Ejemplo n.º 1
 def symbolic_moo_gen(session_label, block_label):
     c = Function("C", 3)
     p = Constant(session_label)
     i = Constant(block_label)
     a = Constant("1")
     pList = [
     cList = [c(p, i, a), c(p, i, a), c(p, i, a)]
     return program.chaining_function(3, [0], pList, cList)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def program():
    Webpage that walks the user through an interaction between
    the adversary and the oracle.
    if request.method != "POST":
        # If you step away from the simulation, destroy the previous session
        if 'uid' in session and session['uid'] in moo_sessions.keys():
            del moo_sessions[session['uid']]
            session.pop('uid', None)
        return render_moo_template('program_create.html')

    # If a MOOProgram is already in session....
    if 'uid' in session and session['uid'] in moo_sessions.keys():
        uid = session['uid']
        moo_session: MOOProgram = moo_sessions[uid]
        if 'next' in request.form:
            plaintext = Variable("x_" + str(moo_session.iteration))
            ciphertext = moo_session.rcv_block(plaintext)
            response = str(
            ) if ciphertext is not None else "Sent " + str(plaintext)
            return render_moo_template('program.html', response=response)
        if 'end' in request.form:
            ciphertext = moo_session.rcv_stop()
            del moo_sessions[uid]
            session.pop('uid', None)
            response = str(ciphertext) if ciphertext is not None else None
            if response is None:
                return render_moo_template('program_create.html')
            return render_moo_template('program.html', response=response)

    # If we are creating a session of a MOOProgram....
    if 'chaining' in request.form and 'schedule' in request.form:
        # Create new session
        chaining_moo = request.form.get('chaining')
        schedule = request.form.get('schedule')
        moo_session = MOOProgram(chaining_moo, schedule)
        # Send an initial message
        plaintext = Variable("x_" + str(moo_session.iteration))
        ciphertext = moo_session.rcv_block(plaintext)
        # Set up a userid and save the moo_session
        session['uid'] = uuid4()
        moo_sessions[session['uid']] = moo_session
        response = str(
            ciphertext) if ciphertext is not None else "Sent " + str(plaintext)
        return render_moo_template('program.html', response=response)

    return render_moo_template('program_create.html')
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _temporary_parser(moo_string: str) -> Term:
    A temporary parser to parse a user
    supplied cryptographic mode of operation.
    This function is limited in what it can parse.
    parser = Parser()
    parser.add(Function("f", 1))
    return parser.parse(moo_string)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_pick_fail():
    c = Function("C", 3)
    f = Function("f", 1)
    a = Constant("a")
    b = Constant('1')
    e = Constant("e")
    p = Constant('p')
    q = Constant('q')
    i = Constant('i')
    j = Constant('j')
    x = Variable("x")
    z = Zero()

    func = FuncTerm(f, [a])
    func2 = FuncTerm(f, [e])

    func_pi = FuncTerm(c, [p, i, b])
    func_qj = FuncTerm(c, [q, j, b])

    eq1 = Equation(func, z)
    eq2 = Equation(func_qj, x)
    eq3 = Equation(xor(func_pi, func), z)
    eq4 = Equation(xor(xor(func_pi, func), func2), z)

    topf: Set[Equation] = {eq1, eq4}
    print("Testing pick_fail with ", topf)
    new_set = pick_fail(topf, cbc_gen)
    print("Result: ", new_set)

    topf: Set[Equation] = {eq1, eq2, eq3}
    print("Testing pick_fail with ", topf)
    new_set = pick_fail(topf, ex4_gen)
    print("Result: ", new_set)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_check_xor_structure():
    f = Function("f", 1)
    a = Constant("a")
    b = Constant("b")
    c = Constant("c")
    x = Variable("x")
    z = Zero()

    func = FuncTerm(f, [a])
    func1 = FuncTerm(f, [b])
    func2 = FuncTerm(f, [c])
    func3 = FuncTerm(f, [x])
    func4 = xor(func, func1)
    func5 = xor(func2, func3)

