Ejemplo n.º 1
 def reload(self):
     Load components values from disk.
     for name, param in self.components.items():
         param_path = os.path.join(self.model_path, "%s.mat" % name)
         param_values = scipy.io.loadmat(param_path)
         if hasattr(param, 'params'):
             for p in param.params:
                 set_values(p.name, p, param_values[p.name])
             set_values(name, param, param_values[name])
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def reload(self):
     Load components values from disk.
     for name, param in self.components.items():
         param_path = os.path.join(self.model_path, "%s.mat" % name)
         param_values = scipy.io.loadmat(param_path)
         if hasattr(param, 'params'):
             for p in param.params:
                 set_values(p.name, p, param_values[p.name])
             set_values(name, param, param_values[name])
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def reload(self):
     Load components values from disk.
     print 'loading from ' + self.load_path
     for name, param in self.components.items():
         # if 'final_layer' in name or 'trans' in name or 'word_lstm' in name:
         #     continue
         param_path = os.path.join(self.load_path, "%s.mat" % name)
         param_values = scipy.io.loadmat(param_path)
         if hasattr(param, 'params'):
             for p in param.params:
                 set_values(p.name, p, param_values[p.name])
             set_values(name, param, param_values[name])
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def fit(self, X, y, a, values=None):
        Fit the bandit on contextual data.

            X (array): An m x n array of contexts
            y (array): A 1 x m array of binary payoffs
            a (array): A 1 x m array indicating the arm chosen for each context in X

            self.A_inv (dict): A dict of covariance matrices for each arm
            self.theta (dict): A dict of parameter vectors for each arm
            self.arms (array): An array of arm indices

        X = np.matrix(X)
        y = np.matrix(y)

        self.arms = np.unique(a)
        self.values = utils.set_values(values, len(self.arms))

        for arm in self.arms:
            ix = (a == arm).flatten()
                self.A_inv[arm], self.theta[arm] = utils.ridge_reg(
                    X[ix, :], y[ix])
            except Exception, e:
                self.log.error('Arm %d is broken: %s.' % (arm, e))
                raise SystemExit(1)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def fit(self,
        Generate the weights for each arm based on bandit history.

            successes (array): A 1 x n array with total successes for each arm
               trials (array): A 1 x n array with total trials for each arm
              n_samples (int): The number of samples to pull from each arm's distribution
                               for Thompson Sampling.
             baseline (float): The minimum weight to give each ar
               values (array): A 1 x n array with the reward value for each arm, or None
            smoothing (float): The constant factor by which to divide all trials and successes

            self.weights (array): A 1 x n array with normalized weights for each arm

        self.values = utils.set_values(values, len(trials))
        self.samples = utils.get_samples(trials, successes, n_samples,
                                         smoothing, self.values)
        self._raw_weights = utils.get_weights(self.samples)
        self.weights = utils.normalize_weights(self._raw_weights, baseline)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def reload(self):
     Load components values from disk.
     for name, param in self.components.items():
         param_path = os.path.join(self.model_path, "%s.mat" % name)
         #load word layer during build from pretrained embeddings file.
         if name=='word_layer':
             param_values = scipy.io.loadmat(param_path)
         if hasattr(param, 'params'):
             for p in param.params:
                 set_values(p.name, p, param_values[p.name])
             set_values(name, param, param_values[name])
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def fit(self, X, y, a, values=None):
        Fit the bandit on contextual data.

            X (array): An m x n array of contexts
            y (array): A 1 x m array of binary payoffs
            a (array): A 1 x m array indicating the arm chosen for each context in X

            self.A_inv (dict): A dict of covariance matrices for each arm
            self.theta (dict): A dict of parameter vectors for each arm
            self.arms (array): An array of arm indices

