Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        # idx only acts as a counter while generating batches.
        seq_len = torch.randint(self.min_seq_len,
                                self.max_seq_len, (1, ),
        prob = 0.5 * torch.ones([seq_len, self.seq_width], dtype=torch.float64)
        seq = Binomial(1, prob).sample()
        # seq_len = torch.randint(
        #     self.min_seq_len, self.max_seq_len, (1,), dtype=torch.long).item().to(self.device)
        # prob = 0.5 * torch.ones([seq_len, self.seq_width], dtype=torch.float64).to(self.device)
        # seq = Binomial(1, prob).sample().to(self.device)

        # inverse the input
        idx = [i for i in range(seq.size(0) - 1, -1, -1)]
        idx = torch.LongTensor(idx)
        inverted_tensor = seq.index_select(0, idx)

        # fill in input sequence, two bit longer and wider than target
        # input_seq = torch.zeros([seq_len + 2, self.seq_width + 2]).to(self.device)
        input_seq = torch.zeros([seq_len + 2, self.seq_width + 2])
        input_seq[0, self.seq_width] = 1.0  # start delimiter
        input_seq[1:seq_len + 1, :self.seq_width] = seq
        input_seq[seq_len + 1, self.seq_width + 1] = 1.0  # end delimiter

        # target_seq = torch.zeros([seq_len, self.seq_width]).to(self.device)
        target_seq = torch.zeros([seq_len, self.seq_width])
        target_seq[:seq_len, :self.seq_width] = inverted_tensor
        return {'input': input_seq, 'target': target_seq}
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: MVP.py Proyecto: duyniem/tsai
def create_subsequence_mask(o, r=.15, lm=3, stateful=True, sync=False):
    device = o.device
    if o.ndim == 2: o = o[None]
    n_masks, mask_dims, mask_len = o.shape
    if sync == 'random': sync = random.random() > .5
    dims = 1 if sync else mask_dims
    if stateful:
        numels = n_masks * dims * mask_len
        pm = torch.tensor([1 / lm], device=device)
        pu = torch.clip(pm * (r / max(1e-6, 1 - r)), 1e-3, 1)
        zot, proba_a, proba_b = (torch.as_tensor([False, True], device=device), pu, pm) if random.random() > pm else \
        (torch.as_tensor([True, False], device=device), pm, pu)
        max_len = max(1, 2 * math.ceil(numels // (1/pm + 1/pu)))
        for i in range(10):
            _dist_a = (Geometric(probs=proba_a).sample([max_len])+1).long()
            _dist_b = (Geometric(probs=proba_b).sample([max_len])+1).long()
            dist_a = _dist_a if i == 0 else torch.cat((dist_a, _dist_a), dim=0)
            dist_b = _dist_b if i == 0 else torch.cat((dist_b, _dist_b), dim=0)
            add = torch.add(dist_a, dist_b)
            if torch.gt(torch.sum(add), numels): break
        dist_len = torch.argmax((torch.cumsum(add, 0) >= numels).float()) + 1
        if dist_len%2: dist_len += 1
        repeats = torch.cat((dist_a[:dist_len], dist_b[:dist_len]), -1).flatten()
        zot = zot.repeat(dist_len)
        mask = torch.repeat_interleave(zot, repeats)[:numels].reshape(n_masks, dims, mask_len)
        probs = torch.tensor(r, device=device)
        mask = Binomial(1, probs).sample((n_masks, dims, mask_len)).bool()
    if sync: mask = mask.repeat(1, mask_dims, 1)
    return mask
def main(args):
    n, d = args.n, args.d
    p = np.sqrt(d) / d
    probs = torch.ones(d) * p
    sampler = Binomial(1, probs)

    data = sampler.sample(sample_shape=(torch.Size([n])))