    eq1 = Equation(func, b)
    eq2 = Equation(func3, c)
    eq3 = Equation(func5, z)
    eq4 = Equation(xor(func2, func3), z)
    eq5 = Equation(xor(func4, func5), z)

    topf: Set[Equation] = {eq1, eq2, eq3, eq5}

    print("Testing pick_f with equation set: ", topf)
    print("Result pick_f: ", pick_f(topf))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def ex4_gen(p, i):
    if i == 0:
        return Constant('r' + str(p))
        return xor(
            xor(FuncTerm(f, [ex4_gen(p, i - 1)]),
                FuncTerm(f, [FuncTerm(f, [ex4_gen(p, i - 1)])])),
            Variable("x" + str(p) + str(i)))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def _satisfies_chaining(term: Term, max_history: int):
    """Checks to see if a preivous ciphertext is in the term."""
    previous_ciphertexts = [
        Variable("C[i-" + str(i + 1) + "]") for i in range(max_history)
    previous_ciphertexts_in_term = [(ci in term)
                                    for ci in previous_ciphertexts]
    return any(previous_ciphertexts_in_term)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def symbolic_cbc_gen(session_label, block_label):

    a = Constant("1")
    p = Constant(session_label)
    i = Constant(block_label)

    cInner = FuncTerm(c, [p, i, a])
    x = Variable("xpi")
    return xor(FuncTerm(f, [cInner]), x)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def invert_simple(term):
    Algorithm to get the plaintext P_{i} out of a MOO.

    Works by moving up in the DAG from the plaintext variable
    Applying the reverse transformation as it moves along
    f -> f^{-1}
    xor(P, x) -> xor(P, xor(x, x)) -> P

      - Previous plaintexts aren't in the term
      - The plaintext is only in one position
    inverse_term = Variable("x")
    transforms = []

    # Create a TermDAG and check to see
    # that the plaintext is only in one position.
    d = TermDAG(term)
    assert Counter(d.leaves())[_P] == 1

    # Move up the DAG starting from the plaintext
    # leaf and add inverse operations to the
    # transforms list.
    current_term = deepcopy(_P)
    parent_term = list(d.parents(current_term))
    while parent_term != []:
        parent_term = parent_term[0]

        if parent_term.function == _f:
            transforms.append((_finv, ))

        elif parent_term.function == xor:
            # Cancel out the xor by xoring with
            # the other argument again.
            if parent_term.arguments[0] == current_term:
                transforms.append((xor, parent_term.arguments[1]))
                transforms.append((xor, parent_term.arguments[0]))

            raise ValueError("A function other than f or xor detected")

        current_term = deepcopy(parent_term)
        parent_term = list(d.parents(parent_term))

    # Construct inverse term
    for transform in reversed(transforms):
        if transform[0] == _finv:
            inverse_term = _finv(inverse_term)
        else:  # Assume xor
            inverse_term = xor(inverse_term, transform[1])

    return inverse_term
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_elimf():
    f = Function("f", 1)
    xo = Function("f", 2)
    z = Zero()
    c = Constant("c")
    x = Variable("x")
    b = Variable("b")

    func = FuncTerm(f, [x])
    func2 = FuncTerm(f, [z])
    func3 = FuncTerm(xo, [c, b])

    eq1 = Equation(func, c)
    eq2 = Equation(xor(func, func3), z)
    eq3 = Equation(b, func)
    eq4 = Equation(func2, z)

    topf: Set[Equation] = {eq1, eq2, eq3, eq4}
    print("Testing elim_f with ", topf)
    new_set = elim_f(topf)
    print("Result ", new_set)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def symbolic_ex4_gen(session_label, block_label):

    a = Constant("1")
    p = Constant(session_label)
    i = Constant(block_label)

    cInner = FuncTerm(c, [p, i, a])
    x = Variable("xpi")

    fSummandOne = FuncTerm(f, [cInner])

