Ejemplo n.º 1
    def forward(self, input, target):
             input (torch.tensor): embeddings predicted by the network (NxExDxHxW) (E - embedding dims)
             target (torch.tensor): ground truth instance segmentation (NxDxHxW)

            Combined loss defined as: alpha * variance_term + beta * distance_term + gamma * regularization_term
        # get number of instances in the batch
        C = torch.unique(target).size()[0]
        # expand each label as a one-hot vector: N x D x H x W -> N x C x D x H x W
        target = expand_as_one_hot(target, C)
        # compare spatial dimensions
        assert input.dim() == target.dim() == 5
        assert input.size()[2:] == target.size()[2:]

        # compute mean embeddings and assign embeddings to instances
        cluster_means, embeddings_per_instance = self._compute_cluster_means(
            input, target)
        variance_term = self._compute_variance_term(cluster_means,
        distance_term = self._compute_distance_term(cluster_means, C)
        regularization_term = self._compute_regularizer_term(cluster_means, C)
        # total loss
        loss = self.alpha * variance_term + self.beta * distance_term + self.gamma * regularization_term
        # reduce batch dimension
        return torch.mean(loss)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def forward(self, input, target, weights):
        assert target.size() == weights.size()
        # normalize the input
        log_probabilities = self.log_softmax(input)
        # standard CrossEntropyLoss requires the target to be (NxDxHxW), so we need to expand it to (NxCxDxHxW)
        target = expand_as_one_hot(target, C=input.size()[1], ignore_index=self.ignore_index)
        # expand weights
        weights = weights.unsqueeze(0)
        weights = weights.expand_as(input)

        # mask ignore_index if present
        if self.ignore_index is not None:
            mask = Variable(target.data.ne(self.ignore_index).float(), requires_grad=False)
            log_probabilities = log_probabilities * mask
            target = target * mask

        # create default class_weights if None
        if self.class_weights is None:
            class_weights = torch.ones(input.size()[1]).float().to(input.device)
            self.register_buffer('class_weights', class_weights)

        # resize class_weights to be broadcastable into the weights
        class_weights = self.class_weights.view(1, -1, 1, 1, 1)

        # multiply weights tensor by class weights
        weights = class_weights * weights

        # compute the losses
        result = -weights * target * log_probabilities
        # average the losses
        return result.mean()
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __call__(self, input, target):
        :param input: 5D probability maps torch float tensor (NxCxDxHxW)
        :param target: 4D or 5D ground truth torch tensor. 4D (NxDxHxW) tensor will be expanded to 5D as one-hot
        :return: intersection over union averaged over all channels
        assert input.dim() == 5

        n_classes = input.size()[1]

        if target.dim() == 4:
            target = expand_as_one_hot(target,

        assert input.size() == target.size()

        per_batch_iou = []
        for _input, _target in zip(input, target):
            binary_prediction = self._binarize_predictions(_input, n_classes)

            if self.ignore_index is not None:
                # zero out ignore_index
                mask = _target == self.ignore_index
                binary_prediction[mask] = 0
                _target[mask] = 0

            # convert to uint8 just in case
            binary_prediction = binary_prediction.byte()
            _target = _target.byte()

            per_channel_iou = []
            for c in range(n_classes):
                if c in self.skip_channels:

                    self._jaccard_index(binary_prediction[c], _target[c]))

            assert per_channel_iou, "All channels were ignored from the computation"
            mean_iou = torch.mean(torch.tensor(per_channel_iou))

        return torch.mean(torch.tensor(per_batch_iou))