Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_write_fig_spindles(self):
     """Test function write_fig_spindles."""
     sf, n_pts = 100., 10014
     hypno = np.repeat(np.arange(6), 1669) - 1.
     sig = np.squeeze(generate_eeg(sf=sf, n_pts=n_pts, random_state=1)[0])
     file = self.to_tmp_dir('write_fig_spindles.png')
     file_hyp = self.to_tmp_dir('write_fig_spindles_hypno.png')
     write_fig_spindles(sig, sf, file=file, thr=.1)
     write_fig_spindles(sig, sf, hypno=hypno, file=file_hyp, thr=.1)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_write_fig_spindles(self):
     """Test function write_fig_spindles."""
     sf, n_pts = 100., 10014
     hypno = np.repeat(np.arange(6), 1669) - 1.
     sig = np.squeeze(generate_eeg(sf=sf, n_pts=n_pts, random_state=1)[0])
     file = self.to_tmp_dir('write_fig_spindles.png')
     file_hyp = self.to_tmp_dir('write_fig_spindles_hypno.png')
     write_fig_spindles(sig, sf, file=file, thr=.1)
     write_fig_spindles(sig, sf, hypno=hypno, file=file_hyp, thr=.1)
Ejemplo n.º 3
sc = SceneObj(bgcolor='black', size=(1400, 1000))

# Generate random data
# Here we generate a random 3D dataset with 5 channels and 4 trials per channel
# Note that here we geneate a 3D dataset but you can also pass a 1D or 2D
# dataset

sf = 512.  # sampling frequency
n_pts = 1000  # number of time points
n_channels = 5  # number of channels
n_trials = 4  # number of trials
data_3d = generate_eeg(n_pts=n_pts,
channels = ['Channel %i' % (k + 1) for k in range(n_channels)]
trials = ['Trial %i' % k for k in range(n_trials)]

# Generate the titles of each signal
title = ['%s - %s' % (k, i) for k, i in product(channels, trials)]

# Plot the data as a grid and add it to the scene
g_obj_grid = GridSignalsObj('3d', data_3d, title=title, plt_as='grid')
sc.add_to_subplot(g_obj_grid, title='Grid of 3D data')

# Plot MNE-Python data
Ejemplo n.º 4

Import annotations from a text file and annotate trials.

All annotations are added to the Annotations/ tab. Then, select a row of the
table to jump to it.

Download an example of annotation file :

.. image:: ../../_static/examples/ex_annotations.png
from visbrain.gui import Signal
from visbrain.utils import generate_eeg

sf = 512.  # sampling frequency
n_pts = 4000  # number of time points
n_trials = 125  # number of trials in the dataset

"""Generate a random EEG vector of shape (n_trials, n_pts). This time, we
smooth signals and decrease the noise on it.
data, _ = generate_eeg(sf=sf, n_pts=n_pts, n_trials=n_trials, smooth=200,

"""Specify the path to the annotation file :
annotations = 'signal_annotations.txt'

Signal(data, sf=sf, axis=-1, line_lw=2., annotations=annotations).show()
Ejemplo n.º 5
# Scene creation
sc = SceneObj(bgcolor='black', size=(1400, 1000))

# Generate random data
# Here we generate a random 3D dataset with 5 channels and 4 trials per channel
# Note that here we geneate a 3D dataset but you can also pass a 1D or 2D
# dataset

sf = 512.       # sampling frequency
n_pts = 1000    # number of time points
n_channels = 5  # number of channels
n_trials = 4    # number of trials
data_3d = generate_eeg(n_pts=n_pts, n_channels=n_channels, n_trials=n_trials,
                       f_max=20., smooth=200, noise=1000)[0]
channels = ['Channel %i' % (k + 1) for k in range(n_channels)]
trials = ['Trial %i' % k for k in range(n_trials)]

# Generate the titles of each signal
title = ['%s - %s' % (k, i) for k, i in product(channels, trials)]

# Plot the data as a grid and add it to the scene
g_obj_grid = GridSignalsObj('3d', data_3d, title=title, plt_as='grid')
sc.add_to_subplot(g_obj_grid, title='Grid of 3D data')

