Ejemplo n.º 1
# 16 44 117 119 143 151 206 242 267 290 308 354 380 410 421 456 517 573 598 622 638 663 676 688 715 725 749 752 820 851 866 922

# start at 16 since that's the start of a chord sequence (could choose any of the numbers above)
for offset in [16, 44, 308, 421, 517, 752, 866]:
    print("sampling offset {}".format(offset))
    x_rec_i = x_rec[offset:offset + num_each]

    x_ts = piano_roll_imlike_to_image_array(x_rec_i, 0.25)
    # cut off zero padding on the vertical axis
    x_ts = x_ts[:, :35]

    if not os.path.exists("samples"):
            offset, args.seed, args.temp))

    sample_flat_idx = flat_idx[-1000:]

    p = sample_flat_idx[offset:offset + num_each]
    note_to_norm_kv = d2["note_to_norm_kv"]
    midi_to_norm_kv = d2["midi_to_norm_kv"]

    # EEE more than 1 value maps to 0 in these kv lookups!
    midi_to_norm_lu = {
        int(k): int(v) + 1 if k != 0 else 0
        for k, v in midi_to_norm_kv[p[0][0]]
    norm_to_midi_lu = {v: k for k, v in midi_to_norm_lu.items()}
    note_to_norm_lu = {
    feed = {vs.images: x,
            vs.bn_flag: 1.}
    outs = [vs.z_e_x, vs.z_q_x, vs.z_i_x, vs.x_tilde]
    r = sess.run(outs, feed_dict=feed)
    x_rec = r[-1]

    x_rec[x_rec > 0.5] = 1.
    x_rec[x_rec <= 0.5] = 0.

    x_rec = x_rec.sum(axis=-1)[..., None]
    x = x.sum(axis=-1)[..., None]

    x_rec[x_rec > 0.5] = 1.
    x_rec[x_rec <= 0.5] = 0.

    x[x > 0.5] = 1.
    x[x <= 0.5] = 0.

    x = x[:16]
    x_rec = x_rec[:16]

    diff = abs(x - x_rec)
    diff[diff > 0] = 1.

    # figure out piano roll / colored plot?

    print("writing out multichannel_rec.png, multichannel_orig.png, multichannel_diff.png")
    save_image_array(x_rec, "multichannel_rec.png")
    save_image_array(x, "multichannel_orig.png")
    save_image_array(diff, "multichannel_diff.png")
    saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph(model_path + '.meta')
    saver.restore(sess, model_path)
    fields = ['images', 'bn_flag', 'z_e_x', 'z_q_x', 'z_i_x', 'x_tilde']
    vs = namedtuple('Params',
                    fields)(*[tf.get_collection(name)[0] for name in fields])
    x = image_data[:32]
    feed = {vs.images: x, vs.bn_flag: 1.}
    outs = [vs.z_e_x, vs.z_q_x, vs.z_i_x, vs.x_tilde]
    r = sess.run(outs, feed_dict=feed)
    x_rec = r[-1]

    x_rec[x_rec > 0.5] = 1.
    x_rec[x_rec <= 0.5] = 0.

    #from IPython import embed; embed(); raise ValueError()
    rr = quantized_imlike_to_image_array(image_data[:16], 0.25)
                     resize_multiplier=(4, 1),

    rr = quantized_imlike_to_image_array(x_rec[:16], 0.25)
                     resize_multiplier=(4, 1),
    print("wrote out 'orig_subroll_multichannel.png'")
    print("wrote out 'rec_subroll_multichannel.png'")
    if lcr_i[0] == 0:
# 16 44 117 119 143 151 206 242 267 290 308 354 380 410 421 456 517 573 598 622 638 663 676 688 715 725 749 752 820 851 866 922

