Ejemplo n.º 1
Em = -65e-3
pulse_dur = 100e-3
pulse_amp = 0.1e-9
pulse_delay1 = 50e-3
pulse_delay2 = 1e9

# Create a neutral directory for the neuron
neuron = moose.Neutral('/neuron')

# Create the soma and connect a pulse to it
l = u.createCompartment(neuron,'swagginWagon',soma_l,soma_rad,RM,CM,RA,Em)
n = u.createPulse(l,'rollingWave',pulse_dur,pulse_amp,pulse_delay1,pulse_delay2)

# Create a neutral directory for the data and create data tables for the soma
data = moose.Neutral('/data')
m = u.createDataTables(l,data)

# Set the clock so that all components of the simulation run           appropriately
moose.setClock(4, simDt)

# Run the experiment

# Compute delta VM at the steady state
delta_Vm = l.Rm*n.level[0]*(1-np.exp(-0.3/(l.Rm*l.Cm)))
print delta_Vm

# Compute actual delta Vm at the steady state
actual_delta_Vm = (np.max(m.vector) -
Ejemplo n.º 2
neuron = moose.Neutral('/neuron')
squid = u.createCompartment(neuron, 'HHsquidswag', squid_l, squid_rad, RM, CM,
                            RA, initVm, Em)

# Set the axial resistance to match the one in the ionchannel.py file
# and set the container to be used for channel creation
squid.Ra = 1
container = squid.parent.path

# Create the external current to be applied to the compartment
squid_pulse = u.createPulse(squid, 'rollingWave', pulse_dur, pulse_amp,
                            pulse_delay1, pulse_delay2)

# Create the data tables necessary to run the model
data = moose.Neutral('/data')
squid_Vm, squid_current = u.createDataTables(squid, data, squid_pulse)

# Create the channels necessary for the giant squid axon and place them in a library
u.createChanLib(libraryName, chan_set, rateParams, CaParams)

# Create copies of the prototype channels and connect them to the
# compartment, along with their conductances
u.addChannelSet(cond_set, libraryName, neuron, compType)
u.add_calcium(libraryName, neuron, Ca_pool_params, compType)
for key in chan_set.keys():
    if ("Ca" in key):
        u.connect_cal2chan(chan_set[key].name, chan_set[key].chan_type, neuron,
                           Ca_pool_params.caName, compType)

# Plot the simulation
simtime = 0.1
Ejemplo n.º 3
    slm = moose.element(cell_path + '/' + comp)
    sh = u.addSynChan(slm, AMPA)

# Connect the presynaptic neuron to each synapse
for i in dict.values():
    shnum = i[
        'syn_num'] - 1  # get the correct index to be used for the synapseHandler
    presyncell = u.createRandSpike(i, synapseHandler[shnum])

# Create a neutral object to store the data in
CA1_data = moose.Neutral('/CA1_data')
CA1_tables = []
for comp in CA1_cell:
        u.createDataTables(compname=comp, data_hierarchy=CA1_data))

# Create a variable to store the voltage table generated for the central somatic compartment
# to be used in the plot
CA1_soma_Vm = CA1_tables[0][0]

# Get all the distances and names associated with the primary apical dendritic tree
prim_ap_names = list(chain(
    *prim_ap_name_list))  # unordered list of prim apical dendrite compartments
prim_ap_names_index = [
    j for j, n in enumerate(distList2[0]) if n in prim_ap_names
prim_ap_dist_list = [distList[x] for x in prim_ap_names_index]
prim_ap_names = [nameList[x] for x in prim_ap_names_index
                 ]  # ordered list of prim apical dend compartments
Ejemplo n.º 4
u.setCompParameters(sd_cell, 'Compartment', RM, CM, RA, Em)

# Re-define the cell variables so that they just include compartments
# (i.e. exclude spines)
sd_cell = moose.wildcardFind('/cell1/#[TYPE=Compartment]')

