Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: nba.py Proyecto: DimosGu/nba
def compute_all_season_lineups(year):

    print('Loading the {}-{} NBA season'.format(year, year + 1))
    season = Season(year)
    print('Loaded season')
    print('Computing lineups for all teams in all games...')

    for game in tqdm(season):

        print('Computing lineups for {}'.format(game))

        home_team = game.home_team
        away_team = game.away_team

        home_lineups = game.lineup_combinations(home_team)
        away_lineups = game.lineup_combinations(away_team)

            for lineup in home_lineups:
                home_timestream = game.time_by_lineup(lineup)
            for lineup in away_lineups:
                away_timestream = game.time_by_lineup(lineup)
            home_minutes = compute_ts_length(home_timestream)
            away_minutes = compute_ts_length(away_timestream)

            print('Home team: {} minutes, Away team: {} minutes'.format(home_minutes, away_minutes))

        except Exception as ex:
            print('Oh no, something terrible happened while computing lineups for {}'.format(game))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_player_time_on_court(self):

        player = Player.Player(399725)
        game = Game.Game(1349077)

        time_on_court = player.time_on_court(game, recompute=True)

        print compute_ts_length(time_on_court)

        self.assertEqual(int(round(compute_ts_length(time_on_court))), 2409)
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: nba.py Proyecto: DimosGu/nba
def fix_broken_times(err_file):

    with open(err_file, 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            matches = re.findall('\([\d]+\)', line)
            if matches and matches != []:
                ids = map(lambda x: int(x.replace('(', '').replace(')', '')), matches)
                player_id, game_id = ids[0], ids[1]
                player = Player(player_id)
                game = Game(game_id)
                print('Calculating time on court for {} ({}) in {} ({})'.format(player, player.id, game, game.id))
                time_on_court = player.time_on_court(game, recompute=True)
                computed_minutes = compute_ts_length(time_on_court, unit='minutes')
                boxscore_minutes = game.player_boxscore(player)['totalSecondsPlayed'] / 60.0
                if not abs(computed_minutes - boxscore_minutes) <= 1.0:
                    print('In computing playing time for {} ({}) in {} ({}):'.format(player, player.id, game, game.id), file=sys.stderr)
                    print('Discrepancy between computed time: {0:2.2f}, and boxscore time: {1:2.2f}'.format(computed_minutes, boxscore_minutes), file=sys.stderr)
                    print('{} played {} minutes in {}'.format(player, round(computed_minutes, 3), game))
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: nba.py Proyecto: DimosGu/nba
def calc_all_player_times(year, recompute=False):

    class TimeComputationError(Exception):

        def __init__(self, msg):
            self.msg = msg
        def __str__(self):
            return self.msg

    all_players = players.find({}).sort('id', pymongo.ASCENDING)

    print('Loading the {}-{} NBA season'.format(year, year + 1))
    season = Season(year)
    print('Loaded season')
    print('Computing time on court for all players in all games...')

    for player_data in all_players:
        player = Player(player_data['id'])
        games_played = season.get_player_games_in_range(player)
        for game in games_played:
            print('Calculating time on court for {} ({}) in {} ({})'.format(player, player.id, game, game.id))
            boxscore_minutes = game.player_boxscore(player)['totalSecondsPlayed'] / 60.0
            if boxscore_minutes > 0:
                time_on_court = player.time_on_court(game, recompute=recompute)
                computed_minutes = compute_ts_length(time_on_court, unit='minutes')
                # there's never anything to calculate anyway
                computed_minutes = 0
            if not abs(computed_minutes - boxscore_minutes) <= 0.5:
                print('In computing playing time for {} ({}) in {} ({}):'.format(player, player.id, game, game.id),
                print('Discrepancy between computed time: {0:2.2f}, and boxscore time: {1:2.2f}'.format(computed_minutes, boxscore_minutes),
                #raise TimeComputationError('Discrepancy between computed time: {}, and boxscore time: {}'.format(computed_minutes, boxscore_minutes)

                print('{} played {} minutes in {}'.format(player, round(computed_minutes, 3), game))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_player_time():

    game = Game(1349050)

    quarter_plays = sorted([ev for ev in game.events if ev.period == 1], reverse=True)
    for play in quarter_plays:
        print play, play.event_id

    ev1 = quarter_plays[5]
    ev2 = quarter_plays[7]
    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace();
    # print ev1, ev1.id
    # print ev2, ev2.id
    # print ev1 > ev2
    # print ev1.__cmp__(ev2)

    player = Player(3102)

    sh = player.time_on_court(game, recompute=True)
    print '{} in {}'.format(player, game)
    print 'minutes played: {0:2.3f}'.format(compute_ts_length(sh) / 60.0)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def time_played(self, game, unit='seconds'):

        return compute_ts_length(self.time_on_court(game), unit=unit)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def regress_lineups_team_efg_mult_games(game_ids, team_id, self_or_opp='self'):

    all_game_stats = []
    all_players = []

