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Recreating Results

Installation and setup

Installation and setup consists of installing some basic dependancies, Theano, Lasagne, CUDA, BLAS.

The non-trivial part of this installation is getting CUDA and Theano to work.

For detailed Theano, CUDA and BLAS guide, Please visit.

The guide below is a modification of

As I prefer using Conda over apt-get python install.


sudo apt-get install -y gcc g++ gfortran build-essential git wget libopenblas-dev


wget ""


Theano and Lasagne

pip install --upgrade

pip install --upgrade

(Use the flag --user if you are not working as root and want it in your user directory)

Testing Lasagne and Theano

mkdir -p ~/code/mnist

cd ~/code/mnist


THEANO_FLAGS=device=cpu python mlp 5

output should look something like this.

Loading data...
Downloading train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz
Downloading train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz
Downloading t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz
Downloading t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz
Building model and compiling functions...
Starting training...
Epoch 1 of 5 took 11.483s
  training loss:		1.225167
  validation loss:		0.407454
  validation accuracy:		88.55 %
Epoch 2 of 5 took 11.299s
  training loss:		0.565556
  validation loss:		0.309781
  validation accuracy:		90.92 %


Disclaimer, have not tested this as I have it setup on my machines already.

Please follow this guide from the BLAS part

remember to make the ~/.theanorc file as mentioned in the guide.

A cool tip: use the command.


To check for available GPU resources. Should look something like.

Mon Apr 25 04:42:52 2016       
| NVIDIA-SMI 352.63     Driver Version: 352.63         |                       
| GPU  Name        Persistence-M| Bus-Id        Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |
| Fan  Temp  Perf  Pwr:Usage/Cap|         Memory-Usage | GPU-Util  Compute M. |
|   0  GeForce GTX TIT...  Off  | 0000:05:00.0     Off |                  N/A |
| 58%   84C    P2   141W / 250W |  11864MiB / 12287MiB |     99%      Default |
|   1  GeForce GTX TIT...  Off  | 0000:06:00.0     Off |                  N/A |
| 22%   57C    P8    17W / 250W |     23MiB / 12287MiB |      0%      Default |
|   2  GeForce GTX TIT...  Off  | 0000:09:00.0     Off |                  N/A |
| 24%   61C    P8    18W / 250W |     23MiB / 12287MiB |      0%      Default |
|   3  GeForce GTX TIT...  Off  | 0000:0A:00.0     Off |                  N/A |
| 53%   84C    P2   211W / 250W |  11864MiB / 12287MiB |     99%      Default |
| Processes:                                                       GPU Memory |
|  GPU       PID  Type  Process name                               Usage      |
|    0      8592    C   python                                       11838MiB |
|    3      2619    C   python                                       11839MiB |

Testing CUDA and GPUs work

mkdir -p ~/code/mnist

cd ~/code/mnist


THEANO_FLAGS=device=gpu python mlp 5

output should look something like this (notice it is much faster!):

Using gpu device 1: GeForce GTX TITAN X (CNMeM is disabled, cuDNN Version is too old. Update to v5, was 3007.)
Loading data...
Building model and compiling functions...
Starting training...
Epoch 1 of 5 took 1.878s
  training loss:		1.198237
  validation loss:		0.402080
  validation accuracy:		88.43 %
Epoch 2 of 5 took 1.898s
  training loss:		0.561074
  validation loss:		0.306817
  validation accuracy:		91.06 %

Install EEG_Dauwelslab repo

Go to where you want to install the repo.

mkdir EEG_projects && cd EEG_projects

git clone

Setting up training/validation data

Now given the train/valid dataset (you can enquire Justin Dauwels at jdauwels at for access).

Place the train and validation data in the following folder $PATH_TO_DIR/EEG_Dauwelslab/data/csv/train/

Such that.

cd $PATH_TO_DIR/EEG_Dauwelslab/data/csv/train/


Btrn1.csv  Btrn3.csv  Btrn5.csv  Btrn7.csv  Bval1.csv
Bval3.csv  Bval5.csv  Bval7.csv  Strn1.csv  Strn3.csv
Strn5.csv  Strn7.csv  Sval1.csv  Sval3.csv  Sval5.csv
Sval7.csv  Btrn2.csv  Btrn4.csv  Btrn6.csv  Btrn8.csv
Bval2.csv  Bval4.csv  Bval6.csv  Bval8.csv  Strn2.csv
Strn4.csv  Strn6.csv  Strn8.csv  Sval2.csv  Sval4.csv
Sval6.csv  Sval8.csv

Make the data into a numpy format

cd $PATH_TO_DIR/EEG_Dauwelslab/

python create_data train

you csv path is: ./data/csv/train/*
Converting data ...
Opening: ./data/csv/train/Sval2.csv
Saved to ./data/numpy/train/Sval2.npy.gz
Opening: ./data/csv/train/Bval6.csv
Saved to ./data/numpy/train/Bval6.npy.gz
Opening: ./data/csv/train/Bval8.csv
Saved to ./data/numpy/train/Bval8.npy.gz

Train the first model

cd $PATH_TO_DIR/EEG_Dauwelslab/

Training models is performed by the following command.