# Create data hierarchies for the two different cells
sd_data = moose.Neutral('/gran_data')

sd_soma_pulse = u.createPulse(sd_cell[0], 'rollingWave', pulse_dur, pulse_amp,
                              pulse_delay1, pulse_delay2)

# Create data tables for the membrane potential for each compartment
sd_tables = []
for comp in sd_cell:
    sd_tables.append(u.createDataTables(comp, sd_data))

# Choose the soma and a representative dendrite to view how voltage changes
# for the granule cell
sd_soma0_Vm = sd_tables[0]

# Run the experiment and plot the results for both neurons
moose.setClock(4, simDt)

f2 = plt.figure(2)
t = plt.linspace(0, simTime, len(sd_soma0_Vm.vector))
plt.plot(t, sd_soma0_Vm.vector, 'r', label='sd_soma_Vm')
Ejemplo n.º 5
    pc.plot_gate_params(libchan, plot_powers, VMIN, VMAX, CAMIN, CAMAX)

# Re-create the python variable pointing to the MS cell to limit results just to
# type compartment (excludes the spines and allows for createDataTables function to
# work properly)
MS_cell = moose.wildcardFind('/library/MScell/#[TYPE=SymCompartment]')

# Create the pulse and apply it to the MS cell's soma
MS_soma_pulse = u.createPulse(MS_cell[0], 'rollingWave', pulse_dur, pulse_amp,
                              pulse_delay1, pulse_delay2)

# Create a neutral object to store the data in
MS_data = moose.Neutral('/MS_data')
MS_tables = []
for comp in MS_cell:
    MS_tables.append(u.createDataTables(comp, MS_data, MS_soma_pulse))

# Create a variable for the table recording the voltage for the MS cell's soma
MS_soma_Vm = MS_tables[0][0]

# Define variables needed for running the simulation, and set the clocks for all the channels, compartments,
# and tables recording voltage and current during the simulation
simTime = 400e-3
simdt = 10e-6
plotdt = 0.2e-3
for i in range(10):
    moose.setClock(i, simdt)

moose.setClock(8, plotdt)

# Run the experiment using the hsolve method and plot the voltage for the MS cell soma
Ejemplo n.º 6
for comp in list(chain(*thin_LM_name_list)):
    comp = moose.element(cell_path + '/' + comp)
    u.scaleCompRmCm(comp = comp, scaling_factor = ssl.scale_factors['thin_LM_spine_scale'])
    for chan in cond_set_test:
	chan = moose.element(comp.path + '/' + chan)
        u.scaleChannelCond(chan = chan, scaling_factor = ssl.scale_factors['thin_LM_spine_scale'])

# Create the pulse and apply it to the CA1 cell's central somatic compartment
CA1_soma_pulse = u.createPulse(CA1_cell[0], 'rollingWave', pulse_dur, pulse_amp, 
                           pulse_delay1, pulse_delay2)

# Create a neutral object to store the data in
CA1_data = moose.Neutral('/CA1_data')
CA1_tables = []
for comp in CA1_cell:

# Create a variable to store the voltage table generated for the central somatic compartment 
# to be used in the plot
CA1_soma_Vm = CA1_tables[0][0]

# Get all the distances and names associated with the primary apical dendritic tree
prim_ap_names = list(chain(*prim_ap_name_list))
prim_ap_names_index = [j for j, n in enumerate(distList2[0]) if n in prim_ap_names]
prim_ap_dist_list = [distList[x] for x in prim_ap_names_index]
prim_ap_names = [nameList[x] for x in prim_ap_names_index] # ordered list of prim apical dend compartments

# Choose 3 of the compartments along the primary apical dendrite to monitor voltage attenuation. Selective
# dendrites were chosen at roughly 100 um, 225 um, and 350 um (furthest compartment on primary apical dend)
primApicalPlotListName = [prim_ap_names[67], prim_ap_names[133], prim_ap_names[215]]
indexforprimApicalPlots = [x for x, n in enumerate(distList2[0]) if n in primApicalPlotListName]
Ejemplo n.º 7

