def bcrypt_hash(password):
    # type: (str) -> str
	Return bcrypt hash.

	:param password: password string.
	:returns: the hashed password string.
    cost_factor = int(
        configRegistry.get('password/hashing/bcrypt/cost_factor', '12'))
    prefix = configRegistry.get('password/hashing/bcrypt/prefix',
    salt = bcrypt.gensalt(rounds=cost_factor, prefix=prefix)
    return bcrypt.hashpw(password.encode('utf-8'), salt).decode('ASCII')
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def modify_text(text, commands):
		# type: (str, List[str]) -> str
		# apply all string commands
		for iCmd in commands:
			if iCmd == 'lower':
				text = text.lower()
			elif iCmd == 'upper':
				text = text.upper()
			elif iCmd == 'umlauts':
				if isinstance(text, bytes):  # Python 2
					text = text.decode('UTF-8')
				# We need this to handle german umlauts, e.g. ä -> ae
				for umlaut, code in property.UMLAUTS.items():
					text = text.replace(umlaut, code)
				text = unidecode.unidecode(text)
			elif iCmd == 'alphanum':
				whitelist = configRegistry.get('directory/manager/templates/alphanum/whitelist', '')
				if isinstance(whitelist, bytes):  # Python 2
					whitelist = whitelist.decode('UTF-8')
				if isinstance(text, bytes):
					text = text.decode('UTF-8')
				text = u''.join([c for c in text if (c.isalnum() or c in whitelist)])
			elif iCmd in ('trim', 'strip'):
				text = text.strip()
		return text
Ejemplo n.º 3
def getBaseDN(host='localhost', port=None, uri=None):
    # type: (str, Optional[int], Optional[str]) -> str
	Return the naming context of the LDAP server.

	:param str host: The hostname of the LDAP server.
	:param int port: The TCP port number of the LDAP server.
	:param str uri: A complete LDAP URI.
	:returns: The distinguished name of the LDAP root.
	:rtype: str
    if not uri:
        if not port:
            port = int(configRegistry.get('ldap/server/port', 7389))
        uri = "ldap://%s:%s" % (host, port)
        lo = ldap.ldapobject.ReconnectLDAPObject(uri, trace_stack_limit=None)
        result = lo.search_s('', ldap.SCOPE_BASE, 'objectClass=*',
        return result[0][1]['namingContexts'][0].decode('utf-8')
    except ldap.SERVER_DOWN:
    lo = ldap.ldapobject.ReconnectLDAPObject(uri, trace_stack_limit=None)
    result = lo.search_s('', ldap.SCOPE_BASE, 'objectClass=*',
    return result[0][1]['namingContexts'][0].decode('utf-8')
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def modify_text(text, commands):
        # apply all string commands
        for iCmd in commands:
            if iCmd == 'lower':
                text = text.lower()
            elif iCmd == 'upper':
                text = text.upper()
            elif iCmd == 'umlauts':
                if isinstance(text, bytes):
                    text = text.decode('UTF-8')
                for umlaut, code in property.UMLAUTS.items():
                    text = text.replace(umlaut, code)

                text = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', text).encode(
                    'ascii', 'ignore').decode('ascii')
            elif iCmd == 'alphanum':
                whitelist = configRegistry.get(
                    'directory/manager/templates/alphanum/whitelist', '')
                if isinstance(whitelist, bytes):  # Python 2
                    whitelist = whitelist.decode('UTF-8')
                if isinstance(text, bytes):
                    text = text.decode('UTF-8')
                text = u''.join(
                    [c for c in text if (c.isalnum() or c in whitelist)])
            elif iCmd in ('trim', 'strip'):
                text = text.strip()
        return text
def password_is_auth_saslpassthrough(password):
    # type: (str) -> bool
	Check if the password hash indicates the use of |SASL|.

	:param apssword: password hash.
	:returns: `True` is |SASL| shall be used, `False` otherwise.
    return password.startswith('{SASL}') and configRegistry.get(
        'no').lower() == 'keep'
def crypt(password, method_id=None, salt=None):
    # type: (str, Optional[str], Optional[str]) -> str
	Return crypt hash.

