Ejemplo n.º 1
def sync_blockchain(bc_config,
    synchronize state with the blockchain.
    Return True on success
    Return False if we're supposed to stop indexing
    Abort on error

    impl = sys.modules[__name__]
    if virtualchain.get_implementation() is not None:
        impl = None

    db_filename = virtualchain.get_db_filename(impl=impl)

    new_db = TalosPolicyDB(db_filename,
        if last_block is None:
            last_block = _get_newest_block(bc_config)
        rc = virtualchain.sync_virtualchain(
    return rc
Ejemplo n.º 2
def sync_blockchain(bt_opts,
    synchronize state with the blockchain.
    Return True on success
    Return False if we're supposed to stop indexing
    Abort on error

    # make this usable even if we haven't explicitly configured virtualchain
    impl = sys.modules[__name__]
    if virtualchain.get_implementation() is not None:
        impl = None

    log.info("Synchronizing database up to block %s" % last_block)

    db_filename = virtualchain.get_db_filename(impl=impl)

    # NOTE: this is the only place where a read-write handle should be created,
    # since this is the only place where the db should be modified.
    new_db = BlockstackDB.borrow_readwrite_instance(
        db_filename, last_block, expected_snapshots=expected_snapshots)
    rc = virtualchain.sync_virtualchain(bt_opts,
    BlockstackDB.release_readwrite_instance(new_db, last_block)

    return rc
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_announce_filename( working_dir=None ):
   Get the path to the file that stores all of the announcements.

   if working_dir is None:
       working_dir = virtualchain.get_working_dir()

   announce_filepath = os.path.join( working_dir, virtualchain.get_implementation().get_virtual_chain_name() ) + ".announce"
   return announce_filepath
def get_announce_filename( working_dir=None ):
   Get the path to the file that stores all of the announcements.

   if working_dir is None:
       working_dir = virtualchain.get_working_dir()

   announce_filepath = os.path.join( working_dir, virtualchain.get_implementation().get_virtual_chain_name() ) + ".announce"
   return announce_filepath
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_testset_filename( working_dir=None ):
   Get the path to the file to determine whether or not we're in testset.

   if working_dir is None:
       working_dir = virtualchain.get_working_dir()

   testset_filepath = os.path.join( working_dir, virtualchain.get_implementation().get_virtual_chain_name() ) + ".testset"
   return testset_filepath
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_default_virtualchain_impl():
   Get the set of virtualchain hooks--to serve as
   the virtualchain's implementation.  Uses the
   one set in the virtualchain runtime config, but
   falls back to Blockstack's by default (i.e. if
   blockstack is getting imported as part of a 
   import nameset.virtualchain_hooks as virtualchain_hooks
   blockstack_impl = virtualchain.get_implementation()
   if blockstack_impl is None:
       blockstack_impl = virtualchain_hooks 

   return blockstack_impl
def get_default_virtualchain_impl():
   Get the set of virtualchain hooks--to serve as
   the virtualchain's implementation.  Uses the
   one set in the virtualchain runtime config, but
   falls back to Blockstack's by default (i.e. if
   blockstack is getting imported as part of a 
   import nameset.virtualchain_hooks as virtualchain_hooks
   blockstack_impl = virtualchain.get_implementation()
   if blockstack_impl is None:
       blockstack_impl = virtualchain_hooks 

   return blockstack_impl
Ejemplo n.º 8
def get_db_state():
    Return an opaque 'state' object that will be preserved across calls
    to the blockchain indexing callbacks.

    impl = virtualchain.get_implementation()
    if impl is None:
        impl = sys.modules[__name__]

    db_filename = virtualchain.get_db_filename(impl=impl)

    db_inst = TalosPolicyDB(db_filename)

    return db_inst
Ejemplo n.º 9
def get_db_state(disposition=DISPOSITION_RO):
   (required by virtualchain state engine)
   Callback to the virtual chain state engine.
   Get a handle to our state engine implementation
   (i.e. our name database).

   Note that in this implementation, the database
   handle returned will only support read-only operations by default.

