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Reddata - Reddit Post Data Analysis Web-app

by Jordan Hu and Shabab Ayub -


Reddata is a web-app that allows a user to visualize the data related to a Reddit post. Scroll down to check out pictures!


The web-app parses a given Reddit post URL. Using a bot made with Python, the server continuously updates information regarding the specified requests to the Reddit API which is stored in a SQL database. Then, a JavaScript charting library, Chart.JS, is used to analyze and present the data in a user-friendly manner. An added feature allows the program to intelligently decide to stop requesting after a post stagnates in activity.

The purpose of this web-app is to present and analyze relevant data (upvote ratio, points, number of comments) on a Reddit post. It would especially be useful for smaller subreddits such as a university subreddit, to pinpoint what style of posts the population resonates with. Reddata essentially allows a user to get a glimpse into the psyche of the ever-active communities of Reddit!

The reason we made Reddata was because we wanted experience with web-development and data analytics.

Example screenshots :

alt tag alt tag alt tag alt tag

Further Implementation :

  • Improve user experience
  • Implement error handling
  • Test every feature of the web-app


Pulls periodic data from a specified reddit post and displays graphical information about it






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