Ejemplo n.º 1
    def tensordot_matrix_product_except_dim(self, tensor2, matrices, dim):
        Particular type of contraction.

        Compute a special contraction of two tensors self, tensor2, a list of
        matrices matrices and a particular dimension dim. Note that dim must
        be a scalar, while matrices must be a list array with self.order

        tensor2 : FullTensor
            The second tensor of the contraction.
        matrices : list
            The list of matrices of the contraction.
        dim : int
            The excluded dimension.

            The result of the contraction.

        assert isinstance(matrices, list), 'matrices should be a list.'
        assert len(matrices) == self.order, \
            'len(matrices) must be self.order.'

        dims = tensap.fast_setdiff(np.arange(self.order), dim)
        matrices = [matrices[i] for i in dims]
        tmp = tensor2.tensor_matrix_product(matrices, dims)
        tmp = self.tensordot(tmp, dims, dims)
        return tmp
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def matricize(self, dims1, dims2=None):
        Return the matricization of the tensor.

        dims1 : list or numpy.ndarray
            The dimensions of the tensor corresponding to the first dimension
            of the matricization.
        dims2 : list or numpy.ndarray, optional
            The dimensions of the tensor corresponding to the first dimension
            of the matricization. The default is None, for which they are
            deduced from dims1.

            The matricization of the tensor.

        dims1 = np.atleast_1d(dims1)
        if dims1.size == 1 and dims1 == -1:
            dims1 = np.array([self.order - 1])
        if dims2 is None:
            dims2 = tensap.fast_setdiff(np.arange(self.order), dims1)
            dims2 = np.atleast_1d(dims2)
        shape1 = [self.shape[i] for i in dims1]
        shape2 = [self.shape[i] for i in dims2]

        tensor = FullTensor(self)
        tensor = tensor.transpose(np.concatenate((dims1, dims2)))
        tensor = tensor.reshape([np.prod(shape1), np.prod(shape2)])
        return FullTensor(tensor)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def eval(self, x):
        Evaluate the CompositionalModelFunction at points x.

        x : list or numpy.ndarray
            The points at which the function is to be evaluated.

            The evaluations of the function at points x.

        x = np.atleast_2d(x)
        tree = self.tree
        z = np.empty(tree.nb_nodes, dtype=object)
        for nu in range(self.dim):
            z[tree.dim2ind[nu] - 1] = x[:, nu]

        for level in np.arange(np.max(tree.level), -1, -1):
            nodes = tree.nodes_with_level(level)
            for nod in tensap.fast_setdiff(nodes, tree.dim2ind):
                ch = tree.children(nod)
                z[nod - 1] = self.fun[nod - 1](*z[ch - 1])

        return z[tree.root - 1]
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def cat(self, tensor2, dims=None):
        Concatenate the tensors.

        Concatenates self and tensor2 in a tensor z such that:
        z(i_1 ,..., i_d) = x(i_1, ..., i_d) if i_k <= sz[k]-1 for k in dims,
        z(i_1, ..., i_d) = y(i_1-sz[0], ..., i_d-sz[d-1]) if i_k >= sz[k]
        for k in dims,
        z(i_1, ..., i_d) = 0 otherwise, with sz = self.shape and
        dims = range(self.order) if not provided.

        tensor2 : FullTensor
            The second tensor to be concatenaed.
        dims : list or numpy.ndarray, optional
            The dimensions of the concatenation. The default is None,
            indicating all the dimensions.
        data : FullTensor
            The concatenated tensors.

        assert self.order == tensor2.order, \
            'The orders of the tensors must be equal.'

        tensor1 = FullTensor(self)
        order = self.order
        shape1 = np.atleast_1d(self.shape)
        shape2 = np.atleast_1d(tensor2.shape)

        if dims is None:
            dims = range(self.order)

        dims = np.atleast_1d(dims)
        dims_not = tensap.fast_setdiff(np.arange(order), dims)
        assert np.all([a == b for a, b in zip(shape1[dims_not],
                                              shape2[dims_not])]), \
            'The dimensions of the tensors are not compatible.'

        if dims.size == 1:
            data = np.concatenate([tensor1.data, tensor2.data], dims[0])
            shape_out = np.array(shape1)
            shape_out[dims] = shape1[dims] + shape2[dims]

            padding = np.transpose([[0] * order, shape_out - shape1])
            data = np.pad(tensor1.data, padding)
            padding = np.transpose([shape_out - shape2, [0] * order])
            data += np.pad(tensor2.data, padding)

        return FullTensor(data)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def tensor_matrix_product(self, matrices, dims=None):
        Contract a tensor with matrices.