    # make this usable even if we haven't explicitly configured virtualchain
    impl = virtualchain.get_implementation()
    if impl is None:
        impl = sys.modules[__name__]

    db_filename = virtualchain.get_db_filename(impl=impl)
    lastblock_filename = virtualchain.get_lastblock_filename(impl=impl)
    lastblock = None
    firstcheck = True

    for path in [db_filename, lastblock_filename]:
        if os.path.exists(path):
            # have already created the db
            firstcheck = False

    if not firstcheck and not os.path.exists(lastblock_filename):
        # this can't ever happen
        log.error("FATAL: no such file or directory: %s" % lastblock_filename)

    # verify that it is well-formed, if it exists
    elif os.path.exists(lastblock_filename):
            with open(lastblock_filename, "r") as f:
                lastblock = int(f.read().strip())

        except Exception, e:
            # this can't ever happen
            log.error("FATAL: failed to parse: %s" % lastblock_filename)
def get_db_state( disposition=DISPOSITION_RO ):
   (required by virtualchain state engine)
   Callback to the virtual chain state engine.
   Get a handle to our state engine implementation
   (i.e. our name database).

   Note that in this implementation, the database
   handle returned will only support read-only operations by default.
   # make this usable even if we haven't explicitly configured virtualchain 
   impl = virtualchain.get_implementation()
   if impl is None:
       impl = sys.modules[__name__]
   db_filename = virtualchain.get_db_filename(impl=impl)
   lastblock_filename = virtualchain.get_lastblock_filename(impl=impl)
   lastblock = None
   firstcheck = True 

   for path in [db_filename, lastblock_filename]:
       if os.path.exists( path ):
           # have already created the db
           firstcheck = False

   if not firstcheck and not os.path.exists( lastblock_filename ):
       # this can't ever happen 
       log.error("FATAL: no such file or directory: %s" % lastblock_filename )

   # verify that it is well-formed, if it exists
   elif os.path.exists( lastblock_filename ):
           with open(lastblock_filename, "r") as f:
               lastblock = int( f.read().strip() )

       except Exception, e:
           # this can't ever happen
           log.error("FATAL: failed to parse: %s" % lastblock_filename)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def get_last_block():
    Get the last block processed
    Return the integer on success
    Return None on error

    # make this usable even if we haven't explicitly configured virtualchain
    impl = virtualchain.get_implementation()
    if impl is None:
        impl = sys.modules[__name__]

    lastblock_filename = virtualchain.get_lastblock_filename(impl=impl)
    if os.path.exists(lastblock_filename):
            with open(lastblock_filename, "r") as f:
                lastblock = int(f.read().strip())
                return lastblock

        except Exception, e:
            # this can't ever happen
            return None
Ejemplo n.º 12
def get_snapshots():
    Read the virtualchain snapshots
    Returns the dict of {snapshots: {$block_height: $consensus_hash}} on success
    Returns None on error
    # make this usable even if we haven't explicitly configured virtualchain
    impl = virtualchain.get_implementation()
    if impl is None:
        impl = sys.modules[__name__]

    snapshots_filename = virtualchain.get_snapshots_filename(impl=impl)
    if os.path.exists(snapshots_filename):
            with open(snapshots_filename, 'r') as f:
                snapshots_bin = f.read()
                snapshots = json.loads(snapshots_bin)
                return snapshots

        except Exception as e:
            return None

    return None
def sync_blockchain( bt_opts, last_block, expected_snapshots={}, **virtualchain_args ):
    synchronize state with the blockchain.
    Return True on success
    Return False if we're supposed to stop indexing
    Abort on error
    # make this usable even if we haven't explicitly configured virtualchain 
    impl = sys.modules[__name__]
    if virtualchain.get_implementation() is not None:
       impl = None

    log.info("Synchronizing database up to block %s" % last_block)

    db_filename = virtualchain.get_db_filename(impl=impl)