	:param password: password string.
	:param method_id: optional hash type, MD5, SHA256/SHA-256, SHA512/SHA-512.
	:param salt: salt for randomize the hashing.
	:returns: the hashed password string.
    hashing_method = configRegistry.get('password/hashing/method',

    if salt is None:
        salt = ''
        valid = [
            '.', '/', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k',
            'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x',
            'y', 'z', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K',
            'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X',
            'Y', 'Z', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'
        urandom = open("/dev/urandom", "rb")
        for i in range(
                0, 16
        ):  # up to 16 bytes of salt are evaluated by crypt(3), overhead is ignored
            o = ord(
            while not o < 256 // len(valid) * len(
            ):  # make sure not to skew the distribution when using modulo
                o = ord(
            salt = salt + valid[(o % len(valid))]

    if method_id is None:
        method_id = {
            'MD5': '1',
            'SHA256': '5',
            'SHA-256': '5',
            'SHA512': '6',
            'SHA-512': '6',
        }.get(hashing_method, '6')

    from crypt import crypt as _crypt
    return _crypt(password, '$%s$%s$' % (
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self,
        # type: (str, int, str, str, str, int, univention.uldap.access, bool) -> None
		:param str host: The hostname of the |LDAP| server.
		:param int port: The |TCP| port number of the |LDAP| server.
		:param str base: The base distinguished name.
		:param str binddn: The distinguished name of the account.
		:param str bindpw: The user password for simple authentication.
		:param int start_tls: Negotiate |TLS| with server. If `2` is given, the command will require the operation to be successful.
		:param univention.uldap.access lo: |LDAP| connection.
		:param:bool follow_referral: Follow |LDAP| referrals.
        if lo:
            self.lo = lo
            if not port:
                port = int(configRegistry.get('ldap/server/port', 7389))
                self.lo = univention.uldap.access(
            except ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS:
                raise univention.admin.uexceptions.authFail(
                    _("Authentication failed"))
            except ldap.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM:
                raise univention.admin.uexceptions.authFail(
                    _("Authentication failed"))
        self.require_license = False
        self.allow_modify = True
        self.licensetypes = ['UCS']
Ejemplo n.º 8
def ucr_overwrite_layout(module, ucr_property, tab):
	Overwrite the advanced setting in the layout
    desc = tab['name']
    if hasattr(tab['name'], 'data'):
        desc =['name'].data
    # replace invalid characters by underscores
    desc = re.sub(univention.config_registry.invalid_key_chars, '_',
                  desc).replace('/', '_')
    p_v = configRegistry.get(
        'directory/manager/web/modules/%s/layout/%s/%s' %
        (module, desc, ucr_property), None)
    if not p_v:
        return None

    if p_v.lower() in ['0', 'false', 'no', 'off']:
        return False
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 9
def ucr_overwrite_module_layout(module):
	# type: (Any) -> None
	Overwrite the tab layout through |UCR| variables.
	ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, "layout overwrite")
	# there are modules without a layout definition
	if not hasattr(module, 'layout'):

	new_layout = []
	for tab in module.layout[:]:
		desc = tab.label
		if hasattr(tab.label, 'data'):
			desc =

		# replace invalid characters by underscores
		desc = re.sub(univention.config_registry.invalid_key_chars, '_', desc).replace('/', '_')

		tab_layout = configRegistry.get('directory/manager/web/modules/%s/layout/%s' % (module.module, desc))
		ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, "layout overwrite: tab_layout='%s'" % tab_layout)
		tab_name = configRegistry.get('directory/manager/web/modules/%s/layout/%s/name' % (module.module, desc))
		ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, "layout overwrite: tab_name='%s'" % tab_name)
		tab_descr = configRegistry.get('directory/manager/web/modules/%s/layout/%s/description' % (module.module, desc))
		ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, "layout overwrite: tab_descr='%s'" % tab_descr)

		if tab_name:
			tab['name'] = tab_name

		if tab_descr:
			tab['description'] = tab_descr

		# for now the layout modification from UCS 2.4 is disabled (see Bug #26673)
		# (this piece of code does not respect the tab-group-hierarchie of UCS 3.0)
		# if tab_layout and tab_layout.lower() != 'none':
		#	layout = []
		#	for row in tab_layout.split( ';' ):
		#		line = []
		#		for col in row.split( ',' ):
		#			col = col.strip()
		#			if not col:
		#				continue
		#			if col in module.property_descriptions:
		#				line.append( col )
		#			else:
		#				ud.debug( ud.ADMIN, ud.ERROR, "layout overwrite: unknown property: %s" % col )
		#		layout.append( line )
		#	tab[ 'layout' ] = { 'label' : _( 'General' ), 'layout' : layout }

