Ejemplo n.º 1
def hmm_expected_states(log_pi0, log_Ps, ll):
    T, K = ll.shape

    # Make sure everything is C contiguous
    to_c = lambda arr: np.copy(arr, 'C') if not arr.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS'] else arr
    log_pi0 = to_c(getval(log_pi0))
    log_Ps = to_c(getval(log_Ps))
    ll = to_c(getval(ll))

    alphas = np.zeros((T, K))
    forward_pass(log_pi0, log_Ps, ll, alphas)
    normalizer = logsumexp(alphas[-1])

    betas = np.zeros((T, K))
    backward_pass(log_Ps, ll, betas)    

    expected_states = alphas + betas
    expected_states -= logsumexp(expected_states, axis=1, keepdims=True)
    expected_states = np.exp(expected_states)
    expected_joints = alphas[:-1,:,None] + betas[1:,None,:] + ll[1:,None,:] + log_Ps
    expected_joints -= expected_joints.max((1,2))[:,None, None]
    expected_joints = np.exp(expected_joints)
    expected_joints /= expected_joints.sum((1,2))[:,None,None]
    return expected_states, expected_joints, normalizer
Ejemplo n.º 2
def hmm_expected_states(log_pi0, log_Ps, ll):
    T, K = ll.shape

    # Make sure everything is C contiguous
    log_pi0 = to_c(log_pi0)
    log_Ps = to_c(log_Ps)
    ll = to_c(ll)

    alphas = np.zeros((T, K))
    forward_pass(log_pi0, log_Ps, ll, alphas)
    normalizer = logsumexp(alphas[-1])

    betas = np.zeros((T, K))
    backward_pass(log_Ps, ll, betas)    

    expected_states = alphas + betas
    expected_states -= logsumexp(expected_states, axis=1, keepdims=True)
    expected_states = np.exp(expected_states)
    expected_joints = alphas[:-1,:,None] + betas[1:,None,:] + ll[1:,None,:] + log_Ps
    expected_joints -= expected_joints.max((1,2))[:,None, None]
    expected_joints = np.exp(expected_joints)
    expected_joints /= expected_joints.sum((1,2))[:,None,None]
    return expected_states, expected_joints, normalizer
Ejemplo n.º 3
def hmm_expected_states(log_pi0, log_Ps, ll, memlimit=2**31):
    T, K = ll.shape

    # Make sure everything is C contiguous
    log_pi0 = to_c(log_pi0)
    log_Ps = to_c(log_Ps)
    ll = to_c(ll)

    alphas = np.zeros((T, K))
    forward_pass(log_pi0, log_Ps, ll, alphas)
    normalizer = logsumexp(alphas[-1])

    betas = np.zeros((T, K))
    backward_pass(log_Ps, ll, betas)

    # Compute E[z_t] for t = 1, ..., T
    expected_states = alphas + betas
    expected_states -= logsumexp(expected_states, axis=1, keepdims=True)
    expected_states = np.exp(expected_states)

    # Compute E[z_t, z_{t+1}] for t = 1, ..., T-1
    # Note that this is an array of size T*K*K, which can be quite large.
    # To be a bit more frugal with memory, first check if the given log_Ps
    # are TxKxK.  If so, instantiate the full expected joints as well, since
    # we will need them for the M-step.  However, if log_Ps is 1xKxK then we
    # know that the transition matrix is stationary, and all we need for the
    # M-step is the sum of the expected joints.
    stationary = (log_Ps.shape[0] == 1)
    if not stationary:
        expected_joints = alphas[:-1, :, None] + betas[1:, None, :] + ll[
            1:, None, :] + log_Ps
        expected_joints -= expected_joints.max((1, 2))[:, None, None]
        expected_joints = np.exp(expected_joints)
        expected_joints /= expected_joints.sum((1, 2))[:, None, None]

        # Compute the sum over time axis of the expected joints
        # Limit ourselves to approximately 1GB of memory, assuming
        # the entries are float64's (8 bytes)
        batch_size = int(memlimit / (8 * K * K))
        assert batch_size > 0

        expected_joints = np.zeros((1, K, K))
        for start in range(0, T - 1, batch_size):
            stop = min(T - 1, start + batch_size)