    fSummandTwo = FuncTerm(f, [FuncTerm(f, [cInner])])

    return xor(fSummandOne, fSummandTwo, x)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_occurs():
    f = Function("f", 1)
    g = Function("g", 1)
    c = Function("C", 3)
    p = Constant('p')
    q = Constant('q')
    i = Constant('i')
    z = Variable("z")
    x = Variable("x")
    y = Variable("y")
    b = Variable("b")
    a = Variable("a")

    cpi = FuncTerm(c, [p, i, Constant("1")])
    fcpi = FuncTerm(f, [cpi])
    e1 = Equation(cpi, fcpi)
    e2 = Equation(x, FuncTerm(f, [g(x)]))
    e3 = Equation(x, FuncTerm(f, [b]))

    occ = {e1, e2, e3}
    print("Testing occurs check with ", occ)
    print("new set: ", occurs_check(occ))
Ejemplo n.º 13
def _changeVars(overlaping_vars: List[Variable], term: Term, hypothesis: Term,
                conclusion: Term):
    """Change variable names in hypothesis & conclusion to not overlap with overlapping_vars"""
    hypothesis = deepcopy(hypothesis)
    conclusion = deepcopy(conclusion)
    all_vars = get_vars(term, unique=True) | \
        get_vars(hypothesis, unique=True) | \
        get_vars(conclusion, unique=True)
    new_vars: List[Variable] = []
    # Go through all the variables that share the same symbol between the term and rewrite rule
    # and change the variables in the rewrite rule
    for v in overlaping_vars:
        new_var = v
        # Keep renaming variable in rewrite rule until it is not an already existing variable
        while new_var in all_vars:
            new_var = Variable(new_var.symbol + "_1", new_var.sort)
    # Create substitution between the old and new variable names and apply them
    s = SubstituteTerm()
    for old_v, new_v in zip(overlaping_vars, new_vars):
        s.add(old_v, new_v)
    return hypothesis * s, conclusion * s
Ejemplo n.º 14
def InvertMOO(term: Term, plaintext: str, nonces: list, nonceone: Constant,
              knowsiv: bool):
    Implementation of Lemma 10 from the Indocrypt paper

        The first recursive case
        The plaintext to check for
        Is the IV known

    from symcollab.algebra import Constant, Variable
    from symcollab.moe.program import MOOProgram
    from symcollab.moe.check import moo_check
    from symcollab.Unification.constrained.xor_rooted_unif import XOR_rooted_security
    from symcollab.Unification.constrained.p_unif import p_unif

    result = moo_check('cipher_block_chaining', "every", p_unif, 2, True, True)
    if nonceone in get_constants(term, unique=True):
        if knowsiv == False:
            return False
    #Make sure C_0 is only IV
    if len(nonces) == 1:
        plaintext = Variable(plaintext)
        # Make sure C_i contains p_i but only once
        if count_occurence(plaintext, term) == 1:
            return True

    # Passes all the criteria
    return False
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def rcv_block(self, message: Term) -> Optional[MOOFrame]:
        The adversary gives a plaintext block to the oracle to encrypt.
        Depending on the schedule, the oracle might return back a MOOFrame.
        if self.stopped:
            raise ValueError("Session already stopped.")
        self.iteration += 1

        # Create new cipher text variable and map it to the MOO Term
        new_cipher_var = Variable(f"y_{self.iteration}")
        encrypted_block = self.chaining_function(self.iteration, self.nonces,
        self.substitutions.add(new_cipher_var, encrypted_block)

