Ejemplo n.º 1
class yahooFinancialsProvider(providerBase):

    yahooFinancials: YahooFinancials
    valor = "yyyfff"

    def __init__(self, ticker):
        self.yahooFinancials = YahooFinancials(ticker)

    def getOHLCV(self, ticker, start_date, end_date, interval: str) -> dict:
        ohlcv_data = {}
        json_obj = self.yahooFinancials.get_historical_price_data(start_date,end_date,interval)
        ohlcv = json_obj[ticker]['prices']
        temp = pd.DataFrame(ohlcv)[["formatted_date", "open", "high", "low", "adjclose", "volume"]]
        temp.set_index("formatted_date", inplace=True)
        ohlcv_data[ticker] = temp
        return ohlcv_data

    def getClosePrice(self, ticker, start_date, end_date, interval: str) -> dict:
        close_prices = pd.DataFrame()
        json_obj = self.yahooFinancials.get_historical_price_data(start_date, end_date, interval)
        ohlv = json_obj[ticker]['prices']
        temp = pd.DataFrame(ohlv)[["formatted_date", "adjclose"]]
        temp.set_index("formatted_date", inplace=True)
        close_prices[ticker] = temp["adjclose"]
        return close_prices
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_new_data(database, collection):
    if database == 'stock':
        start_date = str(
            (dt.datetime.now(timezone('EST')) - dt.timedelta(days=1)))[:10]
        end_date = str(
            (dt.datetime.now(timezone('EST')) - dt.timedelta(days=0)))[:10]
        ticker = STOCK_INDICES[collection]
    elif database == 'forex' or database == 'crypto':
        start_date = str(
            (dt.datetime.now(timezone('EST')) - dt.timedelta(days=1)))[:10]
        end_date = start_date
        if database == 'forex':
            ticker = FOREX_LIST[collection]
        elif database == 'crypto':
            ticker = CRYPTO_LIST[collection]
    yf = YahooFinancials(ticker)
        prices = yf.get_historical_price_data(start_date, end_date,
    except IndexError:
        older_date = str(
            (dt.datetime.now(timezone('EST')) - dt.timedelta(days=2)))[:10]
        prices = yf.get_historical_price_data(older_date, older_date,
    result = {
        'high': prices['high'],
        'low': prices['low'],
        'open': prices['open'],
        'close': prices['close'],
        'formatted_date': prices['formatted_date']
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 3
def check_rates_yahoo(guid):
    """Check if rates are available on yahoo"""
    user = User.get_by_guid_or_404(guid)
    start = datetime.utcnow()
    end = start
    # CHF -> USD
    yahoo_currencies = 'CHF=X'
    yahoo_financials_currencies = YahooFinancials(yahoo_currencies)
    daily_currency_prices = yahoo_financials_currencies.get_historical_price_data(start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), end.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), 'daily')
    USD_inCHF = daily_currency_prices['CHF=X']['prices'][0]['adjclose']
    existing_currencies = Currency.query.all()
    # reset source flag
    for c in existing_currencies:
        c.source = None
    log_add('INFORMATION', 'scheduler.task', 'check_rates_yahoo', 'flags reset', user)
    # search an dupdate on yahoo
    i = 0
    n = len(existing_currencies)
    for c in existing_currencies:
        trace = None
            yahoo_currency = '{}=X'.format(c.code)
            yahoo_financials_currencies = YahooFinancials(yahoo_currency)
            daily_currency_prices = yahoo_financials_currencies.get_historical_price_data(start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), end.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), 'daily')
            trace = str(daily_currency_prices)
            if len(trace)>4000:
                trace = trace[0:4000]
            exchange_rate = USD_inCHF/daily_currency_prices[yahoo_currency]['prices'][0]['adjclose'] 
            c.inCHF = exchange_rate
            c.source = 'yahoo'
            c.db_updated_at = start
            c.db_updated_by = 'check_rates_yahoo'
            message = 'Currency {} updated successfully from yahoo with rate {}.'.format(c.code, c.inCHF)
            log_add('INFORMATION', 'scheduler.task', 'check_rates_yahoo', message, user, trace=trace)
