def __init__(self, channel, thread_cnt=5): BaseTask.__init__(self, "fixbug", thread_cnt=thread_cnt) = channel self.bugfix = BugFixDispatcher(channel, self._queue) self.dispatcher = lambda q: self.bugfix.dispatcher() self.etl_runner = ETLRunner(channel)
def __init__(self, channel): = channel BaseTask.__init__(self, "{}_expire_detect".format(channel)) self.page_store = PageStore(channel) self.process_items = [] self.page_expire_detect = PageExpireDetect() self.test_mode = False
def cancel(self): """If the task is cancelled, delete the file.""" BaseTask.cancel(self) if self.file: self.file = None if self.filename and os.path.exists(self.filename): os.remove(self.filename)
def __init__(self, channel, thread_cnt, need_cnt): BaseTask.__init__(self, "fetch_csv_sample", thread_cnt=thread_cnt) = channel self.rand = RandomDispatcher(channel, self._queue, need_cnt) self.dispatcher = lambda q: self.rand.dispatcher() self.dir_path = self.get_save_dir_path() CsvWriteBase.__init__(self, self.dir_path, self.cv_measure_store = CVRawStore(channel, 'measure')
def __init__(self, channel, field, field_pattern): BaseTask.__init__(self, "fix_cv_field") = channel self.field = field self.field_pattern = field_pattern self.bugfix = BugFixDispatcher(channel, self._queue) self.dispatcher = lambda q: self.bugfix.dispatcher() self.etl_runner = ETLRunnerFromRaw(channel)
def __init__(self, channel, thread_cnt=5): BaseTask.__init__(self, "gets_raw", thread_cnt=thread_cnt) self.rawdispatcher = BugFixDispatcher(channel, self._queue) self.dispatcher = lambda q: self.rawdispatcher.dispatcher() = channel self.dir_path = self.get_save_file_dir() CsvWriteBase.__init__(self, self.dir_path,
def __init__(self, thread_cnt): BaseTask.__init__(self, 'fix_loc',thread_cnt=thread_cnt) self.measure_mongo_client = pymongo.MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:28017/cv_51job_measure') self.raw_mongo_client = pymongo.MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:28017/cv_51job_raw') self.raw_db = 'cv_51job_raw' self.raw_coll = 'cv_raw' self.measure_db = 'cv_51job_measure' self.measure_coll = 'cv_measure' self.update_cnt = 0 self.r_lock = threading.RLock() self.locIdMap={}
def __init__(self, owner, queue_size, thread_cnt): BaseTask.__init__(self, owner, queue_size, thread_cnt) self.owner = owner self.process_item = {} self.expired_items = [] self._raw_store = self._get_raw_store(owner) self._measure_store = self._get_measure_store(owner) self._page_store = PageStore(owner) self.page_store_db = 'admin' self.page_store_coll = "page_store_{}".format(owner) self.thrift_client = TClient('../../conf/thrift_conf.ini') self.jd_measure_client = self.thrift_client.jd_measure_server_client self.test_mode = False self.rs_file = FileSave(BaseTask.PathConfig.result_file) self.failfile = FileSave(BaseTask.PathConfig.etl_failids_file)
def __init__(self, thread_cnt): BaseTask.__init__(self, '2c_import', thread_cnt=thread_cnt) self.process_items = [] self.fail_fn = BaseTask.PathConfig.toc_failids_file self.rs_fn = BaseTask.PathConfig.result_file self.lgstore = LgEtlStore() self.job51store = Job51EtlStore() self.zlstore = ZLEtlStore() self.tocstore = ToCMeasureStore() self.thrift_client = TClient('../../conf/thrift_conf.ini') self.inc_stats2_client = pymongo.MongoClient(self.lgstore.cmgClient.inc_stats2_mongo_url) self.zhineng_salary5_charts_client = pymongo.MongoClient(self.lgstore.cmgClient.zhineng_salary5_charts_mongo_url) self.edu_info_client = self.thrift_client.edu_info_client self.inc_info_clients = self.thrift_client.inc_idinfo_client self.toc_failids_fd = FileSave(BaseTask.PathConfig.toc_failids_file)
def __init__(self, background=False): """Initialize the task. Parameters: background (default False): should the task run in bthe background? """ BaseTask.__init__(self) self.worlds = [] self.title = t("task.import_worlds.title") self.message = t("task.import_worlds.message") self.confirmation = t("task.import_worlds.confirmation") if background: self.dialog = None else: self.dialog = TaskDialog(self, self.title.format(progress=0)) self.dialog.message = self.message self.dialog.confirmation = self.confirmation
def __init__(self, world, filename, configuration, to_copy=None): """Initialize the task. Parameters: world (World): the world to be exported. filename (str): the file name to be written as a ZIP archive. configuration (str): the content of the 'config.set' file to be created. to_copy (list): optional list of file names to copy in the archive. """ BaseTask.__init__(self) = world self.filename = filename self.configuration = configuration self.to_copy = to_copy or [] self.title = t("task.export_world.title") self.message = t("task.export_world.message") self.confirmation = t("task.export_world.confirmation") self.dialog = TaskDialog(self, self.title.format(progress=0)) self.dialog.message = self.message self.dialog.confirmation = self.confirmation
def __init__(self, channel, prefix=None): BaseTask.__init__(self, channel, thread_cnt=2) = channel self.cv_parser = CvParser() self._cvs_data = {} #对比 临时存放文件 self.diff_rs_dir = '%s_rs_diff' % if not prefix else '%s/%s_job_diff' % (prefix, #机器解析 self.mechine_rs_dir = '%s_mechine_parsed' % if not prefix else '%s/%s_mechine_parsed' % (prefix, #人工解析 self.person_rs_dir = '%s_person_parsed' % if not prefix else '%s/%s_person_parsed' % (prefix, #结果 self.result_file = '%s_result.txt' % if not prefix else '%s/%s_result.txt' % (prefix, # util.check_and_clear(os.path.dirname(self.result_file)) self.excel_save = ExcelFileSave(self.result_file) #样本 self.sample_dir = '%s_sample' % if not prefix else '%s/%s_sample' % (prefix,
def __init__(self, filename, url, background=False): """Initialize the task. Parameters: filename: the name of file to be created (or None). url: the url of the file to be downloaded. background (default False): should the task run in the background? If the filename is None, then download in memory. The file attribute will contain a StringIO pointing to this object. """ BaseTask.__init__(self) self.filename = filename self.file = StringIO() if filename is None else None self.url = url if background: self.dialog = None else: self.dialog = TaskDialog(self, t("", url=url, progress=0)) self.dialog.confirmation = t("")
def __init__(self, background=False, title="Loading", message="Downloading the world list..", confirmation="Do you want to cancel loading?"): """Initialize the task. Parameters: background (default False): should the task run in bthe background? title: title of the dialog to display. message: message of the dialog to display. confirmation: message when pressing on cancel in the dialog. """ BaseTask.__init__(self) self.worlds = [] self.title = title self.message = message self.confirmation = confirmation if background: self.dialog = None else: self.dialog = TaskDialog(self, title.format(progress=0)) self.dialog.message = message self.dialog.confirmation = confirmation
def __init__(self): BaseTask.__init__(self, "fix_bug") self.process_item = [] self.client = pymongo.MongoClient(mongo_url) self.test_mode = False
def __init__(self): BaseTask.__init__(self, "fields_fix")