        The second dimension of the matrix matrices[k] is contracted with the
        k-th dimension of self, with the indices k given in dims (if provided).

        matrices : numpy.ndarray or list of numpy.ndarray
            The matrices to use in the product.
        dims : list or numpy.ndarray, optional
            Indices of the contractions. The default is None, indicating all
            the dimensions.

            The tensor after the contractions with the matrices.

        if dims is None:
            assert isinstance(matrices, (list, np.ndarray)), \
                'matrices should be a list or a numpy.ndarray.'
            assert len(matrices) == self.order, \
                'len(matrices) must be self.order.'
            dims = range(self.order)
            dims = np.atleast_1d(dims)
            if not isinstance(matrices, list):
                matrices = [matrices]
            assert len(matrices) == dims.size, \
                'len(matrices) must be equal to dims.size.'

        # Numpy implementation
        # matrices = [np.array(x) for x in matrices]
        # data = self.numpy()
        # if self.order == 1:
        #     data = np.matmul(matrices[0], data)
        # else:
        #     k = 0
        #     for dim in np.nditer(dims):
        #         perm_dims = np.concatenate(([dim], np.arange(dim),
        #                                     np.arange(dim+1, self.order)))
        #         data = np.transpose(data, perm_dims)
        #         shape0 = np.array(data.shape)
        #         data = np.reshape(data, [shape0[0], np.prod(shape0[1:])])
        #         data = np.matmul(matrices[k], data)
        #         shape0[0] = matrices[k].shape[0]
        #         data = np.reshape(data, shape0)
        #         data = np.transpose(data, np.argsort(perm_dims))
        #         k += 1
        # return FullTensor(data)

        tensor = FullTensor(self)
        matrices = [FullTensor(x) for x in matrices]
        for i, dim in enumerate(dims):
            index = np.concatenate(
                (tensap.fast_setdiff(np.arange(tensor.order), dim), [dim]))
            tensor = tensor.tensordot(matrices[i], dim, 1).itranspose(index)
        return tensor
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def eval_at_indices(self, indices, dims=None):
        Evaluate the tensor at indices.

        If dims is None, return
        s(k) = x(indices(k, 1), indices(k, 2), ..., indices(k, d)),
        1 <= k <= self.shape[0].

        If dims is not None, return a partial evaluation: up to a permutation
        (placing the dimensions dims on the left), return
        s(k, i_1, ..., i_d') = x(indices(k, 1), indices(k, 2), ...,
        indices(k, M), i_1, ..., i_d'),
        1 <= k <= self.shape[0], with M = dims.size and d' = self.order - M.

        indices : list of numpy.ndarray
            The indices of the tensor.
        dims : list of numpy.ndarray, optional
            The dimensions associated with the indices. The default is None,
            indicating that indices refers to all the dimensions.

        evaluations : numpy.ndarray or FullTensor
            The evaluations of the tensor.

        indices = np.atleast_2d(indices)
        if dims is None:
            dims = np.arange(self.order)
            dims = np.atleast_1d(dims)
            if indices.shape[1] != dims.size:
                indices = np.transpose(indices)
            assert dims.size == indices.shape[1], \
                'Wrong size of multi-indices.'
            sort_ind = np.argsort(dims)
            dims = dims[sort_ind]
            indices = indices[:, sort_ind]
        assert dims.size == indices.shape[1], 'Wrong size of multi-indices.'

