width then no border is drawn

        if bottom_width == 0:

        if right_width == 0:

        # Topmost line if in topmost cell

        if row == 0:
            lines.append((x, y, x + w, y))
            topkey = -1, col, tab
            color = cell_attributes[topkey]["bordercolor_bottom"]
            width = cell_attributes[topkey]["borderwidth_bottom"]
            top_pen = get_pen_from_data((color, width, int(wx.SOLID)))

        # Leftmost line if in leftmost cell

        if col == 0:
            lines.append((x, y, x, y + h))
            leftkey = row, -1, tab
            color = cell_attributes[leftkey]["bordercolor_bottom"]
            width = cell_attributes[leftkey]["borderwidth_bottom"]
            left_pen = get_pen_from_data((color, width, int(wx.SOLID)))

        zoomed_pens = []
        get_zoomed_size = self.grid.grid_renderer.get_zoomed_size

        for pen in borderpens:
            bordercolor = pen.GetColour()
            borderwidth = pen.GetWidth()
            borderstyle = pen.GetStyle()

            zoomed_borderwidth = get_zoomed_size(borderwidth)
            zoomed_pen = wx.Pen(bordercolor, zoomed_borderwidth, borderstyle)


        dc.DrawLineList(lines, zoomed_pens)

        # Draw lower right rectangle if
        # 1) the next cell to the right has a greater bottom width and
        # 2) the next cell to the bottom has a greater right width

        if self.lower_right_rect_extents is not None:
            rx, ry, rw, rh = self.lower_right_rect_extents
            rwz = get_zoomed_size(rw)
            rhz = get_zoomed_size(rh)
            rxz = round(rx + rw - rwz / 2.0)
            ryz = round(ry + rh - rhz / 2.0)
            rect = wx.Rect(rxz, ryz, rwz, rhz)

            # The color of the lower right rectangle is the color of the
            # bottom line of the next cell to the right

            rightkey = row, col + 1, tab
            lr_color = wx.Colour()


            lr_brush = wx.Brush(lr_color, wx.SOLID)

