Ejemplo n.º 1
    def get_row(self, row):
        '''get a row of the LP matrix as a csr_matrix

        lp_rows = self.get_num_rows()
        lp_cols = self.get_num_cols()

        assert 0 <= row < lp_rows

        inds_row = glpk.intArray(lp_cols + 1)
        vals_row = glpk.doubleArray(lp_cols + 1)

        got_len = glpk.glp_get_mat_row(self.lp, row+1, inds_row, vals_row)

        data = np.zeros((got_len,), dtype=float)
        inds = np.zeros((got_len,), dtype=np.int32)
        data_index = 0

        for i in range(1, got_len + 1):
            data[data_index] = vals_row[i]
            inds[data_index] = inds_row[i] - 1
            data_index += 1

        indptr = [0, data_index]
        csr_mat = csr_matrix((data, inds, indptr), shape=(1, lp_cols), dtype=float)

        return csr_mat
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def set_linear_coefficients(self, coefficients):
        if self.problem is not None:
            problem = self.problem.problem

            num_cols = glp_get_num_cols(problem)

            ia = intArray(num_cols + 1)
            va = doubleArray(num_cols + 1)

            num_rows = glp_get_mat_row(self.problem.problem, self._index, ia, va)
            variables_and_coefficients = {var.name: coeff for var, coeff in six.iteritems(coefficients)}

            final_variables_and_coefficients = {
                glp_get_col_name(problem, ia[i]): va[i] for i in range(1, num_rows + 1)

            ia = intArray(num_cols + 1)
            va = doubleArray(num_cols + 1)

            for i, (name, coeff) in enumerate(six.iteritems(final_variables_and_coefficients)):
                ia[i + 1] = self.problem._variables[name]._index
                va[i + 1] = float(coeff)

            glp_set_mat_row(problem, self._index, len(final_variables_and_coefficients), ia, va)
            raise Exception("Can't change coefficients if constraint is not associated with a model.")
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def set_linear_coefficients(self, coefficients):
        if self.problem is not None:
            problem = self.problem.problem

            num_cols = glp_get_num_cols(problem)

            ia = intArray(num_cols + 1)
            va = doubleArray(num_cols + 1)

            num_rows = glp_get_mat_row(self.problem.problem, self._index, ia, va)
            variables_and_coefficients = {var.name: coeff for var, coeff in six.iteritems(coefficients)}

            final_variables_and_coefficients = {
                glp_get_col_name(problem, ia[i]): va[i] for i in range(1, num_rows + 1)

            ia = intArray(num_cols + 1)
            va = doubleArray(num_cols + 1)

            for i, (name, coeff) in enumerate(six.iteritems(final_variables_and_coefficients)):
                ia[i + 1] = self.problem._variables[name]._index
                va[i + 1] = coeff

            glp_set_mat_row(problem, self._index, len(final_variables_and_coefficients), ia, va)
            raise Exception("Can't change coefficients if constraint is not associated with a model.")
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def get_constraints_csr(self):
        '''get the LP matrix as a csr_matrix

        lp_rows = self.get_num_rows()
        lp_cols = self.get_num_cols()
        nnz = glpk.glp_get_num_nz(self.lp)

        data = np.zeros((nnz, ), dtype=float)
        inds = np.zeros((nnz, ), dtype=np.int32)
        indptr = np.zeros((lp_rows + 1, ), dtype=np.int32)

        inds_row = SwigArray.get_int_array(lp_cols + 1)
        vals_row = SwigArray.get_double_array(lp_cols + 1)
        data_index = 0
        indptr[0] = 0

        for row in range(1, lp_rows + 1):
            got_len = glpk.glp_get_mat_row(self.lp, row, inds_row, vals_row)

            for i in range(1, got_len + 1):
                data[data_index] = vals_row[i]
                inds[data_index] = inds_row[i] - 1
                data_index += 1

            indptr[row] = data_index

        csr_mat = csr_matrix((data, inds, indptr),
                             shape=(lp_rows, lp_cols),

