Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _apply_mosaic(self, images, targets):
        assert len(images) == 4 and len(targets) == 4
        sw, sh = self._img_size
        c = images[0].shape[2]
        sum_rgb = np.zeros([images[0].ndim, ])
        for img in images:
            sum_rgb += np.array(cv2.mean(img))[:3]
        mean_rgb = sum_rgb / len(images)
        img4 = np.full((sh * 2, sw * 2, c), mean_rgb, dtype=np.uint8)  # base image with 4 tiles
        offsets = [(0, 0), (sw, 0), (0, sh), (sw, sh)]
        target4 = ParamList((sw, sh))
        for i, img, target in zip(range(4), images, targets):
            h, w, _ = img.shape
            pad_w = int(sw - w) // 2
            pad_h = int(sh - h) // 2
            y_st = pad_h + offsets[i][1]
            x_st = pad_w + offsets[i][0]
            img4[y_st:y_st + h, x_st:x_st + w] = img
            bbox = target.get_field('bbox')
            bbox[:, 0::2] += x_st
            bbox[:, 1::2] += y_st
            target.update_field('bbox', bbox)
            # np.clip(bbox[:, 0::2], 0, 2 * sw, out=bbox[:, 0::2])  # use with random_affine
            # np.clip(bbox[:, 1::2], 0, 2 * sh, out=bbox[:, 1::2])

        raff = transforms.RandomAffine2D()

        param = {
            'border': (-sh//2, -sw//2)
        return raff(img4, target4, **param)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def collate_fn(batch):
     img, target, path, shape = zip(*batch)  # transposed
     ntarget = ParamList((None, None))
     for i, t in enumerate(target):
         id = t.get_field('img_id')
         id[:, ] = i
         t.update_field('img_id', id)
     # ntarget.to_tensor()
     return torch.stack(img, 0), ntarget, path, shape