Ejemplo n.º 1
 def sendLine(self, line):
     "hook overloading the one used by linereceiver"
     #print "sendLine (%s):\n%s" % (self.state, line)
     #escape IAC in line mode, and correctly add \r\n
     line += self.delimiter
     line = line.replace(IAC, IAC + IAC).replace('\n', '\r\n')
     return self.transport.write(mccp_compress(self, line))
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def sendLine(self, line):
     "hook overloading the one used by linereceiver"
     #print "sendLine (%s):\n%s" % (self.state, line)
     #escape IAC in line mode, and correctly add \r\n
     line += self.delimiter
     line = line.replace(IAC, IAC + IAC).replace('\n', '\r\n')
     return self.transport.write(mccp_compress(self, line))
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _write(self, data):
     "hook overloading the one used in plain telnet"
     # print "_write (%s): %s" % (self.state,  " ".join(str(ord(c)) for c in data))
     data = data.replace('\n', '\r\n').replace('\r\r\n', '\r\n')
     #data = data.replace('\n', '\r\n')
     super(TelnetProtocol, self)._write(mccp_compress(self, data))
Ejemplo n.º 4
                    #print "cmdname, args, kwargs:", cmdname, args, kwargs
                    msdp_string = self.msdp.evennia_to_msdp(cmdname, *args, **kwargs)
                    #print "msdp_string:", msdp_string

        # parse **kwargs, falling back to ttype if nothing is given explicitly
        ttype = self.protocol_flags.get('TTYPE', {})
        xterm256 = kwargs.get("xterm256", ttype.get('256 COLORS', False) if ttype.get("init_done") else True)
        useansi = kwargs.get("ansi", ttype and ttype.get('ANSI', False) if ttype.get("init_done") else True)
        raw = kwargs.get("raw", False)
        nomarkup = kwargs.get("nomarkup", not (xterm256 or useansi))
        prompt = kwargs.get("prompt")

        if prompt:
            # Send prompt separately
            prompt = ansi.parse_ansi(_RE_N.sub("", text) + "{n", strip_ansi=nomarkup, xterm256=xterm256)
            prompt = prompt.replace(IAC, IAC + IAC).replace('\n', '\r\n')
            prompt += IAC + GA
            self.transport.write(mccp_compress(self, prompt))

        #print "telnet kwargs=%s, message=%s" % (kwargs, text)
        #print "xterm256=%s, useansi=%s, raw=%s, nomarkup=%s, init_done=%s" % (xterm256, useansi, raw, nomarkup, ttype.get("init_done"))
        if raw:
            # no processing whatsoever
            # we need to make sure to kill the color at the end in order
            # to match the webclient output.
            #print "telnet data out:", self.protocol_flags, id(self.protocol_flags), id(self), "nomarkup: %s, xterm256: %s" % (nomarkup, xterm256)
            self.sendLine(ansi.parse_ansi(_RE_N.sub("", text) + "{n", strip_ansi=nomarkup, xterm256=xterm256))
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def _write(self, data):
     "hook overloading the one used in plain telnet"
     # print "_write (%s): %s" % (self.state,  " ".join(str(ord(c)) for c in data))
     data = data.replace('\n', '\r\n').replace('\r\r\n', '\r\n')
     #data = data.replace('\n', '\r\n')
     super(TelnetProtocol, self)._write(mccp_compress(self, data))
Ejemplo n.º 6
        nomarkup = kwargs.get("nomarkup", not (xterm256 or useansi))
        prompt = kwargs.get("prompt")
        echo = kwargs.get("echo", None)

        #print "telnet kwargs=%s, message=%s" % (kwargs, text)
        #print "xterm256=%s, useansi=%s, raw=%s, nomarkup=%s, init_done=%s" % (xterm256, useansi, raw, nomarkup, ttype.get("init_done"))
        if raw:
            # no processing whatsoever
        elif text:
            # we need to make sure to kill the color at the end in order
            # to match the webclient output.
            #print "telnet data out:", self.protocol_flags, id(self.protocol_flags), id(self), "nomarkup: %s, xterm256: %s" % (nomarkup, xterm256)
                ansi.parse_ansi(_RE_N.sub("", text) + "{n",

        if prompt:
            # Send prompt separately
            prompt = ansi.parse_ansi(_RE_N.sub("", prompt) + "{n",
            prompt = prompt.replace(IAC, IAC + IAC).replace('\n', '\r\n')
            prompt += IAC + GA
            self.transport.write(mccp_compress(self, prompt))
        if echo:
            self.transport.write(mccp_compress(self, IAC + WONT + ECHO))
        elif echo == False:
            self.transport.write(mccp_compress(self, IAC + WILL + ECHO))
Ejemplo n.º 7
        nomarkup = kwargs.get("nomarkup", not (xterm256 or useansi))
        prompt = kwargs.get("prompt")
        echo = kwargs.get("echo", None)
        mxp = kwargs.get("mxp", self.protocol_flags.get("MXP", False))

        #print "telnet kwargs=%s, message=%s" % (kwargs, text)
        #print "xterm256=%s, useansi=%s, raw=%s, nomarkup=%s, init_done=%s" % (xterm256, useansi, raw, nomarkup, ttype.get("init_done"))
        if raw:
            # no processing whatsoever
        elif text:
            # we need to make sure to kill the color at the end in order
            # to match the webclient output.
            #print "telnet data out:", self.protocol_flags, id(self.protocol_flags), id(self), "nomarkup: %s, xterm256: %s" % (nomarkup, xterm256)
            linetosend = ansi.parse_ansi(_RE_N.sub("", text) + "{n", strip_ansi=nomarkup, xterm256=xterm256, mxp=mxp)
            if mxp:
                linetosend = mxp_parse(linetosend)

        if prompt:
            # Send prompt separately
            prompt = ansi.parse_ansi(_RE_N.sub("", prompt) + "{n", strip_ansi=nomarkup, xterm256=xterm256)
            prompt = prompt.replace(IAC, IAC + IAC).replace('\n', '\r\n')
            prompt += IAC + GA
            self.transport.write(mccp_compress(self, prompt))
        if echo:
            self.transport.write(mccp_compress(self, IAC+WONT+ECHO))
        elif echo == False:
            self.transport.write(mccp_compress(self, IAC+WILL+ECHO))