        return csr_mat
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_set_linear_coefficients_constraint(self):
     constraint = self.model.constraints.M_atp_c
     constraint.set_linear_coefficients({self.model.variables.R_Biomass_Ecoli_core_w_GAM: 666.})
     num_cols = glp_get_num_cols(self.model.problem)
     ia = intArray(num_cols + 1)
     da = doubleArray(num_cols + 1)
     index = constraint._index
     num = glp_get_mat_row(self.model.problem, index, ia, da)
     for i in range(1, num + 1):
         col_name = glp_get_col_name(self.model.problem, ia[i])
         if col_name == 'R_Biomass_Ecoli_core_w_GAM':
             self.assertEqual(da[i], 666.)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def _get_expression(self):
     if self.problem is not None:
         col_num = glp_get_num_cols(self.problem.problem)
         ia = intArray(col_num + 1)
         da = doubleArray(col_num + 1)
         nnz = glp_get_mat_row(self.problem.problem, self._index, ia, da)
         constraint_variables = [self.problem._variables[glp_get_col_name(self.problem.problem, ia[i])] for i in
                                 range(1, nnz + 1)]
         expression = symbolics.add(
             [symbolics.mul((symbolics.Real(da[i]), constraint_variables[i - 1])) for i in
              range(1, nnz + 1)])
         self._expression = expression
     return self._expression
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def _get_expression(self):
     if self.problem is not None:
         col_num = glp_get_num_cols(self.problem.problem)
         ia = intArray(col_num + 1)
         da = doubleArray(col_num + 1)
         nnz = glp_get_mat_row(self.problem.problem, self.index, ia, da)
         constraint_variables = [self.problem._variables[glp_get_col_name(self.problem.problem, ia[i])] for i in
                                 range(1, nnz + 1)]
         expression = sympy.Add._from_args(
             [sympy.Mul._from_args((sympy.RealNumber(da[i]), constraint_variables[i - 1])) for i in
              range(1, nnz + 1)])
         self._expression = expression
     return self._expression
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def _get_expression(self):
     if self.problem is not None:
         col_num = glp_get_num_cols(self.problem.problem)
         ia = intArray(col_num + 1)
         da = doubleArray(col_num + 1)
         nnz = glp_get_mat_row(self.problem.problem, self._index, ia, da)
         constraint_variables = [self.problem._variables[glp_get_col_name(self.problem.problem, ia[i])] for i in
                                 range(1, nnz + 1)]
         expression = symbolics.add(
             [symbolics.mul((symbolics.Real(da[i]), constraint_variables[i - 1])) for i in
              range(1, nnz + 1)])
         self._expression = expression
     return self._expression
 def test_set_linear_coefficients_constraint(self):
     constraint = self.model.constraints.M_atp_c
         {self.model.variables.R_Biomass_Ecoli_core_w_GAM: 666.})
     num_cols = glp_get_num_cols(self.model.problem)
     ia = intArray(num_cols + 1)
     da = doubleArray(num_cols + 1)
     index = constraint._index
     num = glp_get_mat_row(self.model.problem, index, ia, da)
     for i in range(1, num + 1):
         col_name = glp_get_col_name(self.model.problem, ia[i])
         if col_name == 'R_Biomass_Ecoli_core_w_GAM':
             self.assertEqual(da[i], 666.)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def get_linear_coefficients(self, variables):
     if self.problem is not None:
         num_cols = glp_get_num_cols(self.problem.problem)
         ia = intArray(num_cols + 1)
         da = doubleArray(num_cols + 1)
         nnz = glp_get_mat_row(self.problem.problem, self._index, ia, da)
         return {
             self.problem._variables[ia[i + 1] - 1]: da[i + 1]
             for i in range(nnz)
         raise Exception(
             "Can't get coefficients from solver if constraint is not in a model"
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def get_linear_coefficients(self, variables):
     if self.problem is not None:
         num_cols = glp_get_num_cols(self.problem.problem)
         ia = intArray(num_cols + 1)
         da = doubleArray(num_cols + 1)
         nnz = glp_get_mat_row(self.problem.problem, self._index, ia, da)
         coefs = dict.fromkeys(variables, 0.0)
             self.problem._variables[ia[i + 1] - 1]: da[i + 1]
             for i in range(nnz)
             if self.problem._variables[ia[i + 1] - 1] in variables})
         return coefs
         raise Exception("Can't get coefficients from solver if constraint is not in a model")
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def _get_expression(self):
     if self.problem is not None:
         col_num = glp_get_num_cols(self.problem.problem)
         ia = intArray(col_num + 1)
         da = doubleArray(col_num + 1)
         nnz = glp_get_mat_row(self.problem.problem, self.index, ia, da)
         constraint_variables = [
                 self.problem.problem, ia[i])] for i in range(1, nnz + 1)
         expression = sympy.Add._from_args([
                 (sympy.RealNumber(da[i]), constraint_variables[i - 1]))
             for i in range(1, nnz + 1)
         self._expression = expression
     return self._expression
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def _constraints_str(self, zero_print):
        'get the constraints matrix lines for __str__'

