def loop(self): """ The main segement of the run method :return: """ # set up priority queue of all the boids to be interpreted # time_elapsed = 0.0 # TODO time_step should be smallest time division of beat when beat is on boid_heap = [] self.setup_priority_queue(boid_heap, self.time_elapsed) # TODO add all notes to a list to ensure concurrency (as much as poss) while not self.done: time_this_loop = timenow() while boid_heap[0][0] <= self.time_elapsed: self.parse_priority_queue(boid_heap, self.time_elapsed) time_this_loop = timenow() - time_this_loop to_sleep = max(0, self.time_step - time_this_loop) if to_sleep == 0: print("OOPS: missed a beat (must be really lagging)") sleep(to_sleep) self.time_elapsed += self.time_step
def run_att(self): """ For use with attractor mode 2, which is old and bad """ # TODO experimental timings buffer_time = 0.05 while not self.done: started = timenow() buffer = list() while (timenow() - started) < buffer_time: msg = self.midiin.get_message() if msg: buffer.append(msg) sleep(0.002) chord_time = buffer_time if len(buffer) >= 1: if buffer[0]: chord_time = buffer[0][1] for msg in buffer: message, delta_time = msg # TODO for now only listen to NOTE_ON & OFF if 128 <= message[0] < 160: self.wallclock += delta_time # print("[%s] @%0.6f %r" % (self.port_name, self.wallclock, message)) # publish the message to every interpreter for interp in self.interpreters: interp.backwards_interpret(message, chord_time) sleep(0.01) # TODO need this?
def loop(self): """ Play any old thing within the MIDI range """ # TODO make something even more random to make me look better time_step = 0.1 priority_queue = [] chance = 0.5 # chance to play a note at any given time_step while not self.done: time_this_loop = timenow() # random chance to add a new event if random.random() < chance: note = random.randrange(0, 127) length = random.random() * 2 volume = random.randrange(0, 127) # print(note) self.send_midi([self.note_on, note, volume], duration=length) heappush(priority_queue, (self.time_elapsed + length, (note, length))) while priority_queue and priority_queue[0][0] <= self.time_elapsed: note, length = heappop(priority_queue)[1] self.send_midi([self.note_off, note], duration=length) time_this_loop = timenow() - time_this_loop to_sleep = max(0, time_step - time_this_loop) if to_sleep == 0: print("OOPS: missed a beat (must be really lagging)") sleep(to_sleep) self.time_elapsed += time_step
def lidTest(self, avgTimeToComplete): currentTime = time.timenow() if stepper.start.pos_zero(): currentTime = round(currentTime - time.timenow()) if currentTime > avgTimeTComplete: print("lid endstop is problem") else: print("lid endstop is working") return True else: return False
def run(self): self.done = False self.callcount = 0 self.activate_drumkit(self.pattern.kit) cc = CONTROL_CHANGE | self.midiout.send_message([cc, CHANNEL_VOLUME, self.volume & 0x7F]) # give MIDI instrument some time to activate drumkit sleep(0.3) self.started = timenow() while not self.done: self.worker() self.callcount += 1 # Compensate for drift: # calculate the time when the worker should be called again. nexttime = self.started + self.callcount * self.interval timetowait = max(0, nexttime - timenow()) if timetowait: sleep(timetowait) else: print("Oops!") self.midiout.send_message([cc, ALL_SOUND_OFF, 0])
def __init__(self, interpreters, port): super(InStream, self).__init__() self.interpreters = interpreters self.port = port self.wallclock = timenow() try: self.midiin = MidiIn().open_port(port) print("Listening for midi on input port {}".format(port)) except Exception: print("WARNING: failed to open MIDI-in port {0}".format(port)) self.done = False = self.run_bound if Parameters.SP.ATTRACTOR_MODE == 1 else self.run_att # print( self.start()