# start at 16 since that's the start of a chord sequence (could choose any of the numbers above)
for offset in [16, 44, 308, 421, 517, 752, 866]:
    print("sampling offset {}".format(offset))
    x_rec_i = x_rec[offset:offset + num_each]

    x_ts = piano_roll_imlike_to_image_array(x_rec_i, 0.25)

    if not os.path.exists("samples"):
        .format(offset, args.seed, args.temp))

    sample_flat_idx = flat_idx[-1000:]

    p = sample_flat_idx[offset:offset + num_each]

    satb_midi = [[], [], [], []]
    satb_notes = [[], [], [], []]
    for n in range(len(x_rec_i)):
        measure_len = x_rec_i[n].shape[1]
        # 96 x 48 measure in
        events = {}
        for v in range(x_rec_i.shape[-1]):
            all_up = zip(*np.where(x_rec_i[n][..., v]))
            time_ordered = [
flat_scalenotes = [sn for sg in copy.deepcopy(d2["scalenotes"]) for sn in sg]
sample_scalenotes = flat_scalenotes[-1000:]
# find some start points
for n in range(len(sample_labels)):
    lcr_i = label_to_lcr[sample_labels[n, 0]]
    if lcr_i[0] == 0:
# 16 44 117 119 143 151 206 242 267 290 308 354 380 410 421 456 517 573 598 622 638 663 676 688 715 725 749 752 820 851 866 922

# start at 16 since that's the start of a chord sequence (could choose any of the numbers above)
for offset in [16, 44, 308, 421, 517, 752, 866]:
    print("sampling offset {}".format(offset))
    x_rec_i = x_rec[offset:offset + num_each]
    save_image_array(x_rec_i, "pixel_cnn_gen_{}.png".format(offset))

    sample_flat_idx = flat_idx[-1000:]

    p = sample_flat_idx[offset:offset + num_each]
    note_to_norm_kv = d2["note_to_norm_kv"]
    midi_to_norm_kv = d2["midi_to_norm_kv"]

    # EEE more than 1 value maps to 0 in these kv lookups!
    midi_to_norm_lu = {
        int(k): int(v) + 1 if k != 0 else 0
        for k, v in midi_to_norm_kv[p[0][0]]
    norm_to_midi_lu = {v: k for k, v in midi_to_norm_lu.items()}
    note_to_norm_lu = {
        k: int(v) + 1 if k != "R" else 0
Ejemplo n.º 6
    scalenotes = all_scalenotes[iii]
    for mi in range(len(all_notes[iii])):
        measure = all_notes[iii][mi]
        midi_m = notes_to_midi(measure)
        im = np.zeros((v_imsize, h_imsize, 4)).astype("uint8")
        for v in range(len(midi_m[0])):
            for t in range(len(midi_m)):
                # skip rest items, we will infer them in decoding
                if midi_m[t][v] != 0:
                    im[:, t, v] = oh_lu[midi_m[t][v]]

        im = im.astype("float32")
        # track in case something is skipped
    all_scalenotes_save.append([scalenotes] * len(measures_as_images))

cc = np.concatenate([am[None] for am in all_measures_as_images[0][:16]], axis=0)
rr = piano_roll_imlike_to_image_array(cc, 0.25)
save_image_array(rr, "tmppr.png")

final = {}
final["measures_as_images"] = all_measures_as_images
final["scalenotes"] = all_scalenotes_save
final["chordnames"] = all_chordnames_save
print("Dumping to music_data_pianoroll_multichannel.npz")
np.savez("music_data_pianoroll_multichannel.npz", **final)
Ejemplo n.º 7
import numpy as np
from tfbldr.datasets import piano_roll_imlike_to_image_array
from tfbldr.datasets import save_image_array
import sys

fname = sys.argv[1]
d = np.load(fname)
xr = d["pr"][8:16]
rr = piano_roll_imlike_to_image_array(xr, 0.25, background="white")
rr = rr[:, 40:80]
pngname = "samples/{}.png".format(fname.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0])
print("saving {}".format(pngname))
                 resize_multiplier=(4, 1),
print("image complete")
from IPython import embed
raise ValueError()
Ejemplo n.º 8
    feed = {vs.images: x,
            vs.bn_flag: 1.}
    outs = [vs.z_e_x, vs.z_q_x, vs.z_i_x, vs.x_tilde]
    r = sess.run(outs, feed_dict=feed)
    x_tilde_lins = r[-1]