        rv = ""
        lp = self.lp
        rows = self.get_num_rows()
        cols = self.get_num_cols()

        stat_labels = ["?(0)?", "BS", "NL", "NU", "NF", "NS"]
        inds = SwigArray.get_int_array(cols + 1)
        vals = SwigArray.get_double_array(cols + 1)

        for row in range(1, rows + 1):
            stat = glpk.glp_get_row_stat(lp, row)
            assert 0 <= stat <= len(stat_labels)
            rv += "{:2}: {} ".format(row, stat_labels[stat])

            num_inds = glpk.glp_get_mat_row(lp, row, inds, vals)

            for col in range(1, cols + 1):
                val = 0

                for index in range(1, num_inds + 1):
                    if inds[index] == col:
                        val = vals[index]

                num = str(val)
                num = num.rjust(6)[:6]  # fix width to exactly 6

                rv += (zero_print(num) if val == 0 else num) + " "

            row_type = glpk.glp_get_row_type(lp, row)

            assert row_type == glpk.GLP_UP
            val = glpk.glp_get_row_ub(lp, row)
            rv += " <= "

            num = str(val)
            num = num.rjust(6)[:6]  # fix width to exactly 6

            rv += (zero_print(num) if val == 0 else num) + " "

            rv += "\n"

        return rv
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def _set_coefficients_low_level(self, variables_coefficients_dict):
     if self.problem is not None:
         problem = self.problem.problem
         indices_coefficients_dict = dict(
             [(variable.index, coefficient) for variable, coefficient in six.iteritems(variables_coefficients_dict)])
         num_cols = glp_get_num_cols(problem)
         ia = intArray(num_cols + 1)
         da = doubleArray(num_cols + 1)
         index = self.index
         num = glp_get_mat_row(self.problem.problem, index, ia, da)
         for i in range(1, num + 1):
                 da[i] = indices_coefficients_dict[ia[i]]
             except KeyError:
         glp_set_mat_row(self.problem.problem, index, num, ia, da)
         raise Exception(
             '_set_coefficients_low_level works only if a constraint is associated with a solver instance.')
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def serialize(self):
        'serialize self.lp from a glpk instance into a tuple'


        # get constraints as csr matrix
        lp_rows = self.get_num_rows()
        lp_cols = self.get_num_cols()

        inds_row = SwigArray.get_int_array(lp_cols + 1)
        vals_row = SwigArray.get_double_array(lp_cols + 1)

        data = []
        glpk_indices = []
        indptr = [0]

        for row in range(lp_rows):
            got_len = glpk.glp_get_mat_row(self.lp, row + 1, inds_row,

            for i in range(1, got_len + 1):


        # rhs
        rhs = []

        for row in range(lp_rows):
            assert glpk.glp_get_row_type(self.lp, row + 1) == glpk.GLP_UP

            rhs.append(glpk.glp_get_row_ub(self.lp, row + 1))

        col_bounds = self.get_col_bounds()

        # remember to free lp object before overwriting with tuple
        self.lp = (data, glpk_indices, indptr, rhs, col_bounds)