# Re-create the python variable pointing to the gran_cell to limit results just to
# type compartment (excludes the spines and allows for createDataTables function to
# work properly)
gran_cell = moose.wildcardFind('/gran_cell/#[TYPE=Compartment]')

# Create the pulse and apply it to the granule cell's soma
g_soma_pulse = u.createPulse(gran_cell[0], 'rollingWave', pulse_dur, pulse_amp,
                             pulse_delay1, pulse_delay2)

# Create a neutral object to store the data in
gran_data = moose.Neutral('/gran_data')
gran_tables = []
for comp in gran_cell:
    gran_tables.append(u.createDataTables(comp, gran_data, g_soma_pulse))

# Choose the soma and a representative dendrite to view how voltage changes
# for the granule cell
g_soma0_Vm = gran_tables[0][0]
g_soma0_Iex = gran_tables[0][1]
g_dend_5_00_Vm = gran_tables[-11][0]
g_dend_5_00_Iex = gran_tables[-11][1]

# Plot the simulation
simTime = 0.5
simdt = 0.25e-5
plotdt = 0.25e-3
for i in range(10):
    moose.setClock(i, simdt)
Ejemplo n.º 8

# Re-create the python variable pointing to the gran_cell to limit results just to
# type compartment (excludes the spines and allows for createDataTables function to
# work properly)
l2_cell = moose.wildcardFind(l2_cell.path + '/' + '#[TYPE=' + compType + ']')

# Create the pulse and apply it to the granule cell's soma
l2_soma_pulse = u.createPulse(l2_cell[0], 'rollingWave', pulse_dur, pulse_amp,
                              pulse_delay1, pulse_delay2)

# Create a neutral object to store the data in
l2_data = moose.Neutral('/l2_data')
l2_tables = []
for comp in l2_cell:
    l2_tables.append(u.createDataTables(comp, l2_data, l2_soma_pulse))

# Choose the soma and a representative dendrite to view how voltage changes
# for the granule cell
l2_soma_Vm = l2_tables[0][0]
l2_soma_Iex = l2_tables[0][1]
l2_ap2_Vm = l2_tables[2][0]
l2_ap2_Iex = l2_tables[2][1]

# Plot the simulation
simTime = 0.5
simdt = 0.25e-5
plotdt = 0.25e-3
for i in range(10):
    moose.setClock(i, simdt)

# Re-create the python variable pointing to the MS cell to limit results just to 
# type compartment (excludes the spines and allows for createDataTables function to
# work properly)
MS_cell = moose.wildcardFind('/library/MScell/#[TYPE=SymCompartment]')

# Create the pulse and apply it to the MS cell's soma
MS_soma_pulse = u.createPulse(MS_cell[0], 'rollingWave', pulse_dur, pulse_amp, 
                           pulse_delay1, pulse_delay2)

# Create a neutral object to store the data in
MS_data = moose.Neutral('/MS_data')
MS_tables = []
for comp in MS_cell:

# Create a variable for the table recording the voltage for the MS cell's soma
MS_soma_Vm = MS_tables[0][0]

# Define variables needed for running the simulation, and set the clocks for all the channels, compartments,
# and tables recording voltage and current during the simulation
simTime = 400e-3
simdt = 10e-6
plotdt = 0.2e-3
for i in range(10):
    moose.setClock(i, simdt)

moose.setClock(8, plotdt)

# Run the experiment using the hsolve method and plot the voltage for the MS cell soma
Ejemplo n.º 10
synapseHandler = []
for comp in randsynList:
    slm = moose.element(cell_path + '/' + comp)
    sh = u.addSynChan(slm, AMPA)

# Connect the presynaptic neuron to each synapse
for i in dict.values():
	shnum = i['syn_num'] - 1 # get the correct index to be used for the synapseHandler
        presyncell = u.createRandSpike(i, synapseHandler[shnum])