    # NOTE: this is the only place where a read-write handle should be created,
    # since this is the only place where the db should be modified.
    new_db = BlockstackDB.borrow_readwrite_instance( db_filename, last_block, expected_snapshots=expected_snapshots )
    rc = virtualchain.sync_virtualchain( bt_opts, last_block, new_db, expected_snapshots=expected_snapshots, **virtualchain_args )
    BlockstackDB.release_readwrite_instance( new_db, last_block )

    return rc
def check(state_engine):

    expected_hash = "13a76219ed16c5e53e2c08dde8660609bb8f63da"

    # not revealed, but ready
    ns = state_engine.get_namespace_reveal("id")
    if ns is not None:
        return False

    ns = state_engine.get_namespace("id")
    if ns is None:
        return False

    if ns['namespace_id'] != 'id':
        return False

    # not preordered
    preorder = state_engine.get_name_preorder(
        "judecn.id", pybitcoin.make_pay_to_address_script(wallets[2].addr),
    if preorder is not None:
        return False

    # registered
    name_rec = state_engine.get_name("judecn.id")
    if name_rec is None:
        return False

    # owned by
    if name_rec['address'] != wallets[3].addr or name_rec[
            'sender'] != pybitcoin.make_pay_to_address_script(wallets[3].addr):
        return False

    # announcements exist...
    if not os.path.exists(working_dir):
        print >> sys.stderr, "No such directory %s" % working_dir
        return False

    # "hello world!" exists...
    announce_path = os.path.join(working_dir, "announcements",
                                 expected_hash + ".txt")
    hashes_path = os.path.join(
        virtualchain.get_implementation().get_virtual_chain_name() +

    if not os.path.exists(announce_path):
        print >> sys.stderr, "No announcement text: %s" % announce_path
        return False

    if not os.path.exists(hashes_path):
        print >> sys.stderr, "No announcement hash text"
        return False

    # announcement contains "hello world!"
    txt = None
    with open(announce_path, "r") as f:
        txt = f.read()

    if txt.strip() != "hello world!":
        print >> sys.stderr, "Wrong announcement text"
        return False

    # announcement list includes the hash
    announce_hashes = None
    with open(hashes_path, "r") as f:
        txt = f.read()

    txt = txt.strip()
    if txt != expected_hash:
        print >> sys.stderr, "Wring announcement hash text"
        return False

    return True
def check( state_engine ):

    # not revealed, but ready 
    ns = state_engine.get_namespace_reveal( "id" )
    if ns is not None:
        return False 

    ns = state_engine.get_namespace( "id" )
    if ns is None:
        return False 

    if ns['namespace_id'] != 'id':
        return False 

    # not preordered
    preorder = state_engine.get_name_preorder( "judecn.id", pybitcoin.make_pay_to_address_script(wallets[2].addr), wallets[3].addr )
    if preorder is not None:
        return False
    # registered 
    name_rec = state_engine.get_name( "judecn.id" )
    if name_rec is None:
        return False 

    # owned by
    if name_rec['address'] != wallets[3].addr or name_rec['sender'] != pybitcoin.make_pay_to_address_script(wallets[3].addr):
        return False 

    # announcements exist...
    if not os.path.exists( working_dir ):
        print >> sys.stderr, "No such directory %s" % working_dir
        return False

    # "hello world!" exists...
    announce_path = os.path.join(working_dir, "announcements", "13a76219ed16c5e53e2c08dde8660609bb8f63da.txt") 
    hashes_path = os.path.join( working_dir, virtualchain.get_implementation().get_virtual_chain_name() + ".announce" )

    if not os.path.exists( announce_path ):
        print >> sys.stderr, "No announcement text"
        return False 

    if not os.path.exists( hashes_path ):
        print >> sys.stderr, "No announcement hash text"
        return False 

    # announcement contains "hello world!"
    txt = None 
    with open( announce_path, "r" ) as f:
        txt = f.read()

    txt = txt.strip()
    if txt != "hello world!":
        print >> sys.stderr, "Wrong announcement text"
        return False 

    # announcement list includes the hash 
    announce_hashes = None 
    with open( hashes_path, "r" ) as f:
        txt = f.read()

    txt = txt.strip()
    if txt != "13a76219ed16c5e53e2c08dde8660609bb8f63da":
        print >> sys.stderr, "Wring announcement hash text"
        return False 

    return True