        # If the schedule allows, return a MOO Frame
        if self.schedule(self.iteration):
            return MOOFrame(deepcopy(new_cipher_var),
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_pick_c():
    c = Function("C", 3)
    f = Function("f", 1)
    a = Constant("a")
    b = Constant('1')
    p = Constant('p')
    q = Constant('q')
    i = Constant('i')
    j = Constant('j')
    x = Variable("x")
    z = Zero()

    func = FuncTerm(f, [a])

    func_pi = FuncTerm(c, [p, i, b])
    func_qj = FuncTerm(c, [q, j, b])

    eq1 = Equation(func, z)
    eq2 = Equation(func_qj, x)
    eq3 = Equation(xor(func_pi, func), 0)

    topf: Set[Equation] = {eq1, eq2, eq3}
    print("Testing pick_c with ", topf)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_elimc():
    c = Function("C", 3)
    p = Constant('p')
    q = Constant('q')
    i = Constant('i')
    j = Constant('j')
    a = Constant('1')
    x = Variable("x")
    z = Zero()

    func_pi = FuncTerm(c, [p, i, a])
    func_qj = FuncTerm(c, [q, j, a])

    eq1 = Equation(xor(func_pi, func_qj), z)
    eq2 = Equation(xor(func_qj, func_pi), z)
    eq3 = Equation(func_pi, x)

    topf: Set[Equation] = {eq1, eq2, eq3}
    print("Testing elim_c with ", topf)
    new_set = elim_c(topf)
    print("Result: ", new_set)

    b = Constant('2')

    func_pi = FuncTerm(c, [p, i, a])
    func_qj = FuncTerm(c, [q, j, b])

    eq1 = Equation(xor(func_pi, func_qj), z)
    eq2 = Equation(xor(func_qj, func_pi), z)

    topf: Set[Equation] = {eq1, eq2}
    print("Testing elim_c with ", topf)
    new_set = elim_c(topf)
    print("Result: ", new_set)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def name_xor_terms(t, eqs):
    # Purify arguments
    # Name top-level xor-subterms
    # Return (renamed_term, a set of equations)
    if is_zero(t):
        return (t, eqs)
    elif (isinstance(t, Constant)):
        return (t, eqs)
    elif (isinstance(t, Variable)):
        return (t, eqs)
    elif (is_xor_term(t)):
        (term1, eqs) = purify_a_term(t.arguments[0], eqs)
        #eqs = eqs + equation1
        (term2, eqs) = purify_a_term(t.arguments[1], eqs)
        #eqs = eqs + equation2
        #equations = equation1 + equation2

        name = look_up_a_name(xor(term1, term2), eqs)
        if (name != None):
            return (name, eqs)
            global variable_counter
            variable_counter += 1
            new_variable = Variable("N" + str(variable_counter))
            eqs.append(Equation(new_variable, xor(term1, term2)))
            return (new_variable, eqs)
    elif (isinstance(t, FuncTerm)):
        terms = []
        for arg in t.arguments:
            (term, eqs) = name_xor_terms(arg, eqs)
            #eqs = eqs + equations
        return (FuncTerm(t.function, terms), eqs)
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 19
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from symcollab.algebra import Function, Variable, Constant, Equation
from symcollab.Unification.unif import unif

# Setting up terms
f = Function("f", 2)
g = Function("g", 1)
x = Variable("x")
y = Variable("y")
z = Variable("z")
a = Constant("a")
b = Constant("b")

# applying unification
#example 1: unifiable
unif({Equation(f(x, y), f(a, b))})

#example 2: simple function clash
unif({Equation(f(x, y), g(z))})

#example 3: function clash
unif({Equation(f(x, x), f(g(y), a))})

#example 4: occurs check
unif({Equation(f(x, y), f(g(x), a))})

#example 5: unifiable
unif({Equation(f(z, z), f(g(f(x, y)), g(f(a, b))))})
Ejemplo n.º 20
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from symcollab.algebra import Constant, Function, Variable
from symcollab.rewrite import RewriteRule

a = Constant("a")
b = Constant("b")
c = Constant("c")
x = Variable("x")
y = Variable("y")
f = Function("f", 2)
g = Function("g", 2)

r = RewriteRule(f(y, g(x, a)), g(y, a))

term = f(b, g(c, a))
print("Applying " + str(r) + " to " + str(term))
print("Result:", r.apply(term))

print("Now to show what happens when you can't apply a term...")
term = f(a, b)
print("Applying " + str(r) + " to " + str(term))
print("Result:", r.apply(term))

