Ejemplo n.º 1
 def apy(self, _: ApySamples) -> Apy:
     data = requests.get(
     yvboost_eth_pool = [
         pool for pool in data if pool["identifier"] == "yvboost-eth"
     apy = yvboost_eth_pool["apy"] / 100.
     points = ApyPoints(apy, apy, apy)
     return Apy("yvecrv-jar", apy, apy, ApyFees(), points=points)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def simple(vault: VaultV1, samples: ApySamples) -> Apy:
    inception_block = contract_creation_block(vault.vault.address)

    if not inception_block:
        raise ApyError("v1:blocks", "inception_block not found")

    contract = vault.vault
    price_per_share = contract.getPricePerFullShare

    inception_price = 1e18

        now_price = price_per_share(block_identifier=samples.now)
    except ValueError:
        now_price = inception_price

    if samples.week_ago > inception_block:
            week_ago_price = price_per_share(block_identifier=samples.week_ago)
        except ValueError:
            week_ago_price = now_price
        week_ago_price = now_price

    if samples.month_ago > inception_block:
            month_ago_price = price_per_share(block_identifier=samples.month_ago)
        except ValueError:
            month_ago_price = week_ago_price
        month_ago_price = week_ago_price

    now_point = SharePricePoint(samples.now, now_price)
    week_ago_point = SharePricePoint(samples.week_ago, week_ago_price)
    month_ago_point = SharePricePoint(samples.month_ago, month_ago_price)
    inception_point = SharePricePoint(inception_block, inception_price)

    week_ago_apy = calculate_roi(now_point, week_ago_point)
    month_ago_apy = calculate_roi(now_point, month_ago_point)
    inception_apy = calculate_roi(now_point, inception_point)

    net_apy = month_ago_apy

    strategy = vault.strategy
    withdrawal = strategy.withdrawalFee() if hasattr(strategy, "withdrawalFee") else 0
    strategist_performance = strategy.performanceFee() if hasattr(strategy, "performanceFee") else 0
    strategist_reward = strategy.strategistReward() if hasattr(strategy, "strategistReward") else 0
    treasury = strategy.treasuryFee() if hasattr(strategy, "treasuryFee") else 0

    performance = strategist_reward + strategist_performance + treasury

    apy = net_apy / (1 - performance / 1e4)

    points = ApyPoints(week_ago_apy, month_ago_apy, inception_apy)
    fees = ApyFees(performance=performance, withdrawal=withdrawal)
    return Apy("v1:simple", apy, net_apy, fees, points=points)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def simple(vault: Vault, samples: ApySamples) -> Apy:
    harvests = sorted([
        harvest for strategy in vault.strategies
        for harvest in strategy.harvests

    if len(harvests) < 10:
        raise ApyError("v2:harvests", "harvests are < 10")

    now = harvests[-1]
    week_ago = closest(harvests, samples.week_ago)
    month_ago = closest(harvests, samples.month_ago)
    inception_block = harvests[2]

    contract = vault.vault
    price_per_share = contract.pricePerShare

    now_price = price_per_share(block_identifier=now)

    inception_price = 10**contract.decimals()

    if samples.week_ago > inception_block:
        week_ago_price = price_per_share(block_identifier=week_ago)
        week_ago_price = now_price

    if samples.month_ago > inception_block:
        month_ago_price = price_per_share(block_identifier=month_ago)
        month_ago_price = week_ago_price

    now_point = SharePricePoint(samples.now, now_price)
    week_ago_point = SharePricePoint(samples.week_ago, week_ago_price)
    month_ago_point = SharePricePoint(samples.month_ago, month_ago_price)
    inception_point = SharePricePoint(inception_block, inception_price)

    week_ago_apy = calculate_roi(now_point, week_ago_point)
    month_ago_apy = calculate_roi(now_point, month_ago_point)
    inception_apy = calculate_roi(now_point, inception_point)

    net_apy = month_ago_apy

    # performance fee is doubled since 1x strategists + 1x treasury
    performance = (contract.performanceFee() *
                   2) if hasattr(contract, "performanceFee") else 0
    management = contract.managementFee() if hasattr(contract,
                                                     "managementFee") else 0

    apy = net_apy / (1 - performance / 1e4) + (management / 1e4)

    points = ApyPoints(week_ago_apy, month_ago_apy, inception_apy)
    fees = ApyFees(performance=performance, management=management)
    return Apy("v2:simple", apy, net_apy, fees, points=points)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def simple(vault, samples: ApySamples) -> Apy:
    harvests = sorted([harvest for strategy in vault.strategies for harvest in strategy.harvests])

