Ejemplo n.º 1
class TVTKGenerator:
    """Generates all the TVTK code."""
    def __init__(self, out_dir=''):
        """Initializes the instance.


        - out_dir -  `string`

          The output directory to generate code in.  The directory is
          created if it does not exist.  A directory called
          `tvtk_classes` is created inside this directory and all the
          code is written here.  Any existing code there is blindly
          overwritten.  If no out_dir is specified, a temporary one is
          created using `tempfile.mkdtemp`.

        if not out_dir:
            out_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        self.out_dir = os.path.join(out_dir, 'tvtk_classes')

        if not os.path.exists(self.out_dir):
        self.zip_name = 'tvtk_classes.zip'

        self.wrap_gen = WrapperGenerator()
        self.helper_gen = HelperGenerator()

    # `TVTKGenerator` interface.

    def generate_code(self):
        """Generate all the wrapper code in `self.out_dir`.
        out_dir = self.out_dir
        helper_gen = self.helper_gen
        wrap_gen = self.wrap_gen
        # Create an __init__.py file
        f = open(os.path.join(out_dir, '__init__.py'), 'w')

        # Crete a vtk_version.py file that contains VTK build
        # information.
        v = vtk.vtkVersion()
        vtk_version = v.GetVTKVersion()[:3]
        vtk_src_version = v.GetVTKSourceVersion()
        code = "vtk_build_version = \'%s\'\n" % (vtk_version)
        code += "vtk_build_src_version = \'%s\'\n" % (vtk_src_version)
        f = open(os.path.join(out_dir, 'vtk_version.py'), 'w')

        # Write the helper code header.
        helper_file = open(os.path.join(out_dir, 'tvtk_helper.py'), 'w')

        # Write the wrapper files.
        tree = wrap_gen.get_tree().tree

        #classes = dir(vtk)
        classes = [x.name for x in wrap_gen.get_tree() \
                   if x.name.startswith('vtk') and \
                   not issubclass(getattr(vtk, x.name), object) ]
        for nodes in tree:
            for node in nodes:
                if node.name in classes:
                    tvtk_name = get_tvtk_name(node.name)
                    self._write_wrapper_class(node, tvtk_name)
                    helper_gen.add_class(tvtk_name, helper_file)

    def write_wrapper_classes(self, names):
        """Given VTK class names in the list `names`, write out the
        wrapper classes to a suitable file.  This is a convenience
        method so one can generate a just a few of the wrapper classes
        if desired.  This is useful when debugging.  Please note that
        the method also generates code for all the ancestors of the
        specified classes.

        # Wrappers for the ancesors are generated in order to get the
        # _updateable_traits_ information correctly.
        nodes = []
        for name in names:
            node = self.wrap_gen.get_tree().get_node(name)
            if node is None:
                print 'ERROR: Cannot find class: %s' % name

        # Get ancestors.
        for node in nodes[:]:
            anc = node.get_ancestors()
            for i in anc:
                if i not in nodes:
                    nodes.insert(0, i)
        # Sort them as per their level.
        nodes.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.level, y.level))

        # Write code.
        for node in nodes:
            tvtk_name = get_tvtk_name(node.name)
            self._write_wrapper_class(node, tvtk_name)

    def build_zip(self, include_src=False):
        """Build the zip file (with name `self.zip_name`) in the
        current directory.


        - include_src : `bool` (default: False)

          If True, also includes all the ``*.py`` files in the ZIP file.
          By default only the ``*.pyc`` files are included.

        cwd = os.getcwd()
        d = os.path.dirname(self.out_dir)
        z = zipfile.PyZipFile(self.zip_name, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
        if include_src:
            l = glob.glob(os.path.join('tvtk_classes', '*.py'))
            for x in l:
                fname = os.path.basename(x)
                z.write(x, 'tvtk_classes/%s' % fname)
        if os.path.exists(cwd + "/" + self.zip_name):
            os.unlink(cwd + "/" + self.zip_name)
        shutil.move(self.zip_name, cwd)

    def clean(self):
        """Delete the temporary directory where the code has been
        tmp_dir = os.path.dirname(self.out_dir)
        d = os.listdir(tmp_dir)
        ok = 0
        if len(d) == 1 and d[0] == 'tvtk_classes':
            ok = 1
        if ok:
            print "Not removing directory:", tmp_dir
            print "It does not contain a tvtk_classes directory!"