print("Applying f(x, x) -> x to f(f(x, x), f(x, x))")
term = f(f(x, x), f(x, x))
r = RewriteRule(f(x, x), x)
print("Result:", r.apply(term))

print("Applying f(x, x) -> x to f(f(x, x), f(x,x)) at position 2")
print("Result:", r.apply(term, '2'))
Ejemplo n.º 21
def Launcher():
    window = make_window()
    filename = "moo_output.txt"
    f_writetype = "w+"
    fileinfo = ""
    moo_session = None
    window_size = window.Size
    # event loop
    while True:
        event, values = window.read()  # type: str, dict
        # if the window is closed leave loop immediately
        if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:
        #print(event, values)

        start, stop = 1, 6
        result = []
        popup = True
        goodInput = True
        function = ''
        '''Commenting this out because not sure if it is
        desired or not
        if event == 'Submit settings':
            filename = str(values[22]) + ".txt"
            if values[23] == 'Append':
                f_writetype = "a+"'''

        # all tool tab events
        if event == 'Execute!':
            # check all input
            start, stop = 1, 6
            function = 'tool'
            for i in range(start, stop + 1):

        sim_next = False
        # all simulation tab events
        if event == 'Execute!0' or event == 'Next>>':
            if event == 'Next>>':
                sim_next = True
            # check all input
            start, stop = 7, 8
            function = 'simulation'
            for i in range(start, stop):

        # all custom tab events
        if event == 'Execute!1':
            # check all input
            start, stop = 9, 14
            function = 'custom'
            for i in range(start, stop + 1):

        # all random tab events
        if event == 'Execute!2':
            #check all input
            start, stop = 15, 24
            function = 'random'
            for i in range(start, stop + 1):

        # check if any of the inputs are blank
        if all(result) is not True:
            sg.Popup('Input left blank, please enter a value.', title='ERROR')
            popup = False
            goodInput = False

        if function == 'tool' and goodInput:
            if valid_moo_unif_pair(result[0], result[1]) == False:
                goodInput = False
                    'Invalid unfication algorithm and chaining function combination, see Help -> Tool for more information',