            message = 'Currency {} could not be updated from yahoo'.format(c.code)
            log_add('WARNING', 'scheduler.task', 'check_rates_yahoo', message, user, trace=(trace if trace is not None else str(sys.exc_info())))
        i += 1
Ejemplo n.º 4
def update_rates_yahoo(guid):
    """Update rates from yahoo"""
    user = User.get_by_guid_or_404(guid)
    start = datetime.utcnow()
    end = start
    # CHF -> USD
    yahoo_currencies = 'CHF=X'
    yahoo_financials_currencies = YahooFinancials(yahoo_currencies)
    daily_currency_prices = yahoo_financials_currencies.get_historical_price_data(start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), end.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), 'daily')
    USD_inCHF = daily_currency_prices['CHF=X']['prices'][0]['adjclose']
    existing_currencies = Currency.query.filter(Currency.source=='yahoo').all()
    yahoo_currencies = ['{}=X'.format(c.code) for c in existing_currencies]
    n = len(existing_currencies)
    # def chunks(lst, n):
    #     """Yield successive n-sized chunks from lst."""
    #     for i in range(0, len(lst), n):
    #         yield lst[i:i + n]
    trace = None
        yahoo_financials_currencies = YahooFinancials(yahoo_currencies)
        daily_currency_prices = yahoo_financials_currencies.get_historical_price_data(start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), end.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), 'daily')
        trace = str(daily_currency_prices)
        if len(trace)>4000:
            trace = trace[0:4000]
        exchange_rates = {v['currency']: USD_inCHF/daily_currency_prices[k]['prices'][0]['adjclose'] 
                          for k, v in daily_currency_prices.items() 
                          if 'currency' in v}
        for c in existing_currencies:
            if c.code in exchange_rates:
                c.inCHF = exchange_rates[c.code]
                c.db_updated_at = start
                c.db_updated_by = 'update_rates_yahoo'
        message = '{} currencies updated successfully from yahoo.'.format(n)
        log_add('INFORMATION', 'scheduler.task', 'get_rates_yahoo', message, user, trace=trace)
        message = '{} currencies could not be updated from yahoo.'.format(n)
        log_add('WARNING', 'scheduler.task', 'get_rates_yahoo', message, user, trace=(trace if trace is not None else str(sys.exc_info())))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_price(ticker):
  yf = YahooFinancials(ticker)
  today = str(dt.datetime.now(timezone('EST')))[:10]
  yesterday = str((dt.datetime.now(timezone('EST')) - dt.timedelta(days=1)))[:10]
    prices = yf.get_historical_price_data(yesterday, today, 'daily')
    price = prices[ticker]['prices'][0]['close']
  except KeyError:
    today = str((dt.datetime.now(timezone('EST')) - dt.timedelta(days=1)))[:10]
    yesterday = str((dt.datetime.now(timezone('EST')) - dt.timedelta(days=2)))[:10]
    prices = yf.get_historical_price_data(yesterday, today, 'daily')
    price = prices[ticker]['prices'][0]['close']
  return price
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_start_date(ticker, start_date, days_prior):
    Calculate the modified starting of the backtest to account for the warm-up period.
    ticker : str
        Ticker of the asset we want to use in the backtest
    start_date : str
        The start date we want to modify
    days_prior : int
        The required number of trading days prior to the first day of the backtest

    new_start_date : str
        The adjusted starting date for the backtest
    start_date_dt = datetime.strptime(start_date, '%Y-%m-%d')
    prior_to_start_date_dt = start_date_dt - relativedelta(days=2 * days_prior)
    prior_to_start_date = prior_to_start_date_dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

    yahoo_financials = YahooFinancials(ticker)

    df = yahoo_financials.get_historical_price_data(prior_to_start_date,
                                                    start_date, 'daily')
    df = pd.DataFrame(df[ticker]['prices'])['formatted_date']
    if df.iloc[-1] == start_date:
        days_prior += 1

    new_start_date = df.iloc[-days_prior]

    return new_start_date
Ejemplo n.º 7
def Get_MarketReturn(MR):