    # add some correlation
    offset = int(np.sqrt(d))
    for i in range(offset):
        data[:, i + offset] = data[:, i]

    weight = torch.randn((d))
    noise = torch.randn((n)) / 2

    labels = data @ weight + noise

    print('data shape', data.shape)

    path = os.path.join(args.save_prefix, 'sparse_' + str(n) + '_' + str(d))
    data_path = os.path.join(path, 'data.npy')
    p_path = os.path.join(path, 'p.npy')
    labels_path = os.path.join(path, 'labels.npy')
    np.save(data_path, data.numpy())
    np.save(p_path, p)
    np.save(labels_path, labels.numpy())
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test3():
    The binomial distribution
    from torch.distributions.binomial import Binomial
    # 100-count of trials: 0, 0.2, 0.8 and 1 are event probabilities
    dist = Binomial(100, torch.tensor([0, 0.2, 0.8, 1]))
    dist.sample()  # tensor([  0.,  19.,  72., 100.])
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: MVP.py Proyecto: duyniem/tsai
def create_future_mask(o, r=.15, sync=False):
    if o.ndim == 2: o = o[None]
    n_masks, mask_dims, mask_len = o.shape
    if sync == 'random': sync = random.random() > .5
    dims = 1 if sync else mask_dims
    probs = torch.tensor(r, device=o.device)
    mask = Binomial(1, probs).sample((n_masks, dims, mask_len))
    if sync: mask = mask.repeat(1, mask_dims, 1)
    mask = torch.sort(mask,dim=-1, descending=True)[0].bool()
    return mask
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self,
     if not isinstance(total_count, int):
         raise NotImplementedError(
             'inhomogeneous total_count is not supported')
     self.total_count = total_count
     self._categorical = Categorical(probs=probs, logits=logits)
     self._binomial = Binomial(total_count=total_count, probs=self.probs)
     batch_shape = self._categorical.batch_shape
     event_shape = self._categorical.param_shape[-1:]
     super(Multinomial, self).__init__(batch_shape,
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def get_sample_wlen(self, bs=1):
        # idx only acts as a counter while generating batches.
        prob = 0.5 * torch.ones([self.input_seq_len, bs, self.seq_width],
        seq = Binomial(1, prob).sample()
        # Extra input channel for providing priority value
        input_seq = torch.zeros([self.input_seq_len, bs, self.in_dim])
        input_seq[:self.input_seq_len, :, :self.seq_width] = seq

        # torch's Uniform function draws samples from the half-open interval
        # [low, high) but in the paper the priorities are drawn from [-1,1].
        # This minor difference is being ignored here as supposedly it doesn't
        # affects the task.
        priority = Uniform(torch.tensor([-1.0] * bs), torch.tensor([1.0] * bs))
        for i in range(self.input_seq_len):
            input_seq[i, :, self.seq_width] = priority.sample()

        target_seq = []
        for j in range(bs):
            sorted, ind = torch.sort(input_seq[:, j, self.seq_width],
            sorted = input_seq[ind, j]
                sorted[:self.target_seq_len, :self.seq_width].unsqueeze(1))
        target_seq = torch.cat(target_seq, 1)
        return {'input': input_seq, 'target': target_seq}
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        # idx only acts as a counter while generating batches.
        prob = 0.5 * torch.ones([self.input_seq_len, self.seq_width],
        seq = Binomial(1, prob).sample()
        # Extra input channel for providing priority value
        input_seq = torch.zeros([self.input_seq_len, self.seq_width + 1])
        input_seq[:self.input_seq_len, :self.seq_width] = seq

        # torch's Uniform function draws samples from the half-open interval
        # [low, high) but in the paper the priorities are drawn from [-1,1].
        # This minor difference is being ignored here as supposedly it doesn't
        # affects the task.
        if not self.uniform:
            alpha = torch.tensor([2.0])
            beta = torch.tensor([5.0])
            if self.random_distr:
                alpha_beta_gen = Uniform(torch.tensor([0.0]),
                alpha = alpha_beta_gen.sample()
                beta = alpha_beta_gen.sample()
            priority = Beta(alpha, beta)
            priority = Uniform(torch.tensor([-1.0]), torch.tensor([1.0]))

        for i in range(self.input_seq_len):
            input_seq[i, self.seq_width] = priority.sample()

        sorted_index = torch.sort(input_seq[:, -1], descending=True)[1]
        target_seq = input_seq[sorted_index][:self.target_seq_len, :self.

        return {'input': input_seq, 'target': target_seq}
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        # idx only acts as a counter while generating batches.
        num_item = torch.randint(self.min_item,
                                 self.max_item, (1, ),
        prob = 0.5 * \
            torch.ones([self.seq_len, self.seq_width], dtype=torch.float64)
        seq = Binomial(1, prob)

