Ejemplo n.º 1
 def run(self):
     for name in chain.from_iterable(glob(mask) for mask in LOCALE_MASKS):
         output = os.path.splitext(name)[0] + ".mo"
         if not newer(name, output):
         self.announce(f"compiling {name} -> {output}", level=log.INFO)
         with open(name, "rb") as pofile, open(output, "wb") as mofile:
             convertmo(pofile, mofile, None)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def view_unit(request, language, domain="django"):
    localepath = locale_path(language, domain)
    # XXX in case of POST, use file locking to avoid concurrency issues
    translation = pofile(file(localepath))

    if request.method == "POST":
        msgid = request.POST["key"]
        msgstr = request.POST["value"]
        unit = translation.findunit(msgid)

        unit.markfuzzy(False)  # clear fuzzy flag on save if any

        # file names
        t = time.localtime()
        # XXX no subsecond precision here
        timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", t)
        localepath_backup = localepath + "." + timestamp
        localepath_temp = localepath + ".saved"
        mopath = localepath.replace(".po", ".mo")
        mopath_temp = mopath + ".saved"

        # backup old .po
        backup = file(localepath_backup, "wb")
        backup.write(file(localepath, "rb").read())
        # save .po under temp name
        # overwrite old .po atomically
        os.rename(localepath_temp, localepath)
        # compile .mo under temp name
        _not_empty = convertmo(file(localepath), file(mopath_temp, "wb"), None)
        # overwrite old mo atomically
        os.rename(mopath_temp, mopath)

        # deploy immediately in this Django process
        msgid = request.GET["key"]
        unit = translation.findunit(msgid)

        msgstr = unit.gettarget()

    return HttpResponse(msgstr, mimetype="text/plain")
Ejemplo n.º 3
#TODO: add Natural Language classifiers

# Compile .mo files from available .po files
from translate.tools.pocompile import convertmo
mo_files = []

for lang in open(path.join('po', 'LINGUAS')):
    lang = lang.rstrip()
    po_filename = path.join('po', lang+'.po')
    mo_filename = path.join('mo', lang, 'virtaal.mo')

    if not path.exists(path.join('mo', lang)):
        os.makedirs(path.join('mo', lang))

    convertmo(open(po_filename), open(mo_filename, 'w'), None)

        ( path.join(TARGET_DATA_DIR, 'locale', lang, 'LC_MESSAGES'), [mo_filename])

# Build lite files as needed on Win32 and OS X
if os.name == 'nt' or sys.platform == 'darwin':
    for lang in open(path.join('po', 'LINGUAS-lite')):
        app, lang = lang.rstrip().split('/')
        po_filename = path.join('po', 'lite', app, lang+'.po')
        mo_filename = path.join('mo', lang, app+'.mo')
        if not path.exists(path.join('mo', lang)):
            os.makedirs(path.join('mo', lang))
Ejemplo n.º 4
#TODO: add Natural Language classifiers

# Compile .mo files from available .po files
from translate.tools.pocompile import convertmo
mo_files = []

for lang in open(path.join('po', 'LINGUAS')):
    lang = lang.rstrip()
    po_filename = path.join('po', lang + '.po')
    mo_filename = path.join('mo', lang, 'virtaal.mo')

    if not path.exists(path.join('mo', lang)):
        os.makedirs(path.join('mo', lang))

    convertmo(open(po_filename), open(mo_filename, 'w'), None)

    mo_files.append((path.join(TARGET_DATA_DIR, 'locale', lang,
                               'LC_MESSAGES'), [mo_filename]))

# Build lite files as needed on Win32 and OS X
if os.name == 'nt' or sys.platform == 'darwin':
    for lang in open(path.join('po', 'LINGUAS-lite')):
        app, lang = lang.rstrip().split('/')
        po_filename = path.join('po', 'lite', app, lang + '.po')
        mo_filename = path.join('mo', lang, app + '.mo')

        if not path.exists(path.join('mo', lang)):
            os.makedirs(path.join('mo', lang))

        convertmo(open(po_filename), open(mo_filename, 'w'), None)
Ejemplo n.º 5
# TODO: add Natural Language classifiers

# Compile .mo files from available .po files
from translate.tools.pocompile import convertmo

mo_files = []

for po_filename in glob(path.join("po", "*.po")):
    lang = path.split(po_filename[:-3])[1]  # Chop off '.po'
    mo_filename = path.join("mo", lang, "virtaal.mo")

    if not path.exists(path.join("mo", lang)):
        os.makedirs(path.join("mo", lang))

    convertmo(open(po_filename), open(mo_filename, "w"), None)

    mo_files.append((path.join(TARGET_DATA_DIR, "locale", lang, "LC_MESSAGES"), [mo_filename]))

# Some of these depend on some files to be built externally before running
# setup.py, like the .xml and .desktop files
options = {
    "data_files": [
        (path.join(TARGET_DATA_DIR, "virtaal"), glob(path.join(SOURCE_DATA_DIR, "virtaal", "*.*"))),
            path.join(TARGET_DATA_DIR, "virtaal", "autocorr"),
            glob(path.join(SOURCE_DATA_DIR, "virtaal", "autocorr", "*")),
        (path.join(TARGET_DATA_DIR, "icons"), glob(path.join(SOURCE_DATA_DIR, "icons", "*.*"))),
    + mo_files,