Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self):
     self._files = []
     self._debug = 0
     self._schemas = []
     self._aggregates = Aggregates()
     self._transforms = {}
     self._macros = {}
Ejemplo n.º 2
class Configuration(object):
  Manages the loading and reloading of configuration files.

  def __init__(self):
    self._files = []
    self._schemas = []
    self._aggregates = Aggregates()

  def load(self, fname):
    Load a file and cache the rename for future reloading.
    self._files.append( fname )
    self._load_source( fname )

  def reload(self):
    Reload all of the configurations.
    self._schemas = []
    self._aggregates = Aggregates()
    for fname in self._files:
      self._load_source( fname )

  def schemas(self, stat):
    Get the matching schemas for a stat, or an empty list if there aren't any.
    #return filter(None, (s.match(stat) for s in self._schemas))
    return [s for s in self._schemas if s.match(stat)]

  def process(self, stat, val, timestamp=None):
    Process a stat through this configuration.
    aggregates = self._aggregates.match(stat)
    for schema in self._schemas:
      schema.store(stat, val, timestamp)
      for ag in aggregates:
        schema.store(ag, val, timestamp)

  def _load_source(self, fname):
    Load the file source.
    mod_name = hashlib.sha1(fname).hexdigest()
    with open(fname, 'r') as source:
      mod = imp.load_module( mod_name, source, fname, ('py','r',imp.PY_SOURCE) )
      mod.__dict__['long_or_float'] = long_or_float

      schemas = getattr(mod,'SCHEMAS',{})
      aggregates = getattr(mod,'AGGREGATES',[])

      for name,schema in schemas.iteritems():
        self._schemas.append( Schema(name, schema) )

      self._aggregates.add( aggregates )
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def reload(self):
    Reload all of the configurations.
        self._debug = 0
        self._schemas = []
        self._aggregates = Aggregates()
        self._transforms = {}
        self._macros = {}

        for fname in self._files:
            self._load_source(fname, notify='on_reload')
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self):
   self._files = []
   self._debug = 0
   self._schemas = []
   self._aggregates = Aggregates()
   self._transforms = {}
   self._macros = {}
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def reload(self):
   Reload all of the configurations.
   self._schemas = []
   self._aggregates = Aggregates()
   for fname in self._files:
     self._load_source( fname )
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def reload(self):
   Reload all of the configurations.
   self._debug = 0
   self._schemas = []
   self._aggregates = Aggregates()
   self._transforms = {}
   self._macros = {}
   for fname in self._files:
     self._load_source( fname, notify='on_reload' )
Ejemplo n.º 7
class Configuration(object):
  Manages the loading and reloading of configuration files.
    def __init__(self):
        self._files = []
        self._debug = 0
        self._schemas = []
        self._aggregates = Aggregates()
        self._transforms = {}
        self._macros = {}

    def debug(self):
        return self._debug

    def load(self, fname):
    Load a file and cache the rename for future reloading.
        self._load_source(fname, notify='on_load')

    def reload(self):
    Reload all of the configurations.
        self._debug = 0
        self._schemas = []
        self._aggregates = Aggregates()
        self._transforms = {}
        self._macros = {}

        for fname in self._files:
            self._load_source(fname, notify='on_reload')

    def transform(self, name):
    Get a named transform from the configurations, or None if not found.
        return self._transforms.get(name)

    def macro(self, name):
    Get a named macro from the configurations, or None if not found.
        return self._macros.get(name)

    def schema(self, name):
        '''Get a schema by name, or None if not found.'''
        for s in self._schemas:
            if s.name == name:
                return s
        return None

    def schemas(self, stat=None):
    Get the matching schemas for a stat, or an empty list if there aren't any.
    If no stat name provided, will return a list of all schemas.
        if stat is None:
            return self._schemas[:]
        return [s for s in self._schemas if s.match(stat)]

    def aggregates(self):
    Return the aggregates
        return list(self._aggregates)

    def process(self, stat, val, timestamp=None, seen=None):
    Process a stat through this configuration.
        if not seen:
            seen = set()
        elif stat in seen:
            return False

        aggregates = self._aggregates.match(stat)
        for schema in self._schemas:
            stored = schema.store(stat, val, timestamp)
            if self._debug:
                if stored:
                    logging.debug('STOR %s %s %.06f' % (stat, val, timestamp))
                elif self._debug > 1:
                    logging.debug('SKIP %s %s %.06f' % (stat, val, timestamp))