		if not tab_layout or tab_layout.lower() != 'none':
			# disable specified properties via UCR
			ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'ucr_overwrite_module_layout: trying to hide properties on tab %s' % (desc))
			ucr_prefix = ucr_property_prefix % module.module
			for var in configRegistry.keys():
				if not var.startswith(ucr_prefix):
				prop, attr = var[len(ucr_prefix):].split('/', 1)
				# ignore invalid/unknown UCR variables
				if '/' in attr:
				if attr in ('__hidden') and configRegistry.is_true(var):
					removed, layout = tab.remove(prop)
					ud.debug(ud.ADMIN, ud.INFO, 'ucr_overwrite_module_layout: tried to hide property: %s (found=%s)' % (prop, removed))

	del module.layout
	module.layout = new_layout

	# sort tabs: All apps occur alphabetical after the "Apps" / "Options" tab
	app_tabs = [x for x in module.layout if x.is_app_tab]
	app_tabs.sort(key=lambda x: x.label.lower())
	layout = [x for x in module.layout if not x.is_app_tab]
	pos = ([i for i, x in enumerate(layout, 1) if x.label == 'Apps'] or [len(layout)])[0]
	layout[pos:pos] = app_tabs
	module.layout = layout
Ejemplo n.º 10
	def __init__(
		short_description='',  # type: str
		long_description='',  # type: str
		syntax=None,  # type: Union[Type, Any]
		module_search=None,  # type: None
		multivalue=False,  # type: bool
		one_only=False,  # type: bool
		parent=None,  # type: str
		options=[],  # type: List[str]
		license=[],  # type: List[str]
		required=False,  # type: bool
		may_change=True,  # type: bool
		identifies=False,  # type: bool
		unique=False,  # type: bool
		default=None,  # type: Any
		prevent_umc_default_popup=False,  # type: bool
		dontsearch=False,  # type: bool
		show_in_lists=False,  # type: bool
		editable=True,  # type: bool
		configObjectPosition=None,  # type: None
		configAttributeName=None,  # type: None
		include_in_default_search=False,  # type: bool
		nonempty_is_default=False,  # type: bool
		readonly_when_synced=False,  # type: bool
		size=None,  # type: str
		copyable=False,  # type: bool
		type_class=None,  # type: type  # univention.admin.types.TypeHint
	):  # type: (...) -> None
		|UDM| property.