        # if none of the input is blank / combinations are good
        #then perform tool functions and output results to window
        if goodInput:
            if function == 'tool':
                fileinfo += "#######################################################################################################\n"
                fileinfo += "Tool inputs: " + str(result) + "\n"
                unif = unif_dict[result[0]]
                chaining = cf_dict[result[1]]
                sched = scd_dict[result[2]]
                length_bound = restrict_to_range(int(result[3]), 0, 100)
                knows_iv = yn_tf(result[4])
                invert_check = yn_tf(result[5])
                # check for security and catch exceptions
                    result = moo_check(chaining, sched, unif, length_bound,
                                       knows_iv, invert_check)
                except ValueError as v_err:
                    message = 'ValueError: ' + str(v_err)
                    sg.Popup(message, title='VALUE ERROR')
                    print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0])
                response = get_response(result)
                fileinfo += "tool output:\n" + response + "\n"
            if function == 'simulation':
                fileinfo += "#######################################################################################################\n"
                fileinfo += "Simulation inputs: " + str(result) + "\n"
                chaining = cf_dict[result[0]]
                sched = scd_dict[result[1]]
                if sim_next:  # continuing session
                    if moo_session is None:
                        window['-O2-'].update("Begin session first!")
                        plaintext = Variable("x_" + str(moo_session.iteration))
                        ciphertext = moo_session.rcv_block(plaintext)
                        response = str(
                        ) if ciphertext is not None else "Sent " + str(
                        fileinfo += "Next: " + response + "\n"
                else:  # creating the session
                    moo_session = MOOProgram(chaining, sched)
                    plaintext = Variable("x_" + str(moo_session.iteration))
                    ciphertext = moo_session.rcv_block(plaintext)
                    response = str(
                    ) if ciphertext is not None else "Sent " + str(plaintext)
                    fileinfo += "Simulation begin:\n" + response + "\n"
            if function == 'custom':
                fileinfo += "#######################################################################################################\n"
                fileinfo += "Custom inputs: " + str(result) + "\n"
                chaining = CustomMOO(_temporary_parser(result[0])).name
                unif = unif_dict[result[1]]
                sched = scd_dict[result[2]]
                length_bound = restrict_to_range(int(result[3]), 0, 100)
                knows_iv = yn_tf(result[4])
                invert_check = yn_tf(result[5])
                    result = moo_check(chaining, sched, unif, length_bound,
                                       knows_iv, invert_check)
                except ValueError as v_err:
                    message = 'ValueError: ' + str(v_err)
                    sg.Popup(message, title='VALUE ERROR')
                    print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0])
                response = get_response(result)
                fileinfo += "Custom output:\n" + response + "\n"
            if function == 'random':
                fileinfo += "#######################################################################################################\n"
                fileinfo += "Random inputs: " + str(result) + "\n"
                unif = unif_dict[result[0]]
                sched = scd_dict[result[1]]
                length_bound = restrict_to_range(int(result[2]), 0, 100)
                f_bound = int(result[3])
                moo_bound = restrict_to_range(int(result[4]), 1, 100)
                c_req = yn_tf(result[5])
                iv_req = yn_tf(result[6])
                sec_req = yn_tf(result[7])
                knows_iv = yn_tf(result[8])
                invert_check = yn_tf(result[9])
                # generate random moos
                filtered_gen = FilteredMOOGenerator(1, f_bound, iv_req, c_req)
                moo_list = (next(filtered_gen) for i in range(moo_bound))
                response = ""
                # Check security of the modes of operation
                moo_safe_list: List[Term] = list()
                for random_moo_term in moo_list:
                    response += str(random_moo_term) + "\n"
                    cm = CustomMOO(random_moo_term)
                    moo_result = moo_check(cm.name, sched, unif, length_bound,
                                           knows_iv, invert_check)
                    if moo_result.secure:

                fileinfo += "Random output:\n" + response + "\n"

        # menu button events create popups
        # my intent with these is for this to be a place to give users more information
        # about how to use each part of the tool, but any of this can be removed as desired
        if event == 'Tool':
            sg.Popup('Valid unification algorithm and chaining function pairs:\n\n'
                     'Syntactic: Cipher Block Chaining, Propogating Cipher Block Chaining,' \
                     ' Hash Cipher Block Chaining, Cipher Feedback, Output Feedback\n'
                     'F-Rooted P-XOR: Cipher Block Chaining, Propogating Cipher Block Chaining, Hash Cipher Block Chaining\n'
                     'XOR-Rooted P-XOR: Cipher Feedback, Output Feedback', title='Tool usage', line_width=200)
        if event == 'Simulation':
            sg.Popup('This is a blurb about how to use the simulation page',
                     title='Simulation usage')
        if event == 'Custom':
            sg.Popup('This is a blurb about how to use the custom page',
                     title='Custom usage')
        if event == 'Random':
            sg.Popup('This is a blurb about how to use the random page',
                     title='Random usage')

    f = open(filename, f_writetype)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def instantiate_a_constraint(constraint, sigma):
    #Instantiate a constraint using sigma
    #For example, if constraint is {x1: [a, b], x2: [f(x1)]}, and sigma is {x1 |-> a}
    #then the result is {x1: [a, b], x2: [f(a)]}
    new_constraints = {}
    for key in constraint.keys():
        old_constraint = constraint[key]
        new_constraint = []
        for o in old_constraint:
                ConstrainedTerm(o.term * sigma, SubstituteTerm()))
        new_constraints.update({key: new_constraint})
    return new_constraints

x1 = Variable("x1")
x2 = Variable("x2")
x3 = Variable("x3")
x4 = Variable("x4")

a = Constant("a")
b = Constant("b")
c = Constant("c")
d = Constant("d")
f = Function("f", 1)

t0 = a
t1 = xor(a, b)
t2 = xor(b, c)
t3 = f(xor(x1, c))
t4 = f(x2)
Ejemplo n.º 23
"""Definition and properties for two-arity tuple."""
from symcollab.algebra import Function, Variable
from symcollab.rewrite import RewriteRule, RewriteSystem
from .inductive import TheorySystem, Inductive

class Pair(TheorySystem):
    pair = Function("pair", 2)

