Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _bracepath(self, x0_pt, y0_pt, x1_pt, y1_pt):  # <<<
        height_pt = unit.topt(self.totalheight)
        totallength_pt = math.hypot(x1_pt - x0_pt, y1_pt - y0_pt)
        leftlength_pt = self.middlerelpos * totallength_pt
        rightlength_pt = totallength_pt - leftlength_pt
        ithick_pt = unit.topt(self.innerstrokesthickness)
        othick_pt = unit.topt(self.outerstrokesthickness)
        bthick_pt = unit.topt(self.barthickness)

        # create the left halfbrace with positive slanting
        # because we will mirror this part
        cos_iangle = math.cos(
            math.radians(0.5 * self.innerstrokesangle -
        sin_iangle = math.sin(
            math.radians(0.5 * self.innerstrokesangle -
        cos_oangle = math.cos(
            math.radians(self.outerstrokesangle - self.slantstrokesangle))
        sin_oangle = math.sin(
            math.radians(self.outerstrokesangle - self.slantstrokesangle))
        cos_slangle = math.cos(math.radians(-self.slantstrokesangle))
        sin_slangle = math.sin(math.radians(-self.slantstrokesangle))
        ilength_pt = self.innerstrokesrelheight * height_pt / cos_iangle
        olength_pt = self.outerstrokesrelheight * height_pt / cos_oangle

        bracepath = self._halfbracepath_pt(
            leftlength_pt, height_pt, ilength_pt, olength_pt, ithick_pt,
            othick_pt, bthick_pt, cos_iangle, sin_iangle, cos_oangle,
            sin_oangle, cos_slangle,

        # create the right halfbrace with negative slanting
        cos_iangle = math.cos(
            math.radians(0.5 * self.innerstrokesangle +
        sin_iangle = math.sin(
            math.radians(0.5 * self.innerstrokesangle +
        cos_oangle = math.cos(
            math.radians(self.outerstrokesangle + self.slantstrokesangle))
        sin_oangle = math.sin(
            math.radians(self.outerstrokesangle + self.slantstrokesangle))
        cos_slangle = math.cos(math.radians(-self.slantstrokesangle))
        sin_slangle = math.sin(math.radians(-self.slantstrokesangle))
        ilength_pt = self.innerstrokesrelheight * height_pt / cos_iangle
        olength_pt = self.outerstrokesrelheight * height_pt / cos_oangle

        bracepath = bracepath << self._halfbracepath_pt(
            rightlength_pt, height_pt, ilength_pt, olength_pt, ithick_pt,
            othick_pt, bthick_pt, cos_iangle, sin_iangle, cos_oangle,
            sin_oangle, cos_slangle, sin_slangle)

        return bracepath.transformed(
            # two trafos for matching the given endpoints
            trafo.translate_pt(x0_pt, y0_pt) * trafo.rotate_pt(
                math.degrees(math.atan2(y1_pt - y0_pt, x1_pt - x0_pt))) *
            # one trafo to move the brace's left outer stroke to zero
            trafo.translate_pt(leftlength_pt, 0))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _decocanvas(self, angle, dp, texrunner):
        dist_pt = unit.topt(self.dist)

        c = canvas.canvas([canvas.clip(dp.path)])
        llx_pt, lly_pt, urx_pt, ury_pt = dp.path.bbox().highrestuple_pt()
        center_pt = 0.5*(llx_pt+urx_pt), 0.5*(lly_pt+ury_pt)
        radius_pt = 0.5*math.hypot(urx_pt-llx_pt, ury_pt-lly_pt) + dist_pt
        n = int(2*radius_pt / dist_pt) + 1
        for i in range(n):
            x_pt = center_pt[0] - radius_pt + i*dist_pt
            c.stroke(path.line_pt(x_pt, center_pt[1]-radius_pt, x_pt, center_pt[1]+radius_pt),
                     [trafo.rotate_pt(angle, center_pt[0], center_pt[1])] + self.strokestyles)
        return c
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _bracepath(self, x0_pt, y0_pt, x1_pt, y1_pt): # <<<
        height_pt = unit.topt(self.totalheight)
        totallength_pt = math.hypot(x1_pt - x0_pt, y1_pt - y0_pt)
        leftlength_pt = self.middlerelpos * totallength_pt
        rightlength_pt = totallength_pt - leftlength_pt
        ithick_pt = unit.topt(self.innerstrokesthickness)
        othick_pt = unit.topt(self.outerstrokesthickness)
        bthick_pt = unit.topt(self.barthickness)

