Ejemplo n.º 1
def check_adversarial_robustness_z3():
    from z3 import Reals, Int, Solver, If, And
    sk, sk_1, zk, zk_1 = Reals('sk sk_1 zk zk_1')
    i = Int('i')

    s = Solver()
    s.add(And(i >= 0, i <= 20, sk_1 >= 0, sk >= 0, zk >= 0, zk_1 >= 0))
    A = If(sk * 1 >= 0, sk * 1, 0)
    B = If(zk * 1 >= 0, zk * 1, 0)

    s.add(If(i == 0,
             And(sk >= 0, sk <= 3, zk >= 10, zk <= 21, sk_1 == 0, zk_1 == 0),
             sk - zk >= sk_1 - zk_1 + 21 / i))

    s.add(And(A < B, i == 20))
    # # we negate the condition, instead if for all sk condition we check if there exists sk not condition
    # s.add(sk_ReLU * w > ylim)

    t = s.check()
    if t == sat:
        print("z3 result:", s.model())
        return False
        # print("z3 result:", t)
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def get_dimension(i, axis):
     if axis == x:
         return If(pieces_rotation[i], pieces_dimensions[i][y],
         return If(pieces_rotation[i], pieces_dimensions[i][x],
Ejemplo n.º 3
def maximize_distance(bots):
  o = Optimize()

  z3_abs = lambda k: If(k >= 0, k, -k)
  z3_in_ranges = [Int('in_range_of_bot_' + str(i)) for i in xrange(len(bots))]
  z3_x, z3_y, z3_z = (Int('x'), Int('y'), Int('z'))
  z3_sum = Int('sum')
  z3_dist = Int('dist')

  for i, (x, y, z, r) in enumerate(bots):
    o.add(z3_in_ranges[i] == If(distance((z3_x, z3_y, z3_z), (x, y, z), z3_abs) <= r, 1, 0))

  o.add(z3_sum == sum(z3_in_ranges))

  o.add(z3_dist == distance((z3_x, z3_y, z3_z), (0, 0, 0), z3_abs))

  h1, h2 = o.maximize(z3_sum), o.minimize(z3_dist)
  # o.lower(h1), o.upper(h1)

  lower, upper = o.lower(h2), o.upper(h2)
  # o.model()[z3_x], o.model()[z3_y], o.model()[z3_z]

  if str(lower) != str(upper): raise Exception('lower ({}) != upper ({})'.format(lower, upper))
  return (lower, upper)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def add_optimize_targets2(solver, int_dict, order_dict):
    # new optimize target
    # A*o1+(1-A)*o2
    # o1 = AVG[v'(pkg)/|V(pkg)|] if v'(pkg)!=|V(pkg)| ((not installed))
    # o2 = (|P|-|P'|)/|P| if p is installed, p belongs to P'
    A = 0.5
    o1 = Real("o1")
    o2 = Real("o2")
    sum_ins = Int("sum_ins")
    sum_all = Int("sum_all")
    count_ins = Int("count_ins")
    sum_ins, sum_all, count_ins = 0, 0, 0

    count_all = 0
    for pkg in int_dict:
        sum_ins = If(int_dict[pkg] != len(order_dict[pkg]),
                     sum_ins + int_dict[pkg], sum_ins)
        count_ins = If(int_dict[pkg] != len(order_dict[pkg]), count_ins + 1,
        sum_all = If(int_dict[pkg] != len(order_dict[pkg]),
                     sum_all + len(order_dict[pkg]), sum_all)
        count_all += 1

    o1 = ToReal(sum_ins) / ToReal(sum_all)
    o2 = 1 - (ToReal(count_ins) / count_all)
    target = A * o1 + (1 - A) * o2
    return solver
Ejemplo n.º 5
def snake_sums(g):
    for y in range(g.height):
        row = sum(If(g.snake(x, y), g.digit(x, y), 0) for x in range(g.width))
        g.add(row == g.rows[y])

