def test_it_should_finish_a_new_round():
    input_rounds = create_round_queries([
        (None, '2019-08-11 13:30:39+00', '2019-08-12 13:30:39+00'),
    input_votes = create_vote_queries([(None, 1, 5, 'daniel'),
                                       (None, 1, 4, 'john')])
    input_data = input_rounds + input_votes
    expected = {
        'payload': {
            'id': 2,
            'started_at': MatchString(),
            'finished_at': MatchString(),
            'participants': 1,
            'winner_username': '******',
            'winner_vote': 1,
            '_links': {
                'self': {
                    'href': '/rounds/2'
                'stat': {
                    'href': '/rounds/2/stat'

    with app_test_context(input_data) as client:'/rounds', json={})'/rounds/2/vote', json={'username': '******', 'vote': 1})'/rounds/2/finish', json={})
        current = client.get('/rounds/2').get_json()
    assert current == expected
def test_it_should_fail_if_the_round_not_exists():
    input_rounds = create_round_queries([
        (1, '2019-08-11 13:30:39+00', None),
    input_votes = create_vote_queries([(None, 1, 5, 'daniel'),
                                       (None, 1, 4, 'john')])
    input_data = input_rounds + input_votes
    input_vote = {'username': '******', 'vote': 5}
    expected = {'error': {'code': 'not_found', 'message': MatchString()}}
    with app_test_context(input_data) as client:
        current ='/rounds/2/vote', json=input_vote).get_json()
    assert current == expected
def test_it_should_get_error_if_the_round_id_not_exists():
    input_rounds = create_round_queries([
        (None, '2019-08-11 13:30:39+00', '2019-08-12 13:30:39+00'),
    input_votes = create_vote_queries([(None, 1, 5, 'daniel'),
                                       (None, 1, 4, 'john')])
    input_data = input_rounds + input_votes
    expected = {'error': {'code': 'not_found', 'message': MatchString()}}

    with app_test_context(input_data) as client:
        current ='/rounds/6/finish', json={}).get_json()
    assert current == expected
def test_it_should_fail_if_the_vote_is_large():
    input_rounds = create_round_queries([
        (1, '2019-08-11 13:30:39+00', None),
    input_votes = create_vote_queries([(None, 1, 5, 'daniel'),
                                       (None, 1, 4, 'john')])
    input_data = input_rounds + input_votes
    input_vote = {'username': '******', 'vote': 1000000000000}
    expected = {
        'error': {
            'code': 'invalid_vote',
            'message': MatchString('at most')
    with app_test_context(input_data) as client:
        current ='/rounds/1/vote', json=input_vote).get_json()
    assert current == expected
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_it_should_fail_if_the_round_not_exists():
    input_rounds = create_round_queries([
        (1, '2019-08-11 13:30:39+00', None),
        (2, '2020-08-11 13:30:39+00', '2020-08-12 13:30:39+00')
    input_votes = create_vote_queries([
        (1, 1, 5, 'daniel'),
        (2, 1, 4, 'john'),
        (3, 1, 4, 'emily'),
        (4, 1, 6, 'arthur'),
    input_data = input_rounds + input_votes
    expected = {
        'error': {'code': 'not_found', 'message': MatchString()}

    with app_test_context(input_data) as client:
        current = client.get('/rounds/6/stat').get_json()
    assert current == expected