Ejemplo n.º 16
    def get_dense_constraints(self, x, y, w, h):
        'get a subconstraint matrix from the lpi as a dense matrix'

        rv = np.zeros((h, w))

        lp_rows = self.get_num_rows()
        lp_cols = self.get_num_cols()

        assert x >= 0 and w >= 0 and x + w <= lp_cols, "invalid x range requested"
        assert y >= 0 and h >= 0 and y + h <= lp_rows, "invalid y range requested"

        inds_row = glpk.intArray(lp_cols + 1)
        vals_row = glpk.doubleArray(lp_cols + 1)

        for row in range(y + 1, y + h + 1):
            row_offset = row - (y + 1)
            got_len = glpk.glp_get_mat_row(self.lp, row, inds_row, vals_row)

            for i in range(1, got_len + 1):
                if inds_row[i] > x and inds_row[i] <= x + w:
                    col_offset = inds_row[i] - (x + 1)
                    rv[row_offset, col_offset] = vals_row[i]

        return rv
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def test_add_constraints(self):
        x = self.interface.Variable('x', lb=0, ub=1, type='binary')
        y = self.interface.Variable('y', lb=-181133.3, ub=12000., type='continuous')
        z = self.interface.Variable('z', lb=0., ub=10., type='integer')
        constr1 = self.interface.Constraint(0.3 * x + 0.4 * y + 66. * z, lb=-100, ub=0., name='test')
        constr2 = self.interface.Constraint(2.333 * x + y + 3.333, ub=100.33, name='test2')
        constr3 = self.interface.Constraint(2.333 * x + y + z, lb=-300)
        constr4 = self.interface.Constraint(x, lb=-300, ub=-300)
        constr5 = self.interface.Constraint(3 * x)
        self.model.add([constr4, constr5])
        self.assertIn(constr1.name, self.model.constraints)
        self.assertIn(constr2.name, self.model.constraints)
        self.assertIn(constr3.name, self.model.constraints)
        self.assertIn(constr4.name, self.model.constraints)
        self.assertIn(constr5.name, self.model.constraints)
        # constr1
        ia = intArray(glp_get_num_rows(self.model.problem) + 1)
        da = doubleArray(glp_get_num_rows(self.model.problem) + 1)
        nnz = glp_get_mat_row(self.model.problem, constr1._index, ia, da)
        coeff_dict = dict()
        for i in range(1, nnz + 1):
            coeff_dict[glp_get_col_name(self.model.problem, ia[i])] = da[i]
        self.assertDictEqual(coeff_dict, {'x': 0.3, 'y': 0.4, 'z': 66.})
        self.assertEqual(glp_get_row_type(self.model.problem, constr1._index), GLP_DB)
        self.assertEqual(glp_get_row_lb(self.model.problem, constr1._index), -100)
        self.assertEqual(glp_get_row_ub(self.model.problem, constr1._index), 0)
        # constr2
        ia = intArray(glp_get_num_rows(self.model.problem) + 1)
        da = doubleArray(glp_get_num_rows(self.model.problem) + 1)
        nnz = glp_get_mat_row(self.model.problem, constr2._index, ia, da)
        coeff_dict = dict()
        for i in range(1, nnz + 1):
            coeff_dict[glp_get_col_name(self.model.problem, ia[i])] = da[i]
        self.assertDictEqual(coeff_dict, {'x': 2.333, 'y': 1.})
        self.assertEqual(glp_get_row_type(self.model.problem, constr2._index), GLP_UP)
        self.assertEqual(glp_get_row_lb(self.model.problem, constr2._index), -1.7976931348623157e+308)
        self.assertEqual(glp_get_row_ub(self.model.problem, constr2._index), 96.997)
        # constr3
        ia = intArray(glp_get_num_rows(self.model.problem) + 1)
        da = doubleArray(glp_get_num_rows(self.model.problem) + 1)
        nnz = glp_get_mat_row(self.model.problem, constr3._index, ia, da)
        coeff_dict = dict()
        for i in range(1, nnz + 1):
            coeff_dict[glp_get_col_name(self.model.problem, ia[i])] = da[i]
        self.assertDictEqual(coeff_dict, {'x': 2.333, 'y': 1., 'z': 1.})
        self.assertEqual(glp_get_row_type(self.model.problem, constr3._index), GLP_LO)
        self.assertEqual(glp_get_row_lb(self.model.problem, constr3._index), -300)
        self.assertEqual(glp_get_row_ub(self.model.problem, constr3._index), 1.7976931348623157e+308)
        # constr4
        ia = intArray(glp_get_num_rows(self.model.problem) + 1)
        da = doubleArray(glp_get_num_rows(self.model.problem) + 1)
        nnz = glp_get_mat_row(self.model.problem, constr4._index, ia, da)
        coeff_dict = dict()
        for i in range(1, nnz + 1):
            coeff_dict[glp_get_col_name(self.model.problem, ia[i])] = da[i]
        self.assertDictEqual(coeff_dict, {'x': 1})
        self.assertEqual(glp_get_row_type(self.model.problem, constr4._index), GLP_FX)
        self.assertEqual(glp_get_row_lb(self.model.problem, constr4._index), -300)
        self.assertEqual(glp_get_row_ub(self.model.problem, constr4._index), -300)