# Create a neutral object to store the data in
CA1_data = moose.Neutral('/CA1_data')
CA1_tables = []
for comp in CA1_cell:
    CA1_tables.append(u.createDataTables(compname = comp, data_hierarchy = CA1_data))

# Create a variable to store the voltage table generated for the central somatic compartment 
# to be used in the plot
CA1_soma_Vm = CA1_tables[0][0]

# Get all the distances and names associated with the primary apical dendritic tree
prim_ap_names = list(chain(*prim_ap_name_list)) # unordered list of prim apical dendrite compartments
prim_ap_names_index = [j for j, n in enumerate(distList2[0]) if n in prim_ap_names]
prim_ap_dist_list = [distList[x] for x in prim_ap_names_index]
prim_ap_names = [nameList[x] for x in prim_ap_names_index] # ordered list of prim apical dend compartments

# Choose 3 of the compartments along the primary apical dendrite to monitor voltage attenuation. Selective
# dendrites were chosen at roughly 100 um, 235 um, and 370 um (furthest compartment on primary apical dend)
primApicalPlotListName = [prim_ap_names[67], prim_ap_names[123], prim_ap_names[199]]
indexforprimApicalPlots = [x for x, n in enumerate(distList2[0]) if n in primApicalPlotListName]
Ejemplo n.º 11

# Create the dendritic compartments under the neuron directory
dend_branch = u.discretize(neuron, numDends, dend_l, dend_rad, RM, CM, RA, Em)

# Connect the soma to the first element of the dendritic branch
moose.connect(soma, 'axialOut', dend_branch[0], 'handleAxial')

# Create a pulse and connect it to the soma
soma_pulse = u.createPulse(soma, 'rollingWave', pulse_dur, pulse_amp,

# Create data tables to store the voltage for the soma and each compartment
# making up the dendritic branch
data = moose.Neutral('/data')
soma_Vm = u.createDataTables(soma, data)
dend_tables = []
for dend in dend_branch:
    dend_tables.append(u.createDataTables(dend, data))

# Store the location of the middle dendrite so that it can be accessed
# for plotting purposes
mid_dend = len(dend_branch) // 2

# Run the experiment and plot the results
moose.setClock(4, simDt)
t = plt.linspace(0, simTime, len(soma_Vm.vector))
plt.plot(t, soma_Vm.vector, 'r', label='Vm_soma')
plt.plot(t, dend_tables[mid_dend].vector, 'b', label='Vm_mid_dend')
Ejemplo n.º 12
presyn2 = {'name': 'presyn2', 'rate': 0, 'refractT': 1e-3, 'delay': 5e-3}

# Create HH Na and K channels with their corresponding conductances, and place them in a library
# so that they can be implemented into the compartments (if so desired)
cond_set = {'Na': 120e-3 * 1e4, 'K': 36e-3 * 1e4}
libraryName = '/library'
compType = 'Compartment'
u.createChanLib(libraryName, chan_set, rateParams, CaParams=None)

# Create copies of the prototype channels and connect them to each compartment under the neuron hierarchy
u.addChannelSet(cond_set, libraryName, neuron, compType)

# Create data tables to store the voltage for the soma and dendrite, and ignore current output
# since there is no pulse being provided to the soma
data = moose.Neutral('/data')
soma_Vm, _ = u.createDataTables(compname=soma, data_hierarchy=data)
dend_Vm, _ = u.createDataTables(compname=dend, data_hierarchy=data)

# Create the excitatory synchan and return the handler to be used in the creation of the RandSpike
glu_handler = u.addSynChan(dend, glu)
presyn1 = u.createRandSpike(presyn1, glu_handler)

# Create the inhibitory synchan and return the handler to be used in the creation of the RandSpike
GABA_handler = u.addSynChan(dend, GABA)
presyn2 = u.createRandSpike(presyn2, GABA_handler)

