Ejemplo n.º 1
def make_picture_and_preview(path):
    with PILOptionalModule(failMessage = "No PIL library installed, try install pillow") as imp:
        Image = imp("Image")
        src = Image.open(path)
        picture = src.resize((640, 640)).tobytes("jpeg", "RGB")
        preview = src.resize((96, 96)).tobytes("jpeg", "RGB")
        return picture, preview
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def profile_setPicture(self, path):
        if self.assertConnected():
            with PILOptionalModule(failMessage = "No PIL library installed, try install pillow") as imp:
                Image = imp("Image")
                def onSuccess(resultIqEntity, originalIqEntity):
                    self.output("Profile picture updated successfully")

                def onError(errorIqEntity, originalIqEntity):
                    logger.error("Error updating profile picture")

                #example by @aesedepece in https://github.com/tgalal/yowsup/pull/781
                #modified to support python3
                src = Image.open(path)
                pictureData = src.resize((640, 640)).tobytes("jpeg", "RGB")
                picturePreview = src.resize((96, 96)).tobytes("jpeg", "RGB")
                iq = SetPictureIqProtocolEntity(self.getOwnJid(), picturePreview, pictureData)
                self._sendIq(iq, onSuccess, onError)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def group_picture(self, group_jid, path):
        if self.assertConnected():
            with PILOptionalModule(failMessage = self.__class__.FAIL_OPT_PILLOW) as imp:
                Image = imp("Image")

                def onSuccess(resultIqEntity, originalIqEntity):
                    self.output("Group picture updated successfully")

                def onError(errorIqEntity, originalIqEntity):
                    logger.error("Error updating Group picture")

                #example by @aesedepece in https://github.com/tgalal/yowsup/pull/781
                #modified to support python3
                src = Image.open(path)
                pictureData = src.resize((640, 640)).tobytes("jpeg", "RGB")
                picturePreview = src.resize((96, 96)).tobytes("jpeg", "RGB")
                iq = SetPictureIqProtocolEntity(self.aliasToJid(group_jid), picturePreview, pictureData)
                self._sendIq(iq, onSuccess, onError)