    # we don't want to display APYs when vaults are ramping up
    if len(harvests) < 2:
        raise ApyError("v2:harvests", "harvests are < 2")
    # set our time values for simple calcs, closest to a harvest around that time period
    now = closest(harvests, samples.now)
    week_ago = closest(harvests, samples.week_ago)
    month_ago = closest(harvests, samples.month_ago)
    # set our parameters
    contract = vault.vault
    price_per_share = contract.pricePerShare
    # calculate our current price
    now_price = price_per_share(block_identifier=now)

    # get our inception data
    inception_price = 10 ** contract.decimals()
    inception_block = harvests[:2][-1]

    if now_price == inception_price:
        raise ApyError("v2:inception", "no change from inception price")
    # check our historical data
    if samples.week_ago > inception_block:
        week_ago_price = price_per_share(block_identifier=week_ago)
        week_ago_price = inception_price

    if samples.month_ago > inception_block:
        month_ago_price = price_per_share(block_identifier=month_ago)
        month_ago_price = inception_price

    now_point = SharePricePoint(samples.now, now_price)
    week_ago_point = SharePricePoint(samples.week_ago, week_ago_price)
    month_ago_point = SharePricePoint(samples.month_ago, month_ago_price)
    inception_point = SharePricePoint(inception_block, inception_price)

    week_ago_apy = calculate_roi(now_point, week_ago_point)
    month_ago_apy = calculate_roi(now_point, month_ago_point)
    inception_apy = calculate_roi(now_point, inception_point)

    # use the first non-zero apy, ordered by precedence
    apys = [month_ago_apy, week_ago_apy, inception_apy]
    net_apy = next((value for value in apys if value != 0), 0)

    # for performance fee, half comes from strategy (strategist share) and half from the vault (treasury share)
    strategy_fees = []
    for strategy in vault.strategies: # look at all of our strategies
        debt_ratio = contract.strategies(strategy.strategy)['debtRatio'] / 10000
        performance_fee = contract.strategies(strategy.strategy)['performanceFee']
        proportional_fee = debt_ratio * performance_fee
    strategy_performance = sum(strategy_fees)
    vault_performance = contract.performanceFee() if hasattr(contract, "performanceFee") else 0
    management = contract.managementFee() if hasattr(contract, "managementFee") else 0
    performance = vault_performance + strategy_performance

    performance /= 1e4
    management /= 1e4

    # assume we are compounding every week
    compounding = 52

    # calculate our APR after fees
    apr_after_fees = compounding * ((net_apy + 1) ** (1 / compounding)) - compounding

    # calculate our pre-fee APR
    gross_apr = apr_after_fees / (1 - performance) + management

    # 0.3.5+ should never be < 0% because of management
    if net_apy < 0 and Version(vault.api_version) >= Version("0.3.5"):
        net_apy = 0

    points = ApyPoints(week_ago_apy, month_ago_apy, inception_apy)
    fees = ApyFees(performance=performance, management=management)
    return Apy("v2:simple", gross_apr, net_apy, fees, points=points)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def average(vault, samples: ApySamples) -> Apy:
    harvests = sorted([harvest for strategy in vault.strategies for harvest in strategy.harvests])

    # we don't want to display APYs when vaults are ramping up
    if len(harvests) < 2:
        raise ApyError("v2:harvests", "harvests are < 2")
    # set our parameters
    contract = vault.vault
    price_per_share = contract.pricePerShare
    # calculate our current price
    now_price = price_per_share(block_identifier=samples.now)

    # get our inception data
    inception_price = 10 ** contract.decimals()
    inception_block = harvests[:2][-1]

    if now_price == inception_price:
        raise ApyError("v2:inception", "no change from inception price")
    # check our historical data
    if samples.week_ago > inception_block:
        week_ago_price = price_per_share(block_identifier=samples.week_ago)
        week_ago_price = inception_price

    if samples.month_ago > inception_block:
        month_ago_price = price_per_share(block_identifier=samples.month_ago)
        month_ago_price = inception_price

    now_point = SharePricePoint(samples.now, now_price)
    week_ago_point = SharePricePoint(samples.week_ago, week_ago_price)
    month_ago_point = SharePricePoint(samples.month_ago, month_ago_price)
    inception_point = SharePricePoint(inception_block, inception_price)

    week_ago_apy = calculate_roi(now_point, week_ago_point)
    month_ago_apy = calculate_roi(now_point, month_ago_point)
    inception_apy = calculate_roi(now_point, inception_point)
    # we should look at a vault's harvests, age, etc to determine whether to show new APY or not