        if dims.size == self.order:
            data = self
            evaluations = np.array([data[tuple(i)] for i in indices.tolist()])
        elif dims.size == 1:
            ind = [':'] * self.order
            ind[dims[0]] = np.ravel(indices).tolist()
            evaluations = self.sub_tensor(*ind)
            no_dims = tensap.fast_setdiff(np.arange(self.order), dims)
            indices = np.ravel_multi_index(np.transpose(indices),
                                           [self.shape[i] for i in dims])
            evaluations = self.matricize(dims).sub_tensor(indices, ':')
            evaluations = evaluations.reshape([indices.size] +
                                              [self.shape[i] for i in no_dims])
            left_dims = np.arange(dims[0])
            evaluations = evaluations.transpose(
                np.concatenate((np.arange(1, left_dims.size + 1), [0],
                                np.arange(left_dims.size + 1,
                                          self.order - dims.size + 1))))
        return evaluations
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def hsvd(self, tensor, tree=None, is_active_node=None):
        Compute the truncated svd in tree-based tensor format of tensor.

        tensor : tensap.FullTensor or tensap.TreeBasedTensor
            The tensor to truncate.
        tree : tensap.DimensionTree, optional
            The tree of the output tree-based tensor. The default is None,
            indicating if tensor is a tensap.TreeBasedTensor to take
        is_active_node : numpy.ndarray, optional
            Logical array indicating if the nodes are active.. The default is
            None, indicating if tensor is a tensap.TreeBasedTensor to take

            If the wrong value of the atttribude _hsvd_type is provided.
            If the method is not implemented for the format.

        out : tensap.TreeBasedTensor
            The truncated tensor in tree-based tensor format.

        if isinstance(tensor, tensap.TreeBasedTensor):
            if tree is not None or is_active_node is not None:
                warnings.warn('The provided tree and/or is_active_node '
                              'are not taken into account when x is a '
            is_active_node = tensor.is_active_node
            tree = tensor.tree
        elif is_active_node is None:
            is_active_node = np.full(tree.nb_nodes, True)

        max_rank = np.atleast_1d(self.max_rank)
        if max_rank.size == 1:
            max_rank = np.repeat(max_rank, tree.nb_nodes)
            max_rank[tree.root-1] = 1

        local_tol = self.tolerance / np.sqrt(

        if isinstance(tensor, tensap.FullTensor):
            root_rank_greater_than_one = tensor.order == len(tree.dim2ind)+1

            tensors = np.empty(tree.nb_nodes, dtype=object)
            shape = np.array(tensor.shape)
            nodes_x = tree.dim2ind
            ranks = np.ones(tree.nb_nodes, dtype=int)

            for level in np.arange(np.max(tree.level), 0, -1):
                for nod in tree.nodes_with_level(level):
                    if is_active_node[nod-1]:
                        if tree.is_leaf[nod-1]:
                            rep = np.nonzero(nod == nodes_x)[0][0]
                            children = tree.children(nod)
                            rep = [np.nonzero(np.isin(nodes_x, x))[0][0]
                                   for x in children]
                        rep_c = tensap.fast_setdiff(np.arange(nodes_x.size),

                        if root_rank_greater_than_one:
                            rep_c = np.concatenate((rep_c, [tensor.order-1]))

                        self.max_rank = max_rank[nod-1]
                        tmp = self.trunc_svd(tensor.matricize(rep).numpy(),
                        tensors[nod-1] = tmp.space[0]
                        ranks[nod-1] = tensors[nod-1].shape[1]
                        shape_loc = np.hstack((shape[rep], ranks[nod-1]))
                        tensors[nod-1] = tensap.FullTensor(tensors[nod-1],
                        tmp = np.matmul(tmp.space[1],
                        shape = np.hstack((shape[rep_c], ranks[nod-1]))
                        tensor = tensap.FullTensor(tmp, shape=shape)

                        if root_rank_greater_than_one:
                            perm = np.concatenate((np.arange(tensor.order-2),
                            tensor = tensor.transpose(perm)
                            shape = shape[perm]
                            rep_c = rep_c[:-1]

