Ejemplo n.º 1
class Planner(object):
    """Finite State Machine-Based planner. Generates commands for the robot based on plan classes derived from Plan"""

    def __init__(self, side, pitch, attacker=True):
        :param side: "left" or "right"; The side of the pitch we are on
        :param pitch: 0 or 1; The main pitch (0) or the side pitch (1)
        :param attacker: True (or not given) if we are the attacker robot, otherwise False if we are the defender
        self.world = World(side, pitch)
        # TODO catcher_areas need tweaking for our robot, they are currently set to team 7's
        self.world.our_defender.catcher_area = {"width": 30, "height": 30, "front_offset": 12}
        self.world.our_attacker.catcher_area = {"width": 30, "height": 30, "front_offset": 14}
        self.robot = self.world.our_attacker

        # List of available plans. These should be instantiated in -descending- order of desirability. All plans -must- inherit from Plan!
        p = lambda plan: plan(self.world, self.robot)

        self.plans = [p(ShootAll), p(GrabBallEverywhere), p(MatchY), p(IdlePlan)]

        self.current_plan = self.plans[3]
        global planner
        planner = self

    def update(self, model_positions):
        Main planner update function. Should be called once per frame.
        :param model_positions: A dictionary containing the positions of the objects on the pitch. (See VisionWrapper.model_positions)
        :return: The next command to issue to the robot.
        # Update the world state with the given positions

        # Update whether the robot is marked as busy on consol
        if self.world.ball != None:
            consol.log("Catcher", self.robot.catcher, "Robot")
            if self.current_plan.isValid() and not self.current_plan.isFinished():
                return self.current_plan.nextCommand()
                # If self.current_plan is invalid, then choose a new plan and return a command from it
                for plan in self.plans:
                    if plan.isValid():
                        prevPlan = self.current_plan
                        same_pl = False
                        if self.current_plan is plan:
                            same_pl = True

                        self.current_plan = plan

                        if not same_pl:
                        # self.current_plan.reset()
                        return self.current_plan.nextCommand()
            return CommandDict.stop()
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, side, pitch, attacker=True):
        :param side: "left" or "right"; The side of the pitch we are on
        :param pitch: 0 or 1; The main pitch (0) or the side pitch (1)
        :param attacker: True (or not given) if we are the attacker robot, otherwise False if we are the defender
        self.world = World(side, pitch)
        # TODO catcher_areas need tweaking for our robot, they are currently set to team 7's
        self.world.our_defender.catcher_area = {"width": 30, "height": 30, "front_offset": 12}
        self.world.our_attacker.catcher_area = {"width": 30, "height": 30, "front_offset": 14}
        self.robot = self.world.our_attacker

        # List of available plans. These should be instantiated in -descending- order of desirability. All plans -must- inherit from Plan!
        p = lambda plan: plan(self.world, self.robot)

        self.plans = [p(ShootAll), p(GrabBallEverywhere), p(MatchY), p(IdlePlan)]

        self.current_plan = self.plans[3]
        global planner
        planner = self