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JWS (JSON Web Signature) using Bitcoin message signing as the algorithm.


By default it's expected that secp256k1 is available, so install it before proceeding; make sure to run ./configure --enable-module-recovery. If you're using some other library that provides the functionality necessary for this, check the Using a custom library section below.

bitjws can be installed by running pip install bitjws.

Building secp256k1

In case you need to install the secp256k1 C library, the following sequence of commands is recommended. If you already have secp256k1, make sure it was compiled from the expected git commit or it might fail to work due to API incompatibilities.

git clone git:// libsecp256k1
cd libsecp256k1
git checkout d7eb1ae96dfe9d497a26b3e7ff8b6f58e61e400a
./configure --enable-module-recovery
sudo make install


Use this package to produce signed JWS messages using the Bitcoin message signing schema and to validate such messages. The JWS header generated is the following one:

  "typ": "JWT",
  "kid": <bitcoin_address>

where "kid" is used to indicate the public part of the key used during signing.

Sign a message
import bitjws

mykey = bitjws.PrivateKey()
data = bitjws.sign_serialize(mykey)

sign_serialize function definition:

def sign_serialize(privkey, expire_after=3600, requrl=None, **kwargs):
    Produce a JWT compact serialization by generating a header, payload, and
    signature using the privkey specified.

    The parameter expire_after is used by the server to reject the payload
    if received after current_time + expire_after. Set it to None to
    disable its use.

    The parameter requrl is optionally used by the server to reject the
    payload if it is not delivered to the proper place, e.g. if requrl is
    set to but sent to a different server or
    path then the receiving server should reject it.

    Any other parameters are passed as is to the payload.
Validate a message
import bitjws

header, payload = bitjws.validate_deserialize(data)

validate_deserialize may raise bitjws.InvalidMessage or bitwjs.InvalidPayload. Function definition:

def validate_deserialize(rawmsg, requrl=None, check_expiration=True,
    Validate a JWT compact serialization and return the header and
    payload if the signature is good.

    If check_expiration is False, the payload will be accepted even if

    If decode_payload is True then this function will attempt to decode
    it as JSON, otherwise the raw payload will be returned. Note that
    it is always decoded from base64url.
Multiple signatures
import bitjws

key1 = bitjws.PrivateKey()
key2 = bitjws.PrivateKey()

data = bitjws.multisig_sign_serialize([key1, key2])
headers, payload = bitjws.multisig_validate_deserialize(data)

The other parameters accepted by multisig_sign_serialize and multisig_validate_deserialize are the same as described for sign_serialize and validate_deserialize. The data returned and passed to the validate function are different, as the multisig functions use the format described as general JSON serialization in the JWS spec.

Utilities and other functionality

Check tests/ and example/ for other functions available but not documented above.

Using a custom library

It's possible to use bitjws without the secp256k1 library, as well with other signing algorithms.

To install bitjws without secp256k1, use:

pip install bitjws --no-deps
pip install base58
Custom signing/validation

bitjws allows custom algorithms to be registered. They are used during signing/validation and are assumed to be an instance of bitjws.Algorithm.

First define a new implementation:

algorithm = bitjws.Algorithm(name,

And then register it:

bitjws.ALGORITHM_AVAILABLE[] = algorithm

To successfully use this algorithm, the following expectations must be met:

  • sign_function takes a private key and data to be signed and returns bytes.
  • verify_function takes a signature, the original data, and an address (the Bitcoin address or something equivalent for another implementation, like a public key) and returns a boolean (True if verification is successfull, False otherwise).
  • The pubkey_serialize_function function takes a single parameter (e.g. a public key) and returns text (e.g. a bitcoin address).
  • The private key has a member named pubkey.

Now it's possible to call the sign/validate functions with the parameter

Example of custom implementation using python-bitcoinlib

Run pip install python-bitcoinlib if you don't have this custom dependency installed. The following snippet registers a new algorithm as mentioned above and uses a sample key for a complete example.

import bitjws
from bitcoin.wallet import CBitcoinSecret, P2PKHBitcoinAddress
from bitcoin.signmessage import BitcoinMessage, VerifyMessage, SignMessage

# Compatibility functions.

def sign(privkey, data):
    return SignMessage(privkey, BitcoinMessage(data))

def verify(sig, data, address):
    return VerifyMessage(address, BitcoinMessage(data), sig)

def pubkey_serialize(pubkey):
    return str(P2PKHBitcoinAddress.from_pubkey(pubkey))

# Register algorithm.
algo = bitjws.Algorithm('CUSTOM-BITCOIN-SIGN',
    sign=sign, verify=verify, pubkey_serialize=pubkey_serialize)

# bitjws expects privkey objects to contain a pubkey member.
key = CBitcoinSecret("L4vB5fomsK8L95wQ7GFzvErYGht49JsCPJyJMHpB4xGM6xgi2jvG")
key.pubkey =

# sign/verify using the algorithm registered.
ser = bitjws.sign_serialize(key, hello='world',
headers, payload = bitjws.validate_deserialize(ser,
print(headers, payload)
assert headers['kid'] == '1F26pNMrywyZJdr22jErtKcjF8R3Ttt55G'

Input/Output: single key

Key input Serialization output
import bitjws
rawkey = b'\x01' * 32
key = bitjws.PrivateKey(rawkey)
ser = bitjws.sign_serialize(key, expire_after=None)



Line breaks were added in the serialization output, but none of those are present. There are three segments separated by ".": header, payload, and signature, respectively. The segments can be separated by performing header, payload, signature = ser.split('.').

Raw header Decoded header
  "kid": "1C6Rc3w25VHud3dLDamutaqfKWqhrLRTaD",
  "typ": "JWT"
Raw payload Decoded payload
  "aud": null,
  "exp": 2147483648
Raw signature Decoded signature
IJmcUIepkJYY0ZqKAUq+M9Ec+KVJ+TPmwsC+DC/yxNs CKEr/o2Mwsh1dnlglFr4f7kHT+gVd/nHRAQ0JCtlzKEc=

There are no line breaks in the decoded signature, they were added to make it easier to notice the different segments. The decoded signature is the base64 signature produced according to the Bitcoin message signing method.

Input/Output: multisig

Using the same key from the previous section, running bitjws.multisig_sign_serialize([key], expire_after=None) resuts in the following output:

  "payload": "eyJhdWQiOiBudWxsLCAiZXhwIjogMjE0NzQ4MzY0OH0",
  "signatures": [
      "signature": "SUptY1VJZXBrSllZMFpxS0FVcStNOUVjK0tWSitUUG13c0MrREMveXhOc0NLRXIvbzJNd3NoMWRubGdsRnI0ZjdrSFQrZ1ZkL25IUkFRMEpDdGx6S0VjPQ",
      "protected": "eyJhbGciOiAiQ1VTVE9NLUJJVENPSU4tU0lHTiIsICJraWQiOiAiMUM2UmMzdzI1Vkh1ZDNkTERhbXV0YXFmS1dxaHJMUlRhRCIsICJ0eXAiOiAiSldUIn0"

This is a different format from the one used for single key signing. This format is defined as "general JSON serialization" in the JWS spec, and is used to store a list of signatures and headers. The headers are stored in the "protected" fields, which means their values are integrity protected (i.e. the signature takes them into account). Decoding the values for payload, signatures[0]["signature"], signatures[0]["protected"] is done using the same bitjws.base64url_decode function used earlier. The number of signatures corresponds to the number of keys passed to bitjws.multisig_sign_serialize.


JWS using Bitcoin message signing







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