        # fill in input two bit wider than target to account for delimiter
        # flags.
        input_items = torch.zeros([(self.seq_len + 1) * (num_item + 1) + 1,
                                   self.seq_width + 2])
        for i in range(num_item):
            input_items[(self.seq_len + 1) * i, self.seq_width] = 1.0
            input_items[(self.seq_len + 1) * i + 1:(self.seq_len + 1) *
                        (i + 1), :self.seq_width] = seq.sample()

        # generate query item randomly
        # in case of only one item, torch.randint throws error as num_item-1=0
        query_item = 0
        if num_item != 1:
            query_item = torch.randint(0,
                                       num_item - 1, (1, ),
        query_seq = input_items[(self.seq_len + 1) * query_item +
                                1:(self.seq_len + 1) *
                                (query_item + 1), :self.seq_width]
        input_items[(self.seq_len + 1) * num_item,
                    self.seq_width + 1] = 1.0  # query delimiter
        input_items[(self.seq_len + 1) * num_item + 1:(self.seq_len + 1) *
                    (num_item + 1), :self.seq_width] = query_seq
        input_items[(self.seq_len + 1) * (num_item + 1),
                    self.seq_width + 1] = 1.0  # query delimiter

        # generate target sequences(item next to query in the input list)
        target_item = torch.zeros([self.seq_len, self.seq_width])
        # in case of last item, target sequence is zero

        if query_item != num_item - 1:
            target_item[:self.seq_len, :self.seq_width] = input_items[
                (self.seq_len + 1) * (query_item + 1) + 1:(self.seq_len + 1) *
                (query_item + 2), :self.seq_width]

        return {'input': input_items, 'target': target_item}
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def forward(self, x):

        # add noise
        x = x * Binomial(total_count=1,
                         probs=1 - self.corruption_level).sample([x.shape[1]])
        x = self.encoder(x)
        x = self.decoder(x)

        return x
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def get_sample_wlen(self, seq_len, bs=1):

        rep = torch.randint(self.min_repeat,
                            self.max_repeat, (1, ),
        prob = 0.5 * torch.ones([seq_len, bs, self.seq_width],
        seq = Binomial(1, prob).sample()

        # fill in input sequence, two bit longer and wider than target
        input_seq = torch.zeros([seq_len + 2, bs, self.seq_width + 2])
        input_seq[0, :, self.seq_width] = 1.0  # delimiter
        input_seq[1:seq_len + 1, :, :self.seq_width] = seq
        input_seq[seq_len + 1, :, self.seq_width + 1] = self.normalise(rep)

        target_seq = torch.zeros([seq_len * rep + 1, bs, self.seq_width + 1])
        target_seq[:seq_len * rep, :, :self.seq_width] = seq.repeat(rep, 1, 1)
        target_seq[seq_len * rep, :, self.seq_width] = 1.0  # delimiter

        return {'input': input_seq, 'target': target_seq}
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def forward(self, x):
     success_values = torch.arange(0,
                                       x.size(0), 1)
     succes_prob = self.prob_output(x).repeat(1, self.num_classes)
     scores = Binomial(total_count=self.num_classes - 1,
     scores = torch.softmax(scores / self.tau, dim=-1)
     return scores
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def simulate(self, theta, psi):
        # theta = [beta, gamma]
        # psi = tau
        # sample = [S(tau), I(tau), R(tau)]
        beta = theta[0].item()
        gamma = theta[1].item()
        psi = psi.item()
        S = self.population_size - 1
        I = 1
        R = 0
        n_steps = int(psi / self.step_size)
        for i in range(n_steps):
            if I == 0:  # State will remain the same.
            delta_I = int(
                Binomial(S, beta * I / self.population_size).sample())
            delta_R = int(Binomial(I, gamma).sample())
            S -= delta_I
            I = I + delta_I - delta_R
            R += delta_R

        return torch.tensor([S, I, R]).float()
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        # idx only acts as a counter while generating batches.
        seq_len = torch.randint(self.min_seq_len,
                                self.max_seq_len, (1, ),
        rep = torch.randint(self.min_repeat,
                            self.max_repeat, (1, ),
        prob = 0.5 * torch.ones([seq_len, self.seq_width], dtype=torch.float64)
        seq = Binomial(1, prob).sample()

