Ejemplo n.º 1
    def read(self, request, vendor, name, version):
        format = request.GET.get('format', 'default')

        # Get the resource's id for those vendor, name and version
        resource = get_object_or_404(CatalogueResource, short_name=name, vendor=vendor, version=version).id

        return get_tag_response(resource, request.user, format)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def create(self, request, vendor, name, version):
        format = request.POST.get('format', 'default')

        # Get the xml containing the tags from the request
        tags_xml = request.POST.get('tags_xml')
        tags_xml = tags_xml.encode("utf-8")

        # Parse the xml containing the tags
        parser = make_parser()
        handler = TagsXMLHandler()

        # Tell the parser to use our handler

        # Parse the input
        inpsrc = InputSource()

        # Get the resource's id for those vendor, name and version
        resource = get_object_or_404(CatalogueResource, short_name=name,
                                   vendor=vendor, version=version)

        # Insert the tags for these resource and user in the database
        for e in handler._tags:
            tag_resource(request.user, e, resource)

        return get_tag_response(resource, request.user, format)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def delete(self, request, vendor, name, version, tag):

        format = request.GET.get('format', 'default')

        resource = get_object_or_404(CatalogueResource, short_name=name, vendor=vendor, version=version).id
        userTag = get_object_or_404(UserTag, id=tag)

        #if there is no more resources tagged by an user with this tag, delete the Tag
        if UserTag.objects.filter(tag=userTag.tag).count() == 1:


        return get_tag_response(resource, request.user, format)