    # Non-public interface.
    def _write_wrapper_class(self, node, tvtk_name):
        """Write the wrapper code to a file."""
        # The only reason this method is separate is to generate code
        # for an individual class when debugging.
        fname = camel2enthought(tvtk_name) + '.py'
        out = open(os.path.join(self.out_dir, fname), 'w')
        self.wrap_gen.generate_code(node, out)
Ejemplo n.º 2
class TVTKGenerator:
    """Generates all the TVTK code."""

    def __init__(self, out_dir=''):
        """Initializes the instance.


        - out_dir -  `string`

          The output directory to generate code in.  The directory is
          created if it does not exist.  A directory called
          `tvtk_classes` is created inside this directory and all the
          code is written here.  Any existing code there is blindly
          overwritten.  If no out_dir is specified, a temporary one is
          created using `tempfile.mkdtemp`.

        if not out_dir:
            out_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        self.out_dir = os.path.join(out_dir, 'tvtk_classes')

        if not os.path.exists(self.out_dir):
        self.zip_name = 'tvtk_classes.zip'

        self.wrap_gen = WrapperGenerator()
        self.helper_gen = HelperGenerator()

    # `TVTKGenerator` interface.

    def generate_code(self):
        """Generate all the wrapper code in `self.out_dir`.
        out_dir = self.out_dir
        helper_gen = self.helper_gen
        wrap_gen = self.wrap_gen
        # Create an __init__.py file
        f = open(os.path.join(out_dir, '__init__.py'), 'w')

        # Crete a vtk_version.py file that contains VTK build
        # information.
        v = vtk.vtkVersion()
        vtk_version = v.GetVTKVersion()[:3]
        vtk_src_version = v.GetVTKSourceVersion()
        code ="vtk_build_version = \'%s\'\n"%(vtk_version)
        code += "vtk_build_src_version = \'%s\'\n"%(vtk_src_version)
        f = open(os.path.join(out_dir, 'vtk_version.py'), 'w')

        # Write the helper code header.
        helper_file = open(os.path.join(out_dir, 'tvtk_helper.py'), 'w')

        # Write the wrapper files.
        tree = wrap_gen.get_tree().tree

        #classes = dir(vtk)
        classes = [x.name for x in wrap_gen.get_tree() \
                   if x.name.startswith('vtk') and \
                   not issubclass(getattr(vtk, x.name), object) ]
        for nodes in tree:
            for node in nodes:
                if node.name in classes:
                    tvtk_name = get_tvtk_name(node.name)
                    self._write_wrapper_class(node, tvtk_name)
                    helper_gen.add_class(tvtk_name, helper_file)

    def write_wrapper_classes(self, names):
        """Given VTK class names in the list `names`, write out the
        wrapper classes to a suitable file.  This is a convenience
        method so one can generate a just a few of the wrapper classes
        if desired.  This is useful when debugging.  Please note that
        the method also generates code for all the ancestors of the
        specified classes.

        # Wrappers for the ancesors are generated in order to get the
        # _updateable_traits_ information correctly.
        nodes = []
        for name in names:
            node = self.wrap_gen.get_tree().get_node(name)
            if node is None:
                print 'ERROR: Cannot find class: %s'%name

        # Get ancestors.
        for node in nodes[:]:
            anc = node.get_ancestors()
            for i in anc:
                if i not in nodes:
                    nodes.insert(0, i)
        # Sort them as per their level.
        nodes.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.level, y.level))

        # Write code.
        for node in nodes:
            tvtk_name = get_tvtk_name(node.name)
            self._write_wrapper_class(node, tvtk_name)

    def build_zip(self, include_src=False):
        """Build the zip file (with name `self.zip_name`) in the
        current directory.