    # use the first non-zero apy, ordered by precedence
    apys = [month_ago_apy, week_ago_apy]
    two_months_ago = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=60)
    if contract.activation() > two_months_ago.timestamp():
        # if the vault was activated less than two months ago then it's ok to use
        # the inception apy, otherwise using it isn't representative of the current apy

    net_apy = next((value for value in apys if value != 0), 0)

    # for performance fee, half comes from strategy (strategist share) and half from the vault (treasury share)
    strategy_fees = []
    for strategy in vault.strategies: # look at all of our strategies
        debt_ratio = contract.strategies(strategy.strategy)['debtRatio'] / 10000
        performance_fee = contract.strategies(strategy.strategy)['performanceFee']
        proportional_fee = debt_ratio * performance_fee
    strategy_performance = sum(strategy_fees)
    vault_performance = contract.performanceFee() if hasattr(contract, "performanceFee") else 0
    management = contract.managementFee() if hasattr(contract, "managementFee") else 0
    performance = vault_performance + strategy_performance

    performance /= 1e4
    management /= 1e4

    # assume we are compounding every week
    compounding = 52

    # calculate our APR after fees
    # if net_apy is negative no fees are charged
    apr_after_fees = compounding * ((net_apy + 1) ** (1 / compounding)) - compounding if net_apy > 0 else net_apy

    # calculate our pre-fee APR
    gross_apr = apr_after_fees / (1 - performance) + management

    # 0.3.5+ should never be < 0% because of management
    if net_apy < 0 and Version(vault.api_version) >= Version("0.3.5"):
        net_apy = 0

    points = ApyPoints(week_ago_apy, month_ago_apy, inception_apy)
    fees = ApyFees(performance=performance, management=management)
    return Apy("v2:averaged", gross_apr, net_apy, fees, points=points)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def simple(vault, samples: ApySamples) -> Apy:
    inception_block = contract_creation_block(vault.vault.address)

    if not inception_block:
        raise ApyError("v1:blocks", "inception_block not found")

    contract = vault.vault
    price_per_share = contract.getPricePerFullShare

    inception_price = 1e18

        now_price = price_per_share(block_identifier=samples.now)
    except ValueError:
        now_price = inception_price

    if samples.week_ago > inception_block:
            week_ago_price = price_per_share(block_identifier=samples.week_ago)
        except ValueError:
            week_ago_price = now_price
        week_ago_price = now_price

    if samples.month_ago > inception_block:
            month_ago_price = price_per_share(
        except ValueError:
            month_ago_price = week_ago_price
        month_ago_price = week_ago_price

    now_point = SharePricePoint(samples.now, now_price)
    week_ago_point = SharePricePoint(samples.week_ago, week_ago_price)
    month_ago_point = SharePricePoint(samples.month_ago, month_ago_price)
    inception_point = SharePricePoint(inception_block, inception_price)

    week_ago_apy = calculate_roi(now_point, week_ago_point)
    month_ago_apy = calculate_roi(now_point, month_ago_point)
    inception_apy = calculate_roi(now_point, inception_point)

    # use the first non-zero apy, ordered by precedence
    apys = [week_ago_apy, month_ago_apy, inception_apy]
    net_apy = next((value for value in apys if value != 0), 0)

    strategy = vault.strategy
    withdrawal = strategy.withdrawalFee() if hasattr(strategy,
                                                     "withdrawalFee") else 0
    strategist_performance = strategy.performanceFee() if hasattr(
        strategy, "performanceFee") else 0
    strategist_reward = strategy.strategistReward() if hasattr(
        strategy, "strategistReward") else 0
    treasury = strategy.treasuryFee() if hasattr(strategy,
                                                 "treasuryFee") else 0

    performance = (strategist_reward + strategist_performance + treasury) / 1e4

    # assume we are compounding every week
    compounding = 52

    # calculate our APR after fees
    # if net_apy is negative no fees are charged
    apr_after_fees = compounding * (
        (net_apy + 1)**
        (1 / compounding)) - compounding if net_apy > 0 else net_apy

    # calculate our pre-fee APR
    gross_apr = apr_after_fees / (1 - performance)

    points = ApyPoints(week_ago_apy, month_ago_apy, inception_apy)
    fees = ApyFees(performance=performance, withdrawal=withdrawal)
    return Apy("v1:simple", gross_apr, net_apy, fees, points=points)