Ejemplo n.º 1
 def makeModel(self, tt, period, incl, t, dor, ror, ldm_coeff1, ldm_coeff2):
     I have modified this function so that the midpoint of every transit is 0
     find lmdk from the star 
     # use t2z to make z
     z = t2z(tt, period, incl, t, dor)
     return occultquad(z, ror, [ldm_coeff1, ldm_coeff2])
Ejemplo n.º 2
def transit_model(x, hjd, airmass, fix=[], SPOT_DATA=False):

    spotlong = x[6]
    spotlat = x[7]
    spotsize = abs(x[8])
    spotflux = abs(x[9])

    if spotsize > 20:
        spotsize = 20

    if spotflux > 1.0:
        spotflux = 1.0

    print SPOT_DATA

    print x

    p0 = x[0]

    #p0 = abs(x[0])
    #if p0 > 0.25:
    #p0 = 0.25

    gamma = x[10:12]

    if len(fix) > 0:
        x = fix

    #if abs(gamma[0]) > 1.0:
    #gamma[0] = 2.0*(gamma[0]/abs(gamma[0]))

    #if abs(gamma[0] + gamma[1]) >= 1.0:
    #gamma[1] = 1.0 - gamma[0]

    airmass_2 = x[1]
    norm_1 = x[2]
    norm_2 = x[3]
    t_11 = x[4]
    t_21 = x[5]

    poly_p = x[12:]

    poly_p_1 = x[12:12 + len(poly_p) / 2]
    poly_p_2 = x[12 + len(poly_p) / 2:]

    #poly_p_2[1] = poly_p_1[1]
    #poly_p_2[2] = poly_p_1[2]

    per = 1.7497798
    inc = 85.35
    ars = 7.38
    #  gamma = [0,0]
    tt = -1.25135820e-04

    tt += 2456892.54327

    t_10 = 1.0
    t_20 = 1.0

    #print airmass_2
    #print norm_1, norm_2
    #print t_1, t_2

    print gamma

    divider = 2456895

    poly_m_1 = poly_model(poly_p_1,
                          hjd[hjd < divider] - min(hjd[hjd < divider]))
    poly_m_2 = poly_model(poly_p_2,
                          hjd[hjd > divider] - min(hjd[hjd > divider]))

    poly_t_1 = poly_model([t_10, t_11],
                          hjd[hjd < divider] - min(hjd[hjd < divider]))
    poly_t_2 = poly_model([t_20, t_21],
                          hjd[hjd > divider] - min(hjd[hjd > divider]))

    t_dep = array(list(poly_t_1) + list(poly_t_2))

    extinction = array(list(poly_m_1) + list(poly_m_2))

    poly_m = 1.0 + 10.0**(0.4 *
                          (airmass + airmass_2 * airmass**2.0) * extinction)

    z = transit.t2z(tt, per, inc, hjd, ars)
    #model = transit.occultquad(z, p0, gamma)
    #  model = transit.occultnonlin(z, p0, gamma)

    radiustotal = (1.0 + p0) / ars

    phase_offset = 0

    INPUT = [
        p0, radiustotal, gamma[0], gamma[1], inc, phase_offset, spotlong,
        spotlat, spotsize, spotflux

    if SPOT_DATA == True:
        plotting = False
        model = fprism((hjd - tt) / (per), INPUT, SPOT_DATA, plotting=plotting)
        if plotting == True:
        model = transit.occultquad(z, p0, gamma)


    detrended = t_dep * model / poly_m

    for i in range(0, len(hjd)):
        if hjd[i] < divider:
            detrended[i] = detrended[i] * norm_1
            detrended[i] = detrended[i] * norm_2

#  detrended = detrended*sum(model)/sum(detrended)

    return detrended, z
def transit_model(x,hjd,airmass,fix=[]):

  p0 = abs(x[0])
  gamma = x[5:7]

  if len(fix) > 0:
    x = fix

  tt = x[1]
  per = x[2]
  inc = x[3]
  ars = x[4]
  airmass_2 = x[7]
  norm_1 = x[8]
  norm_2 = x[9]
  t_10 = x[10] 
  t_11 = x[11]
  t_20 = x[12]
  t_21 = x[13]
  poly_p = x[14:]

  poly_p_1 = x[14:14+len(poly_p)/2]
  poly_p_2 = x[14+len(poly_p)/2:]

  #poly_p_2[1] = poly_p_1[1]
  #poly_p_2[2] = poly_p_1[2]

  per = 1.7497798
  inc = 85.35
  ars = 7.38
#  gamma = [0,0]
  tt = -1.25135820e-04

  tt += 2456892.54327

  gamma[0] = abs(gamma[0])
  gamma[1] = abs(gamma[1])
  if gamma[1] > gamma[0]:
    gamma[1] = gamma[0]