        # constr5
        ia = intArray(glp_get_num_rows(self.model.problem) + 1)
        da = doubleArray(glp_get_num_rows(self.model.problem) + 1)
        nnz = glp_get_mat_row(self.model.problem, constr5._index, ia, da)
        coeff_dict = dict()
        for i in range(1, nnz + 1):
            coeff_dict[glp_get_col_name(self.model.problem, ia[i])] = da[i]
        self.assertDictEqual(coeff_dict, {'x': 3})
        self.assertEqual(glp_get_row_type(self.model.problem, constr5._index), GLP_FR)
        self.assertLess(glp_get_row_lb(self.model.problem, constr5._index), -1e30)
        self.assertGreater(glp_get_row_ub(self.model.problem, constr5._index), 1e30)
    def test_add_constraints(self):
        x = Variable('x', lb=0, ub=1, type='binary')
        y = Variable('y', lb=-181133.3, ub=12000., type='continuous')
        z = Variable('z', lb=0., ub=10., type='integer')
        constr1 = Constraint(0.3 * x + 0.4 * y + 66. * z,
        constr2 = Constraint(2.333 * x + y + 3.333, ub=100.33, name='test2')
        constr3 = Constraint(2.333 * x + y + z, lb=-300)
        constr4 = Constraint(x, lb=-300, ub=-300)
        constr5 = Constraint(3 * x)
        self.model.add([constr4, constr5])
        self.assertIn(constr1.name, self.model.constraints)
        self.assertIn(constr2.name, self.model.constraints)
        self.assertIn(constr3.name, self.model.constraints)
        self.assertIn(constr4.name, self.model.constraints)
        self.assertIn(constr5.name, self.model.constraints)
        # constr1
        ia = intArray(glp_get_num_rows(self.model.problem) + 1)
        da = doubleArray(glp_get_num_rows(self.model.problem) + 1)
        nnz = glp_get_mat_row(self.model.problem, constr1._index, ia, da)
        coeff_dict = dict()
        for i in range(1, nnz + 1):
            coeff_dict[glp_get_col_name(self.model.problem, ia[i])] = da[i]
        self.assertDictEqual(coeff_dict, {'x': 0.3, 'y': 0.4, 'z': 66.})
        self.assertEqual(glp_get_row_type(self.model.problem, constr1._index),
        self.assertEqual(glp_get_row_lb(self.model.problem, constr1._index),
        self.assertEqual(glp_get_row_ub(self.model.problem, constr1._index), 0)
        # constr2
        ia = intArray(glp_get_num_rows(self.model.problem) + 1)
        da = doubleArray(glp_get_num_rows(self.model.problem) + 1)
        nnz = glp_get_mat_row(self.model.problem, constr2._index, ia, da)
        coeff_dict = dict()
        for i in range(1, nnz + 1):
            coeff_dict[glp_get_col_name(self.model.problem, ia[i])] = da[i]
        self.assertDictEqual(coeff_dict, {'x': 2.333, 'y': 1.})
        self.assertEqual(glp_get_row_type(self.model.problem, constr2._index),
        self.assertEqual(glp_get_row_lb(self.model.problem, constr2._index),
        self.assertEqual(glp_get_row_ub(self.model.problem, constr2._index),
        # constr3
        ia = intArray(glp_get_num_rows(self.model.problem) + 1)
        da = doubleArray(glp_get_num_rows(self.model.problem) + 1)
        nnz = glp_get_mat_row(self.model.problem, constr3._index, ia, da)
        coeff_dict = dict()
        for i in range(1, nnz + 1):
            coeff_dict[glp_get_col_name(self.model.problem, ia[i])] = da[i]
        self.assertDictEqual(coeff_dict, {'x': 2.333, 'y': 1., 'z': 1.})
        self.assertEqual(glp_get_row_type(self.model.problem, constr3._index),
        self.assertEqual(glp_get_row_lb(self.model.problem, constr3._index),
        self.assertEqual(glp_get_row_ub(self.model.problem, constr3._index),
        # constr4
        ia = intArray(glp_get_num_rows(self.model.problem) + 1)
        da = doubleArray(glp_get_num_rows(self.model.problem) + 1)
        nnz = glp_get_mat_row(self.model.problem, constr4._index, ia, da)
        coeff_dict = dict()
        for i in range(1, nnz + 1):
            coeff_dict[glp_get_col_name(self.model.problem, ia[i])] = da[i]
        self.assertDictEqual(coeff_dict, {'x': 1})
        self.assertEqual(glp_get_row_type(self.model.problem, constr4._index),
        self.assertEqual(glp_get_row_lb(self.model.problem, constr4._index),
        self.assertEqual(glp_get_row_ub(self.model.problem, constr4._index),