    # gumbel sample to get mixture
    idx = np.argmax(x_tilde_lins + -np.log(-np.log(random_state.uniform(1E-5, 1-1E-5, x_tilde_lins.shape))), axis=-1)
    x_rec = idx
    # components, make it one hot
    idx_oh = np.eye(x_tilde_lins.shape[-1])[idx.ravel()].reshape(idx.shape + (-1,))
    # get rid of the useless channel
    idx_oh = idx_oh[:, 0]
    # transpose to h, w, c, time on horizontal
    x_rec = idx_oh.transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)
    x = np.array(x).astype("int32")

    x_rec = x_rec[:4]
    x = x[:4]

    x_img = [plot_piano_roll(x[i][0], 0.25) for i in range(len(x))] 
    x_rec_img = [plot_piano_roll(x_rec[i][0], 0.25) for i in range(len(x_rec))] 

    save_image_array(np.array(x_img)[0][None], "original_1d.png", rescale=False)
    save_image_array(np.array(x_rec_img)[0][None], "reconstructed_1d.png", rescale=False)

    # convert back into real pitches?
    # jk its bad tho
Ejemplo n.º 9
image_data = image_data[-1000:]
#shuffle_random = np.random.RandomState(112)
# get images from the held out valid set

with tf.Session(config=config) as sess:
    saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph(model_path + '.meta')
    saver.restore(sess, model_path)
    fields = ['images', 'bn_flag', 'z_e_x', 'z_q_x', 'z_i_x', 'x_tilde']
    vs = namedtuple('Params',
                    fields)(*[tf.get_collection(name)[0] for name in fields])
    x = image_data[:32]
    feed = {vs.images: x, vs.bn_flag: 1.}
    outs = [vs.z_e_x, vs.z_q_x, vs.z_i_x, vs.x_tilde]
    r = sess.run(outs, feed_dict=feed)
    x_rec = r[-1]

    x_rec[x_rec > 0.5] = 1.
    x_rec[x_rec <= 0.5] = 0.

    x = x[:16]
    x_rec = x_rec[:16]

    diff = abs(x - x_rec)
    diff[diff > 0] = 1.

    print("writing out rec.png, orig.png, diff.png")
    save_image_array(x_rec, "rec.png")
    save_image_array(x, "orig.png")
    save_image_array(diff, "diff.png")
Ejemplo n.º 10
    np.sum(np.abs(np.diff(np.where(x_rec[i][:, :, 0])[0])))
    for i in range(len(x_rec))
simul = [np.max(np.sum(x_rec[i][:, :, 0], axis=0)) for i in range(len(x_rec))]
non_boring_indices = [
    i for i in range(len(x_rec)) if 0 < delta_counts[i] <= 12 and simul[i] <= 1
]  # includes rest measures, rests arent boring

x_rec = x_rec[np.array(non_boring_indices)]
if len(x_rec) < (3 * num_to_plot):
    raise ValueError("Removed too many boring ones, set num_to_plot lower")

x_rec = x_rec[:3 * num_to_plot]
x_rec = np.concatenate((x_rec[::3], x_rec[1::3], x_rec[2::3]), axis=-1)

save_image_array(x_rec, "samp_vq_pixel_cnn_music_bxe.png")

ce = copy.deepcopy(d1["centers"])
# only use bottom 3 voices
ce = [cei for cei in ce if len(cei) == 4]
# find all the ones with 0 or 1 rest
non_rest = [i for i in range(len(ce)) if sum(ce[i] == 0) == 0]
start_chunks = [
    i for i in range(len(non_rest) - num_to_plot)
    if np.max(np.diff(non_rest[i:i + num_to_plot])) == 1
ii = non_rest[start_chunks[0]]
skeleton = np.array([sk for sk in ce[ii:(ii + num_to_plot)]])
joined = np.zeros((len(x_rec), x_rec.shape[2], skeleton.shape[-1]))