    for x in range(g.width):
        row = sum(If(g.snake(x, y), g.digit(x, y), 0) for y in range(g.height))
        g.add(row == g.columns[x])
Ejemplo n.º 6
def bsort_step(A0, A1, tmp, i0, j0, i1, j1, dim):
    return If( j0 < dim - 1, \
                And(         \
                    If( i0 < dim - 1, \
                    And(invert(A0, A1, tmp, i0, i1),i1 == i0 + 1), \
                    i1 == i0 + 1), \
                    j1 == j0 + 1), \
                And(j1 == j0 + 1, A1 == A0))
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def addTimeVars(self):
        timeConstraints = []
        self.waitBefores = []
        # Create the wait before variables, which indicate, at each
        # time step t, how much time should be waited before starting
        # that time step. This value must be non-negative.
        for t in range(len(self.tasks)):
            self.waitBefores.append(z3.Int("waitBefore" + str(t)))
            self.solver.add(self.waitBefores[t] >= 0)
        if len(self.tasks) == 0:
            firstMoveTime = 0
            firstMoveTime = self.waitBefores[0]
        # The firstMoveTime is the time it takes to get to the first
        # location. Add a constraint for each location that could
        # possibly come first, that if it does come first, add the
        # time it takes to get to it to firstMoveTime
        for task in self.tasks:
            firstMoveTime += If(self.taskVars[task][0],
                                self.world.time(self.startLoc, task.location),
        # Set this expression equal to a new variable.
        firstVar = z3.Int("TimeToFirstNode")
        timeConstraints.append(firstVar == firstMoveTime)
        # Aggregate the time variables.
        self.timeVars = [firstVar]
        # For each time step, create a new time variable.
        for t in range(len(self.tasks) - 1):
            # Start with the time variable from the previous iteration.
            time = self.timeVars[t] + self.waitBefores[t + 1]
            # This little while loop trick allows us to get every pair
            # of tasks.
            tasksLeft = list(self.tasks)
            while len(tasksLeft) > 0:
                task1 = tasksLeft.pop()
                for task2 in tasksLeft:
                    # If we traveled between these two tasks from this
                    # time step to the next, add the time taken to our
                    # time variable.
                    time += If(Or(And(self.taskVars[task1][t], self.taskVars[task2][t+1]), \
                                  And(self.taskVars[task2][t], self.taskVars[task1][t+1])),\
                               self.taskDistance(task1,task2), 0)
                # Add the time taken accomplishing a task at this step
                # to the time variable.
                time += If(self.taskVars[task1][t],
                           self.world.duration(task1.ID), 0)
            # Create a new time variable that cooresponds to this expression.
            var = z3.Int("TimeVar" + str(t))
            timeConstraints.append(var == time)
            # Add it to our aggregate.

        if self.debugPrint:
            print "Added time variables: " + str(self.timeVars)
        for constraint in timeConstraints:
        if self.debugPrint:
            print "Added time constraints: " + str(timeConstraints)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def and_(self, global_state):
        stack = global_state.mstate.stack
        op1, op2 = stack.pop(), stack.pop()
        if type(op1) == BoolRef:
            op1 = If(op1, BitVecVal(1, 256), BitVecVal(0, 256))
        if type(op2) == BoolRef:
            op2 = If(op2, BitVecVal(1, 256), BitVecVal(0, 256))

        stack.append(op1 & op2)

        return [global_state]
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def and_(self, global_state):
            stack = global_state.mstate.stack
            op1, op2 = stack.pop(), stack.pop()
            if type(op1) == BoolRef:
                op1 = If(op1, BitVecVal(1, 256), BitVecVal(0, 256))
            if type(op2) == BoolRef:
                op2 = If(op2, BitVecVal(1, 256), BitVecVal(0, 256))

            stack.append(op1 & op2)
        except IndexError:
            raise StackUnderflowException()
        return [global_state]
Ejemplo n.º 10
def main():
    """Star Battle solver example."""
    sym = grilops.SymbolSet([("EMPTY", " "), ("STAR", "*")])
    lattice = grilops.get_rectangle_lattice(HEIGHT, WIDTH)
    sg = grilops.SymbolGrid(lattice, sym)