# Fix domain of pair to take anything
Pair.pair.domain_sort = None

# Variables for later rules
_a = Variable("a", sort=Pair.sort)
_b = Variable("b", sort=Pair.sort)

fst = Function("fst", 1, domain_sort=Pair.sort)
Pair.define(fst, RewriteSystem({
    RewriteRule(fst(Pair.pair(_a, _b)), _a),

lst = Function("lst", 1, domain_sort=Pair.sort)
Pair.define(lst, RewriteSystem({
    RewriteRule(lst(Pair.pair(_a, _b)), _b),
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def from_bool(cls, x: bool) -> Term:
        """Converts a bool to a Boolean."""
        return deepcopy(Boolean.trueb if x else Boolean.falseb)

    def to_bool(cls, x: Term) -> bool:
        """Converts a Boolean to an bool."""
        if not isinstance(x, FuncTerm) or x != Boolean.trueb or x != Boolean.falseb:
            raise ValueError("to_bool function expects a simplified Boolean.")
        return x == Boolean.trueb

# Variables for later rules
_n = Variable("n", sort=Boolean.sort)
_m = Variable("m", sort=Boolean.sort)

# Negation
neg = Function("neg", 1, domain_sort=Boolean.sort, range_sort=Boolean.sort)
        RewriteRule(neg(Boolean.trueb), Boolean.falseb),
        RewriteRule(neg(Boolean.falseb), Boolean.trueb)

# Boolean And
andb = Function("andb", 2, domain_sort=Boolean.sort, range_sort=Boolean.sort)
Ejemplo n.º 25
#Example of using the deducible function
from symcollab.algebra import Function, Variable, Constant
from symcollab.moe.invertibility import deducible
x = Constant("x")
f = Function("f", 2)
p = Constant("p_i")
deducible(f(x, p), {x})
deducible(f(x, p), {})

#example of using invertibility with MOO security check
from symcollab.algebra import Constant, Variable
from symcollab.moe.program import MOOProgram
from symcollab.moe.check import moo_check
from symcollab.Unification.constrained.xor_rooted_unif import XOR_rooted_security
from symcollab.Unification.constrained.p_unif import p_unif

result = moo_check('cipher_block_chaining', "every", p_unif, 2, True, True)

#example of using invertibility by itself, not how it's intended to be used
#but can be done for testing
from symcollab.moe.invertibility import InvertMOO
from symcollab.xor import xor
f = Function("f", 1)
x = Variable("x")

IV = Constant("IV")
C1 = xor(x, IV)

print("MOO Invertible?", InvertMOO(C1, "x", [IV], IV, True))
Ejemplo n.º 26
it does not simplify to a normal form of a term.

Inspired by "Implementing a Propositional Logic Theorem Prover in Haskell"
by Laurence Edward Day
from symcollab.algebra import Function, Variable
from symcollab.rewrite import RewriteRule, RewriteSystem
from .inductive import Inductive, TheorySystem

class Prop(TheorySystem):

A = Variable("A", sort=Prop.sort)
B = Variable("B", sort=Prop.sort)
C = Variable("C", sort=Prop.sort)

Not = Function("not", 1, domain_sort=Prop.sort, range_sort=Prop.sort)
Prop.define(Not, RewriteSystem({RewriteRule(Not(Not(A)), A)}))

And = Function("and", 2, domain_sort=Prop.sort, range_sort=Prop.sort)
Prop.define(And, RewriteSystem({
    RewriteRule(And(A, A), A),