        # fill in input sequence, two bit longer and wider than target
        input_seq = torch.zeros([seq_len + 2, self.seq_width + 2])
        input_seq[0, self.seq_width] = 1.0  # delimiter
        input_seq[1:seq_len + 1, :self.seq_width] = seq
        input_seq[seq_len + 1, self.seq_width + 1] = self.normalise(rep)

        target_seq = torch.zeros([seq_len * rep + 1, self.seq_width + 1])
        target_seq[:seq_len * rep, :self.seq_width] = seq.repeat(rep, 1)
        target_seq[seq_len * rep, self.seq_width] = 1.0  # delimiter

        return {'input': input_seq, 'target': target_seq}
Ejemplo n.º 15
def data_params():
    Returns random data and parameters used to generate the data.
    S = int(1e5)
    theta_1 = 0.5
    theta_2 = 0.3
    pi_1 = 0.6
    pi_2 = 1 - pi_1
    N_ls_all = t.FloatTensor([100 for _ in range(S)])
    theta_ls = t.FloatTensor(
        np.random.choice([theta_1, theta_2], size=S, p=[pi_1, pi_2]))
    n_ls_all = Binomial(N_ls_all, theta_ls).sample()
    return N_ls_all, n_ls_all, [pi_1, pi_2, theta_1, theta_2]
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def generate_mutation_maps(self, action):
        Create the binary map describing how the chromosome of each individual is mutated.
        For each individual, the probability of one chromosome flipping is defined
        by the sampled action.

        genome_length = self.encoding_strategy.problem.num_dimensions

        # Expand action, so that all chromosomes of an individual
        # have the same mutation probability
        binomial_probs = action.view(-1).unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, genome_length)

        return Binomial(1, probs=binomial_probs).sample().cpu().numpy()
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def get_sample_wlen(self, seq_len, bs=1):
        # idx only acts as a counter while generating batches.
        prob = 0.5 * torch.ones([seq_len, bs, self.seq_width],
        seq = Binomial(1, prob).sample()

        # fill in input sequence, two bit longer and wider than target
        input_seq = torch.zeros([seq_len + 2, bs, self.seq_width + 2])
        input_seq[0, :, self.seq_width] = 1.0  # start delimiter
        input_seq[1:seq_len + 1, :, :self.seq_width] = seq
        input_seq[seq_len + 1, :, self.seq_width + 1] = 1.0  # end delimiter

        target_seq = torch.zeros([seq_len, bs, self.seq_width])
        target_seq[:seq_len, :, :self.seq_width] = seq
        return {'input': input_seq, 'target': target_seq}
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def __init__(self, model_conf, num_users, num_items, device):
        super(DAE, self).__init__()
        self.hidden_dim = model_conf.hidden_dim
        self.act = model_conf.act
        self.corruption_ratio = model_conf.corruption_ratio
        self.num_users = num_users
        self.num_items = num_items
        self.binomial = Binomial(total_count=1,
                                 probs=(1 - self.corruption_ratio))
        self.device = device

        self.encoder = nn.Linear(self.num_items, self.hidden_dim)
        self.decoder = nn.Linear(self.hidden_dim, self.num_items)

Ejemplo n.º 19
    def simulate(self, theta, psi):
        # theta = [beta, gamma]
        # psi = tau
        # sample = [S(tau), I(tau), R(tau)]
        infection_rate = theta.item()
        design = psi.item()
        I = 0
        t = 0.0
        n_steps = int(psi / self.step_size)
        for _ in range(n_steps):
            S = self.population_size - I
            if S == 0:
            p_inf = 1 - np.exp(-infection_rate * t)
            delta_I = int(Binomial(S, p_inf).sample())
            I += delta_I
            t += self.step_size

        return torch.tensor(I).float()
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        # Get sequence length
        seq_len = torch.randint(self.min_seq_len,
                                self.max_seq_len, (1, ),
        # Generate sequences
        prob = 0.5 * torch.ones([seq_len, self.seq_width], dtype=torch.float64)
        seq = Binomial(1, prob).sample()