# Plot MNE-Python data
# The GridSignalsObj is also compatible with several MNE-Python instance (i.e
Ejemplo n.º 6
from visbrain.objects import TimeSeries3DObj, Picture3DObj, SceneObj
from visbrain.utils import generate_eeg

# Define sample data and scene
# 3D time-series and pictures need to be attached to sources define in a 3D
# space.

# Define 5 sources
xyz = np.array([[0, .5, 0], [1, -4, 3], [10, 2, 8], [1, 7, 12], [-4, 5, 6]])
n_sources = xyz.shape[0]
# Define the time-series of those 5 sources
ts_data = generate_eeg(sf=512., n_channels=n_sources, noise=5., smooth=5)[0]
# Compute the spectrogram of the 5 time-series
pic_data = []
for k in range(n_sources):
    pic_data += [spectrogram(ts_data[k, :], 512., nperseg=128, noverlap=10)[2]]
pic_data = np.asarray(pic_data)
clim = (.01 * pic_data.min(), .01 * pic_data.max())

# Scene definition
sc = SceneObj()

# Basic plot
# Basic plot without further customizations
Ejemplo n.º 7
"""Test functions in detections.py."""
import numpy as np

from visbrain.utils.sleep.detection import (kcdetect, spindlesdetect,
                                            remdetect, slowwavedetect,
                                            mtdetect, peakdetect)
from visbrain.utils import generate_eeg

"""If tests continue to failed, one idea could be to save in a npz file the
signal to test.
sf, n_pts, _rnd = 100., 10014, 1
signal = np.squeeze(generate_eeg(sf=sf, n_pts=n_pts, random_state=_rnd)[0])

n_per_seg = int(n_pts / 6)
wake = np.zeros((n_per_seg,))
n1 = np.ones((n_per_seg,))
n2 = np.full((n_per_seg,), 2)
n3 = np.full((n_per_seg,), 3)
rem = np.full((n_per_seg,), 4)
art = np.full((n_per_seg,), -1)
hypno = np.hstack((wake, n1, n2, n3, rem, art))

class TestDetections(object):
    """Test functions in detection.py."""

    def test_kcdetect(self):
        """Test function kcdetect."""
        kcdetect(signal, sf, .8, 1., hypno, True, 100, 200, .2, .6)
Ejemplo n.º 8
"""Test Signal module and related methods."""
from vispy.app.canvas import MouseEvent, KeyEvent

from visbrain.gui import Signal
from visbrain.utils import generate_eeg
from visbrain.tests._tests_visbrain import _TestVisbrain

# Generate random EEG dataset :
sf = 512.
data, time = generate_eeg(sf=sf, n_channels=3, n_trials=2)

# ---------------- Kwargs  ----------------
kwargs = {'xlabel': 'My xlabel', 'ylabel': 'My ylabel', 'title': 'My title',
          'display_grid': True, 'color': 'darkgray', 'symbol': 'x',
          'title_font_size': 20, 'axis_font_size': 18, 'tick_font_size': 8,
          'axis_color': 'blue', 'bgcolor': 'white', 'enable_grid': True,
          'display_signal': True, 'form': 'psd'}

# ---------------- Application  ----------------
sig = Signal(data, sf=sf, axis=-1, time=time)

class TestSignal(_TestVisbrain):
    """Test signal.py."""

    #                                 LABELS
    def test_xlabel(self):
        """Test setting xlabel."""
        # Text :
Ejemplo n.º 9
"""Test Signal module and related methods."""
from vispy.app.canvas import MouseEvent, KeyEvent

from visbrain import Signal
from visbrain.utils import generate_eeg
from visbrain.tests._tests_visbrain import _TestVisbrain

# Generate random EEG dataset :
sf = 512.
data, time = generate_eeg(sf=sf, n_channels=3, n_trials=2)

# ---------------- Kwargs  ----------------
kwargs = {
    'xlabel': 'My xlabel',
    'ylabel': 'My ylabel',
    'title': 'My title',
    'display_grid': True,
    'color': 'darkgray',
    'symbol': 'x',
    'title_font_size': 20,
    'axis_font_size': 18,
    'tick_font_size': 8,
    'axis_color': 'blue',
    'bgcolor': 'white',
    'enable_grid': True,
    'display_signal': True,
    'form': 'psd'

