def check_input_file(path, masks):
    ret, img_1 = load_img_by_cv2(path + masks[0], grayscale=True)
    assert (ret == 0)

    height, width = img_1.shape
    num_img = len(masks)

    for next_index in range(1, num_img):
        next_ret, next_img = load_img_by_cv2(path + masks[next_index],
        assert (next_ret == 0)
        next_height, next_width = next_img.shape
        assert (height == next_height and width == next_width)
    return height, width
Ejemplo n.º 2
def combine_masks(input_dict):
    FOREGROUND = input_dict['foreground']
    road_mask = input_dict['road_mask']
    building_mask = input_dict['building_mask']
    output_file = input_dict['save_mask']

    files = [road_mask, building_mask]
    print("road mask:{}".format(road_mask))
    print("building mask:{}".format(building_mask))
    height, width = check_input_file(files)

    final_mask = np.zeros((height, width), np.uint8)
    for idx, file in enumerate(files):
        ret, img = load_img_by_cv2(file, grayscale=True)
        assert (ret == 0)
        label_value = 0
        if idx == 0:
            label_value = ROAD_VALUE
            label_value = BUILDING_VALUE
        # label_value = idx+1
        # print("buildings prior")
        print("Roads prior")
        for i in tqdm(range(height)):
            for j in range(width):
                if img[i, j] >= FOREGROUND:
                    # print ("img[{},{}]:{}".format(i,j,img[i,j]))

                    if label_value == ROAD_VALUE:
                        final_mask[i, j] = label_value
                    elif label_value == BUILDING_VALUE and final_mask[
                            i, j] != ROAD_VALUE:
                        final_mask[i, j] = label_value

                    # if label_value == BUILDING_VALUE:
                    #     final_mask[i, j] = label_value
                    # elif label_value == ROAD_VALUE and final_mask[i, j] != BUILDING_VALUE:
                    #     final_mask[i, j] = label_value

    final_mask[final_mask == ROAD_VALUE] = 1
    final_mask[final_mask == BUILDING_VALUE] = 2

    plt.imshow(final_mask, cmap='gray')
    plt.title("combined mask")

    cv2.imwrite(output_file, final_mask)
    print("Saved to : {}".format(output_file))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def vote_masks(input_dict):
    target_values = input_dict['target_values']
    num_target = len(target_values)
    input_files = input_dict['input_files']
    output_file = input_dict['save_mask']

    files = input_files.split(';')

    height, width = check_input_file(files)

    mask_list = []
    for file in files:
        ret, img = load_img_by_cv2(file, grayscale=True)
        assert (ret == 0)

    vote_mask = np.zeros((height, width), np.uint8)

    for i in tqdm(range(height)):
        for j in range(width):
            # record=np.zeros(256,np.uint8)
            record = np.zeros(num_target, np.uint8)
            for n in range(len(mask_list)):
                mask = mask_list[n]
                pixel = mask[i, j]
                record[pixel] += 1

            # """Alarming"""
            if record.argmax(
            ) == 0:  # if argmax of 0 = 125 or 255, not prior considering background(0)
                record[0] -= 1
            # print("record:{}".format(record))
            # a = record[1:]
            # print("else:{}".format(a))
            # if a.any()>1:
            #     record[0]=0

            label = record.argmax()
            # print ("{},{} label={}".format(i,j,label))
            vote_mask[i, j] = label
    # vote_mask[vote_mask==125]=1
    # vote_mask[vote_mask == 255] = 2

    cv2.imwrite(output_file, vote_mask)
    return 0
def combine_all_mask(height, width, input_path, mask_pool):