        # Fill in input sequence, two bit longer and wider than target
        input_seq = torch.zeros([seq_len + 2, self.seq_width + 2])
        input_seq[0, self.seq_width] = 1.0  # start delimiter
        input_seq[1:seq_len + 1, :self.seq_width] = seq
        input_seq[seq_len + 1, self.seq_width + 1] = 1.0  # end delimiter

        # Create target sequence
        target_seq = torch.zeros([seq_len, self.seq_width])
        target_seq[:seq_len, :self.seq_width] = seq

        return {'input': input_seq, 'target': target_seq}
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def __init__(self, model_conf, num_users, num_items, device):
        :param model_conf: model configuration
        :param num_users: number of users
        :param num_items: number of items
        :param device: choice of device
        super(DAE, self).__init__()
        self.hidden_dim = model_conf.hidden_dim
        self.act = model_conf.act
        self.corruption_ratio = model_conf.corruption_ratio
        self.num_users = num_users
        self.num_items = num_items
        self.binomial = Binomial(total_count=1, probs=(1 - self.corruption_ratio))
        self.device = device

        self.encoder = nn.Linear(self.num_items, self.hidden_dim)
        self.decoder = nn.Linear(self.hidden_dim, self.num_items)

Ejemplo n.º 22
    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        # idx only acts as a counter while generating batches.
        prob = 0.5 * torch.ones([self.input_seq_len, self.seq_width],
        seq = Binomial(1, prob).sample()
        # Extra input channel for providing priority value
        input_seq = torch.zeros([self.input_seq_len, self.seq_width + 1])
        input_seq[:self.input_seq_len, :self.seq_width] = seq

        # torch's Uniform function draws samples from the half-open interval
        # [low, high) but in the paper the priorities are drawn from [-1,1].
        # This minor difference is being ignored here as supposedly it doesn't
        # affects the task.
        priority = Uniform(torch.tensor([-1.0]), torch.tensor([1.0]))
        for i in range(self.input_seq_len):
            input_seq[i, self.seq_width] = priority.sample()

        sorted, _ = torch.sort(input_seq, 0, descending=True)
        target_seq = sorted[:self.target_seq_len, :self.seq_width]

        return {'input': input_seq, 'target': target_seq}
    def calc_logL(self, N_ls, n_ls):
        Calculate the log likelihood.

        N_ls:  a [S] shape tensor = [N1, N2, ..., NS]
        n_ls:  a [S] shape tensor = [n1, n2, ..., nS]

        log_likelihood: the conditional probability of the parameters
                        (pi and theta) given the observed data (N, n)

        S = len(N_ls)
        pi_list = self.pi_list
        theta_list = self.theta_list
        #K = self.K

        # log_binom_mat has shape (S,K), element_{i,l} = log_Binomial(ni|Ni, theta_l)
        # log with natural base.
        log_binom_mat = Binomial(N_ls.reshape(S, 1),
                                 theta_list.reshape(1, self.K)).log_prob(
                                     n_ls.reshape(S, 1))

        # mean_log_binom, the mean value of all elements in log_binom_mat.
        c = torch.mean(log_binom_mat)

        # binom_mat has shape (S,K), element_{i,l} = Binomial(ni|Ni, theta_l)
        binom_mat = torch.exp(log_binom_mat - c)

        # log_likelihood = sum_{i=1}^{S} log(prob_i), this is a real number
        log_likelihood = S * c + torch.sum(
            torch.log(torch.matmul(binom_mat, pi_list)))

        return log_likelihood
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def get_sample_wlen(self, num_item, seq_len, bs=1):

        prob = 0.5 * \
            torch.ones([seq_len, bs, self.seq_width], dtype=torch.float64)
        seq = Binomial(1, prob)

        # fill in input two bit wider than target to account for delimiter
        # flags.
        input_items = torch.zeros([(seq_len + 1) * (num_item + 1) + 1, bs,
                                   self.seq_width + 2])
        for i in range(num_item):
            input_items[(seq_len + 1) * i, :, self.seq_width] = 1.0
            input_items[(seq_len + 1) * i + 1:(seq_len + 1) *
                        (i + 1), :, :self.seq_width] = seq.sample()

