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Patents Text Analysis

Flexible, configurable code to perform web-scraping and text-analysis on patents from Google Patents.


The code has been developed for a project to study IBM's patents (see below), but has been made perfectly general-purpose. Cloning this repository, you can easily build and analyze your own dataset, choosing the assignee and the years of publication.

The IBM Patents dataset [link]

The code has been used to create the following dataset: IBM Patents. The dataset contains the metadata and text of ~60K patents assigned to IBM, through the years 2000-2019. The aim of this project was to find and study topics and trends in IBM technologies by performing text analysis. The plots shown below have been generated using just a small sample from this dataset, and serve as examples.


git clone
cd ./patents-nlp
pip install -r requirements.txt

The web-scraping is performed using Selenium. You will need to download the Chrome driver here.

Finally, make sure to configure the paths in

Building the dataset

Configure the application paths and the scraping parameters in In particular, the scraping parameters are:

  • Assignee's name
  • Years range
  • Language
  • Number of result pages to scrape per month
  • Number of patents per page

Then run to build the dataset.

~/patents-nlp$ python
usage: [-h] [--delete] [--all] [--scrape] [--download] [--convert] [--clean] [--overwrite] [--multiproc]

scrape, download, convert and clean the data

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --delete     delete all data
  --all        execute whole pipeline
  --scrape     scrape metadata
  --merge      merge the scraped metadata
  --download   download pdfs using metadata
  --convert    convert pdfs to txts
  --clean      clean txts
  --overwrite  overwrite existing files
  --multiproc  use multiprocessing
  --verbose    show INFO logging

The pipeline for building the dataset is the following:

  • Using the search criteria listed above, metadata of the patents is scraped from Google Patents, saving each year in its own .csv file.
  • The metadata files are merged in a single .csv file.
  • The patents listed in the unified .csv file are downloaded (as .pdf files).
  • The .pdf files are converted to .txt by performing OCR with the tika python library.
  • The .txt files are cleaned using the nltk python library: stop-words and punctuation removal, lemmification of tokens.

Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA)

The code in lsa_example.ipynb shows how to perform a latent semantic analysis of the text corpus using the functions in the module LSA.

The code performs TFIDF on the text corpus, and then factorizes the words_documents matrix (using either SVD or NMF method), yielding the words- and documents- embedding of the latent topics.

plot from lsa output

The plot shows the top 15 topics found in the text corpus (in this case, a sample from IBM's patents published in the year 2019). For each topic, the top 4 words are shown.

Analyzing the trends of chosen topic

In the topics_trends.ipynb notebook, we perform an analysis of the trends of hand-made topics (sets of keywords) to study how their frequency changes through the years.

 - Keywords: ['medical', 'patient', 'health', 'treatment']
 - Keywords: ['neural', 'train', 'recognition', 'learn']
Aut. driving
 - Keywords: ['vehicle', 'autonomous', 'park']
Quantum comput.
 - Keywords: ['quantum']



Flexible, configurable code to perform web-scraping and text-mining on patents from Google Patents.







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