    YF_MarketReturn = YahooFinancials(MR)
    YF_MarketReturn_Hist = YF_MarketReturn.get_historical_price_data(
        Start_Date, End_Date, Period)

    return YF_MarketReturn_Hist
 def get_ticker_data(self, start_date, today):
     yahoo_financials = YahooFinancials(
         self.tick)  #taking rates by company ticker
     js_array = yahoo_financials.get_historical_price_data(
         start_date, today, 'daily')  #getting all history data
     price_array = js_array[self.tick]['prices']
     return price_array
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def add_regime_probs( self, low = True, med = True, high = True ):

        start_date = "2000-01-01"
        end_date = "2020-06-19"
        DF = pd.DataFrame()
        date_range = pd.bdate_range(start=start_date,end=end_date)
        values = pd.DataFrame({ 'Date': date_range})
        DF['Date']= pd.to_datetime(values['Date'])
        #Extracting Data from Yahoo Finance and Adding them to Values table using date as key
        raw_data = YahooFinancials('^GSPC')
        raw_data = raw_data.get_historical_price_data(start_date, end_date, "daily")
        df = pd.DataFrame(raw_data['^GSPC']['prices'])[['formatted_date','adjclose']]
        df.columns = ['Date1','SPY']
        df['Date1']= pd.to_datetime(df['Date1'])
        DF = DF.merge(df,how='left',left_on='Date',right_on='Date1')
        DF = DF.drop(labels='Date1', axis=1)
        DF['Returns'] = DF['SPY'].pct_change( periods = 1 )
        DF = DF[1:-1]
        rosemary = sm.tsa.MarkovRegression(DF['Returns'], k_regimes=2, trend='nc', switching_variance=True)
        rosemary_fitted = rosemary.fit()

        ddf = pd.DataFrame()
        ddf['Date'] = DF['Date']
        if low:
            ddf['regime_low'] = rosemary_fitted.smoothed_marginal_probabilities[0]
            self.the_list.append( 'regime_low' )
        if high:
            ddf['regime_high'] = rosemary_fitted.smoothed_marginal_probabilities[1]
            self.the_list.append( 'regime_high' )

        self.train_data = pd.merge( left = self.train_data, right = ddf, how = 'inner', on = 'Date', suffixes = ( False, False ) )
def get_ma_map(index_symbol, ma_days):

    yahoo_stock = YahooFinancials(index_symbol)
    json = (yahoo_stock.get_historical_price_data('2006-01-01', '2020-10-30',

    map_of_prices = {}

    x = 0
    for row in json[index_symbol]["prices"]:

        price_today = row['close']
        date = row['formatted_date']

        map_of_prices[x] = [date, price_today]

        x = x + 1
    date_to_ma_with_index = calculate_ma(50, map_of_prices)

    map_date_to_ma = dict()
    for x in date_to_ma_with_index:
        map_date_to_ma[date_to_ma_with_index[x][0]] = [

    return map_date_to_ma
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def getPrice(self, ticker, startDate, endDate, dateAscending=True):
        # Get the price series for single ticker
        # ----Input-----
        # ticker: ticker name for the stock
        # startDate: the start date of price series, the format is 'YYYY-MM-DD'
        # endDate: the end date of price series, the format is 'YYYY-MM-DD'
        # dateAscending: whether rank the price series by date ascending, the default value is true
        # ----output----
        # price series for multiple stocks in pandas DataFrame format and use date as index
        startDate = dt.datetime.strptime(startDate, '%Y-%m-%d').date()
        endDate = dt.datetime.strptime(endDate, '%Y-%m-%d').date()