Usage: python <config_name> <CVNumber1,2,3> <num_epochs>

python RNN 1 150

Using gpu device 1: GeForce GTX TITAN X (CNMeM is disabled, cuDNN Version is too old. Update to v5, was 3007.)
Setting sys parameters ...
Defining symbolic variables ...
Loading config file: 'RNN'
Setting config params ...
Optimizer: rmsprop
Lambda: 0.00010
Batch size: 2048
Experiment id: RNN-1-20160425-052845
Loading data ...
loadData started!
Preprocesssing data ...
Data shapes ...
(405429, 64, 1)
(64446, 64, 1)
(405429, 1)
(64446, 1)
(12763, 64, 1)
(2010, 64, 1)
(12763, 1)
(2010, 1)
DEBUG: max train values
Building network ...
  number of parameters: 41401
  layer output shapes:
    InputLayer                       (2048, 64, 1)
    LSTMLayer                        (2048, 64, 100)
    SliceLayer                       (2048, 100)
    DenseLayer                       (2048, 1)
Building cost function ...
Computing updates ...
Getting gradients ...
Print configuring updates ...
cut_norm: 20
Compiling functions ...
--------- Validation ----------
  validating: train loss
  average evaluation accuracy (train): 0.54948
  average evaluation AUC (train): 0.72353

  validating: valid loss
  average evaluation accuracy (valid): 0.64233
  average evaluation AUC (valid): 0.73729

Epoch 1 of 151
  setting learning rate to 0.0010000
Shuffling data
---------- Train ----------
  average training loss: 0.55832
  average training accuracy: 0.76965
  average auc: 0.82934
  00:01:05 since start (65.98 s)

  saving parameters and metadata
  stored in metadata/dump_RNN-1-20160425-052845
--------- Validation ----------
  validating: train loss
  average evaluation accuracy (train): 0.89933
  average evaluation AUC (train): 0.94912

  validating: valid loss
  average evaluation accuracy (valid): 0.90007
  average evaluation AUC (valid): 0.92259

Epoch 2 of 151
Shuffling data
---------- Train ----------
  average training loss: 0.32418
  average training accuracy: 0.89727
  average auc: 0.94564
  00:02:13 since start (67.51 s)

  saving parameters and metadata
  stored in metadata/dump_RNN-1-20160425-052845
--------- Validation ----------
  validating: train loss
  average evaluation accuracy (train): 0.93125
  average evaluation AUC (train): 0.98539

  validating: valid loss
  average evaluation accuracy (valid): 0.96249
  average evaluation AUC (valid): 0.98593

Cool tip: use nohup <commands> > file & to run script in background.

nohup python RNN 1 151 > out_file &


Cool tip: use nvidia-smi to see usage.

Cool tip: In the ~/.theanorc file you specify the device. Setting device=gpu0 will make it use gpu numbered as 0, whereas device=gpu1 will make it use device 1. Using this will allow you to utilize multiple GPUs concurrently.

Cool tip: during "testing" the script, you will generate metadata files. You are probably not interested in these. To remove, do as follows.

cd $PATH_TO_DIR/EEG_Dauwelslab/metadata/

rm -rf dump*

Remember to keep the other files, such that a ls in the metadata directory will give you



Get results

Training models

This will take ~24 hours on a GPU

cd $PATH_TO_DIR/EEG_Dauwelslab/


Debugging all models

Use the debugging tool to find maximas on the validation set.

This tool will take a given path (being the latest epoch, epoch no. 149) and a topX argument. The topX argument will list the highest validation epochs in sorted order.

Usage python <path> <topX>

Debug all of the models, you should get the following response.

Example python metadata/dump_RNN-1-20160425-055244-149.pkl 20

Do this for every split (...RNN-1-..., ...RNN-2-..., ..., ...RNN-8-...)

Choosing epoch

Next step is choosing which epoch to sample weigths for the neural network from, given the use of debug_model you will have validations for each epoch and train/validation for every epoch.

The rule used when picking the best epoch is as follows:

  • The epoch must be after the first 20 epochs (the network will often not have picked up features of high describtive value before after a certain amount of training)
  • Pick highest valued validation.
  • For ensemble, epochs picked must be at least 10 epochs apart (often you will find well performing epochs following each other, as they have very similar weights. Picking epochs apart will increase variance).

