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This package contains all of the python code used for learning. The code is based on Lasagne which is based on Theano.


  1. sudo apt-get -y install liblapack3 liblapack-dev libblas3 libblas-dev gfortran libspqr1.3.1 libcholmod2.1.2 libmetis5 libmetis-dev libcolamd2.8.0 libccolamd2.8.0 libcamd2.3.1 libamd2.3.1 libx11-dev python-dev
    A bunch of math libraries that will be needed
  2. pip install Theano
    This is the backbone of the learning framework.
  3. pip install matplotlib
    Plotting things is great, especially while things are running
  4. pip install Lasagne==0.1
    Makes creating neural networks easier
  5. sudo pip install dill
    This will allow for some cool multi-processing later
  6. sudo pip install pathos This library is nice update to the python multiprocessing library allowing for the pickeling of objects as well as other things.
  7. apt-get -y install swig3.0
    Swig is used to generate Python code that wraps the C++ code.
  8. sudo pip install h5py
    This library is used to save and load data from files

Install On Windows

  1. Install Anaconda
  2. Follow the setup instruction for Theano which are
	conda install numpy scipy mkl-service libpython m2w64-toolchain <nose> <nose-parameterized> <sphinx> <pydot-ng>

For GPU training

  1. sudo apt-get install nvidia-cuda-toolkit nvidia-cuda-dev nvidia-modprobe
    These libraries are needed to compile code for the GPU as well as to check what GPU devices are available

NOTE: Ran into this issue on Ubuntu 16.04 (Theano/Theano#4425) As a temporary workaround, I use the following hack:

Add cmd.append('-D_FORCE_INLINES') just before p = subprocess.Popen( in the file

Using The system

python3 --config settings/particleSim/PPO/PPO.json


To rerun PLAiD see