        if (startDate > endDate):
            raise Exception('startDate is later than endDate')
        #table = YahooFinancials(ticker)
        #yahooPrices = table.get_historical_price_data(startDate.isoformat(), endDate.isoformat(), 'daily')[ticker]['prices']
        if (self.approach == 'Yahoo'):
                table = YahooFinancials(ticker)
                yahooPrices = table.get_historical_price_data(
                    startDate.isoformat(), endDate.isoformat(),
                table = pd.DataFrame(yahooPrices)
                table = table[['adjclose', 'formatted_date']]
                table.columns = [ticker, 'date']
                table = table.sort_values(by='date',
                table = table.set_index('date')
                table.index = pd.to_datetime(table.index)
                table = pd.DataFrame(columns=[ticker, 'date'])
                table = table.set_index('date')
            return table
Ejemplo n.º 12
def get_yf(ticker, start_date = '2000-01-01'):
    Get YahooFinancials data.
    ticker: Ticker name (format = 'XXXX');
    start_date: Data collection start date (format = 'YYYY-MM-DD').
    # Get today
    today_yf = datetime.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
    ticker = str(ticker.replace('"',''))
    # Adjusting ticker name
    if ticker == 'BVSP':
        ticker = '^' + ticker
        ticker = ticker + '.SA'
    # Getting raw data
    yf = YahooFinancials(ticker = ticker)
    data = yf.get_historical_price_data(start_date = start_date,
                                           end_date = today_yf,
                                           time_interval = 'daily')
    # Cleaning data
    data = pd.DataFrame(data[ticker]['prices'])
    data['formatted_date'] = pd.to_datetime(data['formatted_date'])
    data.set_index('formatted_date', inplace = True)
    data = data['adjclose']
    data = data.fillna(method = 'ffill')
    return data
Ejemplo n.º 13
class YFPrice():
    ticker = None
    yf_obj = None
    prices = None
    data = {}

    def setting(self, ticker):
        self.ticker = ticker
        self.yf_obj = YahooFinancials(self.ticker)
        self.prices = None
        self.data = {}

    def get_data(self, fromdt, todt, period, srch_term):
        self.prices = self.yf_obj.get_historical_price_data(
            fromdt, todt, period)
        for key in self.prices.keys():
            # print(key, prices[key])
            if isinstance(self.prices[key], dict):
                for inner_key in self.prices[key].keys():
                    # print(inner_key, self.prices[key][inner_key])
                    if inner_key == 'prices':
                        for d in self.prices[key][inner_key]:
                                      to_pydatetime()] = d[srch_term]
        return pd.Series(self.data)

    def close(self):
        self.ticker = None
        self.yf_obj = None
        self.prices = None
        self.data = {}
Ejemplo n.º 14
  def _DownloadPricesCSVFromYahooFinance(self, symbols: List[Text]) -> List[Optional[Text]]:
    log_symbols('Loading prices from Yahoo', symbols)
    asset = YahooFinancials(symbols)
    today = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
    historical_data = asset.get_historical_price_data(
        start_date=config.DEFAULT_MIN_DATE, end_date=today,

    csv_data = []
    for symbol in symbols:
      if symbol not in historical_data or historical_data[symbol] is None or 'prices' not in historical_data[symbol]:
        logging.info('No price information for symbol "{}"'.format(symbol))
      prices = historical_data[symbol]['prices']
      lines = ['Date,Open,Close,High,Low,Volume']  # Header
      for e in prices:
        if e['volume'] is None:
        lines.append(f'{e["formatted_date"]},{e["open"]},{e["close"]},' +
      if len(lines) <= 1:
            'Price information for symbol "{}" is empty'.format(symbol))
      lines.append('')  # This will add a last line break.
    return csv_data
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def get_historical_prices(self, start, end, frequency):
        Collects historical prices of the equity from Yahoo Finance.
        Collects all data from the date of purchase until today
        equity_financials = YahooFinancials(self.ticker)
        equity_data = equity_financials.get_historical_price_data(
            start, end, frequency)[self.ticker]['prices']

        df = pd.DataFrame(
            columns=['date', 'high', 'low', 'open', 'close', 'adjclose'])