            # Compute expectations in this batch
            tmp = alphas[start:stop, :,
                         None] + betas[start + 1:stop + 1,
                                       None, :] + ll[start + 1:stop + 1,
                                                     None, :] + log_Ps
            tmp -= tmp.max((1, 2))[:, None, None]
            tmp = np.exp(tmp)
            tmp /= tmp.sum((1, 2))[:, None, None]
            expected_joints += tmp.sum(axis=0)

    return expected_states, expected_joints, normalizer
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_backward_pass(T=1000, K=5, D=2):
    from pyhsmm.internals.hmm_messages_interface import messages_backwards_log

    # Make parameters
    As = npr.rand(K, K)
    As /= As.sum(axis=-1, keepdims=True)
    ll = npr.randn(T, K)

    # Use pyhsmm to compute
    true_betas = np.zeros((T, K))
    messages_backwards_log(As, ll, true_betas)

    # Use ssm to compute
    test_betas = np.zeros((T, K))
    backward_pass(As[None, :, :], ll, test_betas)

    assert np.allclose(true_betas, test_betas)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def hmm_expected_states(log_pi0, log_Ps, ll, memlimit=2**31):
    T, K = ll.shape

    # Make sure everything is C contiguous
    log_pi0 = to_c(log_pi0)
    log_Ps = to_c(log_Ps)
    ll = to_c(ll)

    alphas = np.zeros((T, K))
    forward_pass(log_pi0, log_Ps, ll, alphas)
    normalizer = logsumexp(alphas[-1])

    betas = np.zeros((T, K))
    backward_pass(log_Ps, ll, betas)

    # Compute E[z_t] for t = 1, ..., T
    expected_states = alphas + betas
    expected_states -= logsumexp(expected_states, axis=1, keepdims=True)
    expected_states = np.exp(expected_states)

    # Compute E[z_t, z_{t+1}] for t = 1, ..., T-1
    # Note that this is an array of size T*K*K, which can be quite large.
    # To be a bit more frugal with memory, first check if the given log_Ps
    # are TxKxK.  If so, instantiate the full expected joints as well, since
    # we will need them for the M-step.  However, if log_Ps is 1xKxK then we
    # know that the transition matrix is stationary, and all we need for the
    # M-step is the sum of the expected joints.
    stationary = (log_Ps.shape[0] == 1)
    if not stationary:
        expected_joints = alphas[:-1, :, None] + betas[1:, None, :] + ll[
            1:, None, :] + log_Ps
        expected_joints -= expected_joints.max((1, 2))[:, None, None]
        expected_joints = np.exp(expected_joints)
        expected_joints /= expected_joints.sum((1, 2))[:, None, None]

        # Compute the sum over time axis of the expected joints
        expected_joints = np.zeros((K, K))
        compute_stationary_expected_joints(alphas, betas, ll, log_Ps[0],
        expected_joints = expected_joints[None, :, :]

    return expected_states, expected_joints, normalizer
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_hmm_mp_perf(T=10000, K=100, D=20):
    # Make parameters
    pi0 = np.ones(K) / K
    Ps = npr.rand(T-1, K, K)
    Ps /= Ps.sum(axis=2, keepdims=True)
    ll = npr.randn(T, K)
    out1 = np.zeros((T, K))
    out2 = np.zeros((T, K))

    # Run the PyHSMM message passing code
    from pyhsmm.internals.hmm_messages_interface import messages_forwards_log, messages_backwards_log
    tic = time()
    messages_forwards_log(Ps, ll, pi0, out1)
    pyhsmm_dt = time() - tic
    print("PyHSMM Fwd: ", pyhsmm_dt, "sec")

    # Run the SSM message passing code
    from ssm.messages import forward_pass, backward_pass
    forward_pass(pi0, Ps, ll, out2) # Call once to compile, then time it
    tic = time()
    forward_pass(pi0, Ps, ll, out2)
    smm_dt = time() - tic
    print("SMM Fwd: ", smm_dt, "sec")
    assert np.allclose(out1, out2)

    # Backward pass
    tic = time()
    messages_backwards_log(Ps, ll, out1)
    pyhsmm_dt = time() - tic
    print("PyHSMM Bwd: ", pyhsmm_dt, "sec")

    backward_pass(Ps, ll, out2) # Call once to compile, then time it
    tic = time()
    backward_pass(Ps, ll, out2)
    smm_dt = time() - tic
    print("SMM (Numba) Bwd: ", smm_dt, "sec")
    assert np.allclose(out1, out2)