                        nodes_x = np.hstack((nodes_x[rep_c], nod))
                        tensors[nod-1] = []

            root_ch = tree.children(tree.root)
            rep = [np.nonzero(np.isin(nodes_x, x))[0][0] for x in root_ch]
            if root_rank_greater_than_one:
                rep = np.concatenate((rep, [tensor.order-1]))
            tensors[tree.root-1] = tensor.transpose(rep)
            out = tensap.TreeBasedTensor(tensors, tree)
        elif isinstance(tensor, tensap.TreeBasedTensor):
            if self._hsvd_type == 1:
                out = tensor.orth()
                gram = out.gramians()[0]
                mat = np.empty(gram.shape, dtype=object)
                shape = np.zeros(gram.shape)
                for nod in range(gram.size):
                    # Truncation of the Gramian in trace norm for a control
                    # of Frobenius norm of the tensor
                    if gram[nod] is not None:
                        self.max_rank = max_rank[nod]
                        tmp = self.trunc_svd(gram[nod], local_tol ** 2)
                        shape[nod] = tmp.core.shape[0]
                        mat[nod] = np.transpose(tmp.space[0])

                # Interior nodes without the root
                for level in np.arange(1, np.max(tree.level)):
                    nod_level = tensap.fast_setdiff(
                    for nod in tree.nodes_indices[nod_level-1]:
                        order = out.tensors[nod-1].order
                        out.tensors[nod-1] = \
                                mat[nod-1], order-1)
                        parent = tree.parent(nod)
                        ch_nb = tree.child_number(nod)
                        out.tensors[parent-1] = \
                                mat[nod-1], ch_nb-1)

                # Leaves
                for nod in tree.dim2ind:
                    if out.is_active_node[nod-1]:
                        order = out.tensors[nod-1].order
                        out.tensors[nod-1] = \
                                mat[nod-1], order-1)
                        parent = tree.parent(nod)
                        ch_nb = tree.child_number(nod)
                        out.tensors[parent-1] = \
                                mat[nod-1], ch_nb-1)
                # Update the shape
                out = out.update_attributes()
                out.is_orth = False

            elif self._hsvd_type == 2:
                out = tensor.orth()
                gram = out.gramians()[0]
                for level in np.arange(np.max(tree.level), 0, -1):
                    for nod in tensap.fast_intersect(
                            tree.nodes_with_level(level), out.active_nodes):
                        # Truncation of the Gramian in trace norm for a control
                        # of Frobenius norm of the tensor
                        self.max_rank = max_rank[nod-1]
                        tmp = self.trunc_svd(gram[nod-1], local_tol ** 2)
                        tmp = np.transpose(tmp.space[0])
                        order = out.tensors[nod-1].order
                        out.tensors[nod-1] = \
                        parent = tree.parent(nod)
                        ch_nb = tree.child_number(nod)
                        out.tensors[parent-1] = out.tensors[parent-1].\
                            tensor_matrix_product(tmp, ch_nb-1)
                out = out.update_attributes()
                out.is_orth = True
                out.orth_node = tree.root
                raise ValueError('Wrong value of _hsvd_type.')
            raise NotImplementedError('Method not implemented.')
        return out
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def parameter_gradient_eval_dmrg(self,
        if self.evaluated_bases:
            bases_eval = self.bases
        elif x is not None:
            bases_eval = self.bases.eval(x)
            raise ValueError('Must provide the evaluation points or the ' +
                             'bases evaluations.')

        dims = np.arange(self.tensor.order)
        if isinstance(self.tensor, tensap.TreeBasedTensor):
            # Compute fH, the TimesMatrixEvalDiag of f with bases_eval in all
            # the dimensions except the ones associated with alpha (if alpha
            # is a leaf node) or with the inactive children of alpha (if
            # alpha is an internal node). The tensor fH is used to compute
            # the gradient of f with respect to f.tensor.tensors[alpha-1].
            tree = self.tensor.tree
            if tree.is_leaf[alpha - 1]:
                dims = dims[tree.dim2ind != alpha]
                children = tree.children(alpha)
                ind = tensap.fast_intersect(
                    tree.dim2ind, children[np.logical_not(
                        self.tensor.is_active_node[children - 1])])
                dims = dims[np.logical_not(np.isin(tree.dim2ind, ind))]