        for data in equity_data:
            df = df.append(
                    'date': data['formatted_date'],
                    'high': data['high'],
                    'low': data['low'],
                    'open': data['open'],
                    'close': data['close'],
                    'adjclose': data['adjclose']
        df = df.set_index('date')
        return df
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def _get_events(self, params):
        yf = YahooFinancials([params['symbol']])
        hist_events = yf.get_historical_price_data(

        hist_events = hist_events

        res = {}

        for req_data_field in [
                x for x in params['req_data_fields'] if x != 'formatted_date'
            hist = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(hist_events[req_data_field]).T
            hist = hist[['amount']]
            data_field = find_key_by_value(hist_fields_dct, req_data_field)
            hist.columns = [data_field]
            hist.index = pd.to_datetime(hist.index)
            hist.index.name = 'DATE'
            hist = hist.sort_index()
            hist[data_field] = pd.to_numeric(hist[data_field])
            res[data_field] = hist

        return res
Ejemplo n.º 17
def get_price_dividend(ticker, d1, d2, ret_daily=False):
    # (i) YahooFinancials to get price data
    cn_price = ['formatted_date', 'open']
    di_price = dict(zip(cn_price, ['date', 'price']))
    stock = YahooFinancials(ticker)
    price = stock.get_historical_price_data(d1, d2, 'daily')[ticker]
    price = pd.DataFrame(price['prices'])[cn_price]
    price = price.rename(columns=di_price).assign(ticker=ticker)
    price.date = pd.to_datetime(price.date)
    # (ii) yfinance to get dividends
    stock = yf.Ticker(ticker)
    cn_dividend = ['Date', 'Dividends', 'Stock Splits']
    di_dividend = dict(zip(cn_dividend, ['date', 'dividend', 'splits']))
    dividend = stock.history(interval='1d', start=d1, end=d2)
    dividend = dividend.reset_index()[cn_dividend].rename(columns=di_dividend)
    # Merge and get monthly values
    cn_gg = ['ticker', 'year', 'month']
    df = price.merge(dividend, 'left', 'date').drop(columns='splits')
    if ret_daily:
        return df
    df = add_date_int(df).groupby(cn_gg).apply(
        lambda x: pd.Series({
            'price': x.price.mean(),
            'dividend': x.dividend.sum()
    df = ym2date(df)[['date'] + cn_gg + ['price', 'dividend']]
    return df
Ejemplo n.º 18
def get_YahooFinancials(ticker, d1, d2, dividend=True):
    di = {'formatted_date': 'date', 'open': 'price', 'amount': 'dividend'}
    # (1) Get price data
    cn_price = ['formatted_date', 'open']
    stock = YahooFinancials(ticker)
    price = stock.get_historical_price_data(d1, d2, 'daily')[ticker]
    price = pd.DataFrame(price['prices'])[cn_price]
    price = price.rename(columns=di).assign(ticker=ticker)
    price.date = pd.to_datetime(price.date)
    price = add_date_int(price)  #.drop(columns=['day','date'])
    price = price.query('day == 1').reset_index(None, True).drop(columns='day')
    assert not (price.year + price.month / 100).duplicated().any()
    assert price.price.notnull().all()
    # (2) Get dividend data
    if dividend:
        cn_dividend = ['formatted_date', 'amount']
        dividend = stock.get_daily_dividend_data(d1, d2)[ticker]
        dividend = pd.DataFrame(dividend)[cn_dividend]
        dividend.rename(columns=di, inplace=True)
        dividend.date = pd.to_datetime(dividend.date)
        dividend = add_date_int(dividend)
        dividend = dividend.groupby(['year',
        price = price.merge(dividend, 'left', ['year', 'month'])  # merge
    return price
Ejemplo n.º 19
def download_yahoo(ticker: str, base_dir: str = default_data_dir):
        yf = YahooFinancials(ticker)
        data = yf.get_historical_price_data(dt_to_str(start_date), dt_to_str(end_date), 'daily')
    except Exception as err:
        print(f'Unable to read data for {ticker}: {err}')
        return pd.DataFrame({})

    if data.get(ticker) is None or data[ticker].get('prices') is None or \
            data[ticker].get('timeZone') is None or len(data[ticker]['prices']) == 0:
        print(f'Yahoo: no data for {ticker}')
        return pd.DataFrame({})