        # constr5
        ia = intArray(glp_get_num_rows(self.model.problem) + 1)
        da = doubleArray(glp_get_num_rows(self.model.problem) + 1)
        nnz = glp_get_mat_row(self.model.problem, constr5._index, ia, da)
        coeff_dict = dict()
        for i in range(1, nnz + 1):
            coeff_dict[glp_get_col_name(self.model.problem, ia[i])] = da[i]
        self.assertDictEqual(coeff_dict, {'x': 3})
        self.assertEqual(glp_get_row_type(self.model.problem, constr5._index),
        self.assertLess(glp_get_row_lb(self.model.problem, constr5._index),
        self.assertGreater(glp_get_row_ub(self.model.problem, constr5._index),
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def _constraints_str(self, bm_print, input_print, zero_print):
        'get the constraints matrix lines for __str__'

        rv = ""
        lp = self.lp
        rows = self.get_num_rows()
        cols = self.get_num_cols()

        stat_labels = ["?(0)?", "BS", "NL", "NU", "NF", "NS"]
        inds = glpk.intArray(cols + 1)
        vals = glpk.doubleArray(cols + 1)

        for row in range(1, rows + 1):
            stat = glpk.glp_get_row_stat(lp, row)
            assert 0 <= stat <= len(stat_labels)
            rv += "{:2}: {} ".format(row, stat_labels[stat])

            num_inds = glpk.glp_get_mat_row(lp, row, inds, vals)

            for col in range(1, cols + 1):
                val = 0

                for index in range(1, num_inds + 1):
                    if inds[index] == col:
                        val = vals[index]

                num = str(val)
                if len(num) < 6:
                    num = (" " * (6 - len(num))) + num
                    num = num[0:6]

                if self.basis_mat_rect[1] <= row - 1 < self.basis_mat_rect[0] + self.basis_mat_rect[3] and \
                        self.basis_mat_rect[0] <= col - 1 < self.basis_mat_rect[1] + self.basis_mat_rect[2]:
                    rv += bm_print(num) + " "
                    rv += (zero_print(num) if val == 0 else num) + " "

            row_type = glpk.glp_get_row_type(lp, row)

            if row_type == glpk.GLP_FX:
                val = glpk.glp_get_row_ub(lp, row)
                rv += " == "
                assert row_type == glpk.GLP_UP

                val = glpk.glp_get_row_ub(lp, row)
                rv += " <= "

            num = str(val)
            if len(num) < 6:
                num = (" " * (6 - len(num))) + num
                num = num[0:6]

            rv += (zero_print(num) if val == 0 else num) + " "

            rv += "\n"

        return rv
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def __init__(self, problem=None, *args, **kwargs):

        super(Model, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.configuration = Configuration()

        if problem is None:
            self.problem = glp_create_prob()
            if self.name is not None:
                glp_set_prob_name(self.problem, str(self.name))