		:param short_description: a short descriptive text - shown below the input filed in |UMC| by default.
		:param long_description: a long descriptive text - shown only on demand in |UMC|.
		:param syntax: a syntax class or instance to validate the value.
		:param module_search: UNUSED?
		:param multivalue: allow only a single value (`False`) or multiple values (`True`) .
		:param one_only: UNUSED?
		:param parent: UNUSED?
		:param options: List of options, which enable this property.
		:param license: List of license strings, which are required to use this property.
		:param required: `True` for a required property, `False` for an optional property.
		:param may_change: `True` if the property can be changed after the object has been created, `False` when the property can only be specified when the object is created.
		:param identifies: `True` if the property is part of the set of properties, which are required to uniquely identify the object. The properties are used by default to build |RDN| for a new object.
		:param unique: `True` if the property must be unique for all object instances.
		:param default: The default value for the property when a new object is created.
		:param prevent_umc_default_popup: `True` to prevent a pop-up dialog in |UMC| when the default value is not set.
		:param dontsearch: `True` to prevent searches using the property.
		:param show_in_lists: UNUSED?
		:param editable: `False` prevents the property from being modified by the user; it still can be modified by code.
		:param configObjectPosition: UNUSED?
		:param configAttributeName: UNUSED?
		:param include_in_default_search: The default search searches this property when set to `True`.
		:param nonempty_is_default: `True` selects the first non-empty value as the default. `False` always selects the first default value, even if it is empty.
		:param readonly_when_synced: `True` only shows the value as read-only when synchronized from some upstream database.
		:param size: The |UMC| widget size; one of :py:data:`univention.admin.syntax.SIZES`.
		:param copyable: With `True` the property is copied when the object is cloned; with `False` the new object will use the default value.
		:param type_class: An optional Typing class which overwrites the syntax class specific type.
		self.short_description = short_description
		self.long_description = long_description
		if isinstance(syntax, type):
			self.syntax = syntax()
			self.syntax = syntax
		self.module_search = module_search
		self.multivalue = multivalue
		self.one_only = one_only
		self.parent = parent
		self.options = options or []
		self.license = license or []
		self.required = required
		self.may_change = may_change
		self.identifies = identifies
		self.unique = unique
		self.base_default = default
		self.prevent_umc_default_popup = prevent_umc_default_popup
		self.dontsearch = dontsearch
		self.show_in_lists = show_in_lists
		self.editable = editable
		self.configObjectPosition = configObjectPosition
		self.configAttributeName = configAttributeName
		self.templates = []  # type: List  # univention.admin.handlers.simpleLdap
		self.include_in_default_search = include_in_default_search
		self.threshold = int(configRegistry.get('directory/manager/web/sizelimit', '2000') or 2000)
		self.nonempty_is_default = nonempty_is_default
		self.readonly_when_synced = readonly_when_synced
		self.size = size
		self.copyable = copyable
		self.type_class = type_class
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def __init__(self):
     if _license:
         raise Exception('never create this object directly')
     self.new_license = False
     self.disable_add = 0
     self._expired = False
     self.endDate = None
     self.oemProductTypes = []
     self.licenseBase = None
     self.types = []
     self.version = '1'
     self.searchResult = None
     self.sysAccountNames = (
         'pcpatch',  # opsi app
         'opsiconfd',  # opsi app
         'http-%s' % configRegistry.get('hostname'),
         'http-proxy-%s' % configRegistry.get('hostname'),
         'zarafa-%s' % configRegistry.get('hostname'),
         custom_username('SBSMonAcct'),  # SBS account
         custom_username('Network Administrator'),  # SBS role
         custom_username('Standard User'),  # SBS role
         ),  # SBS role "Standard User with administration links"
         'IUSR_WIN-*',  # IIS account
     self.sysAccountsFound = 0
     self.licenses = {
         '1': {
             # Version 1 till UCS 3.1
             License.ACCOUNT: None,
             License.CLIENT: None,
             License.DESKTOP: None,
             License.GROUPWARE: None,
         '2': {
             # Version 2 since UCS 3.1
             License.USERS: None,
             License.SERVERS: None,
             License.MANAGEDCLIENTS: None,
             License.CORPORATECLIENTS: None,
     self.real = {
         '1': {
             # Version 1 till UCS 3.1
             License.ACCOUNT: 0,
             License.CLIENT: 0,
             License.DESKTOP: 0,
             License.GROUPWARE: 0,
         '2': {
             # Version 2 since UCS 3.1
             License.USERS: 0,
             License.SERVERS: 0,
             License.MANAGEDCLIENTS: 0,
             License.CORPORATECLIENTS: 0,
     self.names = {
         '1': {
             # Version 1 till UCS 3.1
             License.ACCOUNT: 'Accounts',
             License.CLIENT: 'Clients',
             License.DESKTOP: 'Desktops',
             License.GROUPWARE: 'Groupware Accounts',
         '2': {
             # Version 2 since UCS 3.1
             License.USERS: 'Users',
             License.SERVERS: 'Servers',
             License.MANAGEDCLIENTS: 'Managed Clients',
             License.CORPORATECLIENTS: 'Corporate Clients',
     self.keys = {
         '1': {
             # Version 1 till UCS 3.1
             License.ACCOUNT: 'univentionLicenseAccounts',
             License.CLIENT: 'univentionLicenseClients',
             License.DESKTOP: 'univentionLicenseuniventionDesktops',
             License.GROUPWARE: 'univentionLicenseGroupwareAccounts'
         '2': {
             # Version 1 till UCS 3.1
             License.USERS: 'univentionLicenseUsers',
             License.SERVERS: 'univentionLicenseServers',
             License.MANAGEDCLIENTS: 'univentionLicenseManagedClients',
             License.CORPORATECLIENTS: 'univentionLicenseCorporateClients',
     self.filters = {
         '1': {
             # Version 1 till UCS 3.1
             '(&(|(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(objectClass=shadowAccount))(objectClass=sambaSamAccount))(!(uidNumber=0))(!(uid=*$))(!(&(shadowExpire=1)(krb5KDCFlags=254)(|(sambaAcctFlags=[UD       ])(sambaAcctFlags=[ULD       ])))))',
             '(&(objectclass=kolabInetOrgPerson)(kolabHomeServer=*)(!(&(shadowExpire=1)(krb5KDCFlags=254)(|(sambaAcctFlags=[UD       ])(sambaAcctFlags=[ULD       ])))))',
         '2': {
             # Version 2 since UCS 3.1
             '(&%s)' % ''.join([
             # Managed Clients, Windows Clients, Ubuntu Clients, Linux Clients, MaxOS X Clients
             '(&%s)' % ''.join([
     self.__selected = False