# ---------------- Application  ----------------
sig = Signal(data, sf=sf, axis=-1, time=time)
Ejemplo n.º 10

* Mouse wheel : to zoom over the canvas
* Mouse press and hold : to move the center of the camera
* Double click : insert an annotation under the mouse cursor
* <delete> : reset the camera

.. image:: ../../picture/picsignal/ex_1d_signal.png
from visbrain import Signal
from visbrain.utils import generate_eeg

sf = 512.  # sampling frequency
n_pts = 4000  # number of time points
"""Generate a random EEG vector of shape (n_pts,). Also get the associated
time vector with the same length as the data.
data, time = generate_eeg(sf=sf, n_pts=n_pts)
time += 8.  # force the time vector to start at 8 seconds
time *= 1000.  # millisecond conversion
"""Add a label to the x-axis (xlabel), y-axis (ylabel) and a title
xlabel = 'Time (ms)'
ylabel = 'Amplitude (uV)'
title = 'Plot of a 1-d signal'

Signal(data, sf=sf, time=time, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel,
Ejemplo n.º 11

* Mouse wheel : to zoom over the canvas
* Mouse press and hold : to move the center of the camera
* Double click : insert an annotation under the mouse cursor
* <delete> : reset the camera

.. image:: ../../_static/examples/ex_1d_signal.png
from visbrain.gui import Signal
from visbrain.utils import generate_eeg

sf = 512.  # sampling frequency
n_pts = 4000  # number of time points

"""Generate a random EEG vector of shape (n_pts,). Also get the associated
time vector with the same length as the data.
data, time = generate_eeg(sf=sf, n_pts=n_pts)
time += 8.  # force the time vector to start at 8 seconds
time *= 1000.  # millisecond conversion

"""Add a label to the x-axis (xlabel), y-axis (ylabel) and a title
xlabel = 'Time (ms)'
ylabel = 'Amplitude (uV)'
title = 'Plot of a 1-d signal'

Signal(data, sf=sf, time=time, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel,
Ejemplo n.º 12
KW = dict(title_size=14., zoom=2)

colormap = 'inferno'

# load brain model
verts = np.load('bnd4_pos1.npy')
faces = np.load('bnd4_tri1.npy')

verts *= 1000

verts, faces, normals = convert_meshdata(verts, faces, invert_normals=True)

# generate random toy data
n_channels = 40
sampling_frequency = 512
data, time = generate_eeg(n_channels=n_channels, sf=sampling_frequency)


NSources = 200
index = np.random.choice(verts.shape[0], n_channels, replace=False)
xyz = verts[index]

brain_obj = BrainObj('Custom',

source_object = SourceObj('iEEG', xyz, data=data[:, 0], cmap=colormap)
Ejemplo n.º 13
from scipy.signal import spectrogram

from visbrain.objects import TimeSeries3DObj, Picture3DObj, SceneObj
from visbrain.utils import generate_eeg

# Define sample data and scene
# 3D time-series and pictures need to be attached to sources define in a 3D
# space.

# Define 5 sources
xyz = np.array([[0, .5, 0], [1, -4, 3], [10, 2, 8], [1, 7, 12], [-4, 5, 6]])
n_sources = xyz.shape[0]
# Define the time-series of those 5 sources
ts_data = generate_eeg(sf=512., n_channels=n_sources, noise=5., smooth=5)[0]
# Compute the spectrogram of the 5 time-series
pic_data = []
for k in range(n_sources):
    pic_data += [spectrogram(ts_data[k, :], 512., nperseg=128, noverlap=10)[2]]
pic_data = np.asarray(pic_data)
clim = (.01 * pic_data.min(), .01 * pic_data.max())

# Scene definition
sc = SceneObj()

# Basic plot
# Basic plot without further customizations
Ejemplo n.º 14
.. image:: ../../_static/examples/ex_3d_signal.png
from itertools import product
from visbrain.gui import Signal
from visbrain.utils import generate_eeg

sf = 512.  # sampling frequency
n_pts = 4000  # number of time points
n_channels = 20  # number of EEG channels
n_trials = 10  # number of trials in the dataset

