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======== Overview

The deployment proxy plugin connects two deployments in order to allow deployment coordination. The source blueprint that wishes to depend on another blueprint, for example a web tier that wants to depend on a database, includes the cloudify.nodes. DeploymentProxy node in the blueprint and creates a depends-on or other relationship with it. The DeploymentProxy node waits until deployment will be in terminated state.

=============== Node properties

The DeploymentProxy node itself has the following properties that govern it's behavior::

- inherit_outputs        : a list of outputs that are should be inherited from depployment proxy outputs.
                           Default: empty list.
- inherit_inputs         : Flag that indicated if it is necessary to inherit deployment inputs
- timeout                : number of seconds to wait.  When timeout expires, a "RecoverableError" is thrown.

The DeploymentProxy's Create and Start operations take the following inputs to the operations:

- deployment_id                : deployment ID to inherit from

The BlueprintDeployment node has the following properties::

- blueprint_id                : blueprint ID to create deployment from
- ignore_live_nodes_on_delete : ignore live nodes during deletion for a deployment

The BlueprintDeployment's Create operation takes the following inputs to the operations:

- deployment_inputs                : The inputs to use to create the new deployment.

How it works? Let's take a look at multi-part Nodecellar blueprint nodes::

mongodb_host_deployment: type: cloudify.nodes.BlueprintDeployment properties: blueprint_id: { get_input: mongodb_host_blueprint_id } interfaces: cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle: create: implementation: proxy.blueprints.tasks.create_deployment inputs: vcloud_username: { get_input: vcloud_username } vcloud_password: { get_input: vcloud_password } vcloud_token: { get_input: vcloud_token } vcloud_url: { get_input: vcloud_url } vcloud_service: { get_input: vcloud_service } vcloud_service_type: { get_input: vcloud_service_type } vcloud_instance: { get_input: vcloud_instance } vcloud_api_version: { get_input: vcloud_api_version } mongo_ssh: { get_input: mongo_ssh } vcloud_org_url: { get_input: vcloud_org_url } vcloud_org: { get_input: vcloud_org } vcloud_vdc: { get_input: vcloud_vdc } catalog: { get_input: catalog} template: { get_input: template } server_cpu: { get_input: server_cpu } server_memory: { get_input: server_memory } network_use_existing: { get_input: network_use_existing } common_network_name: { get_input: common_network_name } mongo_ip_address: { get_input: mongo_ip_address } common_network_public_nat_use_existing: { get_input: common_network_public_nat_use_existing } edge_gateway: { get_input: edge_gateway } server_user: { get_input: server_user } user_public_key: { get_input: user_public_key } user_private_key: { get_input: user_private_key }

This node has specific implementation of the lifecycle::

On create: Creates a deployment with given inputs
On start: Installs a deployment
On stop: Uninstalls a deployment
On delete: Deletes a deployment

Given node has runtime property::


it represents a deployment id of newly create deployment instance inside Cloudify.

Next node consumes that deployment id as an input for next blueprint deployment::

mongodb_application_deployment: type: cloudify.nodes.BlueprintDeployment properties: blueprint_id: { get_input: mongodb_application_blueprint_id } cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle: create: inputs: deployment_inputs: mongodb_host_deployment_id: { get_attribute: [ mongodb_host_deployment, deployment_id ]} relationships: - target: mongodb_host_deployment type: cloudify.relationships.depends_on

In given case it was decided to split VM and networking provisioning into one blueprint with defined outputs. Next blueprint describes software installation within Fabric plugin.

============= Usage example

First of all please take a look at samples folder to see blueprints examples. In most cases it is necessary to get deployment outputs in runtime during installing another deployment. In case of Nodecellar example, as user i want to attach MongoDB to NodeJS application, MongoDB is available within other deployment. As user i'd like to chain deployments within proxy pattern - define a deployment proxy node template and consume its attributes within blueprint. Here's how proxy object looks like::

    type: cloudify.nodes.DeploymentProxy
       inherit_inputs: True
            - 'mongodb_internal_ip'
            - 'mongodb_public_ip'
             implementation: proxy.deployments.tasks.wait_for_deployment
               deployment_id: { get_input: mongodb_deployment_id }
             implementation: proxy.deployments.tasks.inherit_deployment_attributes
               deployment_id: { get_input: mongodb_deployment_id }

Within NodeJS example blueprint composers are able to access proxy deployment attributes within TOSCA functions in the next manner::

MONGO_HOST: { get_attribute: [ mongodb_proxy_deployment, mongodb_internal_ip ] }

If it is necessary to access proxy deployment outputs it is possible to do in the next manner::

network_name: { get_attribute: [ mongodb_proxy_deployment, proxy_deployment_inputs, common_network_name ] }

NOTE!! get_property function of TOSCA doesn't work with node properties.

========== Disclaimer

Tested on::

Cloudify 3.2.1

Available blueprints::

vCloud Air Nodecellar multi-blueprint application

Operating system::

Given code OS-agnostic

========================================== How to run multi-part Nodecellar blueprint

In order to test multi-part blueprint deployment you have to execute next operations::

upload blueprint vcloud-mongodb-host-nodecellar-multipart-blueprint.yaml
upload blueprint vcloud-mongodb-application-nodecellar-multipart-blueprint.yaml
upload blueprint vcloud-nodejs-host-nodecellar-multipart-blueprint.yaml
upload blueprint vcloud-nodejs-application-nodecellar-multipart-blueprint.yaml
upload blueprint vcloud-nodecellar-multipart-blueprint.yaml
create a deployment for blueprint vcloud-nodecellar-multipart-blueprint.yaml
run installation for deployment of the blueprint vcloud-nodecellar-multipart-blueprint.yaml


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