        - include_src : `bool` (default: False)

          If True, also includes all the ``*.py`` files in the ZIP file.
          By default only the ``*.pyc`` files are included.

        cwd = os.getcwd()
        d = os.path.dirname(self.out_dir)
        z = zipfile.PyZipFile(self.zip_name, 'w',
        if include_src:
            l = glob.glob(os.path.join('tvtk_classes', '*.py'))
            for x in l:
                fname = os.path.basename(x)
                z.write(x, 'tvtk_classes/%s'%fname)
        if os.path.exists(cwd + "/" + self.zip_name):
            os.unlink(cwd + "/" + self.zip_name)
        shutil.move(self.zip_name, cwd)

    def clean(self):
        """Delete the temporary directory where the code has been
        tmp_dir = os.path.dirname(self.out_dir)
        d = os.listdir(tmp_dir)
        ok = 0
        if len(d) == 1 and d[0] == 'tvtk_classes':
            ok = 1
        if ok:
            print "Not removing directory:", tmp_dir
            print "It does not contain a tvtk_classes directory!"

    # Non-public interface.
    def _write_wrapper_class(self, node, tvtk_name):
        """Write the wrapper code to a file."""
        # The only reason this method is separate is to generate code
        # for an individual class when debugging.
        fname = camel2enthought(tvtk_name) + '.py'
        out = open(os.path.join(self.out_dir, fname), 'w')
        self.wrap_gen.generate_code(node, out)
Ejemplo n.º 3
class TVTKGenerator:
    """Generates all the TVTK code."""

    def __init__(self, out_dir=''):
        """Initializes the instance.


        - out_dir -  `string`

          The output directory to generate code in.  The directory is
          created if it does not exist.  A directory called
          `tvtk_classes` is created inside this directory and all the
          code is written here.  Any existing code there is blindly
          overwritten.  If no out_dir is specified, a temporary one is
          created using `tempfile.mkdtemp`.

        if not out_dir:
            out_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        self.out_dir = os.path.join(out_dir, 'tvtk_classes')

        if not os.path.exists(self.out_dir):
        self.zip_name = 'tvtk_classes.zip'

        self.wrap_gen = WrapperGenerator()
        self.helper_gen = HelperGenerator()

    # `TVTKGenerator` interface.

    def generate_code(self):
        """Generate all the wrapper code in `self.out_dir`.
        out_dir = self.out_dir
        helper_gen = self.helper_gen
        wrap_gen = self.wrap_gen
        # Create an __init__.py file
        with open(os.path.join(out_dir, '__init__.py'), 'w'):

        # Crete a vtk_version.py file that contains VTK build
        # information.
        v = vtk.vtkVersion()
        vtk_version = v.GetVTKVersion()[:3]
        vtk_src_version = v.GetVTKSourceVersion()
        code = "vtk_build_version = \'%s\'\n"%(vtk_version)
        code += "vtk_build_src_version = \'%s\'\n"%(vtk_src_version)

        with open(os.path.join(out_dir, 'vtk_version.py'), 'w') as f:

        # Write the helper code header.
        with open(os.path.join(out_dir, 'tvtk_helper.py'), 'w') as helper_file:

            # Write the wrapper files.
            tree = wrap_gen.get_tree().tree

            classes = []
            # This is another class we should not wrap and exists
            # in version 8.1.0.
            ignore = ['vtkOpenGLGL2PSHelperImpl']
            include = ['VTKPythonAlgorithmBase']
            for node in wrap_gen.get_tree():
                name = node.name
                if name in ignore:
                if (name not in include and not name.startswith('vtk')) or \
                if not hasattr(vtk, name) or not hasattr(getattr(vtk, name), 'IsA'):  # noqa
                    # We need to wrap VTK classes that are derived
                    # from vtkObjectBase, the others are
                    # straightforward VTK classes that can be used as
                    # such.  All of these have an 'IsA' method so we
                    # check for that.  Only the vtkObjectBase
                    # subclasses support observers etc. and hence only
                    # those make sense to wrap into TVTK.

            for nodes in tree:
                for node in nodes:
                    if node.name in classes:
                        tvtk_name = get_tvtk_name(node.name)
                            'Wrapping %s as %s' % (node.name, tvtk_name))
                        self._write_wrapper_class(node, tvtk_name)
                        helper_gen.add_class(tvtk_name, helper_file)

    def write_wrapper_classes(self, names):
        """Given VTK class names in the list `names`, write out the
        wrapper classes to a suitable file.  This is a convenience
        method so one can generate a just a few of the wrapper classes
        if desired.  This is useful when debugging.  Please note that
        the method also generates code for all the ancestors of the
        specified classes.