Using these rules you should end up with:

Given no ensemble:

Epoch for 1st split: 22

Epoch for 2nd split: 39

Epoch for 3rd split: 20

Epoch for 4th split: 137

Epoch for 5th split: 26

Epoch for 6th split: 35

Epoch for 7th split: 81

Epoch for 8th split: 140

Given ensemble:

Epochs for 1st split: 22, 39, 64

Epochs for 2nd split: 39, 64, 129

Epochs for 3rd split: 20, 30, 40

Epochs for 4th split: 137, 93, 121

Epochs for 5th split: 26, 41, 53

Epochs for 6th split: 35, 46, 56

Epochs for 7th split: 81, 131, 146

Epochs for 8th split: 140, 91, 109

Making predictions

Move the epochs from:





cd $PATH_TO_DIR/EEG_Dauwelslab/metadata/

mv metadata/dump_RNN-1-20160425-055244-149.pkl FOR_ENSEMBLE/RNN/1

Get test set

Now given the test dataset (you can enquire Justin Dauwels at jdauwels at for access).

Place the test data in the following folder $PATH_TO_DIR/EEG_Dauwelslab/data/csv/test/

Such that.

cd $PATH_TO_DIR/EEG_Dauwelslab/data/csv/train/


Btst1.csv  Btst3.csv  Btst5.csv  Btst7.csv  Stst1.csv
Stst3.csv  Stst5.csv  Stst7.csv  Btst2.csv  Btst4.csv
Btst6.csv  Btst8.csv  Stst2.csv  Stst4.csv  Stst6.csv

Make the data into a numpy format.

cd $PATH_TO_DIR/EEG_Dauwelslab/

python create_data test

you csv path is: ./data/csv/test/*
Converting data ...
Opening: ./data/csv/test/Btst7.csv
Saved to ./data/numpy/test/Btst7.npy.gz
Opening: ./data/csv/test/Stst2.csv
Saved to ./data/numpy/test/Stst2.npy.gz
Opening: ./data/csv/test/Stst4.csv
Saved to ./data/numpy/test/Stst4.npy.gz

Computing predictions

cd $PATH_TO_DIR/EEG_Dauwelslab/


(predictions will be saved in $PATH_TO_DIR/EEG_Dauwelslab/predictions/RNN/)

Evaluating predictions

cd $PATH_TO_DIR/EEG_Dauwelslab/

Please note that takes p being probability for spike/background as first system argument. <probability> <model>

For p=0.5

python 0.5 RNN

( will average probabilities over all predictions in $PATH_TO_DIR/EEG_Dauwelslab/predictions/RNN/<split>)

For no ensemble you should get the following results from 0.5 RNN:

-- SPLIT 1 of 8 --
Using gpu device 1: GeForce GTX TITAN X (CNMeM is disabled, cuDNN Version is too old. Update to v5, was 3007.)
loadTest started!
TP 3198, FN 345
FP 1095, TN 35298
TPR: 0.90262
SPC: 0.96991
PPV: 0.74493
AUC (test) is: 0.98532
-- SPLIT 2 of 8 --
loadTest started!
TP 1971, FN 39
FP 0, TN 64446
TPR: 0.98060
SPC: 1.00000
PPV: 1.00000
AUC (test) is: 0.99959
-- SPLIT 3 of 8 --
loadTest started!
TP 1426, FN 336
FP 421, TN 46761
TPR: 0.80931
SPC: 0.99108
PPV: 0.77206
AUC (test) is: 0.99484
-- SPLIT 4 of 8 --
loadTest started!
TP 2735, FN 3
FP 0, TN 68887
TPR: 0.99890
SPC: 1.00000
PPV: 1.00000
AUC (test) is: 1.00000
-- SPLIT 5 of 8 --
loadTest started!
TP 807, FN 35
FP 0, TN 53119
TPR: 0.95843
SPC: 1.00000
PPV: 1.00000
AUC (test) is: 0.99974
-- SPLIT 6 of 8 --
loadTest started!
TP 1746, FN 0
FP 1780, TN 57430
TPR: 1.00000
SPC: 0.96994
PPV: 0.49518
AUC (test) is: 0.99991
-- SPLIT 7 of 8 --
loadTest started!
TP 2595, FN 215
FP 865, TN 92763
TPR: 0.92349
SPC: 0.99076
PPV: 0.75000
AUC (test) is: 0.98956
-- SPLIT 8 of 8 --
loadTest started!
TP 2810, FN 55
FP 6236, TN 77167
TPR: 0.98080
SPC: 0.92523
PPV: 0.31063
AUC (test) is: 0.99241

