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Getting the goods


Use apt or your favorite package installer to get those:

  • Python3 (I assume 3.4)
  • Python3-dev
  • gcc
  • git
  • imagemagick
  • libgit2-22 (Warning: this is in unstable in Debian, do not install libgit2-21 instead, pygit2 will fail to install if you do)
  • libffi-dev
  • libxslt1-dev
  • libxml2-dev
  • postgresql
  • postgresql-client
  • libpq-dev
  • python3-pip

On Uubuntu, there is an extra step:

sudo pip3 install virtualenv --upgrade

Make a virtual environment and activate it: virtualenv-3.4 splineweb -p /usr/bin/python3.4 (if you are in Vagrant's mounted folder on a non linux host: virtualenv-3.4 splineweb -p /usr/bin/python3.4 --always-copy)

cd splineweb
source bin/activate


git clone


We'll start with a skin so you have something to look at git clone

SCSS files

git clone archetype.git

Prep the DB

First we'll create a new user sudo adduser splineuser Set his password (I'll use 'splinepw' for this example)

Next, we'll create a corresponding role in postgre (use "splinepw" when prompted for the new role)

sudo su - postgres
createuser splineuser -P
createdb -O splineuser splinedb


Now exit to come back to your virtual environment

cd spline
../bin/pip install -e .
../bin/pip install colorama markdown pygit2 psycopg2
cd ../floraverse_com
../bin/pip install -e .
cd ../spline

Initializing the db

We're almost ready. We need to create the database and populate it. You may want to change some parameters before running it, check them with

../bin/initialize_spline_db -h

We'll go with the defaults here

../bin/initialize_spline_db --db postgresql+psycopg2://splineuser:splinepw@localhost/splinedb -P spline_comic:comic -P spline_wiki:wiki -P floraverse_com:floraverse_com

Run, Forr-- Spline, run !

Woo. Now, start the server with

../bin/python spline --db postgresql+psycopg2://splineuser:splinepw@localhost/splinedb -P spline_comic:comic -P spline_wiki:wiki -P floraverse_com:floraverse_com --data-dir data

Adding an image

Open your browser and connect to http://localhost:6543 (or http://the_VM_IP:6543). you should get a message telling you something didn't work, which is normal at this point since you don't have any comic up, so go on and add one. First login at http://localhost:6543/@@auth/login (user = admin, password = test if you kept the default values) then go to http://localhost:6543/comic/@@admin You should be able to choose an image from your computer, check "publish now" and fill a title and text then submit. Now it should appear in the archive and on the front page.

Making our first wiki edit

You may have noticed that the "About" and "Contact" pages are blank. Let's fix that. Click on About, and then on create it. You'll have a big text field for you to write in, and a small text field at the bottom to write the edit reason in wiki fashion. In the main field, write down the following:

Title: About

This site was made possible thanks to Spline, developped by Eevee and avalaible on [Github](

In the reason box, write Initial version.

Submit. Tada !

Password change

If you want to change the admin password (I used to generate the test password):

sudo su - splineuser
psql splinedb < "update users set password = '<password encrypted with bcrypt here>' where id=1;


All the parts of web development I hate, done once and for all.






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  • Python 70.9%
  • Mako 22.0%
  • CSS 7.1%