    # There must be exactly two stars per column.
    for y in range(HEIGHT):
                If(sg.cell_is(Point(y, x), sym.STAR), 1, 0)
                for x in range(WIDTH)
            ]) == 2)

    # There must be exactly two stars per row.
    for x in range(WIDTH):
                If(sg.cell_is(Point(y, x), sym.STAR), 1, 0)
                for y in range(HEIGHT)
            ]) == 2)

    # There must be exactly two stars per area.
    area_cells = defaultdict(list)
    for y in range(HEIGHT):
        for x in range(WIDTH):
            area_cells[AREAS[y][x]].append(sg.grid[Point(y, x)])
    for cells in area_cells.values():
        sg.solver.add(Sum(*[If(c == sym.STAR, 1, 0) for c in cells]) == 2)

    # Stars may not touch each other, not even diagonally.
    for y in range(HEIGHT):
        for x in range(WIDTH):
            p = Point(y, x)
                    sg.cell_is(p, sym.STAR),
                        n.symbol == sym.EMPTY
                        for n in sg.vertex_sharing_neighbors(p)

    if sg.solve():
        if sg.is_unique():
            print("Unique solution")
            print("Alternate solution")
        print("No solution")
Ejemplo n.º 11
def SIGNEXTEND(i, x):
	bitBV = i * 8 + 7
	bitInt = BV2Int(i) * 8 + 7
	test = BitVecVal(1, x.size()) << bitBV
	mask = test - 1
	return If(
		bitInt >= x.size(),
			(x & test) == 0,
			x & mask,
			x | ~mask
Ejemplo n.º 12
def choose_op(a1, a2, op):
    r = If(op == 0,
            a2 + a1,
            If(op == 1,
                a1 - a2,
                If(op == 2,
                    a2 * a1,
                    If(op == 3 and a2 != 0,
                        UDiv(a1, a2),
    return r
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def __add_single_loop_constraints(self):
        solver = self.__symbol_grid.solver
        sym: LoopSymbolSet = self.__symbol_grid.symbol_set

        cell_count = len(self.__symbol_grid.grid)

        for p in self.__symbol_grid.grid:
            v = Int(f"log-{LoopConstrainer._instance_index}-{p.y}-{p.x}")
            solver.add(v >= -cell_count)
            solver.add(v < cell_count)
            self.__loop_order_grid[p] = v


        for p, cell in self.__symbol_grid.grid.items():
            li = self.__loop_order_grid[p]

            solver.add(If(sym.is_loop(cell), li >= 0, li < 0))

            for idx, d1, d2 in self.__all_direction_pairs():
                pi = p.translate(d1)
                pj = p.translate(d2)
                if pi in self.__loop_order_grid and pj in self.__loop_order_grid:
                            And(cell == idx, li > 0),
                            Or(self.__loop_order_grid[pi] == li - 1,
                               self.__loop_order_grid[pj] == li - 1)))
Ejemplo n.º 14
def main():
    bots = []

    with open("input.txt") as f:
        for line in f:
            bots.append(tuple(map(int, re.findall(r"-?\d+", line))))

    x, y, z, r = max(bots, key=lambda b: b[3])
    in_range = sum(
        (abs(x - b[0]) + abs(y - b[1]) + abs(z - b[2]) <= r) for b in bots)
    print("Part 1:", in_range)

    x, y, z = Int("x"), Int("y"), Int("z")
    point = (x, y, z)
    count = sum(If(z3_dist(b[:3], point) <= b[3], 1, 0) for b in bots)

    opt = Optimize()
    opt.minimize(z3_dist(point, (0, 0, 0)))