    prices = {}
    for rec in sorted(data[ticker]['prices'], key=lambda r: r['date']):
        date = datetime.strptime(rec['formatted_date'], '%Y-%m-%d')
        dic_with_prices(prices, ticker, date, rec['open'], rec['high'], rec['low'], rec['close'], rec['volume'])

    if 'dividends' in data[ticker]['eventsData']:
        for date, rec in sorted(data[ticker]['eventsData']['dividends'].items(), key=lambda r: r[0]):
            date = datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d')
            dic_with_div(prices, ticker, date, rec['amount'])

    if 'splits' in data[ticker]['eventsData']:
        for date, rec in sorted(data[ticker]['eventsData']['splits'].items(), key=lambda r: r[0]):
            date = datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d')
            print(f"{ticker} has split {rec['splitRatio']} for {date}")

    frame = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(prices, orient='index',
                                   columns=['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'Volume', 'Dividend'])
    save_csv(base_dir, ticker, frame, 'yahoo')
def collectData():
    start_date = "1792-05-17"
    end_date = datetime.date.today().__str__()

    if not os.path.exists('pharmaceutical_data_new'):
    print("made directory")
    file = list(open("FDA_data20182019.csv"))
    for i in range(1, len(file)):
        line_arr = file[i].strip("\n").split(",")
        # if line_arr[1] == "NODATE" or line_arr[2] == "NODATA"or line_arr[2] == "OUTCOME":
        #     continue
        ticker = line_arr[0]
        drug_name = line_arr[1]
        drug_name = drug_name.replace("/", "-")
        end_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(line_arr[2],
        if os.path.exists('pharmaceutical_data_new/' + ticker + "_" +
                          drug_name + "_" + end_date + '.csv'):
        # collect historical data for ticker
        financials = YahooFinancials(ticker)
        data = financials.get_historical_price_data(start_date, end_date,
        if data[ticker] is None or "prices" not in data[ticker].keys():
        prices = data[ticker]["prices"][-91:]

        # header of csv
        ordering = [
            'distance', 'date', 'open', 'close', 'high', 'low', 'volume'
        counter = -90

        # rearrange values with different keys
        for j in range(len(prices)):
            formatted_dict = {}
            for k in ordering:
                if k == 'distance':
                    formatted_dict[k] = counter
                elif k == 'date':
                    formatted_dict[k] = prices[j]['formatted_date']
                    formatted_dict[k] = prices[j][k]
            prices[j] = formatted_dict
            counter += 1

        keys = prices[0].keys()

        # write prices dictionary to csv file
        with open('pharmaceutical_data_new/' + ticker + "_" + drug_name + "_" +
                  end_date + '.csv',
                  newline='') as write_file:
            dict_writer = csv.DictWriter(write_file, keys)
def get_distribution_dict(index_symbol, ma_map, start_date, end_date):
    yahoo_stock = YahooFinancials(index_symbol)
    json = (yahoo_stock.get_historical_price_data(start_date,
    price_yesterday = sys.maxsize
    volume_yesterday = sys.maxsize
    ma_yesterday = -1
    days_counter = 1
    days_counter_of_25_days = 0

    disturbtion_dict = {}

    for row in json[index_symbol]["prices"]:
        volume_today = row['volume']
        price_today = row['close']
        date = row['formatted_date']

        is_disturbtion = is_disturbtion_day(volume_yesterday, volume_today,
                                            price_today, price_yesterday)
        if (is_disturbtion):
            disturbtion_dict[days_counter] = [date, price_today]
            days_counter_of_25_days = 0

        volume_yesterday = volume_today
        price_yesterday = price_today
        days_counter = days_counter + 1
        days_counter_of_25_days = days_counter_of_25_days + 1

    return disturbtion_dict
def get_yahoo_financials(tickers, start_date, time_interval='daily'):
  Pulls historical pricing data for stocks, currencies, ETFs, mutual funds, U.S. Treasuries, cryptocurrencies,
  commodities, and indexes.
  :param tickers: list of tickers
  :param start_date: ‘YYYY-MM-DD’ format and is the first day that data will be pulled for
  :param time_interval: 'daily','weekly','monthly' and default is daily
  :return: a dictionary with each ticker as key and stock data as value
  res_dict = {}
  end_date = date.today().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

  if time_interval not in ['daily', 'weekly', 'monthly']:
    raise ValueError("Interval should be daily, weekly or monthly.")

