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Python client for Decipher data and survey list API.


From Source

git clone
cd Decipher
pip install .

From PyPI

pip install DecipherAPI


Create a client

Creating a client requires your decipher username and password.

from DecipherAPI.client import Client
c = Client('', 'Pa$$w0rd123')

By default, the client refers to the host. Alternate hosts can be specified in the constructor:

c = Client('', 'Pa$$w0rd123', host='')

All hosts are assumed to be over SSL (https).

Retrieve list of available surveys

You can retrieve a list of all surveys in three formats:

  • json: JavaScript Object Notation
  • csv: comma-separated values
  • tsv: tab-separated values

Pull data for a specific survey

c.get_survey(survey, start=None, end=None, status=None, columns=None, filters=None, fmt='json')
  • survey is the full survey path
  • start and end are Python datetimes (assumes UTC)
  • columns is a list of column names to include in the results
  • filters is a list of column-specific rules
  • As above, fmt is the return format and can be json, csv, or tsv

Command-line interface (CLI)

Included with the installation is a command-line utlity called decipher with built-in help:

$ decipher --help
usage: decipher [-h] -U USERNAME -P PASSWORD [-H HOST] {pull,list} ...

A command-line utility for interacting with the Decipher API. Help is
available on subcommands (e.g. `decipher pull --help`)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -U USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        user identification
  -P PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        user password
  -H HOST, --host HOST  host

valid subcommands:
    pull                pull survey data
    list                list surveys

Get survey data

$ decipher pull --help
usage: decipher pull [-h] -s SURVEY [-t START] [-T END]
                     [-S {all,partial,complete,qualified,terminated,overquota}]
                     [-c COLUMNS] [-F FILTERS] [-f {json,tsv,csv}]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SURVEY, --survey SURVEY
                        survey name
  -t START, --start START
                        utc start time: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmm
  -T END, --end END     utc end time: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmm
  -S {all,partial,complete,qualified,terminated,overquota}, --status {all,partial,complete,qualified,terminated,overquota}
                        survey status
  -c COLUMNS, --columns COLUMNS
  -F FILTERS, --filters FILTERS
                        filter conditions
  -f {json,tsv,csv}, --fmt {json,tsv,csv}
                        return format


$ decipher -U dataapi -P dataapi pull -s 'kbdemo/data' -f csv -S qualified -c uuid,q1 -F 'q1=2'

Get list of surveys

$ decipher list --help
usage: decipher list [-h] [-f {json,tsv,csv}]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f {json,tsv,csv}, --fmt {json,tsv,csv}
                        return format


$ decipher -U dataapi -P dataapi list -f csv