    model = opt.model()
    result = model[x].as_long() + model[y].as_long() + model[z].as_long()

    print("Part 2:", result)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def _load(self, item: Union[int, ExprRef], clean=False) -> Any:
        x = BitVecVal(item, 256) if isinstance(item, int) else item

        symbolic_base_value = If(
            x > self._size,
            BitVecVal(0, 8),
            BitVec("{}_calldata_{}".format(self.tx_id, str(item)), 8),

        return_value = symbolic_base_value
        for r_index, r_value in self._reads:
            return_value = If(r_index == item, r_value, return_value)

        if not clean:
            self._reads.append((item, symbolic_base_value))
        return simplify(return_value)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def add_pick(self, name, size, typ, _):
        """Adds constraints for statement <name> := pick <size> <typ> <where>

        <typ> is optional. When omitted, pick from all agents.
        The last argument is the "where" clause and is currently ignored.
        size = int(size)
        steps = self.cli[Args.STEPS]

        def can_pick(tid, name):
            for ag in self.info.spawn.values():
                if name in ag.picks:
                    return self.isOfType(tid, ag.name)

        p = [IntVector(f"{name}_{i}", size) for i in range(steps)]
        for step in range(steps):
            # if agent cannot actually use the pick, set to 0

            if_can_pick = [
                # Honor agent type,
                self.isOfType(x, typ) for x in p[step]
            ] if typ else [
                # If pick is untyped, x should still be a valid id
                self.isAnAgent(x) for x in p[step]
            # picks should be distinct
            if_can_pick.extend(p[step][i] != p[step][j] for j in range(size)
                               for i in range(j))
            # Agent cannot pick itself
            if_can_pick.extend(x != self.sched[step] for x in p[step])

                If(can_pick(self.sched[step], name), And(if_can_pick),
                   And([x == 0 for x in p[step]])))
        self.picks[name] = (p, size, typ)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def link_symbols_to_shapes(sym, sg, sc):
    """Add constraints to ensure the symbols match the shapes."""
    for p in sg.lattice.points:
            If(sc.shape_type_grid[p] != -1, sg.cell_is(p,
               sg.cell_is(p, sym.W)))
Ejemplo n.º 18
def main(args):
    data = [extract(s.strip()) for s in sys.stdin]
    data = [(x[3], tuple(x[:-1])) for x in data]
    m = max(data)
    in_range = [x for x in data if dist(x[1], m[1]) <= m[0]]

    x = Int('x')
    y = Int('y')
    z = Int('z')
    orig = (x, y, z)
    cost = Int('cost')
    cost_expr = x * 0
    for r, pos in data:
        cost_expr += If(z3_dist(orig, pos) <= r, 1, 0)
    opt = Optimize()
    print("let's go")
    opt.add(cost == cost_expr)
    # I didn't do this step in my initial #2 ranking solution but I
    # suppose you should.
    # z3 does them lexicographically by default.
    opt.minimize(z3_dist((0, 0, 0), (x, y, z)))


    model = opt.model()
    #    print(model)
    pos = (model[x].as_long(), model[y].as_long(), model[z].as_long())
    print("position:", pos)
    print("num in range:", model[cost].as_long())
    print("distance:", dist((0, 0, 0), pos))
Ejemplo n.º 19
def BYTE(i, x):
	bit = (i + 1) * 8
	return If(
		UGT(i, x.size() / 8 - 1),
		BitVecVal(0, x.size()),
		(LShR(x, (x.size() - bit))) & 0xff
Ejemplo n.º 20
def constrain_path_order(sg, path_order_grid):
    """The path order variables must contain the path traversal order."""
    for p in LATTICE.points:
        cell = sg.grid[p]
        po = path_order_grid[p]
        sg.solver.add(If(SYM.is_loop(cell), po >= 0, po < 0))

        npo = path_order_grid.get(p.translate(N), None)
        epo = path_order_grid.get(p.translate(E), None)
        spo = path_order_grid.get(p.translate(S), None)
        wpo = path_order_grid.get(p.translate(W), None)

