Ejemplo n.º 1
def generate_universe():
    print('Ressourcen initializieren...')
    from suite.ringgen import generate, RingDefinition, sumup
    from suite.mathops import polar_to_cartesian, polarcs_distance, do_segments_intersect, minmax, distance, getStandarizedGauss
    from random import choice, shuffle
    from suite.namegen import getName
    worldres = 1000
    print('Aufloesung des Weltes an '+str(worldres)+'x'+str(worldres)+' eingesteld')
    print('Welt bilden...')
    print('> Koordinaten bilden...')
    rings = [RingDefinition(0.8, 0.2, 0.04),
             RingDefinition(0.4, 0.2, 0.3),
             RingDefinition(0.1, 0.1, 1)]

    rings = map(lambda x: generate(worldres//2, worldres//2, x), rings)

    print('> Mit Probablistik Planetklass verarbeiten...')

    generationprobablistik = ((0.2375, 0.7125, 0.05),
                              (0.3, 0.5, 0.2),
                              (0.2, 0.4, 0.4))

    from random import random
    def probablistikKlass(pklass):
        r = random()
        if r < pklass[0]:
            return 0
        if r < pklass[0]+pklass[1]:
            return 1
        return 2

    rk = []
    klassgen = 0
    for ring in rings:
        for kx, v in ring.iteritems():
            for ky, y in v.iteritems():
                rk.append((kx, ky, probablistikKlass(generationprobablistik[klassgen])))
        klassgen += 1

    print('> Verbinden...')
    print str(len(rk))+' Total'
    print str(len(filter(lambda x: x[2]==0, rk)))+' Startenplanetklass'
    print str(len(filter(lambda x: x[2]==1, rk)))+' Normalplanetklass'
    print str(len(filter(lambda x: x[2]==2, rk)))+' Himmelplanetklass'
    print('Lande bilden...')
    #from bellum.space.models import Planet
    #from bellum.province.models import Province
    def pkogen(maxprovinz):
        MAPSIZE = 100       # This is only half of the map!
        MINDIST = 60-maxprovinz*2
        provinzes = []
        failed_attempts = 0
        while failed_attempts < 50:
            prov = (random()*(MAPSIZE-MINDIST//2), random()*360)
                for pt in provinzes:
                    if polarcs_distance(prov[0], prov[1], pt[0], pt[1]) < MINDIST:
                        failed_attempts += 1
                        raise Exception
            failed_attempts = 0
            if len(provinzes) == maxprovinz:
        provinzes = map(lambda x: polar_to_cartesian(*x), provinzes)
        provinzes = map(lambda x: (int(x[0]), int(x[1])), provinzes)
        return provinzes

    def createImage(provlist, pathes, index):
        img = Image.open('suite/planet.png')
        draw = aggdraw.Draw(img)
        pen = aggdraw.Pen("#002640", 3)

        def scales(x, y, size):
            return int((x+100) * (size[0])/200), int((y+100) * (size[1])/200)

        for path in pathes:
            p1, p2 = path
            xy1, xy2 = provlist[p1], provlist[p2]
            x1, y1 = scales(xy1[0], xy1[1], img.size)
            x2, y2 = scales(xy2[0], xy2[1], img.size)
            draw.line((x1, y1, x2, y2), pen)

        img.save('media/planet_images/'+str(index)+'.png', "PNG")

    #    for i in xrange(0, len(provlist)):
    #        x, y = provlist[i]
    #        draw.ellipse((x+80, y+80, x+120, y+120))
    #        draw.text((x+100, y+100), str(i), fill=(255, 255, 255))

    def trackgen(provlist):                 # FUKKEN MAGIC. Do not read sober.
        pathes = []     # current pathes list
        # Enumerate possible pathes
        ppathes = []
        for ix in xrange(0, len(provlist)):
            for iy in xrange(0, len(provlist)):
                if ix == iy: continue
                mmx = minmax(ix, iy)
                if mmx in ppathes:
                ppathes.append(minmax(ix, iy))
        # Ok, now run len(provlist)-1 iterations of shortest-find
        # We're pretty much guaranteed to find that stuff
        for iteratee in xrange(0, len(provlist)-1):
            shortest_p = None
            shortest_v = 1000
            for p in ppathes:
                p1, p2 = p
                x1, y1 = provlist[p1]
                x2, y2 = provlist[p2]
                d = distance(x1, y1, x2, y2)
                if d < shortest_v:
                    # Its one of the shorter ones, so check for collisions...
                    intersection_found = False
                    for cp1, cp2 in pathes:
                        cpx1, cpy1 = provlist[cp1]
                        cpx2, cpy2 = provlist[cp2]
                        if do_segments_intersect(x1, y1, x2, y2, cpx1, cpy1, cpx2, cpy2):
                            intersection_found = True
                    if intersection_found:
                    shortest_p = p
                    shortest_v = d
            if shortest_p == None:
                break                   # WE'VE JUST FAILED MISERABLY
            # ok, shortest_p is the shortest path...