def update(self, fd): now = timenow() to_remove = [] for sf in self.scheduled_funcs: if now > sf.when: for func in sf.funcs: func() if sf.delay is not None: sf.when += sf.delay else: to_remove.append(sf) for sf in to_remove: self.scheduled_funcs.remove(sf) select([fd], [], [fd], self.select_timeout)
def checklockacct(): #Check if user should be unlocked and unlock them logkpr('checklockacct called') #Find *.lock in VAR['TIMEKPRDIR'] s = VAR['TIMEKPRDIR'] + '/*.lock' l = glob(s) for f in l: #Get username from filename - os.path.split u = splitpath(f)[1].replace('.lock', '') lastmodified = getmtime(f) #Get last modified time from username.lock file #Get time when lock should be lifted dtlock = float(lastmodified + getlocklasts()) dtnow = float(timenow()) #If time now is great than or equal to the time when lock should be lifted if dtnow >= dtlock: logkpr('checklockacct: %s should be unlocked, unlocking..' % u) unlockuser(u) logkpr('checklockacct: removing %s.lock file..' % u) remove(f)
def pack_request(self, data=None): """ Create an ICMP Echo Request package with default data (like ping) or allow custom data to be passed to it. """ self.type = self.REQUEST_TYPE.to_bytes(Sizes.ICMP_TYPE, byteorder=byteorder) self.code = self.REQUEST_CODE.to_bytes(Sizes.ICMP_CODE, byteorder=byteorder) self.checksum = self.REQUEST_CHECKSUM.to_bytes(Sizes.ICMP_CHECKSUM, byteorder='big') new_identifier = int((id(data) * random()) % 65535) = new_identifier.to_bytes(Sizes.ICMP_IDENTIFIER, byteorder=byteorder) self.seq = self.REQUEST_SEQUENCE.to_bytes(Sizes.ICMP_SEQUENCE, byteorder='big') if not data: curTime = int(timenow()) timestamp = curTime.to_bytes(Sizes.ICMP_TIMESTAMP, byteorder=byteorder) self.optional_timestamp = timestamp # unknown field not listed in rfc or man de ping self.optional_unknown = bytes.fromhex('9dc7060000000000') # ping always sends the following data = bytes.fromhex( '101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f202122232425262728292a2b2c2d2e2f3031323334353637' ) else: assert isinstance(data, bytes) = data # calculate new checksum of icmp request packet raw_packet = self.toBytes() newchecksum = self.calc_checksum(raw_packet) self.checksum = newchecksum.to_bytes(Sizes.ICMP_CHECKSUM, byteorder='big')
def schedule_repeated(self, func, delay): # TODO: check for sf's with same delay and attach func to it # instead of creating a new item sf = ScheduledFunc([func], timenow()+delay, delay) self.scheduled_funcs.append(sf)
def run_bound(self): """ For use with attractor mode 1, and is not yet done """ # gather <event_time> seconds of notes and analyse them for: # - pitch min & range # - time min & range # - dynam min & range # - (if possible, the duration of notes, from note off messages) event_time = 0.5 # TODO maybe this should adapt to the pace of the music? buffer_time = 0.05 while not self.done: started = timenow() p_min, d_min, t_min = [float('inf')] * 3 p_max, d_max, t_max = [0] * 3 event_notes = list() # a single event while timenow() - started < event_time: b_started = timenow() delta_t = -1 # buffer, so chords count as simultaneous notes while timenow() - b_started < buffer_time: msg = self.midiin.get_message() if msg: message, d_t = msg if delta_t == -1: delta_t = d_t event_notes.append((message, delta_t)) sleep(0.002) num_note_ons = 0 # analyse event_notes for all the fun stuff for (message, time) in event_notes: if 144 <= message[0] < 160: note_on, pitch, dynam = message p_min = min(p_min, pitch) p_max = max(p_max, pitch) d_min = min(d_min, dynam) d_max = max(d_max, dynam) t_min = min(t_min, time) t_max = max(t_max, time) num_note_ons += 1 # TODO duration elif 128 < message[0] < 144: # until we do duration, we don't care pass # if there's anything to report if num_note_ons: p_rng, d_rng, t_rng = (p_max - p_min), (d_max - d_min), (t_max - t_min) for interp in self.interpreters: # print(p_min, p_rng, d_min, d_rng, t_min, t_rng) interp.change_bounds(p_min, p_rng, d_min, d_rng, t_min, t_rng) # pass sleep(0.5)