# Create tables to store the output time of the RandSpikes
spike_table = moose.Table('st')
moose.connect(presyn1, 'spikeOut', spike_table, 'spike')
spike_table2 = moose.Table('st2')
moose.connect(presyn2, 'spikeOut', spike_table2, 'spike')
Ejemplo n.º 13
# Create data hierarchies for the two different cells
l2_data = moose.Neutral('/l2_data')
gran_data = moose.Neutral('/gran_data')

# Create pulses and connect them to each neuron's soma
l2_soma_pulse = u.createPulse(l2_cell[0], 'rollingWave', pulse_dur, pulse_amp, 
                           pulse_delay1, pulse_delay2)
g_soma_pulse = u.createPulse(gran_cell[0], 'rollingWave', pulse_dur, pulse_amp, 
                           pulse_delay1, pulse_delay2)

# Create data tables for the membrane potential for each compartment
l2_tables = []
gran_tables = []
for comp in l2_cell:
for comp in gran_cell:
# Choose the soma and a representative dendrite to view how voltage changes
# for the layer 2 cell
l2_soma_Vm = l2_tables[0]
l2_ap2_Vm = l2_tables[2]

# Choose the soma and a representative dendrite to view how voltage changes
# for the granule cell
g_soma0_Vm = gran_tables[0]
g_dend_5_00_Vm = gran_tables[-11]

# Run the experiment and plot the results for both neurons
Ejemplo n.º 14
soma = u.createCompartment(neuron, 'swagginSoma', soma_l, soma_rad, RM, CM, RA,
dend = u.createCompartment(neuron, 'swagginDend', dend_l, dend_rad, RM, CM, RA,

# Create the pulse
soma_pulse = u.createPulse(soma, 'rollingWave', pulse_dur, pulse_amp,

# Connect the soma to the dendrite
moose.connect(soma, 'axialOut', dend, 'handleAxial')

# Create a neutral directory for the data and create data tables for the soma
# and the dendrite
data = moose.Neutral('/data')
soma_Vm = u.createDataTables(soma, data)
dend_Vm = u.createDataTables(dend, data)

# Set the clock so that all components of the simulation run           appropriately
moose.setClock(4, simDt)

# Run the experiment

# Plot the voltages for both the soma and dendrite
t = plt.linspace(0, simTime, len(soma_Vm.vector))
plt.plot(t, soma_Vm.vector, 'r', label='Vm_soma')
plt.plot(t, dend_Vm.vector, 'b', label='Vm_dend')
Ejemplo n.º 15
pulse_dur = 100e-3
pulse_amp = 0.1e-9
pulse_delay = 50e-3
pulse_delay2 = 1e9
soma = u.createCompartment(neuron, 'swagginSoma', soma_l, soma_rad, RM, CM, RA,
                           Em, Em)
dend = u.createCompartment(neuron, 'swagginDend', dend_l, dend_rad, RM, CM, RA,
                           Em, Em)
moose.connect(soma, 'axialOut', dend, 'handleAxial')

# Create data tables to store the voltage for the soma and each compartment
# making up the dendritic branch
data = moose.Neutral('/data')
soma_pulse = u.createPulse(soma, 'rollingWave', pulse_dur, pulse_amp,
                           pulse_delay, pulse_delay2)
soma_Vm, soma_Iex = u.createDataTables(soma, data, soma_pulse)
dend_Vm, dend_Iex = u.createDataTables(dend, data, soma_pulse)
synchan = moose.SynChan('/neuron/swagginDend/glu')
synchan.Gbar = 1e-8
synchan.tau1 = 2e-3
synchan.tau2 = 2e-3
synchan.Ek = -0.010
msg = moose.connect(dend, 'channel', synchan, 'channel')
sh = moose.SimpleSynHandler('/neuron/swagginDend/glu/synhandler')
moose.connect(sh, 'activationOut', synchan, 'activation')
sh.synapse.num = 1
sh.synapse[0].delay = 1e-3
