Ejemplo n.º 1
 def update_motion(self, mean, cov):
         Updates all particles by a multivariate normally drawn xyp change.
     T_r0_r1 = util.xyp2ht(
         np.random.multivariate_normal(mean, cov, self.count))
     self.particles = np.matmul(self.particles, T_r0_r1)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self,
     self.p_min = 0.01
     self.d_max = np.sqrt(
         -2.0 * polevar *
         np.log(np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi * polevar) * self.p_min))
     self.minneff = 0.5
     self.estimatetype = 'best'
     self.count = count
     r = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=posrange, size=[self.count, 1])
     angle = np.random.uniform(low=-np.pi, high=np.pi, size=[self.count, 1])
     xy = r * np.hstack([np.cos(angle), np.sin(angle)])
     dxyp = np.hstack([
                           size=[self.count, 1])
     self.particles = np.matmul(start, util.xyp2ht(dxyp))
     self.weights = np.full(self.count, 1.0 / self.count)
     self.polemeans = polemeans  # global map data
     self.poledist = scipy.stats.norm(loc=0.0, scale=np.sqrt(polevar))
     self.kdtree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(polemeans[:, :2], leafsize=3)
     self.T_w_o = T_w_o
     self.T_o_w = util.invert_ht(self.T_w_o)
     self.Sigma = np.eye(3) * 1e-13
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def update_motion(self, mean, cov):
        # mean, cov: odometry data [x, y, heading]
        T_r0_r1 = util.xyp2ht(
                mean, cov, self.count))  # SE(3) transformation of propagation

        self.particles = np.matmul(self.particles, T_r0_r1)
 def update_motion_improved(self, mean, cov, poleparams):
     for i in range(self.count):
         x_out, Pout = self.ukf(self.particles_pre[i], self.Pukf[i, :, :],
                                mean, cov, poleparams)
         x_new = x_out + np.random.multivariate_normal([0, 0, 0], Pout, 1).T
         self.particles[i] = util.xyp2ht(x_new)
         self.Poutt = Pout
         self.xukf = x_out
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def estimate_pose(self):
     if self.estimatetype == 'mean':
         xyp = util.ht2xyp(np.matmul(self.T_o_w, self.particles))
         mean = np.hstack([
             np.average(xyp[:, :2], axis=0, weights=self.weights),
             util.average_angles(xyp[:, 2], weights=self.weights)
         return self.T_w_o.dot(util.xyp2ht(mean))
     if self.estimatetype == 'max':
         return self.particles[np.argmax(self.weights)]
     if self.estimatetype == 'best':
         i = np.argsort(self.weights)[-int(0.1 * self.count):]
         xyp = util.ht2xyp(np.matmul(self.T_o_w, self.particles[i]))
         mean = np.hstack([
             np.average(xyp[:, :2], axis=0, weights=self.weights[i]),
             util.average_angles(xyp[:, 2], weights=self.weights[i])
         return self.T_w_o.dot(util.xyp2ht(mean))
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def estimate_pose(self):
     if self.estimatetype == 'mean':
         xyp = util.ht2xyp(np.matmul(self.T_o_w, self.particles))
         mean = np.hstack([
             np.average(xyp[:, :2], axis=0, weights=self.weights),
             util.average_angles(xyp[:, 2], weights=self.weights)
         return self.T_w_o.dot(util.xyp2ht(mean))
     if self.estimatetype == 'max':
         return self.particles[np.argmax(self.weights)]
     if self.estimatetype == 'best':
         i = np.argsort(self.weights)[-int(0.1 * self.count):]
         xyp = util.ht2xyp(np.matmul(self.T_o_w, self.particles[i]))
         mean = np.hstack([
             np.average(xyp[:, :2], axis=0, weights=self.weights[i]),
             util.average_angles(xyp[:, 2], weights=self.weights[i])
         zero_mean_particles = xyp - mean
         zero_mean_particles[:, 2] %= 2 * np.pi  #wrap between 0 and 2pi
         self.Sigma = (
             1 / xyp.shape[0]) * zero_mean_particles.T @ zero_mean_particles
         return self.T_w_o.dot(util.xyp2ht(mean))
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def estimate_pose(self):
     if self.estimatetype == 'mean':
         xyp = util.ht2xyp(np.matmul(self.T_o_w, self.particles))
         mean = np.hstack([
             np.average(xyp[:, :2], axis=0, weights=self.weights),
             util.average_angles(xyp[:, 2], weights=self.weights)
         return self.T_w_o.dot(util.xyp2ht(mean))
     if self.estimatetype == 'max':
         return self.particles[np.argmax(self.weights)]
     if self.estimatetype == 'best':
             Skips the worst 10% of indices (the ones with least weight)
             Guessing xyp is x, y and phi for rotation angle, same as paper
             ht is transformation matrix of particle at time t??
             mean is the weighted average x, y and phi multiplied with T_w_o
         i = np.argsort(self.weights)[-int(0.1 * self.count):]
         xyp = util.ht2xyp(np.matmul(self.T_o_w, self.particles[i]))
         mean = np.hstack([
             np.average(xyp[:, :2], axis=0, weights=self.weights[i]),
             util.average_angles(xyp[:, 2], weights=self.weights[i])
         return self.T_w_o.dot(util.xyp2ht(mean))
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self,
        self.p_min = 0.01
        self.d_max = np.sqrt(
            -2.0 * polevar *
            np.log(np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi * polevar) * self.p_min))
        self.minneff = 0.5
        self.estimatetype = 'best'
        self.count = count
            r = #count times a uniformly random distance 0 -> posrange.
            angle = #count times a random angle -pi -> pi
            xy = the angles multiplied by distance (radius)
            dxyp = xy and #count random angles from the anglerange
            particles = #count points in 2D-space and an angle phi
            weights = starts with uniform weight