            fH = self.tensor.tensor_matrix_product(
                [bases_eval[x] for x in dims], dims)
            if alpha <= self.tensor.order:
                dims = np.delete(dims, alpha - 1)
            fH = self.tensor.tensor_matrix_product(
                [bases_eval[x] for x in dims], dims)

        grad, g_alpha, g_gamma = \
            fH.parameter_gradient_eval_diag_dmrg(alpha, bases_eval)

        if isinstance(self.tensor, tensap.TreeBasedTensor):
            # If the order of the children has been modified in grad, compute
            # the inverse permutation.
            ch = tree.children(alpha)

            if ch.size == 0:
                perm_1 = np.array([0])
                perm_1 = np.argsort(
                        (np.atleast_1d(ch[fH.is_active_node[ch - 1]]),
                             fH.is_active_node[ch - 1])]))))
            gamma = tree.parent(alpha)
            ch = tensap.fast_setdiff(tree.children(gamma), alpha)
            perm_1b = np.argsort(
                np.concatenate((np.atleast_1d(ch[fH.is_active_node[ch - 1]]),
                                    fH.is_active_node[ch - 1])]))))

            if dmrg_type == 'dmrg':
                perm_1 = np.concatenate((perm_1, perm_1.size + perm_1b))
                perm_2 = []
                if alpha != tree.root and gamma != tree.root:
                    perm_2 = [
                        fH.tensors[alpha - 1].order +
                        fH.tensors[gamma - 1].order - 2
                perm_3 = []
                if alpha != tree.root and self.tensor.ranks[tree.root - 1] > 1:
                    perm_3 = [grad.order - 1]
                grad = grad.transpose(
                        ([0], perm_1 + 1, perm_2, perm_3)).astype(int))
            elif dmrg_type == 'dmrg_low_rank':
                g_alpha = g_alpha.transpose(np.concatenate(([0], perm_1 + 1)))
                perm_2 = []
                if gamma != tree.root:
                    # TODO Checks
                    perm_2 = [fH.tensors[gamma - 1].order - 1]
                perm_3 = []
                if alpha != tree.root and self.tensor.ranks[tree.root - 1] > 1:
                    perm_3 = [grad.order - 1]
                g_gamma = g_gamma.transpose(
                        ([0], perm_1b + 1, perm_2, perm_3)).astype(int))

                grad = [g_alpha, g_gamma]
                raise ValueError('Wrong DMRG type.')
        return grad
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def parameter_gradient_eval(self, alpha, x=None, *args):
        Compute the gradient of the function with respect to its alpha-th
        parameter, evaluated at some points.

        alpha : int
            The number of the parameter with respect to which compute the
            gradient of self.
        x : list or numpy.ndarray, optional
            The points at which the gradient is to be evaluated. The default is
            None, indicating to use self.bases if self.evaluated_bases is True.

            If no input points are provided.

        grad : Tensor
            The gradient of the function with respect to its alpha-th
            parameter, evaluated at some points.

        if self.evaluated_bases:
            bases_eval = self.bases
        elif x is not None:
            bases_eval = self.bases.eval(x)
            raise ValueError('Must provide the evaluation points or the ' +
                             'bases evaluations.')

        dims = np.arange(self.tensor.order)
        if isinstance(self.tensor, tensap.TreeBasedTensor):
            # Compute fH, the TimesMatrixEvalDiag of f with bases_eval in all
            # the dimensions except the ones associated with alpha (if alpha
            # is a leaf node) or with the inactive children of alpha (if
            # alpha is an internal node). The tensor fH is used to compute
            # the gradient of f with respect to f.tensor.tensors[alpha-1].
            tree = self.tensor.tree
            if tree.is_leaf[alpha - 1]:
                dims = dims[tree.dim2ind != alpha]
                children = tree.children(alpha)
                ind = tensap.fast_intersect(
                    tree.dim2ind, children[np.logical_not(
                        self.tensor.is_active_node[children - 1])])
                dims = dims[np.logical_not(np.isin(tree.dim2ind, ind))]

