Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_hierarchy_frame_b(self):
        OD = OrderedDict
        tree = OD([
                ('I', OD([
                        ('A', (1,)), ('B', (1, 2))
                ('II', OD([
                        ('A', (1,)), ('B', (1, 2))

        ih = IndexHierarchyGO.from_tree(tree)
        data = np.arange(6*6).reshape(6, 6)
        # TODO: this only works if own_columns is True for now
        f1 = FrameGO(data, index=range(6), columns=ih, own_columns=True)
        f1[('II', 'B', 3)] = 0

        f2 = f1[HLoc[:, 'B']]
        self.assertEqual(f2.shape, (6, 5))
                ((('I', 'B', 1), ((0, 1), (1, 7), (2, 13), (3, 19), (4, 25), (5, 31))), (('I', 'B', 2), ((0, 2), (1, 8), (2, 14), (3, 20), (4, 26), (5, 32))), (('II', 'B', 1), ((0, 4), (1, 10), (2, 16), (3, 22), (4, 28), (5, 34))), (('II', 'B', 2), ((0, 5), (1, 11), (2, 17), (3, 23), (4, 29), (5, 35))), (('II', 'B', 3), ((0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0), (3, 0), (4, 0), (5, 0))))

        f3 = f1[HLoc[:, :, 1]]
        self.assertEqual(f3.to_pairs(0), ((('I', 'A', 1), ((0, 0), (1, 6), (2, 12), (3, 18), (4, 24), (5, 30))), (('I', 'B', 1), ((0, 1), (1, 7), (2, 13), (3, 19), (4, 25), (5, 31))), (('II', 'A', 1), ((0, 3), (1, 9), (2, 15), (3, 21), (4, 27), (5, 33))), (('II', 'B', 1), ((0, 4), (1, 10), (2, 16), (3, 22), (4, 28), (5, 34)))))

        f4 = f1.loc[[2, 5], HLoc[:, 'A']]
                ((('I', 'A', 1), ((2, 12), (5, 30))), (('II', 'A', 1), ((2, 15), (5, 33)))))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def from_pandas(cls, value, *, is_go: bool = False) -> 'IndexBase':
        Given a Pandas index, return the appropriate IndexBase derived class.
        import pandas
        from static_frame import Index
        from static_frame import IndexGO

        from static_frame import IndexDate

        from static_frame import IndexHierarchy
        from static_frame import IndexHierarchyGO

        if isinstance(value, pandas.MultiIndex):
            # iterating over a hierarchucal index will iterate over labels
            if is_go:
                return IndexHierarchyGO.from_labels(value)
            return IndexHierarchy.from_labels(value)
        elif isinstance(value, pandas.DatetimeIndex):
            if is_go:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    'No grow-only version of IndexDate yet exists')
            return IndexDate(value)
        if is_go:
            return IndexGO(value)
        return Index(value)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def from_pandas(
        value: 'pandas.DataFrame',
    ) -> 'IndexBase':
        Given a Pandas index, return the appropriate IndexBase derived class.
        import pandas
        from static_frame import Index
        from static_frame import IndexGO
        from static_frame import IndexHierarchy
        from static_frame import IndexHierarchyGO
        from static_frame import IndexNanosecond
        from static_frame import IndexNanosecondGO
        from static_frame.core.index_datetime import IndexDatetime

        if isinstance(value, pandas.MultiIndex):
            # iterating over a hierarchucal index will iterate over labels
            name = tuple(value.names)
            if not cls.STATIC:
                return IndexHierarchyGO.from_labels(value, name=name)
            return IndexHierarchy.from_labels(value, name=name)
        elif isinstance(value, pandas.DatetimeIndex):
            # if IndexDatetime, use cls, else use IndexNanosecond
            if issubclass(cls, IndexDatetime):
                return cls(value, name=value.name)
                if not cls.STATIC:
                    return IndexNanosecondGO(value, name=value.name)
                return IndexNanosecond(value, name=value.name)