        ncond, econd, scond, wcond = False, False, False, False
        if npo is not None:
            ncond = npo == po - 1
        if epo is not None:
            econd = epo == po - 1
        if spo is not None:
            scond = spo == po - 1
        if wpo is not None:
            wcond = wpo == po - 1

        sg.solver.add(Implies(And(cell == SYM.NS, po > 0), Or(ncond, scond)))
        sg.solver.add(Implies(And(cell == SYM.EW, po > 0), Or(econd, wcond)))
        sg.solver.add(Implies(And(cell == SYM.NE, po > 0), Or(ncond, econd)))
        sg.solver.add(Implies(And(cell == SYM.SE, po > 0), Or(scond, econd)))
        sg.solver.add(Implies(And(cell == SYM.SW, po > 0), Or(scond, wcond)))
        sg.solver.add(Implies(And(cell == SYM.NW, po > 0), Or(ncond, wcond)))
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def eq_(self, global_state):
        state = global_state.mstate

        op1 = state.stack.pop()
        op2 = state.stack.pop()

        if type(op1) == BoolRef:
            op1 = If(op1, BitVecVal(1, 256), BitVecVal(0, 256))

        if type(op2) == BoolRef:
            op2 = If(op2, BitVecVal(1, 256), BitVecVal(0, 256))

        exp = op1 == op2

        return [global_state]
    def solve_with(self, input_image, output_index):
        x = RealVector('x', len(input_image[0]))
        for i in range(len(input_image[0])):
            if i >= self.pixels_to_change:
                # x[i] = image[i]
                self.solver.add(x[i] == input_image[0][i].item())
                # 0 <= x[i] <= 1
                self.solver.add(x[i] >= 0)
                self.solver.add(x[i] <= 1)

        fc1_weights = fetch_weights(1)
        fc1_shape = fc1_weights.size()
        # o1 = fc1^T * x
        o1 = [
            Sum([fc1_weights[i, j].item() * x[j] for j in range(fc1_shape[1])])
            for i in range(fc1_shape[0])

        # y1 = ReLU(o1)
        y1 = [If(o1[i] > 0, o1[i], 0) for i in range(fc1_shape[0])]

        fc2_weights = fetch_weights(2)
        fc2_shape = fc2_weights.size()
        # y2 = fc2^T * y1
        y2 = [
                fc2_weights[i, j].item() * y1[j] for j in range(fc2_shape[1])
            ]) for i in range(fc2_shape[0])

        # If any y2 output is higher than the expected y2,
        # the model output changes
                y2[output_index] < y2[i] for i in range(len(y2))
                if i != output_index
        # self.solver.add(And([y2[output_index] > y2[i]
        #                      for i in range(len(y2)) if i != output_index]))

        # Check if the classification can change
        check = self.solver.check()
        sat = str(check) == 'sat'

        if sat:
            m = self.solver.model()
            # Substitute the model back in
            x_new = input_image.clone().detach()
            for i in range(self.pixels_to_change):
                x_new[0][i] = model_to_val(m, x[i])
            for i in range(self.pixels_to_change, len(input_image[0])):
                x_new[0][i] = input_image[0][i]
            return x_new
        elif str(check) == 'unknown':
            return 'timeout'
            return 'unsat'
Ejemplo n.º 23
def main():
    """Kuromasu solver example."""
    sym = grilops.SymbolSet([("B", chr(0x2588) * 2), ("W", "  ")])
    lattice = grilops.get_rectangle_lattice(HEIGHT, WIDTH)
    sg = grilops.SymbolGrid(lattice, sym)
    rc = grilops.regions.RegionConstrainer(lattice,

    for p, c in GIVENS.items():
        # Numbered cells may not be black.
        sg.solver.add(sg.cell_is(p, sym.W))