    for ticker in tickers:
      financials = YahooFinancials(ticker)
      json_obj = financials.get_historical_price_data(start_date, end_date, time_interval)
      ohlv = json_obj[ticker]['prices']

      res_dict[ticker] = {}
      for row in ohlv:
        formatted_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(row.pop('date')).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
        del row['formatted_date']
        res_dict[ticker][formatted_date] = row
    raise ValueError("System is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.")

  return res_dict
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def process(self):
        start_date = self.start_date
        end_date = self.end_date
        ticker = self.ticker
        cash = self.cash

        date_range = pd.bdate_range(start=start_date, end=end_date)
        values = pd.DataFrame({'Dates': date_range})
        values['Dates'] = pd.to_datetime(values['Dates'])

        raw_data = YahooFinancials(ticker)
        raw_data = raw_data.get_historical_price_data(start_date, end_date,
        df = pd.DataFrame(raw_data[ticker]['prices'])[[
            'formatted_date', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume'
        df.columns = ['Dates1', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume']
        df['Dates1'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Dates1'])
        values = values.merge(df,
        values = values.drop(labels='Dates1', axis=1)

        values = values.fillna(method="ffill", axis=0)
        values = values.fillna(method="bfill", axis=0)
        cols = values.columns.drop('Dates')
        values[cols] = values[cols].apply(pd.to_numeric,
        values.set_index('Dates', inplace=True)
        values = bt.feeds.PandasData(dataname=values)
        self.values = values
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def read_ticker_to_df(self):
        ticker = self.ticker_details['Ticker'].to_list()
        names = self.ticker_details['Description'].to_list()

        #Extracting Data from Yahoo Finance and Adding them to Values table using date as key
        for k, i in enumerate(ticker):
            raw_data = YahooFinancials(i)
            raw_data = raw_data.get_historical_price_data(
                self.start_date, self.end_date, "daily")
            df = pd.DataFrame(
                raw_data[i]['prices'])[['formatted_date', 'adjclose']]

            if k == 0:
                self.DF['Date'] = df['formatted_date']

            df.columns = ['Date1', i]
            df['Date1'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date1'])

            self.DF['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(self.DF['Date'])

            self.DF = self.DF.merge(df,
            self.DF = self.DF.drop(labels='Date1', axis=1)

        #Renaming columns to represent instrument names rather than their ticker codes for ease of readability
        names.insert(0, 'Date')
        self.DF.columns = names
        print('\n AFTER YAHOOFINANCE {} \n'.format(len(self.DF)))
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def get_historical_data(
        ticker: str,
        start_date: datetime.date,
        end_date: datetime.date,
        time_interval: Interval,
    ) -> YFPriceHistory:
        if start_date > end_date:
            raise InvalidPeriodError

        yahoo_financial = YahooFinancials(ticker)
        data = yahoo_financial.get_historical_price_data(

        data = data[ticker]
        if "prices" not in data:
            raise InvalidTickerError

        prices = data["prices"]
        if not prices:
            raise NoHistoricalDataError

        time_offset = data["timeZone"]["gmtOffset"]

        return YFPriceHistory.create(
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def add_technical_ind(self):
        raw_data = YahooFinancials('^GSPC')

        start_date = self.DF['Date'].iloc[0]
        end_date = self.DF['Date'].iloc[-1]

        start_date = datetime.strftime(start_date, "%Y-%m-%d")
        end_date = datetime.strftime(end_date, "%Y-%m-%d")

        raw_data = raw_data.get_historical_price_data(start_date, end_date,

        df = pd.DataFrame(raw_data['^GSPC']['prices'])[[
            'formatted_date', 'adjclose', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close',

        self.df_tech = pd.DataFrame()
        self.df_tech['Date'] = df['formatted_date']

        self.df_tech['RSI'] = df.ta.rsi()
        self.df_tech['RSI_5'] = self.df_tech['RSI'].shift(5)
        self.df_tech['RSI_10'] = self.df_tech['RSI'].shift(10)
        self.df_tech['RSI_20'] = self.df_tech['RSI'].shift(20)


