def readMap(fileName, fileFormat,logger,unzipcmd='pigz -d -k'): """ Read PCRaster geographical file into memory """ unzipped = 0 if not os.path.exists(fileName): # try and unzip if os.path.exists(fileName + ".gz"): os.system(unzipcmd + ' ' + fileName + ".gz")"unzipping: " + fileName + ".gz") unzipped = 1 pcrdata = _pcrut.readmap(fileName) x = _pcrut.pcr2numpy(_pcrut.xcoordinate(_pcrut.boolean(_pcrut.cover(1.0))),NaN)[0,:] y = _pcrut.pcr2numpy(_pcrut.ycoordinate(_pcrut.boolean(_pcrut.cover(1.0))),NaN)[:,0] FillVal = float(1E31) data = _pcrut.pcr2numpy(pcrdata,FillVal) if unzipped: #Delete uncompressed file if compressed exsists if os.path.exists(fileName + ".gz"):"Removing: " + fileName) os.remove(fileName) return x, y, data, FillVal
def readMap(fileName, fileFormat, logger, unzipcmd='pigz -d -k'): """ Read PCRaster geographical file into memory """ unzipped = 0 if not os.path.exists(fileName): # try and unzip if os.path.exists(fileName + ".gz"): os.system(unzipcmd + ' ' + fileName + ".gz")"unzipping: " + fileName + ".gz") unzipped = 1 pcrdata = _pcrut.readmap(fileName) x = _pcrut.pcr2numpy(_pcrut.xcoordinate(_pcrut.boolean(_pcrut.cover(1.0))), NaN)[0, :] y = _pcrut.pcr2numpy(_pcrut.ycoordinate(_pcrut.boolean(_pcrut.cover(1.0))), NaN)[:, 0] FillVal = float(1E31) data = _pcrut.pcr2numpy(pcrdata, FillVal) if unzipped: #Delete uncompressed file if compressed exsists if os.path.exists(fileName + ".gz"):"Removing: " + fileName) os.remove(fileName) return x, y, data, FillVal
def readMap(fileName, fileFormat,logger): """ Read geographical file into memory """ # Open file for binary-reading #pcrdata = _pcrut.readmap(fileName) # mapFormat = gdal.GetDriverByName(fileFormat) # mapFormat.Register() # ds = gdal.Open(fileName) # if ds is None: # logger.error('Could not open ' + fileName + '. Something went wrong!! Shutting down') # sys.exit(1) # # Retrieve geoTransform info # geotrans = ds.GetGeoTransform() # originX = geotrans[0] # originY = geotrans[3] # resX = geotrans[1] # resY = geotrans[5] # cols = ds.RasterXSize # rows = ds.RasterYSize # x = linspace(originX+resX/2,originX+resX/2+resX*(cols-1),cols) # y = linspace(originY+resY/2,originY+resY/2+resY*(rows-1),rows) # # Retrieve raster # RasterBand = ds.GetRasterBand(1) # there's only 1 band, starting from 1 # data = RasterBand.ReadAsArray(0,0,cols,rows) # FillVal = RasterBand.GetNoDataValue() # RasterBand = None # del ds # #ds = None pcrdata = _pcrut.readmap(fileName) x = _pcrut.pcr2numpy(_pcrut.xcoordinate(_pcrut.boolean(_pcrut.cover(1.0))),NaN)[0,:] y = _pcrut.pcr2numpy(_pcrut.ycoordinate(_pcrut.boolean(_pcrut.cover(1.0))),NaN)[:,0] FillVal = float(1E31) data = _pcrut.pcr2numpy(pcrdata,FillVal) return x, y, data, FillVal