        # create the left halfbrace with positive slanting
        # because we will mirror this part
        cos_iangle = math.cos(math.radians(0.5*self.innerstrokesangle - self.slantstrokesangle))
        sin_iangle = math.sin(math.radians(0.5*self.innerstrokesangle - self.slantstrokesangle))
        cos_oangle = math.cos(math.radians(self.outerstrokesangle - self.slantstrokesangle))
        sin_oangle = math.sin(math.radians(self.outerstrokesangle - self.slantstrokesangle))
        cos_slangle = math.cos(math.radians(-self.slantstrokesangle))
        sin_slangle = math.sin(math.radians(-self.slantstrokesangle))
        ilength_pt = self.innerstrokesrelheight * height_pt / cos_iangle
        olength_pt = self.outerstrokesrelheight * height_pt / cos_oangle

        bracepath = self._halfbracepath_pt(leftlength_pt, height_pt,
          ilength_pt, olength_pt, ithick_pt, othick_pt, bthick_pt, cos_iangle,
          sin_iangle, cos_oangle, sin_oangle, cos_slangle,

        # create the right halfbrace with negative slanting
        cos_iangle = math.cos(math.radians(0.5*self.innerstrokesangle + self.slantstrokesangle))
        sin_iangle = math.sin(math.radians(0.5*self.innerstrokesangle + self.slantstrokesangle))
        cos_oangle = math.cos(math.radians(self.outerstrokesangle + self.slantstrokesangle))
        sin_oangle = math.sin(math.radians(self.outerstrokesangle + self.slantstrokesangle))
        cos_slangle = math.cos(math.radians(-self.slantstrokesangle))
        sin_slangle = math.sin(math.radians(-self.slantstrokesangle))
        ilength_pt = self.innerstrokesrelheight * height_pt / cos_iangle
        olength_pt = self.outerstrokesrelheight * height_pt / cos_oangle

        bracepath = bracepath << self._halfbracepath_pt(rightlength_pt, height_pt,
        ilength_pt, olength_pt, ithick_pt, othick_pt, bthick_pt, cos_iangle,
        sin_iangle, cos_oangle, sin_oangle, cos_slangle,

        return bracepath.transformed(
          # two trafos for matching the given endpoints
          trafo.translate_pt(x0_pt, y0_pt) *
          trafo.rotate_pt(math.degrees(math.atan2(y1_pt-y0_pt, x1_pt-x0_pt))) *
          # one trafo to move the brace's left outer stroke to zero
          trafo.translate_pt(leftlength_pt, 0))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _decocanvas(self, angle, dp, texrunner):
        dist_pt = unit.topt(self.dist)

        c = canvas.canvas([canvas.clip(dp.path)])
        llx_pt, lly_pt, urx_pt, ury_pt = dp.path.bbox().highrestuple_pt()
        center_pt = 0.5 * (llx_pt + urx_pt), 0.5 * (lly_pt + ury_pt)
        radius_pt = 0.5 * math.hypot(urx_pt - llx_pt,
                                     ury_pt - lly_pt) + dist_pt
        n = int(2 * radius_pt / dist_pt) + 1
        for i in range(n):
            x_pt = center_pt[0] - radius_pt + i * dist_pt
                path.line_pt(x_pt, center_pt[1] - radius_pt, x_pt,
                             center_pt[1] + radius_pt),
                [trafo.rotate_pt(angle, center_pt[0], center_pt[1])] +
        return c