def test_make_zipfile_no_zlib(self):
        patch(self, archive_util.zipfile, 'zlib',
              None)  # force zlib ImportError

        called = []
        zipfile_class = zipfile.ZipFile

        def fake_zipfile(*a, **kw):
            if kw.get('compression', None) == zipfile.ZIP_STORED:
                called.append((a, kw))
            return zipfile_class(*a, **kw)

        patch(self, archive_util.zipfile, 'ZipFile', fake_zipfile)

        # create something to tar and compress
        tmpdir = self._create_files()
        base_name = os.path.join(self.mkdtemp(), 'archive')
        with change_cwd(tmpdir):
            make_zipfile(base_name, 'dist')

        tarball = base_name + '.zip'
        self.assertEqual(called, [((tarball, "w"), {
            'compression': zipfile.ZIP_STORED
        with zipfile.ZipFile(tarball) as zf:
            self.assertEqual(sorted(zf.namelist()), self._zip_created_files)
    def test_make_zipfile_no_zlib(self):
        patch(self, archive_util.zipfile, 'zlib', None)  # force zlib ImportError

        called = []
        zipfile_class = zipfile.ZipFile
        def fake_zipfile(*a, **kw):
            if kw.get('compression', None) == zipfile.ZIP_STORED:
                called.append((a, kw))
            return zipfile_class(*a, **kw)

        patch(self, archive_util.zipfile, 'ZipFile', fake_zipfile)

        # create something to tar and compress
        tmpdir = self._create_files()
        base_name = os.path.join(self.mkdtemp(), 'archive')
        with change_cwd(tmpdir):
            make_zipfile(base_name, 'dist')

        tarball = base_name + '.zip'
                         [((tarball, "w"), {'compression': zipfile.ZIP_STORED})])
        with zipfile.ZipFile(tarball) as zf:
                             ['dist/file1', 'dist/file2', 'dist/sub/file3'])
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_invalid_option(self):
        support.patch(self, sys, "argv", [sys.executable, "--invalid"])
        with support.captured_stdout() as output:
            with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as cm:

        self.assertIn("Usage:", output.getvalue())
        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.code, 1)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_make_zipfile_no_zlib(self):
        patch(self, archive_util.zipfile, 'zlib', None)  # force zlib ImportError

        called = []
        zipfile_class = zipfile.ZipFile
        def fake_zipfile(*a, **kw):
            if kw.get('compression', None) == zipfile.ZIP_STORED:
                called.append((a, kw))
            return zipfile_class(*a, **kw)

        patch(self, archive_util.zipfile, 'ZipFile', fake_zipfile)

        # create something to tar and compress
        tmpdir, tmpdir2, base_name = self._create_files()
        make_zipfile(base_name, tmpdir)

        tarball = base_name + '.zip'
                         [((tarball, "w"), {'compression': zipfile.ZIP_STORED})])
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_make_zipfile_no_zlib(self):
        patch(self, archive_util.zipfile, 'zlib', None)  # force zlib ImportError

        called = []
        zipfile_class = zipfile.ZipFile
        def fake_zipfile(*a, **kw):
            if kw.get('compression', None) == zipfile.ZIP_STORED:
                called.append((a, kw))
            return zipfile_class(*a, **kw)

        patch(self, archive_util.zipfile, 'ZipFile', fake_zipfile)

        # create something to tar and compress
        tmpdir, tmpdir2, base_name = self._create_files()
        make_zipfile(base_name, tmpdir)

        tarball = base_name + '.zip'
                         [((tarball, "w"), {'compression': zipfile.ZIP_STORED})])
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _test(self, meth, *, args=[URL], kw={}, options, arguments):
        """Given a web browser instance method name along with arguments and
        keywords for same (which defaults to the single argument URL), creates
        a browser instance from the class pointed to by self.browser, calls the
        indicated instance method with the indicated arguments, and compares
        the resulting options and arguments passed to Popen by the browser
        instance against the 'options' and 'args' lists.  Options are compared
        in a position independent fashion, and the arguments are compared in
        sequence order to whatever is left over after removing the options.

        popen = PopenMock()
        support.patch(self, subprocess, 'Popen', popen)
        browser = self.browser_class(name=CMD_NAME)
        getattr(browser, meth)(*args, **kw)
        popen_args = subprocess.Popen.call_args[0][0]
        self.assertEqual(popen_args[0], CMD_NAME)
        for option in options:
            self.assertIn(option, popen_args)
        self.assertEqual(popen_args, arguments)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def _test(self, meth, *, args=[URL], kw={}, options, arguments):
        """Given a web browser instance method name along with arguments and
        keywords for same (which defaults to the single argument URL), creates
        a browser instance from the class pointed to by self.browser, calls the
        indicated instance method with the indicated arguments, and compares
        the resulting options and arguments passed to Popen by the browser
        instance against the 'options' and 'args' lists.  Options are compared
        in a position independent fashion, and the arguments are compared in
        sequence order to whatever is left over after removing the options.

        popen = PopenMock()
        support.patch(self, subprocess, 'Popen', popen)
        browser = self.browser_class(name=CMD_NAME)
        getattr(browser, meth)(*args, **kw)
        popen_args = subprocess.Popen.call_args[0][0]
        self.assertEqual(popen_args[0], CMD_NAME)
        for option in options:
            self.assertIn(option, popen_args)
        self.assertEqual(popen_args, arguments)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def _test_log(self, method, level=None):
        # logging.root has no handlers so basicConfig should be called
        called = []

        old_basic_config = logging.basicConfig

        def my_basic_config(*a, **kw):
            old_level = logging.root.level
            logging.root.setLevel(100)  # avoid having messages in stderr
            self.addCleanup(logging.root.setLevel, old_level)
            called.append((a, kw))

        patch(self, logging, 'basicConfig', my_basic_config)

        log_method = getattr(logging, method)
        if level is not None:
            log_method(level, "test me")
            log_method("test me")

        # basicConfig was called with no arguments
        self.assertEqual(called, [((), {})])
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def _test_log(self, method, level=None):
        called = []
        patch(self, logging, 'basicConfig', lambda *a, **kw: called.append(
            (a, kw)))

        recording = RecordingHandler()

        log_method = getattr(logging, method)
        if level is not None:
            log_method(level, "test me: %r", recording)
            log_method("test me: %r", recording)

        self.assertEqual(len(recording.records), 1)
        record = recording.records[0]
        self.assertEqual(record.getMessage(), "test me: %r" % recording)

        expected_level = level if level is not None else getattr(
            logging, method.upper())
        self.assertEqual(record.levelno, expected_level)

        # basicConfig was not called!
        self.assertEqual(called, [])
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def mimetypes_cmd(self, *args, **kwargs):
     support.patch(self, sys, "argv", [sys.executable, *args])
     with support.captured_stdout() as output:
         return output.getvalue().strip()