    :param height:
    :param width:
    :param input_path:
    :param mask_pool:
    :return: final mask from roads_mask and buildings_mask

    prior: road(1)>bulidings(2)
    final_mask = np.zeros((height, width), np.uint8)
    for idx, file in enumerate(mask_pool):
        ret, img = load_img_by_cv2(input_path + file, grayscale=True)
        assert (ret == 0)
        label_value = 0
        if 'road' in file:
            label_value = ROAD_VALUE
        elif 'building' in file:
            label_value = BUILDING_VALUE
        # label_value = idx+1
        # print("buildings prior")
        print("Roads prior")
        for i in tqdm(range(height)):
            for j in range(width):
                if img[i, j] >= FOREGROUND:
                    # print ("img[{},{}]:{}".format(i,j,img[i,j]))

                    if label_value == ROAD_VALUE:
                        final_mask[i, j] = label_value
                    elif label_value == BUILDING_VALUE and final_mask[
                            i, j] != ROAD_VALUE:
                        final_mask[i, j] = label_value

                    # if label_value == BUILDING_VALUE:
                    #     final_mask[i, j] = label_value
                    # elif label_value == ROAD_VALUE and final_mask[i, j] != BUILDING_VALUE:
                    #     final_mask[i, j] = label_value

    final_mask[final_mask == ROAD_VALUE] = 1
    final_mask[final_mask == BUILDING_VALUE] = 2
    return final_mask
Ejemplo n.º 5
def vote_per_image(height, width, path, masks):
    num_target = len(target_values)

    mask_list = []
    for tt in range(len(masks)):
        ret, img = load_img_by_cv2(path + masks[tt], grayscale=True)
        assert (ret == 0)

    vote_mask = np.zeros((height, width), np.uint8)

    for i in tqdm(range(height)):
        for j in range(width):
            # record=np.zeros(256,np.uint8)
            record = np.zeros(num_target, np.uint8)
            for n in range(len(mask_list)):
                mask = mask_list[n]
                pixel = mask[i, j]
                record[pixel] += 1

            # """Alarming"""
            if record.argmax(
            ) == 0:  # if argmax of 0 = 125 or 255, not prior considering background(0)
                record[0] -= 1
            # print("record:{}".format(record))
            # a = record[1:]
            # print("else:{}".format(a))
            # if a.any()>1:
            #     record[0]=0

            label = record.argmax()
            # print ("{},{} label={}".format(i,j,label))
            vote_mask[i, j] = label
    # vote_mask[vote_mask==125]=1
    # vote_mask[vote_mask == 255] = 2

    return vote_mask
Ejemplo n.º 6
from tqdm import tqdm
from ulitities.base_functions import load_img_by_cv2, compare_two_image_size

ref_file = '../../data/test/paper/label/cuiping_label.png'
# 1) jian11_test_label, 2) jiangyou_label, 3) yujiang_test_label,
# 4) cuiping_label, 5) shuangliu_1test_label, 6) tongchuan_test_label

pred_file ='../../data/test/paper/voted/' \

output_file = '../../data/test/paper/voted/' \

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print("[INFO]Reading images")
    ret, ref_img = load_img_by_cv2(ref_file, grayscale=True)
    if ret != 0:
        print("Open file failed:{}".format(ref_file))

    ret, pred_img = load_img_by_cv2(pred_file, grayscale=True)
    if ret != 0:
        print("Open file failed:{}".format(pred_file))

    compare_two_image_size(ref_img, pred_img, grayscale=True)

    height, width = ref_img.shape
    print("height,width: {},{}".format(height, width))

    match_img = np.zeros((height, width), np.uint8)
def accuracy_evalute(input_dict):
    ref_file = input_dict['gt_file']
    pred_file = input_dict['mask_file']
    valid_labels = input_dict['valid_values']
    n_class = len(valid_labels)
    check_rate = input_dict['check_rate']
    gup_id = input_dict['GPUID']
    os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = gup_id

    ret, ref_img = load_img_by_cv2(ref_file, grayscale=True)
    if ret != 0:
        print("Open file failed: {}".format(ref_file))

    ret, pred_img = load_img_by_cv2(pred_file, grayscale=True)
    if ret != 0:
        print("Open file failed: {}".format(pred_file))

    print("\nfile: {}".format(os.path.split(pred_file)[1]))

    print("[INFO] Calculate confusion matrix..\n")

    ref_img = np.array(ref_img)
    height, width = ref_img.shape
    print(height, width)
    if height != pred_img.shape[0] or width != pred_img.shape[1]:
        print("image sizes of reference and predicted are not equal!\n")

    img_length = height * width
    assert (check_rate > 0.001 and check_rate <= 1.00)
    num_checkpoints = * check_rate)

    pos = random.sample(range(img_length), num_checkpoints)