                self.problem = problem
            except TypeError:
                raise TypeError("Provided problem is not a valid GLPK model.")
            row_num = glp_get_num_rows(self.problem)
            col_num = glp_get_num_cols(self.problem)
            for i in range(1, col_num + 1):
                var = Variable(
                    glp_get_col_name(self.problem, i),
                    lb=glp_get_col_lb(self.problem, i),
                    ub=glp_get_col_ub(self.problem, i),
                        glp_get_col_kind(self.problem, i)]
                # This avoids adding the variable to the glpk problem
                super(Model, self)._add_variables([var])
            variables = self.variables

            for j in range(1, row_num + 1):
                ia = intArray(col_num + 1)
                da = doubleArray(col_num + 1)
                nnz = glp_get_mat_row(self.problem, j, ia, da)
                constraint_variables = [variables[ia[i] - 1] for i in range(1, nnz + 1)]

                # Since constraint expressions are lazily retrieved from the solver they don't have to be built here
                # lhs = _unevaluated_Add(*[da[i] * constraint_variables[i - 1]
                #                         for i in range(1, nnz + 1)])
                lhs = 0

                glpk_row_type = glp_get_row_type(self.problem, j)
                if glpk_row_type == GLP_FX:
                    row_lb = glp_get_row_lb(self.problem, j)
                    row_ub = row_lb
                elif glpk_row_type == GLP_LO:
                    row_lb = glp_get_row_lb(self.problem, j)
                    row_ub = None
                elif glpk_row_type == GLP_UP:
                    row_lb = None
                    row_ub = glp_get_row_ub(self.problem, j)
                elif glpk_row_type == GLP_DB:
                    row_lb = glp_get_row_lb(self.problem, j)
                    row_ub = glp_get_row_ub(self.problem, j)
                elif glpk_row_type == GLP_FR:
                    row_lb = None
                    row_ub = None
                    raise Exception(
                        "Currently, optlang does not support glpk row type %s"
                        % str(glpk_row_type)
                if isinstance(lhs, int):
                    lhs = sympy.Integer(lhs)
                elif isinstance(lhs, float):
                    lhs = sympy.RealNumber(lhs)
                constraint_id = glp_get_row_name(self.problem, j)
                for variable in constraint_variables:
                    except KeyError:
                        self._variables_to_constraints_mapping[variable.name] = set([constraint_id])

                super(Model, self)._add_constraints(
                    [Constraint(lhs, lb=row_lb, ub=row_ub, name=constraint_id, problem=self, sloppy=True)],

            term_generator = (
                (glp_get_obj_coef(self.problem, index), variables[index - 1])
                for index in range(1, glp_get_num_cols(problem) + 1)
            self._objective = Objective(
                    *[_unevaluated_Mul(sympy.RealNumber(term[0]), term[1]) for term in term_generator if
                      term[0] != 0.]),
                direction={GLP_MIN: 'min', GLP_MAX: 'max'}[glp_get_obj_dir(self.problem)])
        glp_scale_prob(self.problem, GLP_SF_AUTO)
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def _initialize_model_from_problem(self, problem):
            self.problem = problem
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError("Provided problem is not a valid GLPK model.")
        row_num = glp_get_num_rows(self.problem)
        col_num = glp_get_num_cols(self.problem)
        for i in range(1, col_num + 1):
            var = Variable(
                glp_get_col_name(self.problem, i),
                lb=glp_get_col_lb(self.problem, i),
                ub=glp_get_col_ub(self.problem, i),
                    glp_get_col_kind(self.problem, i)]
            # This avoids adding the variable to the glpk problem
            super(Model, self)._add_variables([var])
        variables = self.variables

        for j in range(1, row_num + 1):
            ia = intArray(col_num + 1)
            da = doubleArray(col_num + 1)
            nnz = glp_get_mat_row(self.problem, j, ia, da)
            constraint_variables = [variables[ia[i] - 1] for i in range(1, nnz + 1)]