        # Infinite loop is prevented by match() implementation
        for ag in aggregates:
            processed = self.process(ag, val, timestamp, seen=seen)
            if self._debug and processed:
                logging.debug('AGRT %s FROM %s %s %.06f' %
                              (ag, stat, val, timestamp))

        return True

    def load_schema(self, name, spec):
        self._schemas.append(Schema(name, spec))

    def load_aggregate(self, spec):

    def _load_source(self, fname, notify='on_load'):
    Load the file source.
        mod_name = hashlib.sha1(fname).hexdigest()
        with open(fname, 'r') as source:
            mod = imp.load_module(mod_name, source, fname,
                                  ('py', 'r', imp.PY_SOURCE))
            mod.__dict__['long_or_float'] = long_or_float

            schemas = getattr(mod, 'SCHEMAS', {})
            aggregates = getattr(mod, 'AGGREGATES', [])
            transforms = getattr(mod, 'TRANSFORMS', {})
            macros = getattr(mod, 'MACROS', {})

            for name, schema in schemas.items():
                self.load_schema(name, schema)

            for name, func in transforms.items():
                self._transforms[name] = func

            for name, macro in macros.items():
                self._macros[name] = macro

            self._debug = getattr(mod, 'DEBUG', self._debug)

            if callable(getattr(mod, notify, None)):
                getattr(mod, notify)()
Ejemplo n.º 8
class Configuration(object):
  Manages the loading and reloading of configuration files.

  def __init__(self):
    self._files = []
    self._debug = 0
    self._schemas = []
    self._aggregates = Aggregates()
    self._transforms = {}
    self._macros = {}

  def debug(self):
    return self._debug

  def load(self, fname):
    Load a file and cache the rename for future reloading.
    self._files.append( fname )
    self._load_source( fname, notify='on_load' )

  def reload(self):
    Reload all of the configurations.
    self._debug = 0
    self._schemas = []
    self._aggregates = Aggregates()
    self._transforms = {}
    self._macros = {}
    for fname in self._files:
      self._load_source( fname, notify='on_reload' )

  def transform(self, name):
    Get a named transform from the configurations, or None if not found.
    return self._transforms.get(name)

  def macro(self, name):
    Get a named macro from the configurations, or None if not found.
    return self._macros.get(name)

  def schema(self, name):
    '''Get a schema by name, or None if not found.'''
    for s in self._schemas:
      if s.name == name:
        return s
    return None

  def schemas(self, stat=None):
    Get the matching schemas for a stat, or an empty list if there aren't any.
    If no stat name provided, will return a list of all schemas.
    if stat is None:
      return self._schemas[:]
    return [s for s in self._schemas if s.match(stat)]

  def aggregates(self):
    Return the aggregates
    return list(self._aggregates)

  def process(self, stat, val, timestamp=None, seen=None):
    Process a stat through this configuration.
    if not seen:
      seen = set()
    elif stat in seen:
      return False

    aggregates = self._aggregates.match(stat)
    for schema in self._schemas:
      stored = schema.store(stat, val, timestamp)
      if self._debug:
        if stored:
          logging.debug('STOR %s %s %.06f'%(stat, val, timestamp))
        elif self._debug > 1:
          logging.debug('SKIP %s %s %.06f'%(stat, val, timestamp))
    # Infinite loop is prevented by match() implementation
    for ag in aggregates:
      processed = self.process(ag, val, timestamp, seen=seen)
      if self._debug and processed:
        logging.debug('AGRT %s FROM %s %s %.06f'%(ag, stat, val, timestamp))

    return True

  def load_schema(self, name, spec):
    self._schemas.append( Schema(name,spec) )

  def load_aggregate(self, spec):
    self._aggregates.add( spec )

  def _load_source(self, fname, notify='on_load'):
    Load the file source.
    mod_name = hashlib.sha1(fname).hexdigest()
    with open(fname, 'r') as source:
      mod = imp.load_module( mod_name, source, fname, ('py','r',imp.PY_SOURCE) )
      mod.__dict__['long_or_float'] = long_or_float

      schemas = getattr(mod,'SCHEMAS',{})
      aggregates = getattr(mod,'AGGREGATES',[])
      transforms = getattr(mod,'TRANSFORMS',{})
      macros = getattr(mod,'MACROS',{})

      for name,schema in schemas.items():
        self.load_schema(name, schema)
      self.load_aggregate( aggregates )

      for name,func in transforms.items():
        self._transforms[name] = func

      for name,macro in macros.items():
        self._macros[name] = macro
      self._debug = getattr(mod, 'DEBUG', self._debug)

      if callable( getattr(mod, notify, None) ):
        getattr(mod, notify)()
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def __init__(self):
   self._files = []
   self._schemas = []
   self._aggregates = Aggregates()