        # generate query item randomly
        # in case of only one item, torch.randint throws error as num_item-1=0
        query_item = 0
        if num_item != 1:
            query_item = torch.randint(0,
                                       num_item - 1, (1, ),
        query_seq = input_items[(seq_len + 1) * query_item + 1:(seq_len + 1) *
                                (query_item + 1), :, :self.seq_width]
        input_items[(seq_len + 1) * num_item, :,
                    self.seq_width + 1] = 1.0  # query delimiter
        input_items[(seq_len + 1) * num_item + 1:(seq_len + 1) *
                    (num_item + 1), :, :self.seq_width] = query_seq
        input_items[(seq_len + 1) * (num_item + 1), :,
                    self.seq_width + 1] = 1.0  # query delimiter

        # generate target sequences(item next to query in the input list)
        target_item = torch.zeros([seq_len, bs, self.seq_width])
        # in case of last item, target sequence is zero
        for b in range(bs):
            choose_max = False
            qitem = input_items[(seq_len + 1) * query_item + 1:(seq_len + 1) *
                                (query_item + 1), b, :self.seq_width]
            if qitem.contiguous().view(-1)[-1].item() == 1:
                choose_max = True
                # print("max")
                # print("min")
            if choose_max:
                cd = 0
                cd = 10000000000000000
            titem = qitem
            for ii in range(num_item):
                if ii != query_item:
                    cur_item = input_items[(seq_len + 1) * ii +
                                           1:(seq_len + 1) * (ii + 1),
                                           b, :self.seq_width]
                    curd = torch.norm(qitem.contiguous().view(-1) -
                    if choose_max:
                        if curd > cd:
                            titem = ii
                            cd = curd
                        if curd < cd:
                            titem = ii
                            cd = curd
            # print(num_item)
            # print(titem)
            # print(cd)

            target_item[:seq_len, b, :self.seq_width] = input_items[
                (seq_len + 1) * titem + 1:(seq_len + 1) * (titem + 1),
                b, :self.seq_width]

        return {'input': input_items, 'target': target_item}
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def _sampleWidthByAlphas(self):
     # define Binomial distribution on n-1 layer filters (because we have to choose at least one filter)
     dist = Binomial(self.outputChannels() - 1, logits=self._alphas)
     # draw from distribution
     width = 1 + dist.sample().type(int32).item()
     return width
 def calcNewWidthFunc(width: int,
                      alphaWidth: AlphaPerWidthBlock.AlphaWidth):
     # define Binomial distribution on n-1 layer filters (because we have to choose at least one filter)
     dist = Binomial(width - 1, logits=alphaWidth.tensor())
     # draw from distribution
     return 1 + dist.sample().type(int32).item()
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def create_distribution(self, distribution_params):

        return Binomial(1, logits=distribution_params)
Ejemplo n.º 28
class Multinomial(Distribution):
    Creates a Multinomial distribution parameterized by :attr:`total_count` and
    either :attr:`probs` or :attr:`logits` (but not both). The innermost dimension of
    :attr:`probs` indexes over categories. All other dimensions index over batches.

    Note that :attr:`total_count` need not be specified if only :meth:`log_prob` is
    called (see example below)

    .. note:: The `probs` argument must be non-negative, finite and have a non-zero sum,
              and it will be normalized to sum to 1 along the last dimension. :attr:`probs`
              will return this normalized value.
              The `logits` argument will be interpreted as unnormalized log probabilities
              and can therefore be any real number. It will likewise be normalized so that
              the resulting probabilities sum to 1 along the last dimension. :attr:`logits`
              will return this normalized value.

    -   :meth:`sample` requires a single shared `total_count` for all
        parameters and samples.
    -   :meth:`log_prob` allows different `total_count` for each parameter and


        >>> m = Multinomial(100, torch.tensor([ 1., 1., 1., 1.]))
        >>> x = m.sample()  # equal probability of 0, 1, 2, 3
        tensor([ 21.,  24.,  30.,  25.])