        if not cls.STATIC:
            return IndexGO(value, name=value.name)
        return Index(value, name=value.name)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def from_pandas(cls,
            value: 'pandas.DataFrame',
            ) -> 'IndexBase':
        Given a Pandas index, return the appropriate IndexBase derived class.
        import pandas
        from static_frame.core.index_datetime import IndexDatetime
        from static_frame import Index
        from static_frame import IndexGO
        from static_frame import IndexHierarchy
        from static_frame import IndexHierarchyGO

        if isinstance(value, pandas.MultiIndex):
            # iterating over a hierarchucal index will iterate over labels
            name = tuple(value.names)
            if not cls.STATIC:
                return IndexHierarchyGO.from_labels(value, name=name)
            return IndexHierarchy.from_labels(value, name=name)
        elif isinstance(value, pandas.DatetimeIndex):
            # coming from a Pandas datetime index, in the absence of other information, the best match is a Nanosecond index
            if not issubclass(cls, IndexDatetime):
                raise ErrorInitIndex(f'cannot create a datetime Index from {cls}')
            if not cls.STATIC:
                return cls(value, name=value.name)
            return cls(value, name=value.name)

        if not cls.STATIC:
            return IndexGO(value, name=value.name)
        return Index(value, name=value.name)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_index_from_optional_constructor_c(self) -> None:
        idx0 = IndexHierarchyGO.from_labels([('a', 0), ('a', 1), ('b', 0),
                                             ('b', 1)])
        idx1 = index_from_optional_constructor(
            idx0, default_constructor=IndexHierarchy.from_labels)

        # Since the default constructo is static, we should be able to reuse the index
        self.assertNotEqual(id(idx0), id(idx1))
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_hierarchy_from_index_items_b(self) -> None:

        idx1 = Index(('A', 'B', 'C'))
        idx2 = Index(('x', 'y'))
        idx3 = Index((4, 5, 6))

        ih = IndexHierarchyGO.from_index_items(
            dict(a=idx1, b=idx2, c=idx3).items())
        ih.append(('c', 7))

                         [['a', 'A'], ['a', 'B'], ['a', 'C'], ['b', 'x'],
                          ['b', 'y'], ['c', 4], ['c', 5], ['c', 6], ['c', 7]])
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_hierarchy_index_go_a(self):

        OD = OrderedDict
        tree1 = OD([
            ('I', OD([('A', (1, )), ('B', (1, 2))])),
            ('II', OD([('A', (1, )), ('B', (1, 2))])),
        ih1 = IndexHierarchyGO.from_tree(tree1)

        tree2 = OD([
            ('III', OD([('A', (1, )), ('B', (1, 2))])),
            ('IV', OD([('A', (1, )), ('B', (1, 2))])),
        ih2 = IndexHierarchyGO.from_tree(tree2)


        # self.assertEqual(ih1.loc_to_iloc(('IV', 'B', 2)), 11)
        self.assertEqual(len(ih2), 6)

        # need tuple here to distinguish from iterable type selection
        self.assertEqual([ih1.loc_to_iloc(tuple(v)) for v in ih1.values],
                         [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11])
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def from_pandas(
        value: 'pandas.Index',
    ) -> 'IndexBase':
        Given a Pandas index, return the appropriate IndexBase derived class.
        import pandas
        if not isinstance(value, pandas.Index):
            raise ErrorInitIndex(
                f'from_pandas must be called with a Pandas Index object, not: {type(value)}'

        from static_frame import Index
        from static_frame import IndexGO
        from static_frame import IndexHierarchy
        from static_frame import IndexHierarchyGO
        from static_frame import IndexNanosecond
        from static_frame import IndexNanosecondGO
        from static_frame.core.index_datetime import IndexDatetime

