def mock_env(dockerfile_path, docker_tasker,
             labels=(), flatpak=False, dockerfile_f=mock_dockerfile,
    """Mock test environment

    :param dockerfile_path: the path to the fake dockerfile to be created, not including the
        dockerfile filename.
    :type dockerfile_path: py.path.LocalPath
    :param docker_tasker: docker_tasker fixture from conftest. Passed to ``MockEnv.create_runner``
        directly to create a corresponding plugin runner instance.
    :param labels: an iterable labels set for testing operator bundle or appregistry build.
    :type labels: iterable[str]
    :param bool flatpak: a flag to indicate whether the test is for a flatpak build.
    :param callable dockerfile_f: a function to create fake dockerfile. Different test could pass a
        specific function for itself.
    :param bool isolated: a flag to indicated if build is isolated
    if not flatpak:
        # flatpak build has no Dockefile
        dockerfile_f(dockerfile_path, labels)

    env = MockEnv().for_plugin('prebuild', CheckUserSettingsPlugin.key, {'flatpak': flatpak})
    env.workflow.source = FakeSource(dockerfile_path)

    if isolated is not None:

    dfp = df_parser(str(dockerfile_path))
    env.workflow.builder.set_dockerfile_images([] if flatpak else dfp.parent_images)

    return env.create_runner(docker_tasker)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def mock_env(workflow,
             source_dir: Path,
    """Mock test environment

    :param workflow: a DockerBuildWorkflow object for a specific test.
    :type workflow: DockerBuildWorkflow
    :param source_dir: path to the source directory holding the dockerfile to be created.
    :type source_dir: pathlib.Path
    :param labels: an iterable labels set for testing operator bundle or appregistry build.
    :type labels: iterable[str]
    :param bool flatpak: a flag to indicate whether the test is for a flatpak build.
    :param callable dockerfile_f: a function to create fake dockerfile. Different test could pass a
        specific function for itself.
    :param bool isolated: a flag to indicated if build is isolated
    # Make sure the version label will be presented in labels
    if not labels:
        labels = ['version="1.0"']
    elif not any([label.startswith('version') for label in labels]):

    if not flatpak:
        # flatpak build has no Dockefile
        dockerfile_f(source_dir, labels)

    env = MockEnv(workflow).for_plugin(CheckUserSettingsPlugin.key,
                                       {'flatpak': flatpak})
    env.workflow.source = FakeSource(source_dir)
    env.workflow.build_dir.init_build_dirs(["aarch64", "x86_64"],

    if isolated is not None:

    dfp = env.workflow.build_dir.any_platform.dockerfile = DockerfileImages(
        [] if flatpak else dfp.parent_images)


    return env.create_runner()