        # Wrappers for the accesors are generated in order to get the
        # _updateable_traits_ information correctly.
        nodes = []
        for name in names:
            node = self.wrap_gen.get_tree().get_node(name)
            if node is None:
                print('ERROR: Cannot find class: %s' % name)

        # Get ancestors.
        for node in nodes[:]:
            anc = node.get_ancestors()
            for i in anc:
                if i not in nodes:
                    nodes.insert(0, i)
        # Sort them as per their level.
        nodes.sort(key=lambda x: x.level)

        # Write code.
        for node in nodes:
            tvtk_name = get_tvtk_name(node.name)
            self._write_wrapper_class(node, tvtk_name)

    def build_zip(self, include_src=False):
        """Build the zip file (with name `self.zip_name`) in the
        current directory.

        include_src : `bool` (default: False)
          If True, also includes all the ``*.py`` files in the ZIP file.
          By default only the ``*.pyc`` files are included.

        cwd = os.getcwd()
        d = os.path.dirname(self.out_dir)
        z = zipfile.PyZipFile(self.zip_name, 'w',
        if include_src:
            l = glob.glob(os.path.join('tvtk_classes', '*.py'))
            for x in l:
                fname = os.path.basename(x)
                z.write(x, 'tvtk_classes/%s' % fname)
        if os.path.exists(cwd + "/" + self.zip_name):
            os.unlink(cwd + "/" + self.zip_name)
        shutil.move(self.zip_name, cwd)

    def clean(self):
        """Delete the temporary directory where the code has been
        tmp_dir = os.path.dirname(self.out_dir)
        d = os.listdir(tmp_dir)
        ok = 0
        if len(d) == 1 and d[0] == 'tvtk_classes':
            ok = 1
        if ok:
            print("Not removing directory:", tmp_dir)
            print("It does not contain a tvtk_classes directory!")

    # Non-public interface.
    def _write_wrapper_class(self, node, tvtk_name):
        """Write the wrapper code to a file."""
        # The only reason this method is separate is to generate code
        # for an individual class when debugging.
        fname = camel2enthought(tvtk_name) + '.py'
        if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
            out = open(os.path.join(self.out_dir, fname), 'w', encoding='utf-8')
            out = open(os.path.join(self.out_dir, fname), 'w')
        self.wrap_gen.generate_code(node, out)
Ejemplo n.º 4
class TVTKGenerator:
    """Generates all the TVTK code."""
    def __init__(self, out_dir=''):
        """Initializes the instance.


        - out_dir -  `string`

          The output directory to generate code in.  The directory is
          created if it does not exist.  A directory called
          `tvtk_classes` is created inside this directory and all the
          code is written here.  Any existing code there is blindly
          overwritten.  If no out_dir is specified, a temporary one is
          created using `tempfile.mkdtemp`.

        if not out_dir:
            out_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        self.out_dir = os.path.join(out_dir, 'tvtk_classes')

        if not os.path.exists(self.out_dir):
        self.zip_name = 'tvtk_classes.zip'

        self.wrap_gen = WrapperGenerator()
        self.helper_gen = HelperGenerator()

    # `TVTKGenerator` interface.

    def generate_code(self):
        """Generate all the wrapper code in `self.out_dir`.
        out_dir = self.out_dir
        helper_gen = self.helper_gen
        wrap_gen = self.wrap_gen
        # Create an __init__.py file
        with open(os.path.join(out_dir, '__init__.py'), 'w'):

        # Crete a vtk_version.py file that contains VTK build
        # information.
        v = vtk.vtkVersion()
        vtk_version = v.GetVTKVersion()[:3]
        vtk_src_version = v.GetVTKSourceVersion()
        code = "vtk_build_version = \'%s\'\n" % (vtk_version)
        code += "vtk_build_src_version = \'%s\'\n" % (vtk_src_version)

        with open(os.path.join(out_dir, 'vtk_version.py'), 'w') as f:

        # Write the helper code header.
        with open(os.path.join(out_dir, 'tvtk_helper.py'), 'w') as helper_file:

            # Write the wrapper files.
            tree = wrap_gen.get_tree().tree

            classes = []
            # This is another class we should not wrap and exists
            # in version 8.1.0.
            ignore = ['vtkOpenGLGL2PSHelperImpl']
            include = ['VTKPythonAlgorithmBase']
            for node in wrap_gen.get_tree():
                name = node.name
                if name in ignore:
                if (name not in include and not name.startswith('vtk')) or \
                if not hasattr(vtk, name) or not hasattr(
                        getattr(vtk, name), 'IsA'):  # noqa
                    # We need to wrap VTK classes that are derived
                    # from vtkObjectBase, the others are
                    # straightforward VTK classes that can be used as
                    # such.  All of these have an 'IsA' method so we
                    # check for that.  Only the vtkObjectBase
                    # subclasses support observers etc. and hence only
                    # those make sense to wrap into TVTK.

            for nodes in tree:
                for node in nodes:
                    if node.name in classes:
                        tvtk_name = get_tvtk_name(node.name)
                        logger.debug('Wrapping %s as %s' %
                                     (node.name, tvtk_name))
                        self._write_wrapper_class(node, tvtk_name)
                        helper_gen.add_class(tvtk_name, helper_file)

    def write_wrapper_classes(self, names):
        """Given VTK class names in the list `names`, write out the
        wrapper classes to a suitable file.  This is a convenience
        method so one can generate a just a few of the wrapper classes
        if desired.  This is useful when debugging.  Please note that
        the method also generates code for all the ancestors of the
        specified classes.

        # Wrappers for the accesors are generated in order to get the
        # _updateable_traits_ information correctly.
        nodes = []
        for name in names:
            node = self.wrap_gen.get_tree().get_node(name)
            if node is None:
                print('ERROR: Cannot find class: %s' % name)

        # Get ancestors.
        for node in nodes[:]:
            anc = node.get_ancestors()
            for i in anc:
                if i not in nodes:
                    nodes.insert(0, i)
        # Sort them as per their level.
        nodes.sort(key=lambda x: x.level)

        # Write code.
        for node in nodes:
            tvtk_name = get_tvtk_name(node.name)
            self._write_wrapper_class(node, tvtk_name)

    def build_zip(self, include_src=False):
        """Build the zip file (with name `self.zip_name`) in the
        current directory.

        include_src : `bool` (default: False)
          If True, also includes all the ``*.py`` files in the ZIP file.
          By default only the ``*.pyc`` files are included.

        cwd = os.getcwd()
        d = os.path.dirname(self.out_dir)
        z = zipfile.PyZipFile(self.zip_name, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
        if include_src:
            l = glob.glob(os.path.join('tvtk_classes', '*.py'))
            for x in l:
                fname = os.path.basename(x)
                z.write(x, 'tvtk_classes/%s' % fname)
        if os.path.exists(cwd + "/" + self.zip_name):
            os.unlink(cwd + "/" + self.zip_name)
        shutil.move(self.zip_name, cwd)

    def clean(self):
        """Delete the temporary directory where the code has been
        tmp_dir = os.path.dirname(self.out_dir)
        d = os.listdir(tmp_dir)
        ok = 0
        if len(d) == 1 and d[0] == 'tvtk_classes':
            ok = 1
        if ok:
            print("Not removing directory:", tmp_dir)
            print("It does not contain a tvtk_classes directory!")

    # Non-public interface.
    def _write_wrapper_class(self, node, tvtk_name):
        """Write the wrapper code to a file."""
        # The only reason this method is separate is to generate code
        # for an individual class when debugging.
        fname = camel2enthought(tvtk_name) + '.py'
        if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
            out = open(os.path.join(self.out_dir, fname),
            out = open(os.path.join(self.out_dir, fname), 'w')
        self.wrap_gen.generate_code(node, out)