        r = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=posrange, size=[self.count, 1])
        angle = np.random.uniform(low=-np.pi, high=np.pi, size=[self.count, 1])
        xy = r * np.hstack([np.cos(angle), np.sin(angle)])
        dxyp = np.hstack([
                              size=[self.count, 1])
        self.particles = np.matmul(start, util.xyp2ht(dxyp))
        self.weights = np.full(self.count, 1.0 / self.count)
        self.polemeans = polemeans
        self.poledist = scipy.stats.norm(loc=0.0, scale=np.sqrt(polevar))
        self.kdtree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(polemeans[:, :2], leafsize=3)
        self.T_w_o = T_w_o
        self.T_o_w = util.invert_ht(self.T_w_o)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def update_motion(self, mean, cov):
     T_r0_r1 = util.xyp2ht(
         np.random.multivariate_normal(mean, cov, self.count))
     self.particles = np.matmul(self.particles, T_r0_r1)
 def motion(self, Xin, mean, cov):
     T_r0_r1 = util.xyp2ht(np.random.multivariate_normal(mean, cov))
     return np.matmul(Xin, T_r0_r1)
    def ukf(self, Xin, Pin, mean, cov, poleparams):
        # Xin:matrix.
        Z, z_pred = self.measurement(Xin, poleparams)
        x_in = util.ht2xyp(Xin)  #(3,)
        Qukf = 0.5 * np.eye(x_in.shape[0])
        Rukf = 0.01 * np.eye(z_pred.shape[0])
        states = x_in.shape[0]  # 3
        observations = z_pred.shape[0]  # 2*Nout
        vNoise = Qukf.shape[1]
        wNoise = Rukf.shape[1]
        noises = vNoise + wNoise
        if noises:
            N = scipy.linalg.block_diag(Qukf, Rukf)
            P_q = scipy.linalg.block_diag(Pin, N)
            x_q = np.vstack([x_in.reshape(-1, 1), np.zeros((noises, 1))])
            P_q = Pin
            x_q = x_in.reshape(-1, 1)
        xSigmaPts, wSigmaPts, nsp = self.scaledSymmetricSigmaPoints(x_q, P_q)
            xSigmaPts (3+num_noise,nsp)
            wSigmaPts (nsp+1,)
        wSigmaPts_xmat = np.tile(wSigmaPts[1:nsp],
                                 (states, 1))  # (3+num_noise,nsp-1)
        wSigmaPts_zmat = np.tile(wSigmaPts[1:nsp], (observations, 1))
        xPredSigmaPts = np.zeros((states, nsp))
        zPredSigmaPts = np.zeros((states, nsp))
        for i in range(nsp):
            x_pred = self.motion(
                util.xyp2ht(xSigmaPts[:states, i].reshape(-1)), mean,
                cov) + xSigmaPts[states:states + vNoise, i]
            # xPredSigmaPts.append(util.ht2xyp(x_pred).reshape(3,1))
            xPredSigmaPts[:, i] = x_pred.reshape(states, 1)
            z_pred = self.measurement(
                poleparams).reshape(-1) + xSigmaPts[states + vNoise:states +
                                                    noises, i]  #(2*Nout,1)
            # zPredSigmaPts.append(z_pred)
            zPredSigmaPts[:, i] = z_pred
        xPredSigmaPts = np.array(xPredSigmaPts)  # (3,7)
        zPredSigmaPts = np.array(zPredSigmaPts)  # (2*Nout,7)

        xPred = np.sum(wSigmaPts_xmat *
                       (xPredSigmaPts[:, 1:nsp] -
                        np.tile(xPredSigmaPts[:, 0].reshape(-1, 1),
                                (1, nsp - 1))),
                       axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)  # (3,1)
        zPred = np.sum(wSigmaPts_zmat *
                       (zPredSigmaPts[:, 1:nsp] -
                        np.tile(zPredSigmaPts[:, 0].reshape(-1, 1),
                                (1, nsp - 1))),
                       axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)  # (2*Nout,1)
        xPred = xPred + xPredSigmaPts[:, 0].reshape(-1, 1)
        zPred = zPred + zPredSigmaPts[:, 0].reshape(-1, 1)

        exSigmaPt = xPredSigmaPts[:, 0].reshape(-1, 1) - xPred
        ezSigmaPt = zPredSigmaPts[:, 0].reshape(-1, 1) - zPred

        PPred = wSigmaPts[nsp] * exSigmaPt.dot(exSigmaPt.T)
        PxzPred = wSigmaPts[nsp] * exSigmaPt.dot(ezSigmaPt.T)
        S = wSigmaPts[nsp] * ezSigmaPt.dot(ezSigmaPt.T)

        exSigmaPt = xPredSigmaPts[:, 1:nsp] - np.tile(
            xPred, (1, nsp - 1))  # (3,nsp-1)
        ezSigmaPt = zPredSigmaPts[:, 1:nsp] - np.tile(
            zPred, (1, nsp - 1))  # (2*Nout,nsp-1)
        PPred = PPred + (wSigmaPts_xmat * exSigmaPt).dot(exSigmaPt.T)
        S = S + (wSigmaPts_zmat * ezSigmaPt).dot(ezSigmaPt.T)
        PxzPred = PxzPred + exSigmaPt.dot((wSigmaPts_zmat * ezSigmaPt).T)

        K = PxzPred.dot(np.linalg.inv(S))
        inovation = Z - zPred
        Xout = xPred + K.dot(inovation)
        Pout = PPred - K @ S @ K.T
        return Xout, Pout