Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_recent_meeting():
    Return the metadata for most recent meeting

    meeting_meta = dbclient.get_most_recent_meeting()
    if not meeting_meta:
        return utils.no_data_response("No meetings have been processed yet")

    return utils.responsify(meeting_meta)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_meetings():
    Return the metadata for each meeting in the system 
    # query all
    meetings_meta = dbclient.get_meeting_meta("*")
    if not meetings_meta:
        return utils.no_data_response("No meetings have been processed yet")

    return utils.responsify(meetings_meta)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def show(event,context):
	matches = []
	for match in MatchInfoModel.scan():
		matches.append({	'match_id': match.match_id,
					'home_team': match.home_team,
					'away_team': match.away_team,
					'start_time': match.start_time,
					'bets_processed': match.bets_processed})

	return responsify(status_code=200, body={'matches': matches})
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_single_meeting(meeting_key):
    Return the metadata for a specific meeting in the system 
    meeting_meta = dbclient.get_meeting_meta(meeting_key)
    if not meeting_meta:
        return utils.no_data_response(
            "No meetings matching the meeting_key {} have been processed yet",

    return utils.responsify(meeting_meta[0])
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_meeting_prompting(meeting_key):
    Return who follows whom in a meetings
    events = dbclient.get_meeting_data(meeting_key)
    if not events:
        return utils.no_data_response("No speaking events for key {}",
    prompting = meeting_analysis.prompting(events)

    return utils.responsify(prompting)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_in_progress(participant_key):
    Return the meeting key of the in progress meeting for the given 
    participant, or null otherwise
    query = {"participants": participant_key, "is_complete": False}
    meta = dbclient.query("meta", query)
    payload = None
    if meta:
        payload = meta[0]["meeting_key"]

    return utils.responsify(payload)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def show(event, context):
    bets = []
    for bet in BetModel.scan():
            'bet_id': bet.bet_id,
            'user_id': bet.user_id,
            'bet_amount': bet.bet_amount,
            'bet_for': bet.bet_for,
            'bet_paid_status': bet.bet_paid_status,
            'match_id': bet.match_id

    return responsify(status_code=200, body={'bets': bets})
Ejemplo n.º 8
def get_chunked_turns(meeting_key):
    Return the breakdown of speaking turns in n-minute chunks
    events = dbclient.get_meeting_data(meeting_key)

    n = str(request.args.get('n', default=5))
    if not n.isdigit() or "." in n:
        return utils.no_data_response("Chunking value must be an integer!")

    chunks = meeting_analysis.chunked_speaking_turns(events, int(n))

    return utils.responsify(chunks)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def show(event, context):

    users = []
    for user in UserModel.scan():
        users.append({'user_id': user.user_id,
                      'account_value': user.account_value,
                      'locked_value': user.locked_value})

    users = sorted(users, key=lambda x: float(x['account_value']), reverse=True)
    for i, user in enumerate(users):
        user['standing'] = i + 1

    return responsify(status_code=200, body={'users': users})
Ejemplo n.º 10
def get_meeting_speaking_time(meeting_key):
    Returns the breakdown of speaking time for each user in the given meeting in seconds
    events = dbclient.get_meeting_data(meeting_key)
    if not events:
        return utils.no_data_response(
            "No meetings matching the meeting_key {} have been processed yet",
    speaking_time = meeting_analysis.speaking_time(events)

    if not speaking_time:
        for part in _get_participants(meeting_key):
            speaking_time[part] = 0

    return utils.responsify(speaking_time)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def get_total_minutes_spoken():
    start_time_agg = dbclient.db["speaking_events"].aggregate([{
        "$group": {
            "_id": None,
            "total": {
                "$sum": "$speaking_start"

    start_time_sum = list(start_time_agg)[0]["total"]
    end_time_agg = dbclient.db["speaking_events"].aggregate([{
        "$group": {
            "_id": None,
            "total": {
                "$sum": "$speaking_end"

    end_time_sum = list(end_time_agg)[0]["total"]
    seconds_spoken = end_time_sum - start_time_sum

    return utils.responsify(int(seconds_spoken / 60))
Ejemplo n.º 12
def get_num_meetings():
    Return the total number of meetings
    return utils.responsify(dbclient.count("meta", "*"))
Ejemplo n.º 13
def health():
    return utils.responsify("OK!")
Ejemplo n.º 14
def get_num_participants():
    Return the total number of unique participants
    return utils.responsify(dbclient.count("participants", "*"))
Ejemplo n.º 15
def get_total_turns_taken():
    return utils.responsify(dbclient.count("data", "*"))