from rivus.main.rivus import get_constants # General input profile_log = Series(name='runchess-profiler') # minimal profiler DX, DY = 250, 125 # Grid block sizes if SOLVER: proj_name = 'chessboard' datenow ='%y%m%dT%H%M') result_dir = os.path.join('result', '{}-{}'.format(proj_name, datenow)) # Origin of grid creation lat, lon = [48.13512, 11.58198] base_directory = os.path.join('data', proj_name) # Spatial inputs from the gridder module creategrid = timenow() vertex, edge = create_square_grid(origo_latlon=(lat, lon), num_edge_x=2, dx=DX, dy=DY, noise_prop=0.1) profile_log['grid_creation'] = round(timenow() - creategrid, 2) extendgrid = timenow() extend_edge_data(edge) # only residential, with 1000 kW init vert_init_commodities(vertex, ('Elec', 'Gas', 'Heat'), [('Elec', 0, 100000), ('Gas', 0, 5000)]) profile_log['grid_data'] = timenow() - extendgrid # Non spatial input data_spreadsheet = os.path.join(base_directory, 'data.xlsx')
def run_bunch(use_email=False): """Run a bunch of optimizations and analysis automated. """ # Files Access | INITs proj_name = 'runbunch' base_directory = os.path.join('data', proj_name) data_spreadsheet = os.path.join(base_directory, 'data.xlsx') profile_log = Series(name='{}-profiler'.format(proj_name)) # Email connection email_setup = { 'sender': config['email']['s_user'], 'send_pass': config['email']['s_pass'], 'recipient': config['email']['r_user'], 'smtp_addr': config['email']['smtp_addr'], 'smtp_port': config['email']['smtp_port'] } # DB connection _user = config['db']['user'] _pass = config['db']['pass'] _host = config['db']['host'] _base = config['db']['base'] engine_string = ('postgresql://{}:{}@{}/{}' .format(_user, _pass, _host, _base)) engine = create_engine(engine_string) # Input Data # ---------- # Spatial street_lengths = arange(50, 300, 100) num_edge_xs = [5, ] # Non-spatial data = read_excel(data_spreadsheet) original_data = deepcopy(data) interesting_parameters = [ {'df_name': 'commodity', 'args': {'index': 'Heat', 'column': 'cost-inv-fix', 'lim_lo': 0.5, 'lim_up': 1.6, 'step': 0.5}}, {'df_name': 'commodity', 'args': {'index': 'Heat', 'column': 'cost-fix', 'lim_lo': 0.5, 'lim_up': 1.6, 'step': 0.5}} # {'df_name': 'commodity', # 'args': {'index': 'Elec', # 'column': 'cost-var', # 'step': 0.1}} ] # Model Creation solver = SolverFactory(config['solver']) solver = setup_solver(solver, log_to_console=False, guro_time_lim=14400) # Solve | Analyse | Store | Change | Repeat for dx in street_lengths: for len_x, len_y in [(dx, dx), (dx, dx / 2)]: run_summary = 'Run with x:{}, y:{}'.format(len_x, len_y) for num_edge_x in num_edge_xs: vdf, edf = create_square_grid(num_edge_x=num_edge_x, dx=len_x, dy=len_y) extend_edge_data(edf) dim_x = num_edge_x + 1 dim_y = dim_x for _vdf in _source_variations(vdf, dim_x, dim_y): for param in interesting_parameters: para_name = param['args']['column'] print('{0}\n{3}x{3} grid\t' 'dx:{1}, dy:{2}, #e:{3}, src:-, par:{4}\n' .format('=' * 10, len_x, len_y, num_edge_x, para_name)) counter = 1 for variant in parameter_range(data[param['df_name']], **param['args']): changed = (variant.loc[param['args']['index']] [param['args']['column']]) print('variant <{0}>:{1}'.format(counter, changed)) counter = counter + 1 # Use temporal local versions. # As create_model is destructive. See