def main(argv=None): """ Perform command line execution of the model. """ # initiate metadata entries metadata = {} metadata["title"] = "wflow input mapstack" metadata["institution"] = "Deltares" metadata["source"] = "pcr2netcdf" metadata["history"] = time.ctime() metadata["references"] = "" metadata["Conventions"] = "CF-1.4" ncoutfile = "" mapstackfolder = "inmaps" inifile = "not set" mapstackname = [] var = [] varname = [] unit = "mm" startstr = "1-1-1990 00:00:00" endstr = "2-2-1990 00:00:00" mbuf = 600 timestepsecs = 86400 outputFillVal = 1e31 clonemap = None OFormat = "NETCDF4" IFormat = "PCRaster" EPSG = "EPSG:4326" Singlemap = False zlib = True least_significant_digit = None clonemapname = "None" startstep = 1 perYear = False if argv is None: argv = sys.argv[1:] if len(argv) == 0: usage() return ## Main model starts here ######################################################################## try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "c:S:E:N:I:O:b:t:F:zs:d:YP:Mi:C:") except getopt.error as msg: usage(msg) for o, a in opts: if o == "-S": startstr = a if o == "-s": startstep = int(a) if o == "-E": endstr = a if o == "-i": IFormat = a if o == "-O": ncoutfile = a if o == "-c": inifile = a if o == "-I": mapstackfolder = a if o == "-b": mbuf = int(a) if o == "-Y": perYear = True if o == "-z": zlib = True if o == "-P": EPSG = a if o == "-M": Singlemap = True if o == "-F": OFormat = a if o == "-d": least_significant_digit = int(a) if o == "-C": clonemapname = a if o == "-t": timestepsecs = int(a) if o == "-N": flst = glob.glob(a) if len(flst) == 0: mapstackname.append(a) var.append(a) varname.append(a) else: mapstackname = flst var = flst varname = flst # Use first timestep as clone-map logger = setlogger("pcr2netcdf.log", "pcr2netcdf", thelevel=logging.DEBUG) count = 1 below_thousand = count % 1000 above_thousand = count / 1000 if clonemapname == "None": clonemapname = str( mapstackname[0] + "%0" + str(8 - len(mapstackname[0])) + ".f.%03.f" ) % (above_thousand, below_thousand) clonemap = os.path.join(mapstackfolder, clonemapname) if Singlemap: clonemap = mapstackname[0] if IFormat == "PCRaster": _pcrut.setclone(clonemap) x, y, clone, FillVal = _readMap(clonemap, IFormat, logger) start = dt.datetime.strptime(startstr, "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S") if Singlemap: end = start else: end = dt.datetime.strptime(endstr, "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S") if timestepsecs == 86400: if perYear: timeList = date_range_peryear(start, end, tdelta="days") else: timeList = date_range(start, end, timestepsecs) else: if perYear: timeList = date_range_peryear(start, end, tdelta="hours") else: timeList = date_range(start, end, timestepsecs) if os.path.exists(inifile): inimetadata = getnetcdfmetafromini(inifile) metadata.update(inimetadata) # break up into separate years if not Singlemap: varmeta = {} startmapstack = startstep if perYear: for yr_timelist in timeList: ncoutfile_yr = ( os.path.splitext(ncoutfile)[0] + "_" + str(yr_timelist[0].year) + os.path.splitext(ncoutfile)[1] ) if os.path.exists(ncoutfile_yr):"Skipping file: " + ncoutfile_yr) else: ncdf.prepare_nc( ncoutfile_yr, yr_timelist, x, y, metadata, logger, Format=OFormat, zlib=zlib, EPSG=EPSG, FillValue=outputFillVal, ) idx = 0 for mname in mapstackname: "Converting mapstack: " + mname + " to " + ncoutfile ) # get variable attributes from ini file here if os.path.exists(inifile): varmeta = getvarmetadatafromini(inifile, var[idx]) write_netcdf_timeseries( mapstackfolder, mname, ncoutfile_yr, var[idx], unit, varname[idx], yr_timelist, varmeta, logger, clone, maxbuf=mbuf, Format=OFormat, zlib=zlib, least_significant_digit=least_significant_digit, startidx=startmapstack, EPSG=EPSG, FillVal=outputFillVal, ) idx = idx + 1 "Old stack: " + str(startmapstack) + " new startpoint " + str(startmapstack + len(yr_timelist) - 1) ) startmapstack = startmapstack + len(yr_timelist) else: # ncoutfile_yr = os.path.splitext(ncoutfile)[0] + "_" + str(yr_timelist[0].year) + os.path.splitext(ncoutfile)[1] ncdf.prepare_nc( ncoutfile, timeList, x, y, metadata, logger, Format=OFormat, zlib=zlib, EPSG=EPSG, ) idx = 0 for mname in mapstackname:"Converting mapstack: " + mname + " to " + ncoutfile) # get variable attributes from ini file here if os.path.exists(inifile): varmeta = getvarmetadatafromini(inifile, var[idx]) write_netcdf_timeseries( mapstackfolder, mname, ncoutfile, var[idx], unit, varname[idx], timeList, varmeta, logger, clone, maxbuf=mbuf, Format=OFormat, zlib=zlib, least_significant_digit=least_significant_digit, startidx=startmapstack, EPSG=EPSG, FillVal=outputFillVal, ) idx = idx + 1 else: NcOutput = ncdf.netcdfoutputstatic( ncoutfile, logger, timeList[0], 1, timestepsecs=timestepsecs, maxbuf=1, metadata=metadata, EPSG=EPSG, Format=OFormat, zlib=zlib, ) for file in mapstackname: pcrdata = _pcrut.readmap(file) thevar = os.path.basename(file) NcOutput.savetimestep(1, pcrdata, unit="mm", var=thevar, name=file)
ncdf.prepare_nc(ncoutfile, timeList, x, y, metadata, logger,Format=OFormat,zlib=zlib,EPSG=EPSG) idx = 0 for mname in mapstackname:"Converting mapstack: " + mname + " to " + ncoutfile) # get variable attributes from ini file here if os.path.exists(inifile): varmeta = getvarmetadatafromini(inifile,var[idx]) write_netcdf_timeseries(mapstackfolder, mname, ncoutfile, var[idx], unit, varname[idx], timeList, varmeta,\ logger,clone,maxbuf=mbuf,Format=OFormat,zlib=zlib,least_significant_digit=least_significant_digit,\ startidx=startmapstack,EPSG=EPSG,FillVal=outputFillVal) idx = idx + 1 else: NcOutput = ncdf.netcdfoutputstatic(ncoutfile, logger, timeList[0],1,timestepsecs=timestepsecs, maxbuf=1, metadata=metadata, EPSG=EPSG,Format=OFormat, zlib=zlib) for file in mapstackname: pcrdata = _pcrut.readmap(file) thevar = os.path.basename(file) NcOutput.savetimestep(1, pcrdata, unit="mm", var=thevar, name=file) if __name__ == "__main__": main()"Converting mapstack: " + mname + " to " + ncoutfile) # get variable attributes from ini file here if os.path.exists(inifile): varmeta = getvarmetadatafromini(inifile, var[idx]) write_netcdf_timeseries(mapstackfolder, mname, ncoutfile, var[idx], unit, varname[idx], timeList, varmeta,\ logger,clone,maxbuf=mbuf,Format=OFormat,zlib=zlib,least_significant_digit=least_significant_digit,\ startidx=startmapstack,EPSG=EPSG,FillVal=outputFillVal) idx = idx + 1 else: NcOutput = ncdf.netcdfoutputstatic(ncoutfile, logger, timeList[0], 1, timestepsecs=timestepsecs, maxbuf=1, metadata=metadata, EPSG=EPSG, Format=OFormat, zlib=zlib) for file in mapstackname: pcrdata = _pcrut.readmap(file) thevar = os.path.basename(file) NcOutput.savetimestep(1, pcrdata, unit="mm", var=thevar, name=file) if __name__ == "__main__": main()