[[  17288.    1028.]
 [  10397.  495871.]]
AUC = 0.99517
TPR = 0.94427
SPC = 0.98086
PPV = 0.75910

For no ensemble you should get the following results from 0.5 RNN:

-- SPLIT 1 of 8 --
Using gpu device 1: GeForce GTX TITAN X (CNMeM is disabled, cuDNN Version is too old. Update to v5, was 3007.)
loadTest started!
TP 3464, FN 79
FP 1095, TN 35298
TPR: 0.97770
SPC: 0.96991
PPV: 0.75982
AUC (test) is: 0.98117
-- SPLIT 2 of 8 --
loadTest started!
TP 2005, FN 5
FP 0, TN 64446
TPR: 0.99751
SPC: 1.00000
PPV: 1.00000
AUC (test) is: 0.99992
-- SPLIT 3 of 8 --
loadTest started!
TP 1758, FN 4
FP 823, TN 46359
TPR: 0.99773
SPC: 0.98256
PPV: 0.68113
AUC (test) is: 0.99966
-- SPLIT 4 of 8 --
loadTest started!
TP 2737, FN 1
FP 0, TN 68887
TPR: 0.99963
SPC: 1.00000
PPV: 1.00000
AUC (test) is: 1.00000
-- SPLIT 5 of 8 --
loadTest started!
TP 808, FN 34
FP 0, TN 53119
TPR: 0.95962
SPC: 1.00000
PPV: 1.00000
AUC (test) is: 1.00000
-- SPLIT 6 of 8 --
loadTest started!
TP 1746, FN 0
FP 54, TN 59156
TPR: 1.00000
SPC: 0.99909
PPV: 0.97000
AUC (test) is: 1.00000
-- SPLIT 7 of 8 --
loadTest started!
TP 2595, FN 215
FP 433, TN 93195
TPR: 0.92349
SPC: 0.99538
PPV: 0.85700
AUC (test) is: 0.99348
-- SPLIT 8 of 8 --
loadTest started!
TP 2810, FN 55
FP 3905, TN 79498
TPR: 0.98080
SPC: 0.95318
PPV: 0.41847
AUC (test) is: 0.99472

[[  1.79230000e+04   3.93000000e+02]
 [  6.31000000e+03   4.99958000e+05]]
AUC = 0.99612
TPR = 0.97956
SPC = 0.98751
PPV = 0.83580



This github project is dedicated to spike detection in EEG data from epileptical patients.

The code is Produced by A. Rosenberg Johansen1.

The project is supervisioned by PhD. Justin Dauwels2 lab.

The data is supplied by MD. Sydney Cash3 and MD. M. Brandon Westover3.

The code as been used for ICASSP 2016 submission, using a dataset of five patients, and is now being used for a journal paper with a dataset of 100 patients.

1: Technical University of Denmark, DTU Compute, Lyngby, Denmark

2: Nanyang Technological University, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Singapore

3: Massechusetts General Hospital, Neurology Department, and Harvard Medical School, USA


The data set consists of 30 minutes EEG recordings sampled from over 100 patients. The dataset has been preprocessed into 64 length sliding windows, and labelled by M.D. to either be containing "epileptical spike" or "no epileptical spike". The data is split into eight equal size training, validation and test splits with no overlapping patients.


The code can be run through, dumps will be saved in metadata/ and can be evaluated using Configurations for the different models used can be found in configurations/

Current model performance(averaged over all CV splits)

Training AUC: 0.999 Valid AUC: 0.999 Test AUC: 0.998

LSTMLayer w. L^2 = 0.0001

As of 4'th April 2016

Model config:

Training AUC: 0.999

Validation AUC: 0.999


As of 23'th December 2015

Model config:

Training AUC: 0.998

Validation AUC: 0.997

MultiConv w. L^2 = 0.0005

As of 11'th December 2015

Model config:

Training AUC: 0.996

Validation AUC: 0.961

MLP w. L^2 = 0.0005

As of 11'th December

Model config:

Training AUC: 0.998

Validation AUC: 0.973

Logistic Regression

As of 5'th December 2015

Model config:

Training AUC: 0.835

Validation AUC: 0.672

MLP w. L^2 = 0.0001

As of 5'th December 2015

Model config:

Training AUC: 0.999

Validation AUC: 0.972

Next to train

Done training with LSTM, giving 0.999 AUC Train, 0.999 AUC valid and 0.998 AUC test.


No releases published


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  • TeX 69.8%
  • Python 22.8%
  • Jupyter Notebook 6.4%
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