Ejemplo n.º 27
def Get_Tickers(T):

    YF_Tickers = YahooFinancials(T)
    YF_Tickers_Hist = YF_Tickers.get_historical_price_data(
        Start_Date, End_Date, Period)

    return YF_Tickers_Hist
Ejemplo n.º 28
def make_initial_data(start_date, end_date):
    yahoo_financials = YahooFinancials('GC=F')
    values = yahoo_financials.get_historical_price_data(
        start_date, end_date, "daily")

    # Extracting the closing prices from the JSON file
    values = pd.DataFrame(
        values['GC=F']['prices'])[['formatted_date', 'adjclose']]
    values.columns = ['date', 'Gold']

    values['date'] = pd.to_datetime(values['date'])
    values['year'] = [d.year for d in values.date]
    values['month'] = [d.strftime('%b') for d in values.date]
    values["month"] = pd.to_datetime(values.month,

    years = values['year'].unique()

    # reordering the columns
    values = values[['date', 'year', 'month', 'Gold']]
    values = values.set_index('date')

    # remove the records which gold price is  null
    values = values.dropna()
    return values
Ejemplo n.º 29
def ticker_data(ticker):
    yahoo_financials = YahooFinancials(ticker)
    stock_prices = yahoo_financials.get_historical_price_data( \
    start_date, end_date, 'daily' )

    stock_df = pd.DataFrame(stock_prices[ticker]['prices'])
    stock_df['formatted_date'] = pd.to_datetime(stock_df['formatted_date'])
    stock_df = stock_df.drop( ['high', 'low', 'open', 'close', 'volume', 'date'],\
                             axis = 1 ).set_index( 'formatted_date' )
    stock_df['simple_return'] = stock_df['adjclose'].pct_change()

    stock_df['simple_return_std'] = stock_df['simple_return'].rolling( window = 21 )\
        .agg( ['std'] )
    stock_df['simple_return_mean'] = stock_df['simple_return'].rolling( window = 21 )\
        .agg( ['mean'] )

    mu = stock_df['simple_return_mean']
    sigma = stock_df['simple_return_std']
    stock_df['upper_limit'] = mu + (3 * sigma)
    stock_df['lower_limit'] = mu - (3 * sigma)
    condition = (stock_df['simple_return'] > stock_df['upper_limit']) | (
        stock_df['simple_return'] < stock_df['lower_limit'])
    stock_df['is_outlier'] = np.where(condition, 1, 0)

    stock_df['symbol'] = ticker
    return stock_df
Ejemplo n.º 30
def download_csv_data(ticker, start_date, end_date, path, freq='daily'):
    Function for downloading data from Yahoo Finance and storing the results in a CSV file accepted by `zipline`.
    ticker : str
        The ticker of the assset 
    start_date : str
        The start date for downloading the data
    end_date : str
        The end date for downloading the data
    path : str
        The path to store the CSV file    
    freq : str
        The frequency of the data 

    yahoo_financials = YahooFinancials(ticker)

    df = yahoo_financials.get_historical_price_data(start_date, end_date, freq)
    df = pd.DataFrame(df[ticker]['prices']).drop(['date'], axis=1) \
        .rename(columns={'formatted_date': 'date'}) \
        .loc[:, ['date', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume']] \
    df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index)
    df['dividend'] = 0
    df['split'] = 1

    # save data to csv for later ingestion
    df.to_csv(path, header=True, index=True)

    # plot the time series
        title='{} prices --- {}:{}'.format(ticker, start_date, end_date))