"""Generate a random EEG dataset of shape (n_channels, n_trials, n_pts).
Also get the associated time vector with the same length as the data.
data, time = generate_eeg(sf=sf, n_pts=n_pts, n_trials=n_trials,
                          n_channels=n_channels, smooth=200, noise=1000)
time += 8.  # force the time vector to start at 8 seconds
time *= 1000.  # millisecond conversion

"""The data have a shape of (20, 10, 4000). Hence, the time dimension is
defined as the last axis i.e `axis=2`
axis = 2  # localization of the time axis

"""Add a label to the x-axis (xlabel), y-axis (ylabel) and a title
xlabel = 'Time (ms)'
ylabel = 'Amplitude (uV)'
title = 'Plot of a 1-d signal'

"""Build the title to add to each time-series in the grid
Ejemplo n.º 15
* Press <delete> on both to reset the camera

.. image:: ../../_static/examples/ex_2d_signal.png
from visbrain.gui import Signal
from visbrain.utils import generate_eeg

sf = 512.  # sampling frequency
n_pts = 4000  # number of time points
n_trials = 120  # number of trials in the dataset
"""Generate a random EEG dataset of shape (n_trials, n_pts). Also get the
associated time vector with the same length as the data.
data, time = generate_eeg(sf=sf,
time += 8.  # force the time vector to start at 8 seconds
time *= 1000.  # millisecond conversion
"""The data have a shape of (125 channels, 4000 time points). In order to work,
the program need to know that the time axis is not the first dimension. Hence,
we use the `axis` parameter to specify that the time axis is the second one
axis = 1  # localization of the time axis
"""Add a label to the x-axis (xlabel), y-axis (ylabel) and a title
xlabel = 'Time (ms)'
ylabel = 'Amplitude (uV)'
title = 'Plot of a 1-d signal'
Ejemplo n.º 16
sc.add_to_subplot(BrainObj('B1'), use_this_cam=True, row=0, col=1)

# Sources

s_obj = SourceObj('FirstSources', xyz, data=data)
s_obj.color_sources(data=data, cmap='Spectral_r')
sc.add_to_subplot(s_obj, row=1, col=1, title='Sources')
sc.add_to_subplot(BrainObj('B3'), use_this_cam=True, row=1, col=1)

# 3D Time-series

ts, _ = generate_eeg(n_pts=100, n_channels=xyz.shape[0])
select = np.zeros((xyz.shape[0],), dtype=bool)
select[slice(0, 100, 10)] = True
ts_obj = TimeSeries3DObj('TS3D', ts, xyz, select=select, color='pink',
sc.add_to_subplot(ts_obj, row=0, col=2, title='3D time series')
sc.add_to_subplot(BrainObj('B2'), use_this_cam=True, row=0, col=2)

# 3D Pictures

pic = np.random.rand(xyz.shape[0], 20, 20)
pic_obj = Picture3DObj('PIC', pic, xyz, select=select, pic_width=21.,
                       pic_height=21., cmap='viridis')
sc.add_to_subplot(pic_obj, row=1, col=2, title='3D pictures')
Ejemplo n.º 17
s_obj = SourceObj('FirstSources', xyz, data=data)
s_obj.color_sources(data=data, cmap='Spectral_r')
sc.add_to_subplot(s_obj, row=1, col=1, title='Sources')
sc.add_to_subplot(BrainObj('B3'), use_this_cam=True, row=1, col=1)

# =============================================================================
#                               3D Time-series
# =============================================================================
ts, _ = generate_eeg(n_pts=100, n_channels=xyz.shape[0])
select = np.zeros((xyz.shape[0],), dtype=bool)
select[slice(0, 100, 10)] = True
ts_obj = TimeSeries3DObj('TS3D', ts, xyz, select=select, color='pink',
sc.add_to_subplot(ts_obj, row=0, col=2, title='3D time series')
sc.add_to_subplot(BrainObj('B2'), use_this_cam=True, row=0, col=2)

# =============================================================================
#                               3D Pictures
# =============================================================================
pic = np.random.rand(xyz.shape[0], 20, 20)
pic_obj = Picture3DObj('PIC', pic, xyz, select=select, pic_width=21.,