    for game in game_ids:
        team1_name, team1_id, team2_name, team2_id = game_teams(game)
        print 'Processing {} vs {}'.format(team1_name, team2_name)

        if self_or_opp == 'self':
            game_stats = game_stats_by_lineup(game, team_id, team_id, ['efg'])
        if self_or_opp == 'opp':
            if team_id == team1_id:
                opp_id = team2_id
            elif team_id == team2_id:
                opp_id = team1_id

            game_stats = game_stats_by_lineup(game, team_id, opp_id, ['efg'])
        players = sorted(game_players(game, team_id))

        all_players += players
        all_game_stats += game_stats

    all_players = sorted(pylab.unique(all_players))

    efgs = [[] for i in range(len(all_game_stats))]
    X = pylab.zeros((len(all_game_stats), len(all_players)))
    w = pylab.zeros(len(all_game_stats))

    used_lineups = []
    sample_counter = 0
    total_gt = 0
    for i, item in enumerate(all_game_stats):
        lineup = item['lineup']
        total_gt += compute_ts_length(item['tof'])
        #print used_lineups
        if used_lineup(lineup, used_lineups):
            w[sample_counter] += compute_ts_length(item['tof'])
            w[sample_counter] += compute_ts_length(item['tof'])
            for player in lineup:
                ind = all_players.index(player)
                X[sample_counter][ind] = 1
            sample_counter += 1

        print i, sample_counter

        #X[i][len(all_players)] = compute_ts_length(item['tof'])
        #w[i] = compute_ts_length(item['tof'])
        #efgs[i] = item['stats']['efg']

    y = []

    for i, item in enumerate(efgs):
        #if i < len(used_lineups):
        total_threes = sum([stat['total_threes'] for stat in item])
        total_made = sum([stat['total_made'] for stat in item])
        total_attempts = sum([stat['total_attempts'] for stat in item])

        if total_attempts > 0:
            efg = (total_threes * 0.5 + total_made) / total_attempts
            efg = 0

    y = pylab.array(y)
    w = pylab.array(w)

    #result = sm.WLS(efgs, X, w).fit()

    #return [(player, param) for player, param in zip(players, result.params)]

    return y, X, w, all_players
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def lineup_minutes(lineup):
     lineup_times = game.time_by_lineup(lineup)
     return compute_ts_length(lineup_times) / 60.0
Ejemplo n.º 9
def regress_lineups_team_efg_mult_games(game_ids, team_id, self_or_opp='self'):

    all_game_stats = []
    all_players = []

    for game in game_ids:
        team1_name, team1_id, team2_name, team2_id = game_teams(game)
        print 'Processing {} vs {}'.format(team1_name, team2_name)

        if self_or_opp == 'self':
            game_stats = game_stats_by_lineup(game, team_id, team_id, ['efg'])
        if self_or_opp == 'opp':
            if team_id == team1_id:
                opp_id = team2_id
            elif team_id == team2_id:
                opp_id = team1_id

            game_stats = game_stats_by_lineup(game, team_id, opp_id, ['efg'])
        players = sorted(game_players(game, team_id))

        all_players += players
        all_game_stats += game_stats

    all_players = sorted(pylab.unique(all_players))

    efgs = [ [] for i in range(len(all_game_stats))]
    X = pylab.zeros((len(all_game_stats), len(all_players)))
    w = pylab.zeros(len(all_game_stats))

    used_lineups = []
    sample_counter = 0
    total_gt = 0
    for i, item in enumerate(all_game_stats):
        lineup = item['lineup']
        total_gt += compute_ts_length(item['tof'])
        #print used_lineups
        if used_lineup(lineup, used_lineups):
            w[sample_counter] += compute_ts_length(item['tof'])
            w[sample_counter] += compute_ts_length(item['tof'])
            for player in lineup:
                ind = all_players.index(player)
                X[sample_counter][ind] = 1
            sample_counter += 1

        print i, sample_counter

        #X[i][len(all_players)] = compute_ts_length(item['tof'])
        #w[i] = compute_ts_length(item['tof'])
        #efgs[i] = item['stats']['efg']

    y = []

    for i, item in enumerate(efgs):
        #if i < len(used_lineups):
        total_threes = sum([stat['total_threes'] for stat in item])
        total_made = sum([stat['total_made'] for stat in item])
        total_attempts = sum([stat['total_attempts'] for stat in item])

        if total_attempts > 0:
            efg = (total_threes * 0.5 + total_made) / total_attempts
            efg = 0

    y = pylab.array(y)
    w = pylab.array(w)

    #result = sm.WLS(efgs, X, w).fit()

    #return [(player, param) for player, param in zip(players, result.params)]

    return y, X, w, all_players
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def lineup_minutes(lineup):
     lineup_times = game.time_by_lineup(lineup)
     return compute_ts_length(lineup_times) / 60.0
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def time_played(self, game, unit='seconds'):

        return compute_ts_length(self.time_on_court(game), unit=unit)