Issue #31. __vdf = deepcopy(_vdf) __edf = deepcopy(edf) __data = data.copy() __data[param['df_name']] = variant print('\tcreating model') _p_model = timenow() prob = create_model(__data, __vdf, __edf) profile_log['model_creation'] = ( timenow() - _p_model) _p_solve = timenow() print('\tsolving...') try: results = solver.solve(prob, tee=True) except Exception as solve_error: print(solve_error) if use_email: sub = run_summary + '[rivus][solve-error]' email_me(solve_error, subject=sub, **email_setup) if (results.solver.status != SolverStatus.ok): status = 'error' outcome = 'error' else: status = 'run' if (results.solver.termination_condition != TerminationCondition.optimal): outcome = 'optimum_not_reached' else: outcome = 'optimum' profile_log['solve'] = (timenow() - _p_solve) # Plot _p_plot = timenow() plotcomms = ['Gas', 'Heat', 'Elec'] try: fig = fig3d(prob, plotcomms, linescale=8, use_hubs=True) except Exception as plot_error: print(plot_error) if use_email: sub = run_summary + '[rivus][plot-error]' email_me(plot_error, subject=sub, **email_setup) profile_log['3d_plot_prep'] = (timenow() - _p_plot) # Graph _p_graph = timenow() try: _, pmax, _, _ = get_constants(prob) graphs = to_nx(_vdf, edf, pmax) graph_results = minimal_graph_anal(graphs) except Exception as graph_error: print(graph_error) if use_email: sub = run_summary + '[rivus][graph-error]' email_me(graph_error, subject=sub, **email_setup) profile_log['all_graph_related'] = ( timenow() - _p_graph) # Store this_run = { 'comment': config['run_comment'], 'status': status, 'outcome': outcome, 'runner': 'lnksz', 'plot_dict': fig, 'profiler': profile_log} try:, prob, run_data=this_run, graph_results=graph_results) except Exception as db_error: print(db_error) if use_email: sub = run_summary + '[rivus][db-error]' email_me(db_error, subject=sub, **email_setup) del __vdf del __edf del __data print('\tRun ended with: <{}>\n'.format(outcome)) data = original_data if use_email: status_txt = ('Finished iteration with edge number {}\n' 'did: [source-var, param-seek]\n' 'from [street-length, dim-shift, source-var,' ' param-seek]' 'dx:{}, dy:{}' .format(num_edge_x, len_x, len_y)) sub = run_summary + '[rivus][finish-a-src]' email_me(status_txt, subject=sub, **email_setup) if use_email: status_txt = ('Finished iteration with street lengths {}-{}\n' 'did: [dim-shift, source-var, param-seek]\n' 'from [street-length, dim-shift, source-var,' ' param-seek]' .format(len_x, len_y)) sub = run_summary + '[rivus][finish-a-len-combo]' email_me(status_txt, subject=sub, **email_setup) if use_email: status_txt = ('Finished run-bunch at {}\n' 'did: [street-length, dim-shift, source-var, param-seek]' .format('%y%m%dT%H%M'))) sub = run_summary + '[rivus][finish-run]' email_me(status_txt, subject=sub, **email_setup) print('End of runbunch.')
# Inserting roll lottery.roll = final_roll # Finding winner winner_ticket = Ticket.get(Ticket.ticket == lottery.roll) # Sending to winner and dev funds. pot_amount = tickets_sold * Decimal("0.01") pot_dev = pot_amount * Decimal(str( config["dev_fee"])) # Hurray for float precision! :D pot_win = pot_amount - pot_dev print( f'Winner account is: {winner_ticket.account}. He gets {pot_win}' ) # Make sure the win amount is sent send_id = round(timenow()) while True: try: send_block = rpc.send( wallet=config["wallet"], source=config["account"], destination=winner_ticket.account, amount=int(pot_win * 10**30), id=send_id) if send_block: print(send_block) break except Exception as er: print(er) pass # sleep(0.01)
def pong(packet, client): client.latency = (timenow() - client.lastping) / 2
def ping(builder, client): client.lastping = timenow() return builder.get_packet()