        # Each number on the board represents the number of white cells that can be
        # seen from that cell, including itself. A cell can be seen from another
        # cell if they are in the same row or column, and there are no black cells
        # between them in that row or column.
        visible_cell_count = 1 + sum(
                sg, n.location, n.direction, stop=lambda c: c == sym.B)
            for n in sg.edge_sharing_neighbors(p))
        sg.solver.add(visible_cell_count == c)

    # All the white cells must be connected horizontally or vertically. Enforce
    # this by requiring all white cells to have the same region ID. Force the
    # root of this region to be the first given, to reduce the space of
    # possibilities.
    white_root = min(GIVENS.keys())
    white_region_id = lattice.point_to_index(white_root)

    for p in lattice.points:
        # No two black cells may be horizontally or vertically adjacent.
                sg.cell_is(p, sym.B),
                And(*[n.symbol == sym.W
                      for n in sg.edge_sharing_neighbors(p)])))

        # All white cells must have the same region ID. All black cells must not
        # be part of a region.
            If(sg.cell_is(p, sym.W), rc.region_id_grid[p] == white_region_id,
               rc.region_id_grid[p] == -1))

    def print_grid():
        sg.print(lambda p, _: f"{GIVENS[(p.y, p.x)]:02}"
                 if (p.y, p.x) in GIVENS else None)

    if sg.solve():
        if sg.is_unique():
            print("Unique solution")
            print("Alternate solution")
        print("No solution")
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def if_expr(self, expr):
     b = expr.bool_expr.convert(self)
     t = expr.true_expr.convert(self)
     f = expr.false_expr.convert(self)
     (hit, result) = self.checkCache("If", [b,t,f], sort=False)
     if hit:   
         return result
         return self.cache(If(b,t,f), result)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def test_abs_between(constantPitch):
    assert Interval.absBetween(
        ConstPitch(constantPitch.letter + Interval.SECOND().semitoneDistance,
                   constantPitch.octave)) == Interval(logicalAbs(2))
    assert Interval.absBetween(
        ConstPitch(constantPitch.letter + Interval.SECOND().semitoneDistance,
        constantPitch) == Interval(If(False, -2, 2))
Ejemplo n.º 26
def snake_orthogonally_connected(g):
    # Orthogonally, we don't branch
    for x, y in g.coords():
        c = g.snake(x, y)
        number_surrounding = sum(
            BoolToInt(g.snake(x2, y2)) for x2, y2 in orthogonal(g, x, y))
        is_head = (x, y) == g.head
        is_tail = (x, y) == g.tail
        is_endpoint = Or(is_head, is_tail)
        g.add(Implies(c, number_surrounding == If(is_endpoint, 1, 2)))
Ejemplo n.º 27
def conditional_update(cyc, update_func, update_cond, mixmethod):
    return binary_anded([
            update_cond(cyc, idx),
            dat(x) == update_func(idx, lft(x))
            if mixmethod(idx) else dat(x) == update_func(idx, rght(x)),
            dat(x) == update_func(idx, rght(x))
            if mixmethod(idx) else dat(x) == update_func(idx, lft(x)))
        for idx, dat in enumerate(cyc)
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def target_cells_use_all_available_pieces(self, board, pieces):
        constraints = []
        for (piece, quantity) in collections.Counter(pieces).items():
                    If(cell == piece, 1, 0) for (_, _, value, cell) in board
                    if self.is_cell_empty(value)
                ]) == quantity)

        return constraints
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def __init__(
        self, task, condition: BoolRef, optional: Optional[bool] = False
    ) -> None:

        if not task.optional:
            raise TypeError("Task %s must be optional." % task.name)

            If(condition, task.scheduled == True, task.scheduled == False)
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def _load(self, item: Union[int, ExprRef]) -> Any:
        if isinstance(item, int):
                return self._calldata[item]
            except IndexError:
                return 0

        value = BitVecVal(0x0, 8)
        for i in range(self.size):
            value = If(item == i, self._calldata[i], value)
        return value