    """reshape images from two to one dimension"""
    ref_img = np.reshape(ref_img, height * width)
    pred_img = np.reshape(pred_img, height * width)

    labels = ref_img[pos]

    """ignore nodata pixels"""
    valid_index = []
    for tt in valid_labels:
        ind = np.where(labels == tt)
        ind = list(ind)

    valid_num_checkpoints = len(valid_index)
    print("{}points have been selected, but {} points will be used to evaluate accuracy!\n".format(num_checkpoints,
    # valid_ref=ref_img[valid_index]
    valid_ref = labels[valid_index]
    print("valid value in reference image: {}".format(np.unique(valid_ref)))

    ts = pred_img[pos]
    valid_pred = ts[valid_index]
    print("valid value in predicton image: {}".format(np.unique(valid_pred)))

    tmp = np.unique(valid_pred)
    for ss in tmp:
        assert (ss in valid_labels)

    """Test to find out where are labels in the confusion matrix"""
    # num_tmp = labels[labels==0].shape
    # print("label 0 : {}".format(num_tmp))
    # num_tmp = labels[labels == 1].shape
    # print("label 1 : {}".format(num_tmp))
    # num_tmp = labels[labels == 2].shape
    # print("label 2 : {}".format(num_tmp))

    # confus_matrix = tf.contrib.metrics.confusion_matrix(labels, predictions, n_class)
    confus_matrix = tf.contrib.metrics.confusion_matrix(valid_pred, valid_ref, n_class)
    with tf.Session() as sess:
        confus_matrix =

    confus_matrix = np.array(confus_matrix)

    oa = 0
    x_row_plus = []
    x_col_plus = []
    x_diagonal = []
    for i in range(n_class):
        oa += confus_matrix[i, i]
        x_diagonal.append(confus_matrix[i, i])
        row_sum = sum(confus_matrix[i, :])
        col_sum = sum(confus_matrix[:, i])

    x_row_plus = np.array(x_row_plus)
    x_col_plus = np.array(x_col_plus)
    x_diagonal = np.array(x_diagonal)
    x_total = sum(x_row_plus)
    OA_acc = oa / (sum(x_row_plus))
    tmp = x_col_plus * x_row_plus
    kappa = (x_total * sum(x_diagonal) - sum(x_col_plus * x_row_plus)) / np.float(
        x_total * x_total - sum(x_col_plus * x_row_plus))


    for i in range(n_class - 1):
        i = i + 1
        prec = x_diagonal[i] / x_row_plus[i]
        print("\nForground of {}_accuracy= {:.3f}".format(i, prec))
        recall = x_diagonal[i] / x_col_plus[i]
        print("{}_recall= {:.3f}".format(i, recall))
        iou = x_diagonal[i] / (x_row_plus[i] + x_col_plus[i] - x_diagonal[i])
        print("{}_iou {:.3f}".format(i, iou))
Ejemplo n.º 8
    files,num = get_file(input_label_path)
    assert (num!=0)

    # valid_labels = []
    #     valid_labels = unet_labels
    # else:
    #     valid_labels = segnet_labels

    for label_file in tqdm(files):
        # label_file = input_label_path + os.path.split(src_file)[1]
        # ret,src_img = load_img(src_file)
        # assert(ret==0)

        ret,label_img = load_img_by_cv2(label_file, grayscale=True)
        assert (ret == 0)

        local_labels = np.unique(label_img)

        for tmp in local_labels:
            if tmp not in valid_labels:
                print ("\nWarning: some label is not valid value")
                print ("\nFile: {}".format(label_file))
                HAS_INVALID_VALUE = True

        if HAS_INVALID_VALUE == True:
            new_label_img = make_label_valid(label_img, invalid_labels)