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What is Athos?

Athos is an automated network emulator that tests for reachability and redundancy for network. It is build on top of the popular Mininet framework with added P4 software switch support by making use of bmv2.

It takes in a JSON file and build a network based on this, tests reachability over IPv4, IPv6 and is vlan aware between hosts and tests for redundancy availability between switches.


The currently supported methods for installing Athos are 1) using the provided docker build that contains all the dependencies and requirements or 2) manually building setting up an installation on Ubuntu.

  1. Pip

Athos can be installed via pip3 install athos.

Do note that if you want to use the p4 core element, you will need to follow the instructions for building it natively, as bmv2 and its dependencies are required.

  1. Docker

    2.1 Dockerhub

    You can pull it using docker pull belthazaar/athos

    Running it through docker run --privileged belthazaar/athos will run athos with the example configs for athos and faucet.

    To run your configs you will need to mount the faucet and athos configs at /etc/faucet/ and /etc/athos/ respectively.

    2.2 Docker Compose

    If you have docker compose installed, the simplest way would be to run the script. This will build the Athos docker as well as run it to ensure everything is working.

    This will mount etc/athos and etc/faucet into the docker container.

    2.3 Pure Docker

    If you preferred using just docker, you can build it using docker build belthazaar/athos:latest . in the install directory.

    To run it you can run the following:

    docker run -it --privileged belthazaar/athos

    This will run Athos with the example network topology, running 4 OpenFlow Open vSwitches configured via faucet and 2 bmv2 switches running p4 compiled umbrella code.

  2. Build natively

    Only recommended if you really want to run Athos natively on your system and want to develop and compile your own P4 switch. Be aware that the bmv2 section can take upwards of 5 hours to compile and build, and tend to have problems on Ubuntu 20.04+.

    Install the following and all their dependencies.

    Finally, to install Athos you can run python3 -m pip install . within the repo directory.


The main configuration lies within /etc/athos/topology.json. This contains the topology information for Athos to emulate. A topology file can also be declared using the -t option. By default, Athos will look in /etc/athos for the topology and the P4 JSON files.

Below is a sample config containing 2 hosts connected to 2 OpenFlow edge switches with a bmv2 switch acting as the core switch. By default, Athos comes with a compiled bmv2 that does layer-2 switching based on the Umbrella concept

  "hosts_matrix": [
      "name": "h1",
      "interfaces": [
          "vlan": "200",
          "ipv4": "",
          "ipv6": "fd00::1/64",
          "mac": "00:00:00:00:00:01",
          "swport": 1,
          "switch": "s1"
      "name": "h2",
      "interfaces": [
          "vlan": "200",
          "ipv4": "",
          "ipv6": "2001:db8:::2/64",
          "mac": "00:00:00:00:00:02",
          "swport": 1,
          "switch": "s2"
  "switch_matrix": {
    "dp_ids": { "s1": 1, "s2": 2 },
    "links": [
      ["s1", "10", "s3", "10"],
      ["s2", "11", "s3", "11"]
    "p4": ["s3"]


By default, Athos is designed to work with Faucet as the controller for the OpenFlow switches. A sample config has been provided in etc/faucet/faucet.yaml, with rules provided to work with the Umbrella bmv2 core. The included faucet install is unchanged within the docker containers, so any configuration can be used, however do note that it can cause problems if used with the default bmv2 switches that does switching based on MAC shifting.


Athos by default uses an Umbrella core switch for it's P4 switches. This is compiled using bmv2, based on their simple_switch and the resulting JSON that tells the switch how to implement its packet processing. This JSON is located at /etc/athos/umbrella.json however you can use the --p4-json option to declare another compiled P4 JSON file.

Currently, there is no support for topologies with bmv2 switches running different P4 code to one another, however support could be added later if there is enough interest.


Athos can be run using sudo athos. This will start up a network based on the topology information, check reachability between hosts over ipv4 and ipv6 and per vlan. This assumes that faucet is running has been configured.

Below are some of the optional arguments that can be used:

Argument Description
-t TOPOLOGY_FILE, --topology-file TOPOLOGY_FILE Reads topology information from a JSON file
-c, --cli Enables CLI for debugging
-p PING, --ping PING Set the ping count used in pingall
-n, --no-redundancy Disables the link redundancy checker (Used for testing p4)
--thrift-port THRIFT_PORT Thrift server port for p4 table updates
--p4-json P4_JSON Config json for p4 switches
--script SCRIPT Runs a script before doing standard testing