        if isinstance(value, pandas.MultiIndex):
            # iterating over a hierarchical index will iterate over labels
            name: tp.Optional[tp.Tuple[tp.Hashable, ...]] = tuple(value.names)
            # if not assigned Pandas returns None for all components, which will raise issue if trying to unset this index.
            if all(n is None for n in name):  #type: ignore
                name = None
            depth = value.nlevels

            if not cls.STATIC:
                return IndexHierarchyGO.from_labels(value,
            return IndexHierarchy.from_labels(value,
        elif isinstance(value, pandas.DatetimeIndex):
            # if IndexDatetime, use cls, else use IndexNanosecond
            if issubclass(cls, IndexDatetime):
                return cls(value, name=value.name)
                if not cls.STATIC:
                    return IndexNanosecondGO(value, name=value.name)
                return IndexNanosecond(value, name=value.name)

        if not cls.STATIC:
            return IndexGO(value, name=value.name)
        return Index(value, name=value.name)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_hierarchy_rehierarch_b(self) -> None:
        labels = (
            ('I', 'A'),
            ('I', 'B'),
            ('II', 'C'),
            ('II', 'B'),
            ('II', 'D'),
            ('III', 'D'),
            ('IV', 'A'),

        ih1 = IndexHierarchyGO.from_labels(labels)
            ih1.rehierarch([1, 0]).values.tolist(),
            [['A', 'I'], ['A', 'IV'], ['B', 'I'], ['B', 'II'], ['C', 'II'],
             ['D', 'II'], ['D', 'III']])
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def test_hierarchy_from_pandas_c(self):
        import pandas

        pdidx = pandas.MultiIndex.from_product((('I', 'II'), ('A', 'B')))

        idx = IndexHierarchyGO.from_pandas(pdidx)

                         [['I', 'A'], ['I', 'B'], ['II', 'A'], ['II', 'B']])

                         [['I', 'A'], ['I', 'B'], ['II', 'A'], ['II', 'B']])

        idx.append(('III', 'A'))

            [['I', 'A'], ['I', 'B'], ['II', 'A'], ['II', 'B'], ['III', 'A']])
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def test_hierarchy_name_b(self):

        idx1 = IndexHierarchyGO.from_product(list('ab'), list('xy'), name='q')
        idx2 = idx1.rename('w')

        self.assertEqual(idx1.name, 'q')
        self.assertEqual(idx2.name, 'w')

        idx1.append(('c', 'c'))
        idx2.append(('x', 'x'))

            [['a', 'x'], ['a', 'y'], ['b', 'x'], ['b', 'y'], ['c', 'c']])

            [['a', 'x'], ['a', 'y'], ['b', 'x'], ['b', 'y'], ['x', 'x']])
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def test_hierarchy_copy_b(self):

        labels = (
            ('I', 'A'),
            ('I', 'B'),
            ('II', 'A'),
            ('II', 'B'),

        ih1 = IndexHierarchyGO.from_labels(labels)
        ih2 = ih1.copy()
        ih2.append(('II', 'C'))

            [['I', 'A'], ['I', 'B'], ['II', 'A'], ['II', 'B'], ['II', 'C']])

                         [['I', 'A'], ['I', 'B'], ['II', 'A'], ['II', 'B']])
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def test_hierarchy_keys_a(self) -> None:
        OD = OrderedDict
        tree = OD([
            ('I', OD([('A', (1, 2)), ('B', (1, 2))])),
            ('II', OD([('A', (1, 2)), ('B', (1, 2))])),

        ih = IndexHierarchyGO.from_tree(tree)

        # NOTE: for now, __iter__ return arrays, so we have convert to a tuple
        self.assertEqual([tuple(k) in ih.keys() for k in ih],
                         [True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True])

        ih.append(('III', 'A', 1))

            ih.keys(), {('I', 'B', 1), ('I', 'A', 2), ('II', 'B', 2),
                        ('II', 'A', 2), ('I', 'A', 1), ('III', 'A', 1),
                        ('II', 'B', 1), ('II', 'A', 1), ('I', 'B', 2)})