        >>> Multinomial(probs=torch.tensor([1., 1., 1., 1.])).log_prob(x)

        total_count (int): number of trials
        probs (Tensor): event probabilities
        logits (Tensor): event log probabilities (unnormalized)
    arg_constraints = {
        'probs': constraints.simplex,
        'logits': constraints.real_vector
    total_count: int

    def mean(self):
        return self.probs * self.total_count

    def variance(self):
        return self.total_count * self.probs * (1 - self.probs)

    def __init__(self,
        if not isinstance(total_count, int):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'inhomogeneous total_count is not supported')
        self.total_count = total_count
        self._categorical = Categorical(probs=probs, logits=logits)
        self._binomial = Binomial(total_count=total_count, probs=self.probs)
        batch_shape = self._categorical.batch_shape
        event_shape = self._categorical.param_shape[-1:]
        super(Multinomial, self).__init__(batch_shape,

    def expand(self, batch_shape, _instance=None):
        new = self._get_checked_instance(Multinomial, _instance)
        batch_shape = torch.Size(batch_shape)
        new.total_count = self.total_count
        new._categorical = self._categorical.expand(batch_shape)
        super(Multinomial, new).__init__(batch_shape,
        new._validate_args = self._validate_args
        return new

    def _new(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._categorical._new(*args, **kwargs)

    @constraints.dependent_property(is_discrete=True, event_dim=1)
    def support(self):
        return constraints.multinomial(self.total_count)

    def logits(self):
        return self._categorical.logits

    def probs(self):
        return self._categorical.probs

    def param_shape(self):
        return self._categorical.param_shape

    def sample(self, sample_shape=torch.Size()):
        sample_shape = torch.Size(sample_shape)
        samples = self._categorical.sample(
            torch.Size((self.total_count, )) + sample_shape)
        # samples.shape is (total_count, sample_shape, batch_shape), need to change it to
        # (sample_shape, batch_shape, total_count)
        shifted_idx = list(range(samples.dim()))
        samples = samples.permute(*shifted_idx)
        counts = samples.new(self._extended_shape(sample_shape)).zero_()
        counts.scatter_add_(-1, samples, torch.ones_like(samples))
        return counts.type_as(self.probs)

    def entropy(self):
        n = torch.tensor(self.total_count)

        cat_entropy = self._categorical.entropy()
        term1 = n * cat_entropy - torch.lgamma(n + 1)

        support = self._binomial.enumerate_support(expand=False)[1:]
        binomial_probs = torch.exp(self._binomial.log_prob(support))
        weights = torch.lgamma(support + 1)
        term2 = (binomial_probs * weights).sum([0, -1])

        return term1 + term2

    def log_prob(self, value):
        if self._validate_args:
        logits, value = broadcast_all(self.logits, value)
        logits = logits.clone(memory_format=torch.contiguous_format)
        log_factorial_n = torch.lgamma(value.sum(-1) + 1)
        log_factorial_xs = torch.lgamma(value + 1).sum(-1)
        logits[(value == 0) & (logits == -inf)] = 0
        log_powers = (logits * value).sum(-1)
        return log_factorial_n - log_factorial_xs + log_powers
Ejemplo n.º 29
# In[141]:

dist = Beta(torch.tensor([0.5]), torch.tensor([0.5]))

# In[142]:


# In[143]:

from torch.distributions.binomial import Binomial

# In[144]:

dist = Binomial(100, torch.tensor([0, .2, .8, 1]))

# In[147]:


# In[148]:

# 100- count of trials
# 0, 0.2, 0.8 and 1 are event probabilities

# In[174]:

from torch.distributions.categorical import Categorical

# In[175]:
Ejemplo n.º 30
model_path = os.path.join('checkpoints', model_name)
if not os.path.exists(model_path):

from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter
writer = SummaryWriter(os.path.join('runs', model_name))
n_iter = 0
num_samples = 50
sample = torch.randn(64, opts.nz).double().to(device)
for epoch in range(opts.epochs):
    print('=> Epoch {}'.format(epoch))
    running_loss = []
    for data in tqdm(train_loader):
        image = data[0]
        m = Binomial(1, image.view(-1, 784))
        # inputs = m.sample(torch.Size([num_samples])).double().to(device)
        inputs = m.sample().expand(num_samples, image.shape[0],
        loss, bce, kld = model.train_loss(inputs)

        writer.add_scalar('bce', bce, n_iter)
        writer.add_scalar('kld', kld, n_iter)
        writer.add_scalar('loss', loss, n_iter)
        n_iter += 1

    writer.add_scalar('loss_epoch', np.mean(running_loss), epoch)