        X = np.matrix(X)
        y = np.matrix(y)

        self.arms = np.unique(a)
        self.values = utils.set_values(values, len(self.arms))

        for arm in self.arms:
            ix = (a == arm).flatten()
                self.A_inv[arm], self.theta[arm] = utils.ridge_reg(X[ix, :], y[ix])
            except Exception, e:
                self.log.error('Arm %d is broken: %s.' % (arm, e))
                raise SystemExit(1)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def reload(self):
        Load components values from disk.
        for name, param in self.components.items():
            if name == "word_layer" and self.parameters['pre_emb']!='':
                new_weights = self.components['word_layer'].embeddings.get_value()
                # load the trained matrix and mappings
                print "Getting training matrix and dictionary %s..." % os.path.abspath(self.model_path)
		trainedM = scipy.io.loadmat(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(self.model_path),"word_layer.mat"))['word_layer__embeddings']
                with open(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(self.model_path),"mappings.pkl")) as voc_file:
			trainedV = cPickle.load(voc_file)['id_to_word']
                print "Excerpt from trainedV is...",trainedV.items()[:5]
		trainedV = dict([(w,i) for i,w in trainedV.iteritems()])
                # load the external matrix and mappings
		print "Getting external matrix and dictionary %s..." % os.path.abspath(self.parameters['pre_emb'])
                extM = np.load(os.path.abspath(self.parameters['pre_emb']))
                extV = dict([(w,i) for i,w in enumerate(np.load(self.parameters['pre_voc']))])
                # create a pretrained dictionary containing a mixture of the two matrices
                pretrained = {}
                for w in trainedV:
                    pretrained[w.lower()] = np.array(
                        [float(x) for x in trainedM[trainedV[w]]]).astype(np.float32)
                for w in extV:
                    if w not in trainedV:
                        pretrained[w.lower()] = np.array(
                        [float(x) for x in extM[extV[w]]]).astype(np.float32)
                # Lookup table initialization
                for i in xrange(len(self.id_to_word)):
                    word = self.id_to_word[i]
                    if word in pretrained:
                        new_weights[i] = pretrained[word]
                        #c_found += 1
                    elif word.lower() in pretrained:
                        new_weights[i] = pretrained[word.lower()]
                        #c_lower += 1
                param_path = os.path.join(self.model_path, "%s.mat" % name)
                param_values = scipy.io.loadmat(param_path)
                if hasattr(param, 'params'):
                    for p in param.params:
                        set_values(p.name, p, param_values[p.name])
                    set_values(name, param, param_values[name])
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def reload(self):
     Load components values from disk.
     ignore_shape = False
     for name, param in self.components.items():
         param_path = os.path.join(self.model_path, "%s.mat" % name)
         if not os.path.exists(param_path):
             print "param :", param, "is not saved before to be loaded. "
         param_values = scipy.io.loadmat(param_path)
         if 'word_layer' in name: 
             ignore_shape = True
         if hasattr(param, 'params'):
             for p in param.params:
                 set_values(p.name, p, param_values[p.name], ignore_size=ignore_shape)
             set_values(name, param, param_values[name], ignore_size=ignore_shape)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def reload(self, features=None):
     Load components values from disk.
     featureLayerNameMap = [
         'pos_layer', 'lemma_layer', 'chunk_layer', 'dic_layer'
     for name, param in self.components.items():
         #when feature is use to attended and not lstm-input,
         #we will not reload the param
         if features is not None and name in featureLayerNameMap:
             featuresName = name[:name.find('_')]
             if features[featuresName]['attended']==1 and \
         param_path = os.path.join(self.model_path, "%s.mat" % name)
         param_values = scipy.io.loadmat(param_path)
         if hasattr(param, 'params'):
             for p in param.params:
                 set_values(p.name, p, param_values[p.name])
             set_values(name, param, param_values[name])
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def fit(self, successes, trials, n_samples=1000, baseline=0.0, values=None, smoothing=1.0):
        Generate the weights for each arm based on bandit history.

            successes (array): A 1 x n array with total successes for each arm
               trials (array): A 1 x n array with total trials for each arm
              n_samples (int): The number of samples to pull from each arm's distribution
                               for Thompson Sampling.
             baseline (float): The minimum weight to give each ar
               values (array): A 1 x n array with the reward value for each arm, or None
            smoothing (float): The constant factor by which to divide all trials and successes

            self.weights (array): A 1 x n array with normalized weights for each arm

        self.values = utils.set_values(values, len(trials))
        self.samples = utils.get_samples(trials, successes, n_samples, smoothing, self.values)
        self._raw_weights = utils.get_weights(self.samples)
        self.weights = utils.normalize_weights(self._raw_weights, baseline)