            if np.all(self.tensor.is_active_node):
                fH = self.tensor.tensor_matrix_product(
                    [bases_eval[x] for x in dims], dims)
                remaining_dims = np.arange(self.tensor.order)
                tensors = np.array(self.tensor.tensors)
                dim2ind = np.array(tree.dim2ind)

                for leaf in tensap.fast_intersect(tree.dim2ind[dims],
                    dims = tensap.fast_setdiff(
                        np.nonzero(tree.dim2ind == leaf)[0][0])
                    tensors[leaf-1] = self.tensor.tensors[leaf-1].\
                            np.nonzero(tree.dim2ind == leaf)[0][0]], 0)

                for pa in np.unique(
                    ind = tensap.fast_intersect(tree.dim2ind[dims],
                    ind = tensap.fast_setdiff(ind, self.tensor.active_nodes)
                    dims_loc = np.array(
                        [np.nonzero(x == tree.dim2ind)[0][0] for x in ind])
                    if len(ind) > 1:
                        tensors[pa-1] = self.tensor.tensors[pa-1].\
                            tensor_matrix_product_eval_diag([bases_eval[x] for
                                                             x in dims_loc],
                        remaining_dims = tensap.fast_setdiff(
                            remaining_dims, dims_loc[1:])
                        if np.all(
                                    tree.children(pa) - 1])):
                            dim2ind[dims_loc[0]] = tree.parent(
                            dims = tensap.fast_setdiff(dims, dims_loc[0])
                        dim2ind[dims_loc[1:]] = 0
                        perm = np.concatenate(
                            ([tree.child_number(ind[0]) - 1],
                                 np.arange(tensors[pa - 1].order),
                                 tree.child_number(ind[0]) - 1)))
                        tensors[pa - 1] = tensors[pa - 1].itranspose(perm)
                    elif len(ind) == 1:
                        dims = dims[dims != dims_loc]
                        tensors[pa-1] = self.tensor.tensors[pa-1].\
                            tensor_matrix_product([bases_eval[x] for
                                                   x in dims_loc],
                        dim2ind[dims_loc] = tree.dim2ind[dims_loc]

                keep_ind = tensap.fast_setdiff(np.arange(tree.nb_nodes),
                                               tree.dim2ind[dims] - 1)
                adj_mat = tree.adjacency_matrix[np.ix_(keep_ind, keep_ind)]
                dim2ind = dim2ind[dim2ind != 0]

                ind = np.zeros(tree.nb_nodes)
                                        keep_ind)] = 1
                ind = np.cumsum(ind).astype(int)
                dim2ind -= ind[dim2ind - 1]
                alpha = alpha - ind[alpha - 1]

                tree = tensap.DimensionTree(dim2ind, adj_mat)
                fH = tensap.TreeBasedTensor(tensors[keep_ind], tree)
                fH = fH.remove_unique_children()
                bases_eval = [bases_eval[x] for x in remaining_dims]
            if alpha <= self.tensor.order:
                dims = np.delete(dims, alpha - 1)
            fH = self.tensor.tensor_matrix_product(
                [bases_eval[x] for x in dims], dims)

        grad = fH.parameter_gradient_eval_diag(alpha, bases_eval)
        if isinstance(self.tensor, tensap.TreeBasedTensor) and \
                not tree.is_leaf[alpha-1]:
            # If the order of the children has been modified in grad, compute
            # the inverse permutation.
            ch = tree.children(alpha)
            perm_1 = np.argsort(
                np.concatenate((np.atleast_1d(ch[fH.is_active_node[ch - 1]]),
                                    fH.is_active_node[ch - 1])]))))

            if alpha == tree.root:
                perm_2 = []
                perm_2 = [fH.tensors[alpha - 1].order]

            if alpha != tree.root and self.tensor.ranks[tree.root - 1] > 1:
                perm_3 = [grad.order - 1]
                perm_3 = []

            grad = grad.transpose(
                np.concatenate(([0], perm_1 + 1, perm_2, perm_3)).astype(int))

        return grad