            # Since constraint expressions are lazily retrieved from the solver they don't have to be built here
            # lhs = _unevaluated_Add(*[da[i] * constraint_variables[i - 1]
            #                         for i in range(1, nnz + 1)])
            lhs = 0

            glpk_row_type = glp_get_row_type(self.problem, j)
            if glpk_row_type == GLP_FX:
                row_lb = glp_get_row_lb(self.problem, j)
                row_ub = row_lb
            elif glpk_row_type == GLP_LO:
                row_lb = glp_get_row_lb(self.problem, j)
                row_ub = None
            elif glpk_row_type == GLP_UP:
                row_lb = None
                row_ub = glp_get_row_ub(self.problem, j)
            elif glpk_row_type == GLP_DB:
                row_lb = glp_get_row_lb(self.problem, j)
                row_ub = glp_get_row_ub(self.problem, j)
            elif glpk_row_type == GLP_FR:
                row_lb = None
                row_ub = None
                raise Exception(
                    "Currently, optlang does not support glpk row type %s"
                    % str(glpk_row_type)
            if isinstance(lhs, int):
                lhs = symbolics.Integer(lhs)
            elif isinstance(lhs, float):
                lhs = symbolics.Real(lhs)
            constraint_id = glp_get_row_name(self.problem, j)
            for variable in constraint_variables:
                except KeyError:
                    self._variables_to_constraints_mapping[variable.name] = set([constraint_id])

            super(Model, self)._add_constraints(
                [Constraint(lhs, lb=row_lb, ub=row_ub, name=constraint_id, problem=self, sloppy=True)],

        term_generator = (
            (glp_get_obj_coef(self.problem, index), variables[index - 1])
            for index in range(1, glp_get_num_cols(problem) + 1)
        self._objective = Objective(
                [symbolics.mul((symbolics.Real(term[0]), term[1])) for term in term_generator if
                 term[0] != 0.]
            direction={GLP_MIN: 'min', GLP_MAX: 'max'}[glp_get_obj_dir(self.problem)])
        glp_scale_prob(self.problem, GLP_SF_AUTO)
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def _constraints_str(self, bm_print, input_print, zero_print):
        'get the constraints matrix lines for __str__'

        rv = ""
        lp = self.lp
        rows = self.get_num_rows()
        cols = self.get_num_cols()
        stat_labels = ["?(0)?", "BS", "NL", "NU", "NF", "NS", "?(6)?"]
        inds = glpk.intArray(cols + 1)
        vals = glpk.doubleArray(cols + 1)

        for row in range(1, rows + 1):
            rv += "{:2}: {} ".format(row-1, stat_labels[glpk.glp_get_row_stat(lp, row)])

            num_inds = glpk.glp_get_mat_row(lp, row, inds, vals)

            for col in range(1, cols + 1):
                val = 0

                for index in range(1, num_inds+1):
                    if inds[index] == col:
                        val = vals[index]

                num = str(val)
                if len(num) < 6:
                    num = (" " * (6 - len(num))) + num
                    num = num[0:6]

                if self.basis_mat_pos[0] <= row - 1 < self.basis_mat_pos[0] + self.dims and \
                        self.basis_mat_pos[1] <= col - 1 < self.basis_mat_pos[1] + self.dims:
                    rv += bm_print(num) + " "
                elif self.input_effects_offsets is not None and \
                        self.input_effects_offsets[0] <= row - 1 < self.input_effects_offsets[0] + self.dims and \
                        self.input_effects_offsets[1] <= col - 1 < self.input_effects_offsets[1] + self.dims:
                    rv += input_print(num) + " "
                    rv += (zero_print(num) if val == 0 else num) + " "

            row_type = glpk.glp_get_row_type(lp, row)

            if row_type == glpk.GLP_FX:
                val = glpk.glp_get_row_ub(lp, row)
                rv += " == "
            elif row_type == glpk.GLP_UP:
                val = glpk.glp_get_row_ub(lp, row)
                rv += " <= "
            elif row_type == glpk.GLP_LO:
                val = glpk.glp_get_row_lb(lp, row)
                rv += " >= "
                rv += " <?> (unknown bounds)"
                val = '?'

            num = str(val)
            if len(num) < 6:
                num = (" " * (6 - len(num))) + num
                num = num[0:6]

            rv += (zero_print(num) if val == 0 else num) + " "

            rv += "\n"

        return rv