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To evaluate Bittorrent Protocol over ns-3, one should have a working knowledge of the C++ syntax. In addition, familiarity with the ns-3 interface would be helpful. The tutorial on ns-3 webpage should be sufficient to get started.

Link: Tutorial on ns-3

A brief overview of the VODSIM module:

The way ns-3 works is modular. A quick look at the following webpage ( gives you an idea of the technologies and their protocols currently supported by ns-3. VODSIM is a custom module developed and maintained by Comsys laboratory ( that implements the BitTorrent Protocol. Although, VODSIM uses ns-3 as its workhorse for running the BiTorrent protocol it is much easier to setup a simulation environment on VODSIM. For example, the ns-3 tutorial page includes examples of an UDPEchoServer implementation ( to evaluate the UDP protocol. Even for the simplest of changes, one has to manually reset attributes of the type of nodes and configure their behaviour each time a fresh simulation is run. In contrast, VODSIM abstracts much of the functionality of the BitTorrent protocol simualtion to simply setting up a configuration file. To this effect, a good understanding of the BitTorrent Specification is necessary to be able to create varied configurations of the simulation--explained below-- to evaluate scenarios of interest.

BitTorrent Specification:

The following is a sample config (referred to as story files by the VODSIM developers) used to run vodsim simulations:

// Random number generator 0h0m0s: simulation set random seed time 0h0m0s: simulation set id time

// Torrent data (you can create a torrent for a file of any size using popular torrent clients like utorrent, BitTorrent 0h0m0s: simulation set folder input/bittorrent/torrent-data 0h0m0s: simulation set file input/bittorrent/torrent-data/100MB-full.dat.torrent

// Network topology; represents the way nodes are placed in the network. 0h0m0s: topology set file input/bittorrent/topology/dfn-like.brite

// Adding a tracker node (more about the above behaviour of Tracker can be found on the Bittorrent specification page) 0h0m0s: topology add tracker 0h0m0s: topology set delays min 0 max 0

// Adding clients. A client can either be a seeder or a leecher . // Below we are making the set of seeders and leechers mutually disjoint using the following configuration (group seeders leave group leechers). 0h0m0s: topology add clients count 2 type point-to-point uplink 448kbps downlink 2048kbps delay 0ms 0h0m0s: all clients join group seeders 0h0m0s: topology add clients count 4 type point-to-point uplink 448kbps downlink 2048kbps delay 0ms 0h0m0s: all clients join group leechers 0h0m0s: group seeders leave group leechers

//bitfield represents the availability of pieces. Since a seeder by definition has to have all pieces it's bitfield should be full and leechers have to have no pieces .at the // start of the simulation 0h0m0s: group seeders set initial bitfield full 0h0m0s: group leechers set initial bitfield empty

//BitTorrent specific information (more on it's specificatin page) 0h0m0s: all clients set block size request 16384 // e.g., 524288 262144 131072 32768 16384 0h0m0s: all clients set block size send 16384 // e.g., 16384 0h0m0s: all clients set piece timeout 0h0m30s

0h0m0s: all clients set autoconnect 1 0h0m0s: all clients set peers 30 0h0m0s: all clients set max peers 55

0h0m0s: group seeders set unchoked peers 3

// piece selection strategy 0h0m0s: all clients set strategy rarest-first 0h0m0s: group leechers set autoplay 0

// video specific information 0h0m0s: group leechers set video skip inactive 0h0m0s: group leechers set video skip tolerance 0h0m2s 0h0m0s: group leechers set video skip afterwards 0h0m15s 0h0m0s: all clients set video prebuffering 0h0m15s

0h0m0s: tracker set update interval 0h0m60s

//Initialize all nodes 0h0m0s: group seeders init 0h1m0s: group leechers init

The above config simplifies setting up the ns-3 simulation without actually having to refactor the C++ code. It is important that one has a good understanding of the BitTorrent Specification to be able to create a custom config/story file since the story file abstract is based on the BitTorrent Standard.

ns-3 simulator: please extract the installation files from to your working directory. Files of interest: ns-allinone-3.20/ns-3.20/src/bittorrent/*

Everything that one needs to modify the protocol can be found under the above path. I would suggest going through the following files in addition to the BitTorrent Specificatin Wiki to get started.

  1. ns-allinone-3.20/ns-3.20/src/bittorrent/examples/Quickstart-Guide.txt
  2. ns-allinone-3.20/ns-3.20/src/bittorrent/helper/Story-Reference.txt ( The most important of all. This file contains the available configuration options which facilitates one to setup a config and run a scenario of interest. Note that anything that is beyond the scope of the available options requires source code changes).
  3. ns-allinone-3.20/ns-3.20/src/bittorrent/helper/ ( Source file that parses each story file and sets up the ns-3 environment).
  4. ns-allinone-3.20/ns-3.20/src/bittorrent/model ( Source code for vanilla BitTorrent protocol e.g. tracker model, client model, piece selection strategy, choke-unchoke e.t.c)

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