Or = Function("or", 2, domain_sort=Prop.sort, range_sort=Prop.sort)
Prop.define(Or, RewriteSystem({
    RewriteRule(Or(A, A), A),
Ejemplo n.º 27
from symcollab.algebra import Function, Equation, Variable
from symcollab.Unification.eac_unif import eac_unif

exp = Function("exp", 2)
x = Variable("x")
y = Variable("y")
w = Variable("w")
t = exp(x, y)
t2 = exp(x, w)
e1 = Equation(t, t2)
U = set()
z = Variable("z")
g = Function("g", 2)
t3 = g(z, z)
t4 = g(w, w)
e2 = Equation(t3, t4)

u = Variable("u")
v = Variable("v")
t3 = exp(v, w)
t4 = g(x, y)
e3 = Equation(u, t3)
e4 = Equation(u, t4)
U = set()
Ejemplo n.º 28
# TODO: Capture the commutative property of addition

class Ring(TheorySystem):
    A ring is an abelian group with another binary
    operation that is associative, distributive over the
    abelian operation, and has an ientity element.
    add = Function("add", 2)
    mul = Function("mul", 2)
    negate = Function("neg", 1)
    zero = Constant("0")

_x = Variable("x", sort=Group.sort)
_y = Variable("y", sort=Group.sort)
_z = Variable("z", sort=Group.sort)
# TODO: Make Group.rules.rules match what the function symbols are
Ring.rules = RewriteSystem(Group.rules.rules | {
    ## Associativity Rules
    # (x * y) * z → x * (y * z)
    RewriteRule(Ring.mul(Ring.mul(_x, _y), _z), Ring.mul(_x, Ring.mul(_y, _z))),
    ## Zero rules
    # 0 * x → 0
    RewriteRule(Ring.mul(Ring.zero, _x), Ring.zero),
    # x * 0 → 0
    RewriteRule(Ring.mul(_x, Ring.zero), Ring.zero),
    ## Distributivity rules
    # x * (y + z) → (x * y) + (x * z)
    RewriteRule(Ring.mul(_x, Ring.add(_y, _z)), Ring.add(Ring.mul(_x, _y), Ring.mul(_x, _z))),
Ejemplo n.º 29
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from symcollab.algebra import Function, Variable, Constant
from symcollab.xor.xorhelper import *
from symcollab.xor.structure import *

f = Function("f", 1)
x = Variable("x")
y = Variable("y")
z = Variable("z")
x1 = Variable("x1")
x2 = Variable("x2")
x3 = Variable("x3")
a = Constant("a")
b = Constant("b")
c = Constant("c")
d = Constant("d")
ze = Zero()

t1 = xor(x, f(y), f(x1))
t2 = xor(y, f(z), f(x2))
t3 = xor(z, f(x), f(x3))

eq1 = Equation(ze, t1)
eq2 = Equation(ze, t2)
eq3 = Equation(ze, t3)
equations = Equations([eq1, eq2, eq3])

#t1 = f(xor(x, y))
#t2 = x
#eq1 = Equation(t1, t2)
#equations = Equations([eq1])
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from symcollab.algebra import Constant, Function, Variable, Equation
from symcollab.Unification.syntactic_ac_unification import *

#Setup the variables and AC function
f = Function("f", 2)
x = Variable("x")
y = Variable("y")
z = Variable("z")
a = Constant("a")
b = Constant("b")
x1 = Variable("x1")
y1 = Variable("y1")
z1 = Variable("z1")

#Example 1
e = Equation(f(x, y), f(x1, y1))
U = {e}
sol = synt_ac_unif(U)  #For a single solution
# also sol = synt_ac)unif(U, True)
sol = synt_ac_unif(U, False)  # For all solutions

#Example 2
e = Equation(f(x, x), f(y, y))
U = {e}
sol = synt_ac_unif(U)

#Example 3
e2 = Equation(f(x, x), f(f(y, y), f(z, z)))
U1 = {e2}
sol = synt_ac_unif(U1)