  #print airmass_2
  #print norm_1, norm_2
  #print t_1, t_2

  z = transit.t2z(tt, per, inc, hjd, ars)

  divider = 2456895

  poly_m_1 = poly_model(poly_p_1,hjd[hjd < divider] - min(hjd[hjd < divider]))
  poly_m_2 = poly_model(poly_p_2,hjd[hjd > divider] - min(hjd[hjd > divider]))

  poly_t_1 = poly_model([t_10,t_11],hjd[hjd < divider] - min(hjd[hjd < divider]))
  poly_t_2 = poly_model([t_20,t_21],hjd[hjd > divider] - min(hjd[hjd > divider]))

  t_dep = array(list(poly_t_1) + list(poly_t_2))

  extinction = array(list(poly_m_1) + list(poly_m_2))

  poly_m = 1.0 + 10.0**(0.4*(airmass + airmass_2*airmass**2.0)*extinction) 
  print x
  model = transit.occultquad(z, p0, gamma)

  detrended = t_dep*model / poly_m

  for i in range(0,len(hjd)):
    if hjd[i] < divider:
      detrended[i] = detrended[i]*norm_1
      detrended[i] = detrended[i]*norm_2

#  detrended = detrended*sum(model)/sum(detrended)

  return detrended, z
Ejemplo n.º 4
def transit_model(x,hjd,airmass,fix=[],SPOT_DATA=False):

  spotlong = x[6]
  spotlat = x[7]
  spotsize = abs(x[8])
  spotflux = abs(x[9])

  if spotsize > 20:
    spotsize = 20

  if spotflux > 1.0:
    spotflux = 1.0

  print SPOT_DATA

  print x

  p0 = x[0]

  #p0 = abs(x[0])
  #if p0 > 0.25:
    #p0 = 0.25

  gamma = x[10:12]

  if len(fix) > 0:
    x = fix

  #if abs(gamma[0]) > 1.0:
    #gamma[0] = 2.0*(gamma[0]/abs(gamma[0]))

  #if abs(gamma[0] + gamma[1]) >= 1.0:
    #gamma[1] = 1.0 - gamma[0]

  airmass_2 = x[1]
  norm_1 = x[2]
  norm_2 = x[3]
  t_11 = x[4]
  t_21 = x[5]

  poly_p = x[12:]

  poly_p_1 = x[12:12+len(poly_p)/2]
  poly_p_2 = x[12+len(poly_p)/2:]

  #poly_p_2[1] = poly_p_1[1]
  #poly_p_2[2] = poly_p_1[2]

  per = 1.7497798
  inc = 85.35
  ars = 7.38
#  gamma = [0,0]
  tt = -1.25135820e-04

  tt += 2456892.54327

  t_10 = 1.0
  t_20 = 1.0

  #print airmass_2
  #print norm_1, norm_2
  #print t_1, t_2

  print gamma

  divider = 2456895

  poly_m_1 = poly_model(poly_p_1,hjd[hjd < divider] - min(hjd[hjd < divider]))
  poly_m_2 = poly_model(poly_p_2,hjd[hjd > divider] - min(hjd[hjd > divider]))

  poly_t_1 = poly_model([t_10,t_11],hjd[hjd < divider] - min(hjd[hjd < divider]))
  poly_t_2 = poly_model([t_20,t_21],hjd[hjd > divider] - min(hjd[hjd > divider]))

  t_dep = array(list(poly_t_1) + list(poly_t_2))

  extinction = array(list(poly_m_1) + list(poly_m_2))

  poly_m = 1.0 + 10.0**(0.4*(airmass + airmass_2*airmass**2.0)*extinction) 
  z = transit.t2z(tt, per, inc, hjd, ars)
  #model = transit.occultquad(z, p0, gamma)
#  model = transit.occultnonlin(z, p0, gamma)

  radiustotal = (1.0 + p0)/ars

  phase_offset = 0

  INPUT = [p0,radiustotal,gamma[0],gamma[1],inc,phase_offset,spotlong,spotlat,spotsize,spotflux]

  if SPOT_DATA == True:
    plotting = False
    model = fprism((hjd-tt)/(per),INPUT,SPOT_DATA,plotting=plotting)
    if plotting == True:
    model = transit.occultquad(z, p0, gamma)


  detrended = t_dep*model / poly_m

  for i in range(0,len(hjd)):
    if hjd[i] < divider:
      detrended[i] = detrended[i]*norm_1
      detrended[i] = detrended[i]*norm_2

#  detrended = detrended*sum(model)/sum(detrended)

  return detrended, z