        # Ok, now run those iterations until graph is connected...
        while True:
            # Check whether the graph is connected!
            current_nodes = [0]
            is_connected = False
            for iteratee2 in xrange(0, len(provlist)):      # Just run n times...
                nodepath = []
                for current_node in current_nodes:
                    for fv in pathes:
                        a, b = fv
                        if a == current_node: nodepath.append(b)
                        if b == current_node: nodepath.append(a)
                # Uniquefy nodepath
                nodepath_t = {}
                for x in nodepath:
                    nodepath_t[x] = 1
                nodepath = list(nodepath_t.keys())

                roundup_test = True
                for nodename in range(0, len(provlist)):
                    if not (nodename in nodepath):
                        roundup_test = False
                if not roundup_test:

                is_connected = True
            if is_connected:
            shortest_p = None
            shortest_v = 1000
            for p in ppathes:
                p1, p2 = p
                x1, y1 = provlist[p1]
                x2, y2 = provlist[p2]
                d = distance(x1, y1, x2, y2)
                if d < shortest_v:
                    # Its one of the shorter ones, so check for collisions...
                    intersection_found = False
                    for cp1, cp2 in pathes:
                        cpx1, cpy1 = provlist[cp1]
                        cpx2, cpy2 = provlist[cp2]
                        if do_segments_intersect(x1, y1, x2, y2, cpx1, cpy1, cpx2, cpy2):
                            intersection_found = True
                    if intersection_found:
                    shortest_v = d
                    shortest_p = p
            if shortest_p == None:
            # ok, shortest_p is the shortest path...
        return pathes

    nrk = []
    for i in xrange(0, len(rk)):
        x, y, klass = rk[i]
        provinzgran = {0: (5,6),
                       1: (5,8),
                       2: (3,4)}
        while True:
            min, max = provinzgran[klass]
            pk = pkogen(choice(provinzgran[klass]))
            if (len(pk) <= max) and (len(pk) >= min):
        ts = trackgen(pk)
        nrk.append((x, y, klass, pk, ts))

    print 'Datenbankobjekte bilden und speichern...'
    from bellum.space.models import Planet, LinkingSetter
    from bellum.province.models import Province
    replist = []
    minicounter = 0
    for _p in nrk:
        x, y, klass, pk, ts = _p
        p = Planet(x=x,
                   path_graph=0,     # Will generate later
                   kustomization=0,     # So far unused
        cpls = LinkingSetter(p, len(pk))
        for cn in ts:
            #p.path_graph += (1 << _getLinkBit(*cn))
        del cpls        # explicitly destroy object - destructor saves data
                        # good programming practice, to avoid magic, is

        replist.append((klass, p, pk, ts))
        createImage(pk, ts, p.id)
        # Prepare no of connections for provinces...
        num_of_connections = {}
        for a, b in ts:
                num_of_connections[a] += 1
                num_of_connections[a] = 1
                num_of_connections[b] += 1
                num_of_connections[b] = 1

        for provid in xrange(0, len(pk)):
            x, y = pk[provid]
            pname = p.name+' '+str(provid+1)
            if klass == 0:
                town_coef = 0.9+random()*0.2
                titan_coef = 0.9+random()*0.2
                pluton_coef = 0.9+random()*0.2
                natural_defense_level = 0.2 + random()*0.1
            if klass == 1:
                town_coef, titan_coef, pluton_coef = 0, 0, 0
                if random() > 0.4:
                    town_coef = 1+1.5*abs(getStandarizedGauss())
                if random() > 0.4:
                    titan_coef = 1+1.5*abs(getStandarizedGauss())
                if random() > 0.4:
                    pluton_coef = 1+1.5*abs(getStandarizedGauss())
                natural_defense_level = -0.5 + abs(getStandarizedGauss())
            if klass == 2:
                town_coef, titan_coef, pluton_coef = 0, 0, 0
                if random() > 0.6:
                    town_coef = 3+3*abs(getStandarizedGauss())
                if random() > 0.6:
                    titan_coef = 3+3*abs(getStandarizedGauss())
                if random() > 0.6:
                    pluton_coef = 3+3*abs(getStandarizedGauss())
                slots = 3

                natural_defense_level = getStandarizedGauss()/0.5 + 0.2
            natural_defense_level += 1      # for it to be <0; 1>

            town_coef *= (num_of_connections[provid]-1)/10 + 1
            pluton_coef *= (num_of_connections[provid]-1)/10 + 1
            titan_coef *= (num_of_connections[provid]-1)/10 + 1

            Province(x=x, y=y, planet_count_number=provid, name=pname, town_coef=town_coef, titan_coef=titan_coef, pluton_coef=pluton_coef,
                                natural_defense_level=natural_defense_level, planet=p).save()

        minicounter += 1
        if (minicounter % 10) == 0:
            print ' >> '+str(minicounter)+' mark'

    print 'Neuespielerallokatorlist bilden...'

    replist = filter(lambda x: x[0]==0, replist)        # Get only startplanets
    replist = map(lambda x: x[1], replist)             # Only planet DBO
    rcf = {}
    for planet in replist:
            rcf[planet.y] = [planet]

    print '> Speichern...'
    plist = []
    for dy in xrange(-worldres//2, worldres//2+1):
        if not rcf.has_key(dy): continue
        for planet in rcf[dy]:

    open('planetlist.nsal', 'w').write(repr(map(lambda x: x.id,plist[1:])))
    open('allocatorstatus.nsal','w').write('('+str(plist[0].id)+', None, 0)')
    print 'OK'
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def getrandomcoords(self):
     '''returns in polar coordinates!'''
     r = self.r + getStandarizedGauss() * self.width
     return (r, self.stepcounter)