Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __getstate__(self):

        state = self.__dict__.copy()

        if hasattr(self, "model") and self.model is not None:
            buf = io.BytesIO()
            with h5py.File(buf, compression="lzf", mode="w") as h5:
                save_model(self.model, h5, overwrite=True, save_format="h5")
                state["model"] = buf
            if hasattr(self, "history"):
                from tensorflow.python.keras.callbacks import History

                history = History()
                history.history = self.history.history
                history.params = self.history.params
                history.epoch = self.history.epoch
                state["history"] = history
        return state
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def target_to_value(self, target, **kwargs):
     h = History()
     with target.open("rb") as dumped:
         h.history = cloudpickle.load(dumped)
     return h